HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8652-1984 - Approv./Adopt. Budget For Fiscal Year 1984-85 Approv. Revised Budget Figures - 08/09/1984.. ,· II II I JCR:da August 9, 1984 August 23, 1984 Agenda Item #18 Agenda Item #14 ORDINANCE NO. 8652 ----- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984-85; APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-84; PROVIDING FOR NECESSARY TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS AND DEPARTMENTS, IF REQUIRED; AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 1984-85 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared certain figures as a 1984-85 fiscal year budget and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, on July 24, 1984, filed such proposed budget with the City Secretary for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City Secretary did post notice that such proposed budget had been filed and a public hearing called thereon by the City Council in City Hall; and WHEREAS, the City Council determines such proposed budget for fiscal year 1984-85 to be appropriate and correct in all respects and that all requirements of the law have been satisfied; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the budget proposed by the City Manager for the fiscal year Oqtober 1, 1984, through September 30, 1985, BE and the same IS hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2. THAT the figures prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 1984-85 fiscal year budget BE, and the same ARE hereby approved in all things. SECTION 3. THAT any necessary transfer of funds between accounts, departments or programs by the City Manager for City purposes or as a result of unusual and unforeseen conditions during the administration of the 1984-85 fiscal year budget BE, and ARE hereby authorized and approved. SECTION 4. THAT amounts set out under the headings "1983-84 Revised", BE and ARE hereby authorized and approved. SECTION 5. THAT the several amounts, as set forth in the proposed 1984-85 fiscal year budget, BE and ARE hereby appropriated to the objects and purposes therein named, subject to modification in accordance with Section 3 hereof if necessary. SECTION 6. THAT a copy of the 1984-85 fiscal year budget shall be filed with appropriate officials as required by law. ... AND IT IS 50 ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading this 9th day of August, 1984. Passed by City Council on second reading this 23rd day of August , 1984. -ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 2 - THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Bonnie McKee a Notary Public in and £or Lubbock County. Texas on this day personally appeared Twi I a Aufi 11, Account Hannrte r of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this Lel!al Nottce-446 vord1@66t Per vord-$294. 36 No.940631 at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Notice is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: Auf!'.ust 25 & Sept. 1, 1984 L•117!1 . Account Manal!ar LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this _4__ day of September . 19~ 1_• .. ·{ ........ ""~~-...... . ' FOR,A NEW ORDINANCE AN' . NEXING' . PROPERTY . ·AOJ .... 1 CENt. TO .THI; CITY 01' 1.U8-d50CK, -TEXAS, WHICH AREA IS •JDESC:Rl8e0 HERElt.l ANO 15 'AOJACEHT TO ANO.ABUT$ THE fex1S'rlNG CITY LIMITS OF THE ~CITY OF 1.UBBO(:K; TEX~; \PROVIOJHG ··FOR INQ.USION j.OF A SERVI.CE PLANl,PROVIO. 't/NG F. OR CO. It .. RECTIO. N OF.THE .CtTV MAP TO I.Nt'LUDJ! .THrs iADOtTIQNAL . TERIUTI)RYl PROvt>ING . . , A· •. , SAVINGS ,ClAUSfh ANO'.J>ROVlOiNG AN' •EFFECTIVE DATE,. , . ·. · · . t . · ' · ORDINANCE N0.8649 j AN , .ORDINANCE . ANNt.X!t.lG , AN AlU!A OF I.ANO: TO ·THE ,CITY ·OF LUBBOCK,' ·TEXAS. ,,WHICH' ]AREA ·1$ OESCRl8EO ,Hl:REIN ANO 15 AOJACl:NT, TO· 'ANO'>ABUTS TH£ 'EXISTING 'CITY LtMtT,s OP THI/; ·CITY.OF· ;LUBIIOC:l(. TEXAS: PROV!OING FOR INCLUSION OF A SElilVICE PLAN; · l>R.OVtOtNG · " FOR. CORIIECTION . OF THE CITY MAP TO IH(:LUOE THIS 'AOOI• TIONAI. TERRITORY; f>ROVID- ING A SAVl,NG$ CLAUS!; AND PROVIDING· AN EFFECTtVE OATE,'.• , ··• ··i ... · . . 01:te)INANC:E NO.t6511 AH C!IROlNANCE A8AN00NING ""NO CLOSING A POlttlON OF A \J'TU.ITY EASEMENT l.OC'AT£0. 8E,:w&£N .. $1..0CKS . I, AND' 2, MeLAUGHI.IN SUBDIVISION TO ' '!:KE CITY OF weaoc,i; l,.UB• .. BOCK COUHTY,. TEXAS. ANO MORE PARTl<:ULARI. Y , bE· SCRUU!.O. ,·HEREINAFTER. IN ·THIS ORDINANCE; -OUll;CTING Tl'IE (;IT'I' ENGINEER' TO MARK ~~%F MAPS 0.F Tr: CC> .:11e ' 0 ~ , . ' ~ .dll:DltU. enu10 THE '' ~TAX«RATE ANO LEVYING ·A T4X' UPON Al,,C. PR<;»> SUl!Jl;CT' 'l'O T,\XATJ()N i,'/.r;r;/. IN· THE CITY OF ·,t.UBBOCK, TEi'AS, FOR lHE YlliAR ltM AP-PORTIONING. , . LEVY /WONG THE, VA FUNDS ANO lTcMS F:OR W REV!:- NUE MUST. BE tU'1SeO; FIXING THI; TIMI:; tN .WHICH SAID TAX· ES ·Bl PAID ANO ASSESSING . .PElltALTY,,lr;ND.INTEREST FOR t.lON•PAYM!!NT OF SUC'H TAX·· g;WIT':l!N'. ~E 'flME,l'RO!flD-, · . , : ORDINANCE N0: 165,1 , A61 ORDINANCE. AMENDING . ,(:HAPJE~.230F.JHE (ODE OF' . .CRDH.lANCES OF THE CITY QF. i.UBBCCK, TEXAS, 8Y AM!!NO.' ING THE IJ.NGUAGe. OF SEC, T¼ONUJ.21, 2W6 ANO 23-47:Am, IY. ADDING ·THERETO '. · SECTIONS. 23..sa ANO< 21-6t -T41NING TO FEES CHAR CONNec:nON WITH. tHE:GAR., ·BAGE. ANO· TRASH •COI.LEC•. · TfCN SERVICE OF TtiE'·CITY•· PROVIOmG A' 'SAVINGS CV.USE AND 'PROVIOING FO!t · PV81JCATJON. • . J, ! . ,' THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me l~nnt I' Mete t a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on this day personally appeared hill Aafll It Acceant Man111ar of the Southw~stern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday. who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this lel!II Notlct:•446 vord1€66t Per li'.Ord•$294s '\6 No 140£32 at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Netict is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: A1rttat t 25 & S1•t• 1, 198, L•117l1. Account H1nacer LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this _.4 __ day of l«P:t«fflblf . 19 64