HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 6967-1974 - Altering Prima Facie Loop 289 - 09/12/1974JWF:sw
ORDINANCE NO. 6967 _ _...:;;..._ ___ _
WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Lubbock, apon the basis of
an engineering and traffic investigation fi.nds it necessary to alter prima facie
speed limits established by Article 6701d, Section 166(a) 1, Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes as amended Acts 1963, 58th Legislature, Page 455, Chapter 181,
within the ar-ea and at the location named and df'signated in the body of this Ordi-
nance, all within the cot'porate limits of the City of Lubbock; NOW THEREFORE:
SECTION 1. THAT pri.ma facie speed limits on the following streets and
highways in the urban district SE't forth below is hereby alter-ed and changed as
hereinafter set forth upon the following described p([)rtions of streets and/or high-
ways located within the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, to-wit:
U.S. 62-82 TO U. S, 62-82
1. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at the point of inter-
SPction with the East Frontage Road for U.S. 62-82
and extE'nding for a distance of 0. 230 mile.
2. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 230 mile
from the point of intersection with the East Frontage
Road for-U.S. 62-82 and extending for a distance of
1. 444 miles to Manicipal Drive.
3. A 40MPH Speed Zone beginning at Municipal Drive and
PXtending for a distance of o. 500 mile to a point 0. 100
mile West of Quirt Avenue.
4. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 100 mile
West of Quirt Avenue and extending 1. 729 miles to
Avenue N.
5. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at A venue N and extending
beyond Paris A venue along a turn to the left# to the mid-
point of the Loop 289 R. 0. W., East of the railroad, a
distance of o. 268 mile.
6. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning from a point West of
the Railroad. P. C. of a tur-n and extending for a dis-
tance of 1. 818 miles.
7. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 1. 818 miles West from
the P. C. of a turn and extending for a distance of O. 200
8. A 30 MPH Speed Zone beginning 2. 018 mile from the
P. C. of a turn and extending Westerly to a P. I. and
Southerly, North of the railroad., to another P. I., a
distance of O. 200 mile.
9. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at U.S. 84., South of the
railroad, and extending for a distance of 0. 300 mile.
1 O. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 300 mile
West of U.S. 84 and extending Westerly for 0, 495 mile.
11, A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
East of North Quaker Avenue and extending for a distance
of O. 400 mile.
12. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
West of Nor-th Quaker-Avenue and extending to 2nd Dr-ive,
a distance of 1. 394 miles.
13. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at 2nd Drive and extend-
ing to F. M. 2255, a distance of O. 248 mile.
14. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at F. M. 2255 and ex-
tending a distance of 0. 250 mile.
15. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 250 mile
South of F. M. 2255 and extending for a distance of
o. 923 mile.
16. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning a distance of 1, 173
miles from F. M. 2255 and extending to S. H. 116, a
distance of 0. 200 mile.
17. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at S. H. 116 and ex-
tending a distance of 0. 350 mile.
18. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 350 mile
from S. H. 116 and extending a distance of 0. 515 mile.
19. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
North of 34th Street and extending to a point 0. 501
mile South of 34th Street, a distance of O. 701 mile,
20. A 30 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 501 mile
from 34th 'str-eet and extending Southerly to a P. I.
and Easterly, North of the railroad to the mid-point
of Loop 289 R. O. W., a distance of O. 259 mile.
21. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at U.S. 62, South of the
railroad, and extending to Loop 289, Main Lane, a dis-
tance of O. 369 mile.
22. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 788 mile
West of F. M. 1730 and extending Easterly for a distance
of O. 588 mile.
23. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
West of F. M. 1730 and extending Easterly for a distance
of o. 400 mile.
24. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0, 200 mile East of
F. M. 1730 and extehning a distance of 0. 592 mile.
25. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 150 mile West of
South Quaker Avenue and extending Easterly a distance
of O. 350 mile.
26. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
East of South Quaker Avenue and extending East for a
distance of 0. 769 mile.
27. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 150 mile
West of South Indiana Avenue and extending Easterly a
distance of 0. 350 mile.
28. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
East of South Indiana Avenue and extending Easterly for
a distance of 0. 598 mile.
29. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0, 200 mile Wc:BB'.1:
of South University Avenue and extending Easterly for a
distance of 0. 400 mi.le.
30. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 fuile
East of South University Avenue and extending Easterly
for a distance of 1. 030 mile.
31. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 1. 230 miles
from South University Avenue and extending to the South-
bound U.S. 87 Frontage Road, a distance of o. 348 mile.
32. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at the Northbound U. S.
87 Frontage Road and extending E9.sterly for a distance
of O. 300 mile.
33. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 300 mile
Easterly from the Northbound U. S. 87 Frontage Road
and extending Easterly a distance of l. 053 miles.
34. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning o. 350 mile West of
U. s. 84 Eastbound lan¢ and extending a distance of
o. 350 mile.
35. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at U. S. 84 Westbound lane
and extending a distance of O. 300 mile.
36. A 55 MPH Speed Zone •beginning at a point 0. 300 mile
from U. S. 84 and extending a distance of l. 025 miles.
37. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point l. 325 miles
from U. S. 84 and extending a distance of O. 350 mile
to Spur 331.
38. A 35 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point on Spur 331
and extending Westerly and Northerly to Loop 289
Eastbound Main Lanes.
3 9. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning o. 924 mile Southerly
from F. M. 835 at the mid-point of Loop 289 R, O. W.
and extending Easterly and along a turn to the left
Northerly a distance of o. 300 mile.
40, A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0, 624 mile Southerly
from F. M. 835 and extending a distance of 0. 424 mile.
41, A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning O. 200 mile Southerly
from F. M. 835 and extending a distance of o. 347 mile.
42. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 1.181 miles South of
East 19th Street and extending North a distance of
O. 981 mile.
43. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 200 mile
South of East 19th Street and extending North a distance
of o. 400 mile.
44. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 200 mile
North of East 19th Street and extending North a distance
of 0. 505 mile.
45. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 300 mile South of
F. M. 40 and extending North 0. 500 mile.
46. A 55 MPH' Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
North of F. M. 40 and extending Northerly a distance of
0.219 mile.
47. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 419 mile
Northerly from F. M. 40 and extending to the point of
intersection with the Eastbound Frontage Road for U.S.
62-82, a distance of 0. 170 mile.
U.S. 62-82 TO U.S. 62-82
1. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at the point of inter-
section with the Eastbound Frontage Roads of U.S.
62-82 and extending a distance of 0. 161 mile.
2. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 161 mile
from the Eastbound Frontage Road of U.S. 62-82
and extending a distance of O. 270 mile.
3. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 150 mile
Not'th of F. M. 40 and extending a distance of 0, 400 mile.
4. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 250 mile
South of F. M. 40 and extending a distance of 0. 505 mile.
5, A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 250 mile North of
East 19th Street and extending a distance of 0. 550 mile.
6. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 300 mile
South of East 19th Street and extending a distance of
O. 976 mile.
7. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 147 mile North of
F. M. 835 and extending a distance of 0, 347 mile,
B. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginti.ng 0. 200 mile South of
F. M. 835 and extending a distance of 0, 391 mile.
9. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning o. 591 mile South of
F. M. 835 and extending Southwesterly and along a turn
to the left to the mid-point of the Loop 289 R. 0. W., East
of the Railroad, a distance of 0. 300 mile.
10. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at Spur 331 and extending
a distance of 0. 300 mile.
11. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 300 mile
West from Spur 331 and extending a distance of 1. 318
12. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point o. 250 mile
Northeasterly from U.S. 84 and extending to U.S. 84
Westbound main lanes, a distance of 0. 250 mile.
13. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at U.S. 84 Eastbound
main lanes and extending a distance of 0. 300 mile.
14. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 300 mile from U.S.
84 and extending a distance of 0. 781 mile.
15. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 1. 081 miles from U.S.
84 and extending to U. S. 87, a distance of 0. 400 ml le.
16. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at U.S. 87 and extending
Westerly for a distance of O. 358 mile,
17. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 358 mile
West from U.S. 87 and extending a distance of 1. 030 mite>.
18. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 200 mile East of South
University Avenue and extending for a distance of 0. 400 mile.
19. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 200 mile
West of South University Avenue and extending for a
distance of 0, 598 mile.
20. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 200 mile
East of South Indiana Avenue and extending for a distance
of 0. 400 mile.
21. A 55 MPH Zpeed Zone beginning at a point 0. 200 mile
West of S01ith Indiana Avenue and extending for a distance
of 0. 791 mile.
22. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning O. 150 mile East of
South Quaker A venue and extending for a distance of
0. 350 rrile.
23. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 200 mile West of South ··
Quaker Avenue and extending for a distance of 0. 584 mile.
24. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 150 milP East of South
Slide Road and extending for a distance of 0. 350 mile.
25. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 200 mile West of South
Slide Road and extending a distance of 0. 500 mile.
26. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 700 mile West of South
Slide Road and extending Northerly a distance of 0. 400 mile.
27. A 45 MPH. Speed Zone beginning 0. 254 mile South of 50th
Street and extending a distance of O. 254 mile.
28. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at 50th Street and ex-
tending to u. S. 62, a distance of O. 337 mile.
29. A 30 MPH Speed Zone beginning at mid-point of Loop 289
R. O. W., North of the railroad, and extending Easterly
and along a turn to the left to Northerly for a distance of
o. 239 mile.
30. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at Frankford A venue and
extending for a distance of O. 800 mile.
31. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 290 mi.le North of West
34th Street and extending for a distance of 0. 466 mile.
32. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning o. 756 rrile North of 34th
Street and extending to S. H. 116, a distance of 0. 310 mi.le.
33. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at S. H. 116 and extending
for a distance of O. 250 mile.
34. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 250 mi.le from S. H. 116
and extending to Chicago Avenue, a distance of 0. 996 mile.
35. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at Chicago Avenue and
extending for a distance of 0, 476 mile,
36. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 300 mi.le
Northerly from F. M. 2255 and extending for a distance
of 1. 227 mile.
37. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 200~rni.le West of North
Quaker Avenue and extending for a distance of O. 400 mile.
38. A 55 MPH Speed Zone beginning O. 200 mile East of North
Quaker Avenue and extending for a distance of 0. 530 mile.
39. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 300 • mile Southwest of
U.S. 84 and extending to U.S. 84. a distance of O. 300 mile.
40. A 35 MPH Speed Zone beginning at U.S. 84 and extending
Southwesterly and around a curve to the right to Loop 289
Northeasterlybound Main Lanes, a distance of 0. 316 mile.
41. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a P. I., Northeast of
the Railroad, 1. 210 miles from University Avenue, and
extending for a distance of 0. 250 mile.
42. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 960 mile from
University Avenue and extending for a distance of 1. 600 mile.
43. A 35 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point O. 640 rrlile East
of University Avenue and extending Easterly and along a
left turn and Northerly, East of the Railroad, and along
a left turn to a P. C., a distance of 0. 311 mile.
44. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a mid-point of Loop 289
R. O. W., East of the Railroad, Southerly and along a left
turn and Easterly to Avenue N, a distance of O. 255 mile.
45. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning at Avenue N and extending
to the intersection with the U.S. 87 West Frontage Road,
a distance of O. 527 fnile.
46. A 40 MPH Speed Zone beginning at the intersection with
the U.S. 87 West Frontage Road and extending for a dis-
tance of 0. 650 mile.
47. A 50 MPH Speed Zone beginning 0. 208 mile West of Globe
Avenue and extending East for a distance of 2. 514 miles.
48. A 45 MPH Speed Zone beginning at a point 0. 239 mile
Northwest of the intersection with the East Frontage Road
for U, S. 62-82 and extending to U.S. 62-82 East Frontage
Road, a distancP of O. 239 mile.
A 55 MPH Speed Zone on both of the Main Lanes of Loop 28 9
beginning at U.S. 62 and 82 and going both counter-clock-
wise and clockwise to the intersection again with u. S. 62
and 82.
SECTION 2. THAT the City Manager is authorized and directed to cause
the placing of signs so as to clearly define the limits of the prima facie areas
set out in this Ordinance.
SECTION 3. THAT all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with
any of the provisions hereof are hereby repealed insofar as such conflict exists.
SECTION 4. THAT all highways or streets not specifically set forth in
the preceeding sections hereof shall not be affected by the provisions hereof, and
this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other prima facie speed limit Ordinances
except those with which it specifically conflicts.
. •. .
SECTION 5. THAT should any Section, paragraph, sentence, clause,
phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any
reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
SECTION 6. THAT any person. firm or corporation violating the prima
facie speed limit established by this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined
any sum not to exceed TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) DOLLARS.
SECTION 7. THAT the City Secretary is authorized and directed to cause
the publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance together with the pen-
alty provision as an alternative method of publication as provided by law.
Passed by the City Council on first reading this 12th day of September
Passed by the City Council on second reading this 26ttf:lay of September
y Secretar-y-Treasurer
, 1974.
, 1974.