HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8774-1985 - Amend. Zoning Ord. #7084 And Lubbock Map For Changes: Zone Case #2529 - 05/23/1985LJM:da First Reading May 23, 1985 A!J:!nda Item #16 Second Reading -June 14, 1985 . ' Agenda Item #11 ORDINANCE NO. 8774 ----- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY Of LUBBOCK SO AS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2529; A CHANGE Of ZONING FROM R-2 TO C-4 UNDER PROVISIONS OF SECTION 29-29 Of THE CODE Of ORDINANCES Of THE CITY Of LUBBOCK, ON LOTS 5, 6, 7, 38, 39, AND 40, BLOCK 1, SUNRISE ADDITION, CITY Of LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS; SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 1-4 OF THE CITY CODE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLI- CATION. WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, morals, and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordin- ances, City of lubbock, Texas, as well as notices provided by Article 1011f, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and notice was duly published in the lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Council Room of the City Hall, lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be a~ended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 2529 SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 70B4 and the Official Zoning Map BE and the same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: A change of zoning from R-2 to C-4 under provisions of Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of lubbock, on lots 5, 6, 7, 38, 39, and 40, Block 1, Sunrise Addition, City of lubbock, lubbock County, Texas, located north of 45th Street and 230' west of Avenue A and subject to conditions. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: a. Restricted to office/storage. b. That a 6' solid cinder block or masonry fence be erected on the west side of the property. SECTION 2. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars as provided in Section 1-4 of the City Code. SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading this 23rd day of May 1985. --..:.--- Passed by City Council on second reading this 14th day of June ' 1985. AL I ATTEST: . e~8qyd, City Secre - 2 - THE STATE OF TEXAS M•3557 COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Daratbr Ru,se II a Notarv p bl' · personally appeared Twtle Auftll, Acc.auntu M~~~~~d/or Lubbock County. TeJ.as.of.}_this day pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal M . of ~he ~outhwestern Newspa- being by me duly sworn did depose and sav that said news a -ormng._ venmg _and Sunday. who than fifty-two weeks prior to the first in~ertion of this . p per has~j~~ \ubNhshteld contmuously for more 584652 ---_o __ ce ed copv of the L•eel Notice No. . at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print-. ---ts a true copv of the original and · t d · h Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: June 1St 22• 1965 was prm e m t e Lu~bock -__ 7~6~3~-~our~d~a~@~~t~o~t~p~tLr~w~oJr~d~•~•~5§l3A4~.J1~0l_ ________________ =================: Account Henearer LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25tta day of __;_J..;:u:..:.n.:..;l:._ ___ , 19_!!_ ... 'J)~~~~ Not;.ry Public In Atld For 'file Stale Of lexas My CommiS'Iion E•pires Nov. 9.19Ba FORM58-10 · C:TA . e'l= ~~---·--~-·~--:------------------- CHANGES: ZONE Ai A IPECIF!C · .USe ·CHANGE. FROM ~· '1'0 R·l SPECIFic: USE ·PERMt!I'UN· DER PROVISIONS OF UCTION 29-2<11cH3l ANO $ECTION 29--· :tAfcl(17) OF THE ClTY OF !.US. BOCK COOE OF ORDINANCE$, . FOR RESIDII!NTIAL ESTATES AND A MOBil.& HOME SUISDI• .v, 2 1$10NON LOT$41THROUGH It, THRQUOH :b. 11 THROUGH 410. ANO U-A THROUGH · ll..P, ENERO.V' C:lllCLE AOOITI(IN, CITY OF LU88CX:K, LUUOCK COUNTY, TEXAS; SUlUECT TO CONOITIONS;·PROV!PING .FOR A PENALTY AS P.ROVIDt;;D FOR ·IN SECTION 'l..f OF THE CITY CODEs PROVIDING A lAVING$ CLAUSE AND PllDVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. . . · · · . . · ... -ORDINANCE NO.Im AN ORDINANCE AMII!Nl:IING ZONIN!; ORDINANCE NO. ·JOIC . ANti THE OFFICIAL MAP .OF THE ern• OF UJBBOCK $0 AS . . TO MAKE TlotE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ·ZONe CASE · NO QIZI; . CHANGE OF ' ZONING FROM IM' TO c;,.. UNOER PRO. VISIONS OF UCTION 19·29 OF · THl CODE OF ORDINANCES OF Tl'tE CITY OF LUBBOCK, ON: LOT 2. BLOCK 1, SUNRISE AO. I)ITION, CITY OF LUIIBOCK. LUIIGOCK COUNTY, . TEXAS! PROVIDING FOR A .. ENALTY AS fi'ROVIOEO FOR IN SECTION '*OF THill CITY CODE; PJlQ. .. VIOING A lAVING$ CLAUSE CAAND PR.OVIDTNO FOR PU8LI· . TION. . " •OltOINANc:tl NO. 11l4 AN ORDINANCE AMIINDtfm ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11* AND THE OI'FICIAt.· MAJ> 01' THE CITY OJ' L.UBIIOCK SO AS TO MAKE ·THE 'f'OLI.OWING CHANGE$: ZONE CASE NO. 2S2'11 A atANGI! OF ZONING FRONUI.·2 TO e..f UNOIR PftO. ViSIONS OF SII!CTION 29'-29 OF Ttil! CODE OF ORDINANCeS OF THE CITY OF· I.UIIBOCK. ON LOTS 5. 6. J, 38. ~. ANO «1, 8\,.0CIC 1, SUNR1SE ADDITION. CJTY Of' .LU&IOtiC, LUI!I&OCIC COUNTY, TEXAS; SU&JECT TO CONDITIONSI· PROVIDING .FOR A PENALTY AJ PROVIOI!D FOR IN $I'(TION f.t OF-THE •CrrY CODI!If'ROVIDINO'A &.WINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUGI.ICATION. , ' . ORDINANCE NO.I1'75 J.N OROINANCE AMENDING ZONING OROINANCI! NO. 7014 AND THE . OFFICIAL MAP OF THE! CITY Of' I.U880CK $0 ·11$ TO MAKE THE FOU.O'IIING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2!111· :, t; ·A •. CHANGE OF. lONINO FROM A-1 TO·C4,UNOElR PR<> VISIONS OF .SECTION 29-lt OF THE CODE OF. QRDINANC:.ES Ofl THE CITY OF I.U880CK. ON A • TRACT OF LAIIiO OUT OF $EiC· . · TION ·t, ·ei..OCK J~S. CITY 0, LUBBOCK. .I.IJBBO(;K COUNTY, 'TEXAS;< PROVIDING f'OR A PfiiNAt-TY AJ f'ROVIOEO FOR I IN SECTION t..f 0J0 THB CITY COQEJ PltOVIOtNO ._ lj~,Vtf'IOS CLAUS!! AND PROVIDING FQR PUBI.JCArJON, ___ : __ ,_ ~ .. .•. . 'ORDINANCE NQ;G71 · ~ ,_N . ORDINANCE AMI!NDINO ' ZONING OROINANtl! tiO• 1'014 f ANO THE O"'ICJ..-1. MAP 01' lTHE CITY OF LW80Cte··SO AS I TO MAKE THE·.·. FOLLOWING iCHAHG&S: ZONE CASE '-ICI A' CI1ANGI! · OF · · ; PROM R·l IPI!CIFI . R·l ' t SPECIFIC use «Z:ERO . t.OT ·1 , I.INES) UNDER PROVISIONS i OF SECTION 29--:tAlc)(l)l OF !.THE COOl! OF .ORDINANCI!S OJ' t!HE CITY 01' I.UBBO(;K, ON A , tRACT OF LANO OUT OF s&c- I110N 1s. ILOCK 1-.2. crT¥ ·oF ; I;UBGOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY,, f,'fEXAS; PROVIOING FOR A · ''PENALTY .AS PRCVIOED FOR !.IN SECTION 1..f OF THE CITY ! CODE I PROVIDitoiG A SAVINGS 'CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR ~PUBLICATION. . . . . ~ , , . ORDINANCe NO. 1m ' AN' ORDINANCE AMII!NOINO •ZONING ORDINANCE, NO. 11* .ANO THE OFFICIAl. MAP OP THE CITY OF LUIIGOCK SO AS TO MAKE THS FOU.OWJNG CHANGES: ZOIIE CASE NO. Z53h 4 tHAftGE. OF ZONING FROM·Il·l.TO AM UNDER PRO. VISIONS OF -SECTION at-29 OF 'tH8 COOl! OF ORDINANCES OF TH8 CITY OF · LUBGOCIC. ON LOTS n, 12. AN'O U, GLOCK J; IUOGEL.AWN ADDITION, . CITY OF LUBBOCK. t.UBBOCK COUN· TY, TEXAS; PROVIOING FOR A F&.NAI.TY AS PROVIDED fOR IN SECTICN ,,.. 0.. THS etTV CODE: PROVIOINO A SAVINGS (U,II$11! ANO PROVIQING I'OR li'UlllJCATI.9!:'.:.~ ... ,." •. -" ~ ., VMDINAfiiCENO.GIO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING (HAPTP 19'0F THI! CODE OF ORDINANCE$. CITY OF LUll- lOCK, ENTITLED "ZONlNG", eY AOD!NG A NEW SUGSl!C• liON 29-26U)I3)1 • PROVIDING FOR AN A8ATI<MENT PII!RIOD fOR NON-CONFORMING SIGNS LOCATED IN · ANNI!XED #>lti!AIIil f'ROVIOING FOR A tVINGS CLAUSE I PROV. IOINO PENALTY AND pROVIDING OR PUBLICATION. ·... . · -·• · · . OllDlNANCI NO.tm AN ORDINANCE •ESTABLISH• 4NG A ONE.WAY. EAST.aoUND tRAFFIC FLOW l:ONE · IN THI!! f:AST·WEST AI,I.E:Y IMMEOI· ATELY lOUTH OF I.OTS l·1D CINCLUSIVI!l ANO 1'1tACT 1. ADDITION TO 'nt8 1.UISIOCK,t..U880CK CO TeXAS, WHICK I.IES IIOTWEEN lOLA AVENUE AND I.OOP 2ft AS MORE PARTICU. LARLY HEREINAF:rER DE• SCRil!£0 IN TH& BODY HERE• OFI PROVIDING I'OR SIGNS TO 1NOICATE · SUCH . ONE·WAV TRAFFIC FLOW . ZONEI RE• PEALING ANY CONFLICTING ORDINANCES: RESTRICTING THE . APPI.IC~II 14E'AEOF ~TO THE PU£11.11:: WAY HEREIN AFFECT EO. ANO PROVIOINCI A 'SAVING$ CLAUSE AND A PEN-"'-TY ANO PUBUCATION :LAuse.