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Ordinance - 8454-1983 - Ord. Revis. Water Rates Contained In Sec. 28-53 Of Lubbock City Code. - 06/09/1983
DGV:da ORDINANCE NO. 8454 AN ORDINANCE REVISING WATER RATES AS CONTAINED IN SECTION 28-53 OF THE LUBBOCK CITY CODE; REVISING THE MINIMUM WATER RATES AS CONTAINED IN SECTION 28-52 OF THE LUBBOCK CITY CODE; REVISING WATER RATES AS APPLICABLE TO TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY AS CONTAINED IN SECTION 28-54 OF THE LUBBOCK CITY CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, a five percent (5%) increase in water rates was indicated as being necessary for project completions prior to the November, 1981 City bond election; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Lubbock approved such bond issues; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds that a five per- cent (5%) increase in minimum water rates to be necessary for water service projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds that such revenues will assist in the exploration, production and distribution of water necessary to the health and welfare of the citizens of the City of Lubbock; NOW THERE- FORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 28-52 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 28-52. Minimum rate. (a) The minimum rate for water, which shall be charged all consumers, except as otherwise provided, shall be five dollars and forty-six cents ($5.46) per month. (b) In calculating the minimum rate to be charged townhouses or condominiums, the minimum rate of five dollars and forty-six cents ($5.46) per month shall be multiplied by the total number of units in such buil- ding or complex subject to single building. SECTION 2. THAT Section 28-53 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 28-53. Rates generally. (a) The city, through its water department, shall charge and collect, and every consumer shall pay, for water furnished by the city to the consumer, the amount calculated by application of the following rates to meter readings for all billing cycles beginning on or after October 1, 1983. •- First 1,000 gallons (minimum) •••••••••••••••• $5.46 Next 49,000 gallons (per thousand) ••••••••••• $1.13 Next 200,000 gallons (per thousand) •••••••••• $ .97 All over 250,000 gallons (per thousand) •••••• $ .91 (b) For townhouse or condominium complex served by a single connec- tion and meter, the total charges shall be calculated on the basis of determining the average water usage for each unit served and applying the minimums and rates herein provided for single consumers and multiplying such average per unit cost by the number of units served. SECTION 3. THAT Section 28-54 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 28-54. Texas Tech University. The rate for water supplied by the city to Texas Tech University shall be ninety-one cents ($.91) per thousand gallons for all billing cycles beginning on or after October 1, 1983. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to publish the caption of this Ordinance as an alternative means of publication provided by law. Passed by the City Council on Passed by the City Council on ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ey THE STATE OF' TEXAS COPNTY OF' LUBBOCK .Before me Bonnie McKee a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on this da.v personally appeared Twi I a Auf :i 11, Account Mao ate r of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-.Journal Morning. Evening and Sunday. who being by me duly sworn did depose ahd say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks8rior to the first insertion of this let!al Not1ce-j94 wocds@60t per word-$116.4 . No.699306 at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Not 1 ce is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-.Journal on the following dates: June 25 & Ju I Y 2, 1983, L-3036 LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of __ J_u_l_Y ___ _ FORl\158-10 QONNIE Mr.KEE, NOTARV PUBUC IN .ANO f'\)I\ THi STAH! Dr TE;,-,,,i:; ;£::;;:z;J· "u 19_Jilf;©E!1W~[li) JULG 1983~ n·•~, ll} i y SECRETARY -----------~-------------- . ' ' 1 kOfll)IIJIA.~t;E NO .. 72>:l·A ,. om. I\N<E AMENOIN/';. I . ()Rl)l~NiE NO. _.. ,. · C)f Pt(:J i. "'AP Of ' t 0, we 0(;1( so AS h TO .MAK1:: .· TH! . ~\.LOWtH<. 1 CHANGES: %ONE CASE NO. lffl-1 E: TO AME.NO TKE SITE PLAN OF LOT l:A ANO 2-A, FIESTA AIJ· TOI.ANO CENTER AOOITIQN tO · THE .CITY OF W&l!OCK, I.IJ8· 80CK COUNTY, TEXAS: SUB• JECT. lO CONOITIONS: PROVIO• . . ING FOR .A ,PENALTY AS Pfl.0-' VIDEO FOR IN SECTION J.5 OF THE CITY COO\:: PROVlOtNG A ' SAVINGS Cl;.Al/SE ANO PQOVIO· ING FOR PUSC.ICA TION. .. OGV:d& ORtllNANCE N0:8453 AN . OIU)INAN(;E AMEN01NG SEC'flONS 0, f-41 ANO H1 OF. THE CODE OF OROINANCES.OF 1 THE CITV OF t.U!80('.K, T£lfAS, WITH tE(.ARO TO .PENAL'NES · FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROV!• SIONS Of:·tHAPTER 4 OF fHE I C:00£ OF OIIIOIN4NCE$ OF fHE , CltY OF LUll80CK. TEX/IS: PROVIDING '4 SAVINGS CLAUSE AIIIO PROVIDING 'FQR i:>UllLICA, ~:,..,~ •6~~1~tNc,·Ho'.~J~ · AN ORDINANCE Rl:Vl$J'NG WA• tER,RATtS.AS CONTAINED tN 56:CflON ff;» OF THE LU&· llQCK CltV COC>E: REVl$1NG TH£ MINIMUM WATER OfES AS CONT ... INEO IN SECTION 29• 51 OF tHE LU880CK :c1rv COD£,, Rl;;V1$1NG . WAT.ER RArU AS · APPLICABl.,E tO TE~S :fE(:H UNIVERSITY AS CONTAINED IN SECtlON ta.s, .OF 1H1;. LUIUIOCK CITY COO!;; AND PROVIDING FOR PUl!LJ~A, , TION,