HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8793-1985 - Amend. Zoning Ordinance #7084 And Lubbock Map For Changes: Zone Case #1598-C - 05/28/1985,! i ~ i! ,, li I! II :I I> n First Reading June 28, 1985 Agenda Item #14 Second Reading July 11, 1985 A~nda Item #10 q ji :! LJM:da l, ORDINANCE NO. 8793 li AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OfFICIAL MAP !! Of THE CITY Of LUBBOCK SO AS TO MAKE THE fOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. ~ 159B-C; A CHANGE Of ZONING fROM C-3 TO C-4 UNDER PROVISIONS Of SECTION I' :i 29-29 Of THE CODE Of ORDINANCES Of THE CITY Of LUBBOCK, ON LOTS 4 AND 5, !1 CAMELOT ADDITION, CITY Of LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS; SUBJECT TO !I CONDITIONS; PROVIDING fOR A PENALTY AS PROVIDED fOR IN SECTION 1-4 Of THE 11 CITY CODE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING fOR PUBLICATION. il ! I L_______ __________ ll WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, morals, and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordin- ances, City of Lubbock, Texas, as well as notices provided by Article 1011f, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Council Room of the City Hall, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREfORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 1598-C SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map BE and the same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: A change of zoning from C-3 to C-4 under provisions of Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, on Lots 4 and 5, Camelot Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located at the southwest corner of 34th Street and Loop 289 and subject to conditions. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: a. That the permitted uses be restricted as follows: 1. Any use conditionally or unconditionally permitted in the "C-2A", "C-2", or "C-3" Districts. 2. Agriculture implement and tractor sales and service (totally within a building). 3. Ambulance service. 4. Automobile and recreational vehicle sales and service (may include body and paint shop, as accessory use). 5. Automobile glass and trim shop. 6. Barber and beauty shop supply dealer. 7. Boat and boat trailer sales and service. B. Builders supply. All materials must be in a building. 9. Bus station. 10. Cafe supply dealer, fixtures. 11. Candy plant. 12. Canvas goods shop, tents and awnings. (no manufacturing). 13. Dairy supply dealer. 14. frozen food lockers. 15. Garden center. 16. Gasoline service station. (Business permitted outside of building and outside displays of products permitted within three (3) feet of the building). 17. Golf driving range. (Business permitted outside of buil- ding.) 18. Greenhouse and plant nursery. 19. Hotel or motel. 20. Hot tamale plant. - 2 - j I t 21. Janitorial or cleaning service. 22. Job printing and lithographing. 23. Laboratory, chemical, general analysis. 24. Laundry, commercial. 25. Linen and towel supply service. 26. Magazine agency. No mill. All materials must be in a building. 27. Mobile home sales. 28. Monument sales (outside display permitted). 29. Motorcycle shop, including sales, rentals and services. 30. Non-profit training centers with retail sales. 31. Pest control service. 32. Portable building sales (fully constructed). 33. Print shop. 34. Produce market. 35. Public kennel (totally within a building). 36. Rental store. 37. Rescue mission of the type sponsored by non-profit organi- zations. 38. Restaurants. (Business permitted outside of building). 39. Restaurants, with the sale of alcoholic beverages as an incidental use, except that no mixed alcoholic beverage sales shall be made or delivered to occupants in motor vehicles. 40. Road machinery sales and service (totally within a buil- ding). 41. Pawn shop. -3 - 42. Second hand or used car sales lot, not including wrecking and repairing, but including minor tuning. 43. Sign shops, limited to window lettering, painted wall signs, banners and desk signs. 44. Store fixtures sales (no manufacturing permitted). 45. Swimming pool, commercial or sales (business permitted outside of building). 46. Trailer and truck sales, rental or service. 47. Trailer and truck rental utility. 48. Upholstery shop -furniture. 49. Veterinary hospital (totally within a building). 50. Wholesale house, sales office and storage -no cotton storage. 51. Electronic components assembly. b. A site plan, including building elevations, building materials, color and texture shall be submitted and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the entire tract under this Zoning Ordinance prior to the issuance of a building permit. SECTION 2. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars as provided in Section 1-4 of the City Code. SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. - 4 - AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading this 28th day of June 1985. , -'--- Passed by City Council on second reading this 11th day of July 1985. ----~---- ATTEST: Administrator APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 5 - f THE STATE OF TEXAS M-2176 COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me DorothY Ruu.e II a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared BeverlY HarPer-. All&1&tant Acct. Ml!r, of the Southwestern Newspa- pers CorJX>ration. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this Lea! a I Notice -------------No. 592071 at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print· ed copy of the Leta I Notice is a true co_py of the original and was printed i~ the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: ........;J:....::u-=:I..:::Y~1:::3:::...:..• _2=0...:.•.........:1::...:9:;..;8::...:5:::._ ______ ~---- 1079 Words @ 10t Per word = $755.30 A&&istant Account Manal!er LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of _.J.......,.u_..l ... r'-----19..B.S._-·,;;; d~c~~=~= .... . . ~-·. ~ ANO THE Of'fii¢1AL .,.... .. .....-AN OIIIOINANCE AMI!NDING, · toNING ORDINANCE .!!l?·p~ --;'"OiiolNANCI HO.IJ'kJ • "' · ~oeGAdma ,. -~e ~Ve0;.1-3"Jg'~,:: 'iC:.':,1H.r~~cfJ~tc~f ~P ':: · • ...-~dlHY tm Sf:'-; t-Of te~a\ • ~~~~=;:~::a~. : €~A;:G~~~:: ~I!~.:~ ~E ~k"E ~;~B~w:~::·~ t "r~~n ""d fOf llle ~a: tlil!~ ' / ·,.":..,,,.wi,Oitbl~ .. _ J11U FROMC:.JTOC.:C·UNDERf'RI). C:HANGES:ZONECASENO.t'*' \:;T'j Uul ~.-· .• ..-t.!n~f,iAHCENO..ft - AND-.tHe OFFICIAL IMP. .Of' VISIONS OF SECTION 29-29 OF D: A CHANGE OF .ZONING 11\y \.011\!!ll'\.'>10 AN ORDINANCE AMENOING THI!' (tN 1:)1' LtnBOC:K SO. AS ,THE COD£ OF ORDINANCES OF FROM A·t TO C-3 ZONING OI.S· ORDINANCE NO. 1:125 OF THE TO MAKE .THE FOLLOWING 'THE (;I'I'Y Of' LU&BOCIC., 'ON TRICT, LIMITED TO: 1) OE• ·CITY Of' WB80CK e\(.•AQOtNG CHANGES: . ZONE · CAS£ NO. LOTS 4 AND$, CAMELOT ADDI• PARTMENT*$TORE. DISCOUNT A NEW SECTION THERETO TO 'tsl.f; A CHANGE OF •.ZONING CITY Of' LUBBOCJ(;,I.UB· CENTER OR li'AMILY CENTER, IE OESIGNATED ''$ECTIQH t'' FRoM R·l AND ''T" TO R-1, A·t t----1 . . COUNTY. TEXAS: $1.18·1----1 21 GROCERY STORe. 3) TIRE, -·--~ SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR A 25 AND C•2.. ZOI'tiNG OISTRICTS. ' TOC:ONDITIONS; PROVIO. 8ATTERY AND ACCESSORY M.P.H. '$CHOOL SPEED ZONE AND <:-3 ZONING DISTRICT. ;lNG FOR A PENALTY AS PR,.P-:stOIU!,AND4l'USESUNCONOI· ON FM'2255{.nrt·S:TREET)·AS LIMITED TO: 11 DEPARTMENT, VIDEO FOR IN SECTION l'<~ -.F · TIONALl, Y f>ERMITTED IN C:·2 DESC:fUBED IN THE 80DY OF STORES, DISCOUNT CENTERS 'THECI'l'YCOOE;PROVIOING.A AND C·2.A ZONING DISTRICTS.. THIS ORDIMANCE; 'REPEAL· OR FAMILY CENTERS, 2) GA$-} SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PRO\fiO. UNDER PROVISIONS OF SEC· lNG .. CONFLICTING ORDI· OLINE SERVICE STATION, 3) !; lNG 11. OR PUBLICATION •.. ·~ TJON ·tt-29 ·OF THE CODE OF NANCES.TO THE EXTENT OF GROCERY 5TORE,41 THEATER I» : ·' · .·.ORDINANCEfl0,·••·4 QRDINA~CESOFTHE CITY OF SIJCH:CONFLICT;'·PROVIOtNG AND· MOTION PICTURE SHOW. t AN •ORDINANCE ·AMENDING LUBBOC.tc.. ·.ON A TRACT OFI . TKAT''THIS OR.DINANCE SHALL Sl TIREIBATTER'f AND ACCES. ZONING ·ORDINANCE 'NO, ~ LAND. OUT· OF ·SECTION • BE CUMULATIVE Of'·ALL OtH-. SORV s:IORE, AND 61 USES UN• AND' THE OFf'ICIAL ·MAP ILOCIC. J•S... CITY .OF LUBBOCtc.. ER ,PRIMA FACiE SPEED LIM• li CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED ·THE .Cil:Y Of'ct.UBBOCK SOl~ LUBBOCK· COUNTY, ·'fEXASI IT. ·. ORDINANCES ·: EXCEPT , IN C·2A AND C·f ZONING CIIS--TO . MA1C.E THE FOLLOW. ., SUBJ.EC.T . TO .C:ONOITIONS: ; THOSE :WITH WHICH IT. SPE· TRICTS.. UNDeR PROVI.SIONS CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. PROVIDING .. FOR A PENALTY CIFICALI:.Y CONFUCTS· 'PRO. OF SECTION tt-29 OF THE CODE 2532;. A. .SPECIFIC USE.•O~~· lAS PROVJOE.D FOR IN SECTION VI DING A PI!NALTY CLAUSE·.: OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY· CHANGE. FROM. H"f"' ' ! l..C OF THE CITli CODE I. PR().. AND A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND i OF LUB&OCIG ON A TRACT OF , SPEtiFIC USE PERMIT U1f0'i: t V.IDING .A . SAVINGS p.AUSE I'OR PU$.1.1CATION HEREOF. ~ LAND OUT OF SECTION a&. , f'ROVISION$ Of' SEc:'I'ION O i ; AND PROVIDING FOR\ PUBLI~ : '; '. . ORDINANCE NO.I190 . f~~KK: g,1J..~ .'"~f:r:J;. . ~~(~~~O~~O~~~FO't: f 'CATION,:.·, ORDiNANCE NO. l78a -R~··~'re~l~~~f.,:u~ SUBJECT . TO , CONDITIONS; t,\INI.WAR~USES ON LOT 14: f AN ORDINANCE TO •AUTHO· Cf(ANGJNG · Of' :·THE. PRIMA !' PROVIDING ·FCSR A PENAI.TY, ENERGY· CIRCL6 ADDITION. ,, RIZE ... THE Al.TE. ~lNG ·AN.· 0.. F.ACiE SPEED LIM .. IT: FOR ALL j' A$PROVIOEDFOR IN SECTION CITY O.F:LUBBO(K.rLUBB. OC1K0• CHANGING. OF ·tHE: PRIMA VEHICLES ON .THe·· FOLLOW· t. l..C OF :niE CITY C:ODEI PRO. ~UNTVi:Tl;XASl SUBJECT' ,FAC:IE SPEED LIMil fiOR'ALL lNG STREET: .. IN"'THE C:O.R.Po. VIDING A' S,t,.\IJNG$ CLAUSE · C:ONDITIONSi P.ROVIDING FOR YeHICLES·. ON THE FOLLOW• . RATE LIMitS Of' THE' CITY OF AND PROVIDING FOR f>UIILI• 'A PI!NALITY AS PROVItiEO FOR lNG SJREETS IN THE CORP!). LUBBOCK, LUBBOCii: COUNTY · CATION. · · · .... · . c ·. · IN SECTION 1..C l)F THE. CITY RATE LIMITS OF THE <:lTV 0~ T!i':ICAS. To-WIT: -PORTIONS ~jt-i ,' . OROINANCE'ND.Im I COOEl PROVIDING A·SA\'INGS LUBBOCK. LUBBOCK ~OUNTY, QUAKER AVENUE AS HEREIN· r. AN i)RDINANC:E AMENDiNG CLAUSE AND PROVIDING f:.OR. TEXAS:.TO.WIT: ON PORT10N$ . AFTER ;DESCRIBED .. IN 'THE I. ZONING ORDINANCE NQ. JOIU' PU.BLICAT.100RND.!••A'uc· E·N·O· :~ OF UU14 (I~TH STREET), F.M. BODY OF. THIS· ORbiNANCEI · .AND. THE! OFFICiAL JMP OF n " 2255 llfW STREET>. ANO SF!UR AUTHORIZING . THE PLACING : THE .CITY OF l-UBBOCK $()·AS AN ()ltDINANCE AMENDING 309 .AS HEREINAFTER .DE· OF tiPEED·t.IMfT SIGNS. PRE·· • TO MAKE • THE FOLLOWING ZONING ·OIU'IINAN<:E NQ.-108A. ICRIBEdt 1M THE' . BODY OF S(;RIB.ING. ·A . PENALTY; PRI).• · CHANGES: ZONE tASENO.l:m-ANO TH$ OFFICIAL MAP .OF' .TiiiS.QROIIU.NCEt·AUTHOIUZ·· VIDIMG .. FOR PUBLICATION;' l B; A CHANGE ·OF ZONIN!; THE CIT¥ OF LUBBOCK SO AS lNG THE P. LAC. lNG OF SPEED. REPE'ALING·ALL ORDINANCEs:· FROMt..CSPECIFICUSETO.C;.t: TO ·MAKE THE FOLLOWING LIMIT SIGNS, PRES¢RIBINGA· lfll' CoNFLfCT HEREWITH;• UNDER .PR()VfSIQNS (If' IE~· 1 (;MANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2Z69-PENAl. TY I PROVIDING 'fOR • 'PROVIDING JHAT STREETS OR TION .,_.29 C)F Ttte ·CODE .OF G• A ·<:MANGE OF ZONING f'UIILI(;ATION; REPEALING HIGHWAY$ 1liOT. SPECIFICAL•; ORDINANCES OF THE CITY,Of' FROM t.·S $PI!CIFIC USE TO c;;. ALL· ORDINANCI!S 'IN CON· LV.~T FORTH HEREIN SHALL· LUB80CKi ·ON ·.A TRACT \OF · 2':. A ·SPECIFIC. USE ZON• fLICT HEREWITH: PROVI0111G. NOT ei:!· AFF.ECTED ·ey :;ffiE: LAND .·OUT: OF • SECTION :37,: CHANG£ FROM A·l• R·2 AND ll·l THAT $TRfiET$ OR HIG!'(WAYS 'PROVISIONS '· HER.EOF ANO' BLOCK AK, CITY OF LVB90CI(, TO AM SPECIFIC USE PERMIT NOT . 'SPGCIFICALL¥. ·• lET. THAT TltiS O~DINAm:E $HAJ.I.• · LUBBOCK COUNTY;· :TEXAS! . UNDER 1'ROI(ISIOHS OF SEC• FORTH HEREIN SHALL NOT U 11E CUMULATIIJE 'OF ALL OTH- f.'itt'ir.NG :Y$o.C2N,.0~~~t~~ 1~~No~~~:f ~f~M~~ ~JN~Sf~gll::.: r:~o P~~~ ~l'R·.p=::fJ:.ssPE:~~':,: A$PR.OvtbeD:I'OR IN !$fiCTION FOR PROFESSIONAL OFF1C'ft1 .THIS ORDINANCE! SHALL -8E tTHDSE WITH 'YhfiCtt IT IPfi· 14 OF THE CITY C:OOE; PRI). AND FROM A·l, R·t AND ·l CUMULATIVE.OF ALL·O'Tl'IER >CIFICALl.Y C:ONflt.ICTS; AffD VI DING. A SAVINGS ·,CLAUSE SPECIFIC U'SE TO lt·1 UNDER PRIMA FACI!I! SPEED · UMIT ~PROVIDING ·· ll. . IAVINiSS · · ROVIOING FOR Pl.lfLI< VISIONS OF SECTIOM -tt-29 . ORDINANCES EXCEPT THOSE · C:LAUSE • . · · · . -.• ·. AND.:--._,:,· . · . ~~~HE CODE OF ORDINANCES WITH WHICH IT SPECti'I¢ALI. V . ~ .. .:.. ..... ~--'~---•. -·-·-.01" 'UfE CITY 01' LUIS BOCK. OM CONFLICTS I ·AND ·PROVIDING _ .. ~ 'A: -ntAt:T.c:CI', .LAND O!JT 01".. A IAVI_NOS.!=!,AUIE. ~. ·.stic:TroN '14.' 8UXk E·:L CI1Y QF L;UBBOC.It, LUBBOC~ ~. ~tt :~~~~~~~\~0 FOR~ fN 'IECTION ,:_. OF THE .CITY CO. Dill pftQVIO. IJIG ". SAV.ING.S C.LA\IS£ ANO PROVItJIHG FqR "" AIMt.t Wf"'&"flftN._, •. L·~---------~·'· i