HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8866-1985 - Amending Ch. 29 Of The Code Of Ordinances, City Of Lubbock, Entitled "Zoning" - 12/12/1985/ , .. I II ,r 1l First Reading December 12, 1985 Agenda Item #17 Second Reading January 9, 1986 A~nda Item #10 II II LJM:da 8866 ORDINANCE NO. I ----- ! AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF l LUBBOCK, ENTITLED "ZONING ," BY ADDING A NEW ZONING DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS "IHO," INTERSTATE HIGHWAY OFFICE DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR THE REQUIRE- MENTS OF SUCH DISTRICT; BY ADDING A NEW ZONING DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS "IHC,n INTERSTATE HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF SUCH DISTRICT; BY ADDING A NEW ZONING DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS "IHI," INTERSTATE HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF SUCH DISTRICT; BY ADDING SUCH DISTRICTS TO SECTION 29-4, ENTITLED "DISTRICTS"; BY ADDING SUCH DISTRICTS WITH DESIGNATED COLORS TO SECTION 29-5, ENTITLED "ZONING MAPS"; BY ·ADDING SUCH DISTRICTS TD SECTION 29-26(i) WHICH REGULATES SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance as hereinafter made has been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, morals and general welfare to so amend said zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amend- ment to the zoning ordinance had been fully complied with, as well as the publication of notice in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas and Article 1011d, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statues, and such notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche- Journal more than (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Council Room, City Hall, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, that the zoning ordinance be amended in the matter hereinafter set forth in the body of this ordinance and this ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 29-4 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by inserting, between "M-2 Heavy Manu- facturing District" and "SU Specific Use District," the following: "IHO Interstate Highway Office District IHC Interstate Highway Commercial District !HI Interstate Highway Industrial District" l :l II II !I • ! ! I SECTION 2. THAT Section 29-5(2) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by inserting between "M-2 Purple" and "SU Overlay Pattern," the following: "IHO Overlay Pattern IHC Overlay Pattern IHI Overlay Pattern" SECTION 3. THAT Section 29-26(i) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by adding the "IHO," "IHC," and "IHI" districts as follows: "(i) Rewulations apglicable in "CA" "C-1," "C-2A," "C-3,"."C-4," "M-1 ,11 M-2," 11 IHO, n!HC," and 11 IAI11 Districts. The following regulations shall apply in the 11CA," 11C-1 ,11 11C-2," "C-2A," 11 C-2," 11C-3 ," ''C-4 ,11 "M-1 ," "M-2 ,•• niHO ,11 "IHC ," and 11 lHP1 Districts: None of the subsections appearing under (i) shall be affected by this amendment. SECTION 4. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a section, to be numbered 29-23.1, which said section reads as follows: "Sec. 29-23.1. "IHO" INTERSTATE HIGHWAY OFFICE DISTRICT. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide for quality office development through proper planning and design. The standards and uses are intended to produce an attractive environment which will insure the compatibility of offices and adjacent uses, as well as encourage and protect future development. Special consideration shall be given building height for developments adjacent to Mackenzie State Park, the Yellowhouse Canyon Lakes, and the Central Business District. When proposed development in this district is adjacent to any residentially zoned property, design standards and site planning shall provide for maximum compatibility with the adjacent development. (b) Gene~al Provisions. (1) All commercial uses within this district shall be office uses with permitted accessory uses. (2) Accessory uses shall be located and designed to provide compatibility with the primary use and shall be for the convenience of the occupants and their clientele. - 2 - (3) No residential use shall be permitted in this district except as provided for in the "Specific Use" section of this code at Section 29-24(c)(1) and (2). (4) No use shall otherwise be permitted which is or would reasonably be injurious to the occupants of the adjacent premises or area or which would interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of their property by reason of the emission of dust, smoke, odor, glare, noise, vibration, trash, junk, water spray, or by reason of any condition which would amount to a public nuisance at common law. (5) When proposed development in this district is adjacent to any residentially zoned district, on either side or to the rear, even if separated by a street or alley, a six (6) foot solid screening fence of wood or masonry construction shall be installed and permanently maintained on the development lot along the adjacent property line. A solid wall of a building, when permitted to be located on the property line, shall constitute adequate screening. (6) All business shall be conducted entirely within a building. Outside storage and/or display of any type shall be prohibited. (7) Site Plan Requirement. No construction permit shall be issued within the IHO District until a site plan as required by this section has been approved. The proponent shall provide the site plan. (B) Signs shall be permitted within the provisions of Section 29-26 of this code. (c) Permitted Uses. ( 1) Offices. (2) Restaurants, when designed for service and consumption of food inside the building only, and as an accessory use within an office building. No pass-through windows for delivery of food to be consumed off premises shall be permit ted. (3) Restaurants with sales of mixed alcoholic beverages as an "incidental use" as outlined in (2) above. (4) Semi-public uses such as YMCA, YWCA, boy scouts, girl scouts, boys clubs, and little theaters. -J - (5) Oil and gas wells (subject to conditions of Chapter 14, Article VI, Oil and Gas Drilling, of this code). (d) Conditional Uses. The following uses may be permitted when approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in the manner specified in Section 29-28 of this code. (1) Dance floor as an incidental use within a restaurant. (e) Yard Requirements. ; (1) (2) Front Yard. The minimum front yard on any lot line adJacent to a street shall be forty-three (43) feet. This section shall not be construed so as to permit obstruction of any nature on corner lots within the visibility triangle as defined in Section 29-30(b)(6) i.2. Rear and Side Yard. There shall be no rear or side yara requirement; except the minimum rear and/or side yard shall be ten (10) feet for any two-story structure if the property is adjacent to any R-1 or R-2 zoned property, even if separated by an alley. (f) Lot width. There shall be no minimum lot width. (g) Lot area. There shall be no lot area requirements. (h) lot coverage. There shall be no lot coverage requirements. (i) Floor area ratio. There shall be no floor area ratio (j) (k) requirement. Height limit. There shall be a maximum height limit of two (2) stories, not exceeding a total height of twenty-four (24) feet. When adjacent to any R-1 or R-2 district, even if separated by an alley, no windows shall be permitted above ten (10) feet on the building sides facing such residential district. Off-street earking. (1) Office uses shall provide one (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of net leasable floor area. (2) Restaurants shall provide one (1) space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area. - 4 - (3) Restaurants serving mixed alcoholic beverages shall provide one (1) apace for each seventy-five (75) square feet of gross floor area. (4) Semi-public uses such as YMCA, YWCA, scouts, boys clubs, and little theaters shall provide one (1) apace for each five hundred (500) square feet of activity area such as gymnasium or swimming pools plus one (1) apace for each two hundred (200) square feet of other building areas. (5) Provisions. a. Any lighting of drives or parking areas shall be so designed as not to cause any glare on any other residential or apartment zoned area in the vicinity. b. Plans for off-street parking areas shall be submitted to be checked and approved as to number of spaces, access, and ingress and egress by the City Traffic Engineer under the terms of this district and the city's driveway regulations. (1) Site plan defined. Site plans submitted under the provi- sions of this section shall include the following informa- tion: (1) Developer's Name and Project Title. (2) North arrow and scale used. (3) All property lines. (4) All streets, alleys and easements, both existing and proposed. (5) Dimensions of buildings and structures. (6) Elevation drawing of proposed structures, including architectural character and use of materials, including mechanical equipment and other visible items associated with the structure or development lot. (7) Building height and setback from adjacent right-of-way linea. (8) Proposed ingress and egress to property, traffic flow and control, and access for emergency vehicles. - 5 - (9) Off-street parking and loading areas. (10) location and description of all utilities, existing and proposed. (11) Type, dimension, and character of proposed screening and buffering. (12) Location and design of signs, existing and proposed. (13) Outdoor lighting. (14) landscape plan for the development lot and parkway, including irrigation system. (m) Site Plan Review Process. Prior to issuance of a construc- tion permit, a site plan shall be submitted to the Codes Administrator which contains each item noted at 29-23.1(1). The Codes Administrator or designated representative shall determine that the proposed development meets the letter and intent of this section by review of the site plan. Should a difference of opinion about compliance arise between a proponent and Codes Administration, the site plan shall be placed on the next available agenda of the Planning Commis- sion as "other business" for resolution. (n) Development Standards. (1) Ingress/Egress. a. Along the interstate highway frontage roads in the IHO District, only one driveway cut will be allowed per parcel for the first 100 feet or less of frontage, with one additional cut for each 200 feet of frontage above 100 feet. b. There shall be no less than 25 feet between driveway cuts along interstate highway frontage roads, regardless of lot or tract lines and/or ownership. c. When conditions warrant, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require the proponent to dedicate and construct right-hand turn lanes along inter- state highway frontage roads to aid ingress/egress to developing property. - 6 - (2) Building Materials and Construction. a. All new buildings and those proposed for exterior renovation in the IHO district shall have an exterior composition or facade, on each wall visible from any portion of the interstate highway right-of-way, with not less than 75~ of each side of the building composed of masonry (such as brick, stone, stucco, exposed aggregate, finished concrete or decorative concrete block), wood, glass, or architectural decorative material (such as copper, bronze, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, porcelain enamel, natural materials or other similar materials that do not require painting). b. Architectural decorative materials may be allowed on roofs. However, metal clad roofs that are not architecturally decorative (see a. above) or gravel roofs shall not be exposed above the horizontal line above the fascia or parapet wall in excess of a pitch of 1/4 in 12. c. Equipment, if located on the roof and more than three feet in height, shall be screened from view on the horizontal plane. (J) loading and Truck Storage Areas. No truck loading/ unloading facilities shall be located on a building wall fronting on any interstate highway. No truck trailer or tractor parking shall be located between the front building line and the front property line for any lot with frontage along an interstate highway and interstate highway access roads. (4) Utilities. All on-site utilities shall be located underground or be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (5) Outdoor Storage. No outdoor storage shall be allowed. (6) Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting systems must be designed so as to not cause any glare on adjacent roadways and property. All light fixtures used to illuminate advertising signs or buildings shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way. (7) Microwave and Satellite Dishes. Microwave dishes outside any building shall be screened. Such dishes shall not be located between the front building line, - 7 - as that line extends to the side property lines, and the front property line. Nor shall dishes be located on the roof of any building in an IHO district wherein any portion of the dish is visible from the main lanes of the interstate highway. (B) landscaping Requirements. a. Ten percent (10%) of the total development lot area shall be landscaped and permanently main- tained. A minimum of five percent (5%) of the required landscaping shall be located between the building lines and the adjacent streets. land- scape area in excess of five percent (5%) may be located to the sides of buildings, but shall be visible from adjacent streets. Interior court- yards shall not be included in the required landscaping. Any landscaping placed within the visibility triangle of a corner lot must be in compliance with Section 29-30(b)(6)i.2. of the Zoning Ordinance. b. The parkway areas shall be landscaped and perma- nently maintained. This shall be in addition to the landscaping required above. Any landscaping placed in the parkway must be in compliance with Section 29-30(b)(6)i.3. of the Zoning Ordinance. c. All landscaped areas (on the development tract and adjacent parkway) shall have an irrigation system or immediate availability of water capable of sustaining plant materials. Irrigation systems shall meet acceptable industry standards. d. When seasonal conditions warrant, the Building Official may issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for sixty (60), ninety (90), or one hundred and twenty (120) days pending completion of landscaping. No final Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued prior to completion of landscape requirements." SECTION 5. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a section, to be numbered 29-23.2, which said section reads as follows: · - 8 - "Sec. 29-23.2. "IHC" INTERSTATE HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (a) (b) Puriose. The purpose of this district is to provide for qua ity commercial office, retail and wholesale uses which serve a city-wide or regional area. Such uses require careful consideration when adjacent to residential areas. Special consideration shall be given building height for developments adjacent to Mackenzie State Park, the Yellow- house Canyon lakes, and the Central Business District. General Provisions. (1) All uses within this district shall be of office, retail, wholesale sales, and/or service uses. (2) No residential use shall be permitted in this district. (3) No use shall otherwise be permitted which is or would reasonably be injurious to the occupants of the adjacent premises or area or which would interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of their property by reason of the emission of dust, smoke, odor, glare, noise, vibration, trash, junk, water spray, or by reason of any condition which would amount to a public nuisance at common law. (4) When proposed development in this district is adjacent to any residentially zoned district, on either side or to the rear, even if separated by a street or alley, a six (6) foot solid screening fence of wood or masonry construction shall be installed and permanently maintained on the development lot along the adjacent property line. A solid wall of a building, when permitted to be located on the property line, shall constitute adequate screening. (5) All business shall be conducted entirely within a building. Outside storage of any type shall be prohibited except as indicated. Outside display in conjunction with the on premises sale or rental of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, fully constructed portable buildings, plant material and garden and yard equipment shall be permitted, subject to the regula- tions of this section. (6) All warehousing shall be in conjunction with on premise retail and/or wholesale sales. All supplemental storage shall be attached to or adjacent to the principal building on the site and be subject to all requirements pertaining to the principal building. - 9 - (7) Site Plan Requirement. No construction permit shall be issued within the IHC District until a site plan as required by this section has been approved. The proponent shall provide the site plan. (8) Signs shall be permitted within this district in accordance with Section 29-26 of this code. (c) Permitted Uses. (1) Any use conditionally or unconditionally permitted in the "C-2A ,•• "C-2 ," "C-3 ," or "IH011 districts. (2) Agriculture implement and tractor sales and service. (Totally within a building). (3) Ambulance service. (4) New automobile and recreational vehicles sales and service with used car sales as an incidental use. (May include body and paint shop, as accessory use.) (5) Barber and beauty shop supply dealer. (6) Bus station. (7) Cafe supply and fixtures dealer. (8) Candy plant. (9) Canvas goods, tent, and awning sales. (No manufac- turing permitted.) (10) Commercial private clubs and teenage clubs. (11) Dairy supply dealer. (12) Electrical equipment repairs. (13) frozen food lockers. (14) Game room, pool, billiard and/or domino parlor. (15) Garden center. (16) Gasoline service station. (Business permitted outside of building and outside displays of products permitted within three (3) feet of the building.) -10 - (17) Golf driving range. (Business permitted outside of building.) (18) Greenhouse and plant nursery. (19) Hotel or motel. (20) Janitorial or cleaning service. (21) Job printing and lithographing. (22) laboratory, chemical, general analysis. (23) laundry, commercial. (24) linen and towel supply service. (25) Magazine agency. (26) Monument sales. (Outside display permitted.) (27) Motorcycle shop, including sales, rentals, and ser- vices. (28) Nightclub, bar, or lounge. (29) Non-profit training centers with retail sales. (30) Oil and gas wells (subject to conditions of Chapter 14, Article VI, Oil and Gas Drilling, of this code). (31) Print shop. (32) Produce market. (33) Public kennel (totally within a building). (34) Rescue mission of the type sponsored by non-profit organizations. (35) Restaurants. (Business permitted outside of building.) (36) Restaurants, with the sale of alcoholic beverages as an incidental use, except that no mixed alcoholic beverage sales shall be made or delivered to occupants in motor vehicles. (37) Road machinery sales and service (totally within a building). -11 - (38) Sign shops, limited to window lettering, painted wall signs, banners, and desk signs. (39) Store fixture sales. (No manufacturing permitted.) (40) Upholstery shop -furniture. (41) Veterinary hospital (totally within a building). (42) Wholesale house, sales office and associated storage. (No cotton storage.) (d) Conditional Uses. None. (e) Yard Requirements. (1) Front Yard. The minimum front yard on any lot line aajacent to a street shall be forty-three (43) feet. This section shall not be construed so as to permit obstruction of any nature on corner lots within the visibility triangle as defined in Section 29-30(b)(6) i.2. (2) Rear and Side Yard. There shall be no rear or side yara requirement; except where the property is adjacent to any R-1 or R-2 zoned property, even if separated by an alley, the minimum side and rear yard shall be zero (0) feet for any single story structure, ten (10) feet for any two (2) story structure, and twenty (20) feet for any three (3) story or greater structure. (f) Lot width. There shall be no minimum lot width. (g) Lot area. There shall be no lot area requirements. (h) Lot coverage. There shall be no lot coverage requirements. (i) Floor area ratio. There shall be no floor area ratio requirement. (j) Height. No building or structure within the IHC district shall exceed 40 feet in height above existing grade, except that buildings may exceed 40 feet when the front, side, and rear yards are increased one foot beyond required setbacks for each additional foot of height such buildings exceed 40 feet. (k) Separation. Any bar, cocktail lounge, private club, night club or aance hall shall be located a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any residentially zoned property. (This -12 - distance shall be measured in a direct line from the nearest wall of the structure in which the use is located to the residential district line.) No bar, cocktail lounge, private club, night club or dance hall shall be located within six hundred (600) feet of any established bar, lounge, private club, night club, or dance hall. (This distance shell be measured in a direct line from front door to front door.) (1) Off-street parking. (1) "C-2A," "C-2," "C-3," and "IHO" uses shall meet the requirements of their respective districts. (2) All other IHC uses shall provide one (1) off-street parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area, except the following: a. Warehousing and/or storage in conjunction with wholesale sales and/or services--one (1) space for each two thousand (2000) square feet of gross floor area. b. Outside display areas--one (1) space for each two thousand (2000) square feet of gross display area. c. Golf driving range--two (2) spaces for each tee box. d. Service station--one (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area. e. Restaurants (with outside service)--one (1) space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area. This shall be in addition to the area provided for outside service. f. Game room--one (1) space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area. g. Ambulance services--one (1) space for each emergency vehicle plus one (1) space for each employee. h. Night club, bar, lounge or dance hall--one (1) space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area. -13 - l I I I !I I t " I. . , !i I I .i j ~ ~ ~ (m) (3) Site sions tion: (1) (2) (J) (4) (5) (6) i. Hotels and motels--two (2) spaces for each three (3) units, plus the required spaces for incidental or accessory uses based on the square footage devoted to those uses. Provisions. a. Any lighting of drives or parking areas shall be so designed as not to cause any glare on any other residential or apartment zoned area in the vicinity. b. Plans for off-street parking areas shall be submitted to be checked and approved as to number of spaces, access, and ingress and egress by the City Traffic Engineer under the terms of this district and the city's driveway regulations. plan defined. Site plans submitted under the provi- of this section shall include the following informa- Developer's Name and Project Title. North arrow and scale used. All property lines. All streets, alleys and easements, both existing and proposed. Dimensions of buildings and structures. Elevation drawing of proposed structures, including architectural character and use of materials, including mechanical equipment and other visible items associated with the structure or development lot. (7) Building height and setback from adjacent right-of-way lines. (8) Proposed ingress and egress to property, traffic flow and control, and access for emergency vehicles. (9) Off-street parking and loading areas. (10) location and description of all utilities, existing and proposed. -14 - (11) Type, dimension, and character of proposed screening and buffering. (12) Location and design of signs, existing and proposed. (13) Outdoor lighting. (14) Landscape plan for the development lot and parkway, including irrigation system. (n) Site Plan Review Process. Prior to issuance of a construc- tion perm1t, a site plan shall be submitted to the Codes Administrator which contains each item noted at 29-23.2(m). The Codes Administrator or designated representative shall determine that the proposed development meets the letter and intent of this section by review of the site plan. Should a difference of opinion about compliance arise between a proponent and Codes Administration, the site plan shall be placed on the next available agenda of the Planning Commis- sion as "other business" for resolution. (o) Development Standards. (1) Ingress/Egress. a. Along the interstate highway frontage roads in the IHC District, only one driveway cut will be allowed per parcel for the first 100 feet or less of frontage, with one additional cut for each 200 feet of frontage above 100 feet. b. There shall be no less than 25 feet between driveway cuts along interstate highway frontage roads, regardless of lot or tract lines and/or ownership. c. When conditions warrant, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require the proponent to dedicate and construct right-hand turn lanes along inter- state highway frontage roads to aid ingress/egress to developing property. (2) Building Materials and Construction. a. All new buildings and those proposed for exterior renovation in the IHC district shall have an exterior composition or facade, on each wall visible from any portion of the interstate highway right-of-way, with not less than 75% of each side of the building composed of masonry (such as -15 - brick, stone, stucco, exposed aggregate, finished concrete or decorative concrete block), wood, glass, or architectural decorative material (such as copper, bronze, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, porcelain enamel, natural materials or other similar materials that do not require painting). b. Architectural decorative materials may be allowed on roofs. However, metal clad roofs that are not architecturally decorative (see a. above) or gravel roofs shall not be exposed above the horizontal line above the fascia or parapet wall in excess of a pitch of 1/4 in 12. c. Equipment, if located on the roof and more than three feet in height, shall be screened from view on the horizontal plane. (3) Loading and Truck Storage Areas. No truck loading/ unloading facilities shall be located on a building wall fronting on any interstate highway. No truck trailer or tractor parking shall be located between the front building line and the front property line for any lot with frontage along an interstate highway and interstate highway access roads. (4) Utilities. All on-site utilities shall be located underground or be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (5) Outdoor Storage. No outdoor storage shall be allowed. (6) Outdoor Lighting. Outdoor lighting systems must be designed so as to not cause any glare on adjacent roadways and property. All light fixtures used to illuminate advertising signs or buildings shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way. (7) Microwave and Satellite Dishes. Microwave dishes outside any building shall be screened. Such dishes shall not be located between the front building line, as that line extends to the side property lines, and the front property line. Nor shall dishes be located on the roof of any building in an IHC district wherein any portion of the dish is visible from the main lanes of the interstate highway. -16 - (B) landscaping Requirements. a. Ten percent (10%) of the total development lot area shall be landscaped and permanently main- tained. A minimum of five percent (5%) of the required landscaping shall be located between the building lines and the adjacent streets. land- scaping area in excess of five percent (5~) may be located to the sides of buildings, but shall be visible from adjacent streets. Interior court- yards shall not be included in the required landscaping. Any landscaping placed within the visibility triangle of a corner lot must be in compliance with Section 29-30(b)(6)i.2. of the Zoning Ordinance. b. The parkway areas shall be landscaped and perma- nently maintained. This shall be in addition to the landscaping required above. Any landscaping placed in the parkway must be in compliance with Section 29-30(b)(6)i.3. of the Zoning Ordinance. c. All landscaped areas (on the development tract and adjacent parkway) shall have an irrigation system or immediate availability of water capable of sustaining plant materials. Irrigation systems shall meet acceptable industry standards. d. When seasonal conditions warrant, the Building Official may issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for sixty (60), ninety (90), or one hundred and twenty (120) days pending completion of landscaping. No final Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued prior to completion of landscape requirements." SECTION 6. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a section, to be numbered 29-23.3, which said section reads as follows: "Sec. 29-23.3. "!HI" INTERSTATE HIGHWAY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide for planned, quality industrial development within the inter- state corridor so that persons entering the city along the corridor have a good first impression, and to maintain a quality appearance which will stablize or increase real property values. Special consideration shall be given -17 - building height for developments adjacent to Mackenzie State Park, the Yellowhouse Canyon lakes, and the Central Business District. (b) General Provisions. (1) All uses within this district shall be of light indus- trial type, wholesale, services, or industrial sales. (2) No residential use shall be permitted in this district. (3) No use shall otherwise be permitted which is or would reasonably be injurious to the occupants of the adjacent premises or area by reason of the emission of dust, smoke, odor, glare, noise, vibration, trash, junk, water spray, or by reason of any condition which would amount to a public nuisance at common law. (4) When proposed development in this district is adjacent to any residentially zoned district, on either side or to the rear, even if separated by a street or alley, a six (6) foot solid screening fence of wood or masonry construction shall be installed and permanently maintained on the development along the adjacent property line. A solid wall of a building, when permitted to be located on the property line, shall constitute adequate screening. (5) Outside storage of materials and goods shall be screened so as not to be visible from any portion of the interstate highway right-of-way or adjacent thoroughfares. Outside display in conjunction with the on premises sale or rental of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, fully constructed portable buildings, plant material and garden and yard equipment shall be permitted, subject to the regulations of this dis- trict. (6) Site Plan Requirement. No construction permit shall be issued within the !HI District until a site plan as required by this section has been approved. The proponent shall provide the site plan. (7) Signs shall be permitted within the provisions of Section 29-26 of this code. (c) Permitted Uses. (1) All uses conditionally or unconditionally permitted in the "C-2A," "C-2," "C-3," "IHO," and "IHC" districts. -18 - (2) Aluminum manufacture. (3) Aluminum products, fabrication of. (4) Armature winding. (5) Automobile body shops, outside storage limited to customer vehicles only. (6) Automobile brake shop. (7) Automobile glass shop. (8) Automobile seat cover and upholstery shop. (9) Automobile transmission shop. (10) Bakery, wholesale. (11) Bar, nightclub, private club. (12) Blacksmithing or horseshoeing. (13) Boat and boat trailer sales and service. (14) Boiler making, repairing and boiler work. (15) Bottling works. (16) Broom manufacturing. (17) Builders supply. All materials must be in a building. (18) Building materials, storage. (19) Bus terminal, maintenance shop. (20) Cabinet or carpentry shop. (21) Candle manufacturing. (22) Carpet cleaning. (23) Clothing manufacturing. (24) Cold storage plant or warehouse. (25) Cooperage works. -19 - (26) Corrugated metal manufacture. (27) Creamery and dairy products manufacturing. (28) Die casting manufacture. (29) Egg storage, candling or processing plant. (30) Electronic components assembly. (31) Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacture. (32) food products manufacture. (33) fruit and vegetable canning or preserving manufacture. (34) furniture store, used. (35) Garage, public repair. All work and separate parts shall be inside a building. (Outside storage of customer automobiles authorized.) (36) Glassblowing. (37) Ice manufacturing and bulk dry ice storage. (38) Insulation applicator. (39) Laboratory, physic·al testing. (40) Lumber yard. (All materials must be in a building.) (41) Machine shop. (42) Mattress manufacture or renovation. (43) Meat processing plant, with no slaughter. (44) Milling, custom. (45) Mini-warehouses. (46) Monument manufacture. (47) Moving, storage, packing, manufacturing and crating of household goods. (48) Muffler shop. -20 - II il II J ~ l' (49) Oil and gas wells. (Subject to the conditions of Chapter 14, Article VI, Oil and Gas Drilling, of this code.) (50) Ornamental iron works. (51) Paper box and paper products manufacture. (52) Pest control service. (53) Pharmaceutical manufacture. (54) Planing mill. (55) Plumbing, heating, refrigeration, or air-conditioning business. (56) Portable building sales (fully constructed). (57) Printing plant and/or newspaper. (58) Produce market. (59) Pump sales and service. (60) Railroad yards. (61) Refrigerator manufacture. (62) Rental store, heavy equipment and trailers only. (63) Rental store. (64) Roofing contractor's shop. (65) Sash and door manufacture. (66) Second hand goods store or pawnshop. (67) Second hand or used car sales lot, not including wrecking and repairing, but including minor tuning. (68) Sheet metal workshop. (69) Shoe polish manufacture. (70) Spray painting. (71) Store fixture manufacturing. -21 - (72) Swimming pool, commercial or sales. (Business permit- ted outside building.) (73) Textile manufacturing. (74) Trailer and truck rental, utility. (75) Trailer and truck sales, rental, or service. (76) Truck and bus terminal, maintenance, or storage shops. (77) Truck or railway freight terminal, depot, or station. (78) Truck stop. (79) Warehouse. (80) Welding equipment and supplies (acetylene). (d) Conditional Uses. None. (e) Yard Requirements. (f) (g) (h) ( i) (1) front Yard. The minimum front yard on any lot line adjacent to a street shall be forty-three (43) feet. This section shall not be construed so as to permit obstruction of any nature on corner lots within the visibility triangle as defined in Section 29-30(b)(6) i .2. (2) Rear and Side Yard. There shall be no rear or side yard requirement; except where the property is adjacent to any R-1 or R-2 zoned property, even if separated by an alley, the minimum side and rear yard shall be zero (0) feet for any single story structure, ten (10) feet for any two (2) story structure, and twenty (20) feet for any three (3) story or greater structure. Lot width. There shall be no minimum lot width. Lot area. There shall be no lot area requirements. Lot coverage. There shall be no lot coverage requirements. floor area ratio. There shall be no floor area ratio requirements. (j) Height. No building or structure within the IHI district shall exceed 40 feet in height above existing grade, except that buildings may exceed 40 feet when the front, side, and -22 - rear yards are increased one foot beyond required setbacks for each additional foot of height such buildings exceed 40 feet. (k) Separation. Any bar, cocktail lounge, private club, night club or dance hall shall be located a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any residentially zoned property. (This distance shall be measured in a direct line from the nearest wall of the structure in which the use is located to the residential district line.) No bar, cocktail lounge, private club, night club or dance hall shall be located within six hundred (600) feet of any established bar, lounge, private club, night club, or dance hall. (This distance shall be measured in a direct line from front door to front door.) (1) Off-street parking. ( 1) "C-2A ,11 11 C-2 ," "C-3," "IHO", and "IHC" uses shall meet the requirements of their respective districts. (2) Wholesale sales and/or services, display areas and offices--one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. (3) Warehousing and/or storage in conjunction with whole- sale sales and/or services--one (1) space for each two thousand (2000) square feet of gross floor area. (4) Outside display areas--one (1) space for each two thousand (2000) square feet of gross display area. (5) Manufacturing uses--one (1) space for each one hundred and seventy-five (175) square feet of gross floor area devoted to sales, service, display and/or offices, one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area devoted to manufacturing plus one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area devoted to storage and other uses. (6) Warehousing (storage only) and/or outside storage areas--one (1) space for each five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area or outside storage area. -23 - (7) Provisions. a. Any lighting of drives or parking areas shall be so designed as not to cause any glare on any other residential or apartment zoned area in the vicinity. b. Plans for off-street parking areas shall be submitted to be checked and approved as to number of spaces, access, and ingress and egress by the City Traffic Engineer under the terms of this district and the city's driveway regulations. (m) Site plan defined. Site plans submitted under the provi- sions of this Ordinance shall include the following informa- tion: (1) Developer's Name and Project Title. (2) North arrow and scale used. (3) All property lines. (4) All streets, alleys and easements, both existing and proposed. (5) Dimensions of buildings and structures. (6) Elevation drawing of proposed structures, including architectural character and use of materials, including mechanical equipment and other visible items associated with the structure or development lot. (7) Building height and setback from adjacent right-of-way lines. (8) Proposed ingress and egress to property, traffic flow and control, and access for emergency vehicles. (9) Off-street parking and loading areas. (10) Location and description of all utilities, existing and proposed. (11) Type, dimension, and character of proposed screening and buffering. (12) Location and design of signs, existing and proposed. (13) Outdoor lighting. -24 - (14) landscape plan for the development lot and parkway, including irrigation system. (n) Site Plan Review Process. Prior to issuance of a construc- tion permit, a site plan shall be submitted to the Codes Administrator which contains each item noted at 29-23.3(m). The Codes Administrator or designated representative shall determine that the proposed development meets the letter and intent of this section by review of the site plan. Should a difference of opinion about compliance arise between a proponent and Codes Administration, the site plan shall be placed on the next available agenda of the Planning Commis- sion as "other business" for resolution. (o} D~velopment Standards. (1) Ingress/Egress. a. Along the interstate highway frontage roads in the IHI district, only one driveway cut will be allowed per parcel for the first 100 feet or less of frontage, with one additional cut for each 200 feet of frontage above 100 feet. b. There shall be no less than 25 feet between driveway cuts along interstate highway frontage roads, regardless of lot or tract lines and/or ownership. c. When conditions warrant, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require the proponent to dedicate and construct right-hand turn lanes along inter- state highway frontage roads to aid ingress/egress to developing property. (2) Building Materials and Construction. a. All new buildings and those proposed for exterior renovation in the IHI district shall have an exterior composition or facade, on each wall visible from any portion of the interstate highway right-of-way, with not less than 75~ of each side of the building composed of masonry (such as brick, stone, stucco, exposed aggregate, finished concrete or decorative concrete block), wood, glass, or architectural decorative material (such as copper, bronze, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, porcelain enamel, natural materials or other similar materials that do not require -25 - painting) , except that any building in excess of 29,900 square feet may use factory manufactured metal wall panels with hidden fasteners. Any office areas, appendages, or separate buildings shall comply with the construction standards outlined for buildings less than 29,900 square feet. b. Architectural decorative materials may be allowed on roofs. However, metal clad roofs that are not architecturally decorative (see a. above) or gravel roofs shall not be exposed above the horizontal line above the fascia or parapet wall in excess of a pitch of 1/4 in 12. c. Equipment, if located on the roof and more than three feet in height, shall be screened from view on the horizontal plane. (3) Loading and Truck Storage Areas. No truck loading/ unloading facilities shall be located on a building wall fronting on any interstate highway. No truck trailer or tractor parking shall be located between the front building line and the front property line for any lot with frontage along an interstate highway and interstate highway access roads. (4) Utilities. All on-site utilities shall be located underground or be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (5) Outdoor Storage. All materials or products stored outside a building must be screened so as to not be visible from any portion of the interstate highway right-of-way or adjacent thoroughfares. (6) Outdoor Lighting. Outdoor lighting systems must be designed so as to not cause any glare on adjacent roadways and property. All light fixtures used to illuminate advertising signs or buildings shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way. (7) Microwave and Satellite Dishes. Microwave dishes outside any building shall be screened. Such dishes shall not be located between the front building line, as that line extends to the side property lines, and the front property line. Nor shall dishes be located on the roof of any building in an IHI district wherein any portion of the dish is visible from the main lanes of the interstate highway. -26 - • (8) Landscaping. a. Ten percent (10%) of the total development lot area shall be landscaped and permanently main- tained. A minimum of five percent (5%) of the required landscaping shall be located between the building lines and the adjacent streets. Land- scaping area in excess of five percent (5%) may be located to the sides of buildings, but shall be visible from adjacent streets. Interior court- yards shall not be included in the required landscaping. Any landscaping placed within the visibility triangle of a corner lot must be in compliance with Section 29-30(b)(6)i.2. of the Zoning Ordinance. b. The parkway areas shall be landscaped and perma- nently maintained. This shall be in addition to the landscaping required above. Any landscaping placed in the parkway must be in compliance with Section 29-30(b)(6)i.3. of the Zoning Ordinance. c. All landscaped areas (on the development tract and adjacent parkway) shall have an irrigation system or immediate availability of water capable of sustaining plant materials. Irrigation systems shall meet acceptable industry standards. d. When seasonal conditions warrant, the Building Official may issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for sixty (60), ninety (90), or one hundred and twenty (120) days pending completion of landscaping. No final Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued prior to completion of landscape requirements." SECTION 7. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed the limits provided in Section 29-31(a) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION B. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for.any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 9. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. -27 - ... '-_ .. -· AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading this 12th day of December 1985. Passed by City Council on second reeding this 9th day of January 1986. _ ... ---"'" ...... ATTEST:~ -28 - , 1 l I THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK H2320-R97 Before me Thea Sal!ebie I a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on this day personally appeared --lld II Auf111 • Account Manade r of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-.Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday. who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this Lei! a I Not 1 ce --------------No. 719838 at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Lel!a I Not ice is a true copv of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-.Journal on the following dates: __ 1==-1-=1:.::1::..:•~1=.:8::;.;1:...8=6 ______________ _ 271 w @ .76 = $205.96 Account Hanae:er LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20Ua day orJ:en U.a,t:'Y FORM58-10 n-:ro w. Sb,r,:::r. ,.,_ Notary P<J~If-::: h r.nc ;or the STATi:: OF TDU\S My Commission Expires May 8th 1989 . 19 86 ·~ All~~ THE ""'OE OF PTER 2 OF ·CITY TOF f.UD~OINANCES. . fENTITU!O "PERM~ A"....e.:tr· ~i~Tot•~PPEFAL BOARD"i M "v OR AMEN~ ENTS TO. SAID ARTICLE IN , ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR MO~ \.IFICATION OF THE BOARD'S [=e:Es; PROVIDING APR~ W FOR CONDUCT OF ::~RINGS; PROVIDING A SAV- ''"' C:l.AUSE AND PROVlDING ""' PU81.1CATION. · i . .ORDINAN.,..E . t AN ORDINANCE .,. NO. Ul'2 tC:HAPTER 20 OF TH~~IN; pRDINANCES OF THI! CITY gF 'fU880CK, TEXAS. BY AMEN!). . ,..--: NG THE LANGUA$E 01' ARTI , ~ >fLE IV PE.RTAIHING TO CHAR: ~ -->------------------------------------------~~A.~I.HI!, S~Ot..l!:lTATfON$ .WITH. c '" ... OF LU880Ck. 'ROVIDIN ·A PENALTY; PRO: : "JtiiN'G A SAVINGS Cl.;AUSE· I . C:f.J:.~OIIIOJNG POR PUBI.I: : ~i. . 'ORDINA.~-:~"f Oll~INANCE AMENOING ; I"'""PTJ! ·"OF THI; CODE .OF • ORDINAl C!;iS, ClTY OF I.UB-· ' BOCK, ENTITLED "ZONINQ" ;.8":, ADDING A NE;W ZONING . ;DI .. TIU(;T. TO BE KNOWN AS :''lliO.''IIIITER$TATI HIGHWAY · :OFFICE DISTRICT AHD PRO. :'VIDING FOR THE . REOUIRIO· ,MENTS OF SUCH Dll!TRICT1 BY ADQING A NEW ZONING DIS. 'I'RIIT TO BE KNOWN AS "IHC., INTERSTATE HIGHWAY: coM. .MERCIAL DISTRICT AND PRO- (VIDING FOR THE. REQUIRE-~t';~~O~ SUCk DISTRICT; IV :tat,..T TO. BENEW ZONING DIS. ~ ,. KNOWN AS "IHI" ~NTER.$TATE . HIGHWAY· IN- (ISTRIAL .A'HI) f>ROVIOiNG .. FOR THE'RI!QUIREM&NTS OF . SUCH DISTRI!;'I"$ TO $ECTION ft'• fi:NTlTI.EO "DISTRICT$"· ~i~~~~8N1¥i~ &tJ:~c;j lNG /...~~{!:.1. fHTITI-ftD "lOIII, 'DistrucTs TBir~oolNB sue" ':t:Je'iorH~~~lit•{~;:..:;:t~~ . ~VIDING . A ..,..I,.TY; ·P~~~~~~~!'ROvrr>ts:J':g: .' . Al.o ort8,':.'i':tlce NO. t~Jt LJNG .. ~ITY • ~=OVAL IOCR-A T p. , 1 •• , I.AT8R ' · ,.IJf!OAN.!) RE~ · :SIGNAL A . $1\10 TlilAFJIIC . TRAI"PtC$~ OPI!iRATIVE . 111"'17 /