HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 6885-1974 - Amending Chapter 5 Uniform Building Code - 04/11/1974ORDINANCE NO. 6885 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, (BEING THE BUILDING CODE) BY PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 1973 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE; MENDING SECTION 5-2 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO SUCH 197 3 EDITION; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICA TION. WHEREAS., the City Council of the City of Lubbock has found that the present Building Code of the City of Lubbock has become absolete and inadequate; and, WHEREAS., the City Council has received the recommendatien of the_ Building Code Study Committee that the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, with amendments as shown herein, be adopted; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 5-1 of Chapter 5 of the Code ~f Ordinances., City of Lubbock, Texas., BE and is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5-1. Uniform Building Code, 1973 edition -Adopted" The 1973 edition of the Uniform Building 0:ide., as copy righted in 1973 by the International Conference of Building Officials., Whittier, California, as here inafter amended is specifically adopted as the Building Code of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and a copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though set out completely in detail. A copy of said Uniform Building Code shall be filed with the City Secretary and a copy maintained in the office of the Building Inspector of the City of Lubbock, Texas, all such copies to be open to public inspection during business hours of the offices where they are maintained, with the following amendments thereto. SECTION 2. THAT Section 5-2 of Chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances, City cor Lubbock, which amends the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, BE and is herteb amended by making the following amendments and repeal of present portions of ~ such sectkm and the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, as follows: Section 203 of Chapter 2 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: Sec. 203. Unsafe Buildings. All bJ ildings or structures which are structurally unsafe or not provided wit adequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard., or are 0therwise danger- our to human life., or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health, or public welfare., by reason of inadequate maintainance, dilapidation, obsolescence., fire hazard., disaster damage, or abandonment, as specified in this Code or any other effective ordinance, are., for the pur- pose of this Section., unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair., rehabilitation, demolition, or removal in accordance with the procedure specified in Chap- ters 11, 12., 13, 14 of the Uniform Housing Code., 197 3 Edition, or by any other procedures provided by law. Section 204 of Chapter 2 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: Sec. 204. Board of Appeals. In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Code, there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals., con- sisting of six (6) members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction, The Building Official shall be an ex-officio member and shall act as Secretary of the Board. The Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold office at his pleasure. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for con - ducting its investigations and shall render all decisions and findings in writ- ing to the Building Official with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the City Council such new legislation as is consistent therewi • Section 205 of Chapter 2 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: Sec. 205. Violations and Penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm., or corporation to erect., construct enlarge., alter., repair, move., improve, remove., convert or demolish., equip, use., occupy or maintain any building or structure in the City., or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisio of this Code. Any person., firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor., and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereo during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed continued, or permitted and upon co·nviction of any such offense such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $200. 00. I Sub-Section (a) of Section 301 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code., 19731Edition, shall read as follows: 2 r l j I KJ:EW (a). Permits Required. No person, firm or corporation shall erect_. con- struct_. enlargeJI alter, repairJI move_. iinprove, remove_. convert, or demol- ish any building or str.ucture in the City_. or cause the same to be done, with- out first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structure from the Building Official except that upon application and authorization of thE Building Official a building permit may be waived for small and unimportant work. No permit will be required for normal repair and maintenance of any building. Sub-Section (a) of Section 302 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code_. 1973 Edition., is amended by adding a new paragraph which shall read as follows: Whenever application is made to the Building Inspector by any person_. firm or corporation for a building permit to make any construction, addition or structural alteration on a building or other structure_. or to pave a parking lot where a permit is required by this Code or any other ordinance of the City on property adjacent to or abutting on-a public street_. where the existin11 sidewalks, driveways either private or commercial_. curbs, street curbs and gutters abutting such property do not conform to the basic standards., specifi cations, layout_. details and designs provided for and established by this article, or in the event when all sidewalks, driveways_. either private or com ... mercial, curbs, street curbs and gutters, required to be constructed have no been constructed_. no permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector until applicant for such permit shall agree in writing to construct., reconstruct or repafr, the curb., gutter, sidewalk or driveway in accordance with the Code as a ~art of and a condition ~ the issuance of such building permit. No con- strucfion, addition or alteration to such buildings or other iinprovements placea or constructed on the adjacent private property shall be approved by the Building Inspector_. until such times as all sidewalks_. driveways, curbs, street curbs and gutters have been constructed or recons~racted and comply with the provisions of Chapter 28., Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock. Sub-Section (a) of Section 303 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: (a) Building Permit Fees. Any: person desiring a building permit shall, at the ti.hie of filing an application therefore., as provided in Section 301 of this CodeJ pay to the Building Inspector a fee as required in this Section. Schedule of Building permit fees. New buildings., additions and other per- mits minimum $5. 00; all types of buildings, per square foot of floor space $0. 015 (one and one-half cents per square foot); gasoline and other volatile or inflammable liquid storage plants $10. 00; service station storage tanks $5. 00; and parking lots $5. 00. 3 Alterations. For alterations of old buildings the fee for permits shall be one-tenth of one percent of the value of such alteration. Minimum fee $5. 00 The City, County, State., Independent School District., or the United States of America shall be exempt from the paying of any fee for any building. Where work for which a permit is required by this Code is started or pro- ceded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees above specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this Code in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescribed herein. Sub-Section (d) of Section 303 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: (d) Reinspection Fee. There shall be a charge of $5. 00 for each re-inspec - ion. The re-inspection fee must be paid at City Hall before such inspection will be made. Sub-Section 4 of Sub-Section (d) of Section 304 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: 4. Final Inspection. To be made after building is completed and ready for occubancy and all final utility inspection have been made and utilities approv d. Afte9 such inspection, if satisfactory, a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued for occupancies where such is required by this Code. I Sub-Section 5 of Sub-Section (c) of Section 306 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: 5. A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the requirements of this Code for group of occupancy in which the proposed occupancy is classified, except for Code deviations and/ or deficiencies, variances and/ or exceptions which exist at the time the certifi~te is issued. Sub-Section (d) of Section 306 of Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code, 197 3 Edition, shall read as follows: (d) Temporary Certificate. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall entitle the contractor of such building to secure utilities needed during such construction. Such temporary service shall be in the contractor 1 s nam.e an shall be his responsibility until notice of a change to an occupant's name. A new Section 307 is hereby added to Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Cod 197 3 1 Edition, which shall read as follows: Sec. 307. Bond for General C:;,ntractors. Any person, firm or corporatio desiring to engage in the business of general contracting in the City of Lubbock, shall file with the Building Inspector, to be approved by the City 4 V Attorney or an authorized assistant as to form and condition and such appro 1 has been written on the face of the bond., the same be immediately effective and the principal deemed to have complied with the bond provisions of this Code;~a surety bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) condi- tioned on a faithful performance of all the provisions of the City of Lubbock Ordinances, such surety to be a company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas. Such bonds shall be in effect for one (1) year from date of approval and must be renewed annually. All sureties on any bond required by the City shall be liable for breach there of to the owner of the property and any other person actually damaged by sue breach not to exceed the face amount of said bond, provided written notice of such damage and prt,bable amount of thereof is given to the surety within ten (10) days after the discovery of the damage., and in no event not later than ninety (90) days after final inspection or abandonment of the work by such contractor and provided that no permit shall be granted and no work started on the contract until such bond has been filed and appio)ved by the City Attor- ney or an authorized assistant as to form and condition and such approval ha been written on the face of the bond, the same shall be immediately effective and the principal deemed to have complied with the bond provisions of the Code., and provided further that liability on said bond for the full ·amount thereof shall continue until the surety has given City written notice of cancel lation or of amount to claims it has been notified of in which event contractor shall not pursue work further until bond for full amount is filed and approved and must provide the Building Official with a certificate of insurance as requ~red by Chapter 28., Code of Ordinances., City of Lubbock. I A new Section 308 is hereby added to Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Cod 197 3 Edition, which shall read as follows: Sec. 308. Bond for Other Contractors. All other contractors engaged in the contracting business, when a permit is req_uired to accomplish any con- struction work., shall furnish a similar bond in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3., 000. 00), said bond to be subject to the same conditions and liabil ities as provided for the General Contractors bond hereinabove. Plumbers, electricians, sign erectors, house movers., shall have said bond in effect at all times when engaging in their trade. Carpenters,. plasterers, masons,. concrete contractors, and painters when sub-contracting for a bonded gener contra·ctor need not be bonded to the City of Lubbock., but when acting independently, and a permit is required for the construction being accomp.:.. lished., must provide a bond as hereinabove. Contractors engaged in paving of parking lots., separate from other construe - ion work, shall be bonded to the City of Lubbock in the same amount as gen- eral contractor and must provide the certificate of insurance as required by City of Lubbock Ordinance #4371., 5 Any person. form or corporation using explosives shall give a bond to be approved by the City Attorney or an authorized assistant as to form and con- ditie,n and such approval has been written on the face of the bond. the ~ame shall be immediately effective and the principal deemed to have complied with the bond provisions of this Code, conditioned upon payment of all_dam- ages caused by said excavation o r use of explosives in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00}. In cases where work is extremely hazardous the ameunt of the bond shall be increased not to exceed fifty thousand d5llars ($50,000.00) at the discretion of the Building Inspector. All such bonds shall be in effect for one (1) year from date of approval and must be renewed annually. A new Section 309 is hereby added to Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code 1973 Edition, which shall read as follows: Sec. 309. Building to be Moved. No person., or persons shall hereafter move any building within the limits of the City of Lubbock. Texas. where the same shall be moved in. through or upon the streets, alleys, avenues. or public grounds, unless said person shall before said house or building secure a permit to do se from the Building Inspector. The mover shall pay for said permit. Buildings up to and less than 400 squarf feet in area., five dollars {$5. 00), one story house, ten dollars ($10.0 ., two story house. ten dollars ($10. 00), and larger structures, twenty-five dolla~s ($25. 00). In addition to the above fees for moving. a fee of two dollars and fifty cents ($ 2. 50) will be charged for each day in excess of two (2) days that the building obstructs streets or alleys. No permit will be required of contractors for moving tool or storage houses. but same shall be remo❖ed from building site upon completion of contract. The mover shall perform the following acts at the location the building is to be moved from and shall perform them during removal operation m: immedi- ately thereafter, (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). Disconnect and plug all utilities, electricity, water. gas and sewer. Provide proper and adequate safeguards to the public, employees and adjoining property during removal and while lot is being cleared. i,"\ Fill all excavations with clear fill dirt (no rubble ·oy 1rash to be used) V Restore lot after removal to establish grades to provide proper drainage. Clear the lot of all trash, rubbish., dead shrubbery and trim limbs. etc. Before said permit is granted by the Building Inspector., the party applying thereof shall give a bond in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3. 000, 00) wit good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Attorney or an authori zed assistant as to form and condition and such approval has been written on 6 the face of the bond, the same shall be immediately effective and the princi- pal deemed to have complied with the bond provisions of this Code, condition ing among other things that said party will save, indemn ify and keep harm - less the City of Lubbock, Texas, against all liabilities, judgments., costs an expenses which may in any way accrue against said City in consequence of th granting of the said permit, and upon the expiration of the time named in the permit, or sooner if the use of tbe streets, alleys, avenues or public groun is no longer necessary, he shall clear same of all obstructions. Further, the Building Inspector may refuse to issue a removal permit in a case where such work will necessitate the removal or cutting of any wires belonging to a public utility company, or to the City, until such time as the party making application for such permit shall have made satisfactory arrangements with the party or parties owning or controlling such wires, either by written agreement or by depositing with said company a sufficient amount of money to cover the cost of such work, that is, cutting and replac- ing the wires so removed or cut, to the satisfaction of the partie s owning or controlling same. No building or portion thereof shall be moved from one~:s.ite<to another or along any public way within the City df such moving would require the remo or moving of a traffic signal mast arm. (Buildings which exceed the height of 17 feet when mounted on trucks, trailers or dolleys will ordinarily requir the removal of traffic signal mast arms.). 1. A building moved to a new location within the City limits of the City of Lubbock must meet the minimum code standards for the type of structure and fire zone requirements. Procedures for assuring compliance with minimwn code standards are: (a) A structural inspection will be made by the Building Inspector to determine the specific repairs or additional structural require- ments. The owner or contractor will be appraised of the work that must be accomplished. (b) A permit for. repair and alteration will be issued upon application and prior to issuance of a moving permit to a bonded contractor. (c) In all instances the provision for sidewalks., set back, etc. as required by the Building Code must be in accordance with Cryde requirements. (d) Plumbing and electrical systems will be brought up to minimum code standards by the same procedures as for the building struc e • ..., 2. Provisions of the code as pertains to Fire Zone requirements will be strictly observed in the issuing of moving permits. 7 3. Buildings to be moved into the City L:imi13 of Lubbock must be inspecte in the same manner as paragraph 1 (a) above. A minimum fee for inspection of $10. 00 will be charged plus twenty cents per mile beyond the City Limits. 4. A time limit of ninety (90) days is established for completion of a . house moved within or into the City of Lubbock. A new Section 310 is hereby added to Chapter 3 of the Uniform Building Code 197 3 Edition. which shall read as follows: Sec. 310. Buildings to be demolished. No person. or persons shall here- after demolish any building within the limits of the City of Lubbock, Texas., unless said person shatll. before demolition., secure a permit to do so from the Building Inspector. The permit to demolish shall be paid for by the contractor or person perfor - ing such work on the following basis: Buildings up to less than 400 square feet in area five dollars ($5. 00). One story house. seven dollars and fifty cents ($7. 50); two story house., ten dollars ($10. 00); and larger structures. fifteen dollars ($15. 00)., commercial buildings requiring barricades twenty- five dollars ($25. 00). The demolition contractor or person performing such work shall take the following actions at the location where the building is to be demolished. I <a> Provide protection of pedestrians during demolition as required by Chapter 44 of the Building Code~ (b) Disconnect and plug all utilities. electricity., water.s1 gas and sewer. (c) Provide proper and adequate safeguards to the public, employees and adjoining property during demolition and while lot is being cleared. (d) Fill all excavations with clear fill dirt (no rubble or trash to be used). (e) Restore lot after demolition to establish grades to provide proper drainage. (f) Clear the lot of all trash. rubbish. dead shrubbery., tree limbs., et • Section 407 of Chapter 4 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition. is hereby amended by amending the definition of Fire Code to read as follows: FIRE CODE is the National Fire Code. 1970 Edition., as published by the National Protection Association. - 8 Section 417 of Chapter 4 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition., is here by amended by adding thereto a definition to read as follows: Public Building is any structure used in whole or in part as a place of resort., assemblage., lodgings, trade., traffic, occupancy, or use by the public. Sub-section 4 o f sub-section (d) of Section 503 of Chapter 5 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as foUows: 4. In Group I and J Occupancy., the separation will require the garage to be covered with ½11 Gypsum Wallboard, wall and ceiling with no attic access unless draft stopped in attic between garage and living space. As require d by Sec . 3205(b): Fire dampers shall not be required in ducts piercing this separation for ducts constructed of not less than No. 26 guage galvanized steel. A new sub-section 5 of sub-section (d) of Section 505 of Chapter 5 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition is hereby added to read as follows: 5. Exceptions. In row dwellings or town houses; where no side yard is r e quired., two hour fire rated walls shall separate the dwelling units which are on the property line. The fire separation wall shall be as required in Section 505 (d)3. Tabl~ 5-B., on page 54., of the Uniform Building Code~ 1973 Edition. is a~Qw.s__:_ ) TABLE NO. 5-8 -REQUllfD SEPWTfJ)NS IN BUILDINCS OF MIXED OCCUPANCY (hll Houn) GROUP A B C D E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4·5 f.1 F·Z F-3 C H A N N N 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 s 1 1 1 B-1 N N 3 4 4 4 4 3 1 l 1 l . 1 1 B-2 N N 3 4 4 4 4 3 1 l 1 l l 1 B-3 N N 3 4 4 4 4 3 N I N I 1 1 B-4 N N 3 4 4 4 4 3 1 l 1 I 1 1 C N 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 I 1 I 1 1 D N 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 I 1 I E-1 N 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 4 4 1 E-2 N 1 l 1 I 1 1 3 3 l E-3 N l 1 l 1 1 3 3 1 E-4-5 N 1 1 l 1 3 3 1 F-1 N 1 I 3 F-2 N l 1 l N 1 F-S N 1 l N 1 C N 1 N N H N N 1 N 1~ J NI f Nut~: •'or 1lt·fallt·d n•T 1tr,•t11c·nt"'i 011ul 1•x1·••Ltflrn,-. sc•c• Sc•••lft111 t~O:l. 1.for 111,(rfr,i1h1ntl huJl1 inJ(,: ,,l!rio ."i(i•· AJlpc•ntll•. Chl,ptc•r 1-'S. Section 1304 of Chapter 13 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition., is amended by amending the fourth paragraph to read as follows: Door openings from guest rooms to public corridors shall be protected as specified in Section 3304 and NFPA 101, 1970 Edition. Section 1305 of Chapter 13 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by amending the last sentence of the third paragraph of sub-section (a) to read as follows: The window area in bathrooms, water closet compartments., and other silni rooms shall not be less than three square feet (3 sq. ft.) unless a mechanical ventilation system is provided which is capable of providing five (5) air changes per hour and is connected directly to the outside or is terminated in a properly ventilated attic space with the point of discharge being at least two inches (211) above the ceiling joists and at least twenty inches (20 ") from flammable material in the direction of air fl.ow trom such vent and also at least twenty inches (2011 ) below flammable material. A new sub-section (c) is hereby added to Section 1305 of Chapter 13 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, to read as follows: (c) Ventilation of cooking facilities. All exhausting systems over an cooking facilities shall not terminate in an attic or any confined. space., but shall continue through the roof to the outside atmos- phere. Section 1310 of Chapter 13 of the Uniform Building Code_. 1973 Edition_. is hereby deleted. Section 1405 of Chapter 14 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition., is amended by amending the last sentence of the . third paragraph of sub-sectio (a) to read as follows: The window area in bathrooms, water closet compartments., and other sun - ilar rooms shall be not less than three square feet (3 sq. ft.) unless a mechanical ventilation system is provided which is capable of providing five (5) air changes per hour and is connected directly to the outside or is termi- nated in a properly ventilated attic space with the point of discharge being at least two inches (2") above the ceiling joists and at least twenty inches (20 11) from flammable material in the direction of air flow from such vent and also at least twenty inches (20") below flammable material. A new sub-section {c) is hereby added to Section 1405 of Chapter 14 e,f the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, to read as follows: 10 (cl, Ventilation of~ facilities. All exhausting systems over any .==< cooking facilities shall not terminate in an attic or any confined space, but shall continue through the roof to the outside atmos- phere. Section 1413 of Chapter 14 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition., is hereby deleted. Sub-section (b) of Section 1711., Section 1712 and Section 1713., all of Chapter 17 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, are all amended by the addi- tion of the following footnote: 1'NOTE: See Chapter 33A for Possible Application1 '. Sub-section 2 of Sub-section (r) of Section 2403 of Chapter 24 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by adding the following: Other color admixtures may be used subject to the approval of the Buildin Official. Sub-section B of Sub-section 2 of sub-section (c) of Section 2419 of Chapter 24 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: 11B. Used Brick. Used or salvaged brick shall be permitted when approved for use by the Building Official." Sub-sections 2 and 3 of sub-section (f) of Section 2518 of Chapter 25 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973., shall read as follows: 2. Height. Unless supported laterally by adequate framing., the maxi- mum allowable height for studs shall be 10 feet for 2-inch by 3-inch studs; 14 feet for 2-inch by 4-inch and 3-inch by 4-inch studs; and 20 feet for 2-inch by 6-inch studs. The maximum allowable height fo Utility studs shall be 8 feet for interior; nonload-bearing walls. 3. Spacing Studs supporting floors shall be spaced not more than 16 inche .. Except for Utility studs., 2 by 4-inch studs not more than 8 feet in length may be spaced not more than 24 inches on center in non-bearing walls. The spacing of 2 by 3-inch studs shall not exceed 16 inches on center. When bearing studs are spaced at 24-inch intervals., care shall be exercised to insure centering of roof trusses over studs or. in lieu thereof., solid blocking equal in size to the studs shall be installed to reinforce the double plate above. -~ 11 Sub-section 4 of sub-section (f) of Section 2518 of Chapter 25 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition., is amended by adding the following: 11Utility Grade Lumber may be used in top and bottom plates in bearing and non-bearing walls in single-story residences and in the top story of multi- story dwellings only. 11 Sub-section 5 of sub-section (g) of Section 2518 of Chapter 25 of the Uniform Building CodeJ 1973 Edition, shall read as follows: 5. Purlins. Purlins to support roof loads may be installed to reduce th span of rafters within allowable limits and shall be supported by struts to bearing walls. 'I'he maximum span of 2-inch by 4-inch purlins shall be 4 feet. The maximum span of the 2-inch by 6-inch purlin shall be 6 feet. Struts shall be not smaller than 2-inch by 4-inch members. The unbrace length of struts shall not exceed 8 feet and the m:himum slope of the strut shall not be less than 45 ° from the horizontal. A new sub-section 9 of sub-section (g) of Section 2518 of Chapter 25 of the Uniform Building Code is added which shall read as follows: 9. Approved metal joist hanger or framing connectors shall be used on all exterior walls to attach the joist and rafters or engineered trusses to the top double plate, Exposed exterior columns and/ or post shall be anchored by an approved method at the base and to the beam. A new sub-section (h) of Section 2518 of Chapter 25 t9f the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, is hereby added which shall read as follows: (h) INSULATION. All buildings., which are mechanically heated and/ or cooled of fra~ construction., shall be insulated to meet the following requirements: Walls shall be insulated with an approved material labled with R factor of not less than (R-11). Ceilings shall be insulated with an approved material certified to an R factor of not less than 19 (R-19) and scuttle hole so labled by the installer Loose fill material shall be in-organic, vermin proof, and moisture resistant. A new Section 2628 of Chapter 26 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Editio is hereby added which shall read as follows: Sec. 2628. Ducts Under Slab. Metal ducts, metal fittings., approved lami nated or other fiber ducts shall be encased in not less than two inches (211) o concrete and with a minimum of two and one-half inches {2½"} of concrete above such duct or fittingso 12 ' Asbestos -cement ducts, concrete ducts, clay or ceramic ducts shall be installed in the fill below the slab with not less than two and one-half inches (2½"} of concrete above the ducts. All joints shall be made substantially water and vapor tight. Sub-section (a) of Section 2903 of Chapter 29 of the Uniform Building Code, 197 3 Edition, is amended by adding the following paragraphs: EXCEPTION: Design criteria for foundations and footings in one and two- story buildings housing groups H, I and J Occupancies, type V construction, where engineering design is not provided shall be as set forth in Tables 29-A and 29-A-1. In areas where the topograph, or the desired design of the floor level is not consistent with Table 29-E then a topographical site plan showing that proper drainage will be attained may be submitted for approval by the Building Official at the time of requesting a building permit, otherwise Table 29-E will be followed. Sub-section (e) of Section 2907 of Chapter 29 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by changing the bolt embedment from 7" to 611 • Table 29-A of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, shall read as follows r Number of Thickne:s, of Stor1e.s Foundat!on Val l in Jnchea concrete Unlt Ka.10:nry 8 8 l2 TABLE 29-A Kini.mum F~nd•tlol\ Requtre1111&nt1 •or -r,-,e V Buildtn.s• Width. cf l'octlna, in In~hH 12 l4 l6 TM.cknea a of Footing 1n Inches a 10 12 Dept.h of Below Nat- vu\ Sur- f1ca 16 18 24 NCTE: tncruH rooting: two inc.hu in thlcknau. 11nd width tot b:ttc'k ven,ee:r-. I Re-eu foree:d StHll No. of Size, 1.!'l Bar• Incher! 1/2 t/2 ~,s A new table 29-A-1 is hereby added to the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, which shall read as follows: 13 TABLE 29-A-1 PIE~ e. BEAM I--• ......1 OH.£ STOR'I' l'J.AMI! WOOO S!DCt-lG A. ,., 8. U:'"C. 1'" TWOSTOA'I' PRAMi!: '-''OOOSl:Dlp,IG/1. IO"B. 14"C. II" 0Pn:&T0RY TAA,..I!: BftlC'l(: VE:NJ!!;i!:IU,. 10"1!1. l~-J:'-1r' 'l"W0eTORY flllANE Bl'llfCIC VENEERA, U"B.,1,•"~. IA" 01!11! h'ORY l"l\Alf'E RlctC \'l;l'tl:f;II • A. lo"' B. 1o•t:. Jfl• TWO :tTO!\ y TRAME IIR.lt:K v~na A. II'" B. U"C. 111• Otn: S"l'OA\' U.ARllolQ SLAB A 4'' a. II'" T.-0 STORr Rd.J:19(. .ll...A B A., I'' B, If'' C0M81NATION ~+&~ ~ S'rORT tru. ME WOOO SIDINC A • .-· e. ;e·c. 115-" TWQ STQRY FRAJ111; WOOD -SIDHfa A. lO" B. ICI'" C, II'' .... OHS ffOAl' l'ltAME IIRICIC VENl:'IC:R A. tO" ._ H"' C. 1,• (»O:: &-l"ORY FRAlroUt' WOOD Si'DINO A. I'' & ll" C. U,. 't\1rC S'l'e.RY l'IUIM.£ IUUCK VZll&EK A. n" .. 1 ... 1 C, 1e.• TWO STOII.Y 'JRAME W00CI SINN'G A. JCI'" 8. l •'" C. 1t" A new table 29-E is hereby added to the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, which shall read as follows: I MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION FOR STRUCTURES RELATIVE TO SLOPE ACROSS THE LOT I Difference in e 1evat ion Minimum floor elevation Mini~um floor elevatton above ;from top of curb to rear above top of curb when top of curb >ihe n :property 1 i ne slope is to rear a slope is to front I ·-,. ! ' 0 inc.hes 12 lnches 12 l nches i 6 inches 10¼ inches 13¼ inches 12 inches 9 Jnches 15 inches 18 inches 7¼ inches 16¼ inches 24 fnches 6 iriches 18 inches 30 inches 4½ inches 19¼ inches i 3t-inches -3 inches 21 inches i -(I) The ground sha 11 slope away from the building at a 11 locations I i i (2) The sidewalk shall be level with the top of the curb or a maxim1.1m I of 2" above the top of curb in al I instances. I I (3) The minimum distance from the finished ground elevation to the top of l~e floor shal I be 8 j ncne~ at a 11 locat Ions around the ; building. ---· 14 Sub-section 2 of Sub-section (d) of Section 3203 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by amending the third paragraph thereo to read as follows: Composition shingles shall not be installed on a roof having a slope of less than three inches (311) to twelve inches (1211) unless approved by the Building Official. Sub-section 7 of sub-section (d) of Section 3203 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by amending the third paragraph thereof to read as follows: Shingles shall not be installed on a roof having a slope less than 3½" to 1211 unless they are installed over an underlay of not less than 15-pound felt., applied as required for a base sheet., and unless approved by the Building Official. Table 32-A of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition, shall read as follow l ' TABLE NO. 32-A-MAXIMUM EXPOSURE TO WEATHER WOOO SKINCUS i -_,. rncH OF ROOF SHlHGU UNCTM r llU IIIN 11-IRCH 1I-INCH 24-INCH 3'%" lo Jess th.in 4" 12" 3~• ,( II " 5¾" ,, ,'l .f~ or more 12· s· 511.i" 7½" fAPiRlD WOOD $HAKlS a,osuu to wu.1H£1t UNCTM or SIIAII[ •, 7½" 18" 10· 2-4" 13" 32" SJUIGMt-SPUT WOOII SH:us 5%· 18" 1½" 24• ~ ~ Sub-section (a) of Section 3205 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by amending the second paragraph to read as follows: "Ther pening shall be not less than 14½ inches by 22½ inches," Sub-section (h) of Section 3304 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition., shall read as f131lows: (h) Openings. Where corridor walls are required to be of one-hour fire-resistive construction by Sub-section (g) above, every door opening shall be protected by a tight-fitting smoke barrier and fire assembly hav- ing a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes when tested in 15 I K.f•F.W accordance with U. B .. C. Standard No. 43-2 without the hose stream test. When required by NFPA 101-5-114. Protective Enclosure of Exit,. doors shall be maintained self-closing or shall be automatic closing in accordance with Section 4306(b)2. Glazed openings of the size and construction permitte i for three-fourths-hour fire door assemblies in Section 4306 (£) may be installE d in such doors. Other interior openings shall be protected by approved ¼-inch thick wired glass set in steel frames. The total area of all openings., other than doors, in any portion of an interior corridor shall not exceed 25 percent (25%) of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separat ing from the corridor. EXCEPTION: Protection of openings in the interior walls of exterior exit balconies is not required. A new Chapter 33A is hereby added to the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition., which shall read as follows: CHAPTER 33A. ACCESS FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS. Section 3301A. All buildings of Type land/or Type II; and all buildings of Type III-N., Type IV-N and Type V-N construction that exceed the basic allowable floor area as set forth in Chart 5C., Chapter 5., of the Uniform Building Code, Volume No. 1, 1970 Edition; hereafter erected, construe - ed, enlarged, altered repaired, moved, improved., or converted that are to be used by the public and are so defined by this Code or any law for USE by the public and in which facilities are provided for use by the public at least one (1) of each such public facility shall be made accessible and functional for use by the Physically Handicapped and Aged. All new buildings and all buildings altered to the extent of 50o/o of the building area that are to be used by the public so defined by this Code shall be required t6 hav.e the building accessibility requirements to include all exterior public doors for use by the Physically Handicapped and Aged. EXCEPTION: #1. These provisions shall not apply to dwellings and apartments., or to space not normally accessible to the public. EXCEPTION: #2. Accessibility may be varied: when in the opinion of the Building Official, the required use of the building is such that the main working floor level is in excess of 12" above normal ground entranc I> level. Section 3302A. Scope and Purpose (a) This ordinance is concerned with nonambulatory disabilities, semi- ambulatory disabilities, sight disabilities, hearing disabilitie s, disabi- lities of coordination and aging. 16 :v _T,RW (b) It is intended to make all buildings and facilities covered by this ordinance accessible to., and functional for., the physically handicapped to., through, and within their doors, without loss of function, space., or faci- lities where the general public is concerned. Section 3303A. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance., the followin terms have the meanings as herein set forth: (1) 11Nonarnbulatory disabilities" means impairments that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical purposes., confine individuals to wheelchairs. (2) 11Semiambulatory disabilities" means impairments that cause individ- uals to walk with difficulty or insecurity. Individuals using braces or crutches., amputees., arthritics, spastics., and those with pulmonary and cardiac ills may be semiambulatory. The listing here made is illustra- tive and shall not be construed as being exhaustive. (3) 11Sight disabilities" means total blindness or impairments affecting sight to the extent that the individual functioning in public areas is insecur or exposed to danger. (4) "Hearing disabilities11 means deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in a public area because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals. I (5) "Disabilities of coordination,, means faulty coordination or palsy fron brain, spinal., or peripheral nerve injury. (6) 11Aging11 means those manifestations of the aging processes that signi ficantly reduce mobility., flexibility, coordination, and perceptiveness but are not accounted for in the aforementioned categories. (7) 11Standard" when this term appears in small letters, is descriptive and means typical type. (8) 11 Fixed turning radius, wheel to wheel" means the tracking of the caster wheels and large wheels or a wheelchair when pivoting on a spot. (9) 11Fixed turning radius, front structure to rear structure" means the turning radius of a wheelchair, left front-foot platforms to right rear wheel., or right front-foot platform to left rear wheel when pivoting on a spot. (10) 11lnvolved (involvement)" means a portion or portions of the human anatomy or physiology., or both., that have a loss or impairment or norma function as a result of genesis., trauma, disease, inflammation, or degen· eration. 17 (11) "Ramps, ramps and gradients" means ranips with gradients (or ranips with slopes) that deviate from what would otherwise be considered the normal level. An exterior ramp; as distinguished from a 11walk11 , shall be considered an appendage to a building leading to a level above or below existing ground level. As such, a ramp shall meet certain requirements similar to those imposed upon stairs. (12) "Walk, walks" means a predetermined, prepared-surface, exterior pathway leading to or from a building or a facility, or from one exterior area to another, places on the existing ground level and not deviating from the level of the existing ground immediately adjacent. (13) "Appropriate number'1 means the number of a specific item that would be reasonably necessary, in accord with the purpose and function of a building or a facility, to accom9date individuals with specific disabilitie in proportion to the anticipated number of individuals with disabilities who would use a particular building or facility. Section 3304A. Design Criteria. The following design criteria shall be applicable: (1) The collapsible-model wheelchair of tubular metal construction with plastic upholstery for back and seat is most commQDly used. The stand- arid model of all manufacturers falls within the following limits, which ar used as the basis of consideration: I (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Length: 42 inches Width, when open: 25 inches Height of seat from floor: 19½ inches Height of armrest from floor: 29 inches Height of pusher handles (rear) from floor: Width, when collapsed: 11 inches 30 inches. (2) The fixed turning radius of a standard wheelchair, wheel to wheel, i 18 inches. The fixed turning radius, front structure to rear structure,. is 31. 5 inches. (3) The average turning space required by a person in a wheelchair (180 to 360 degrees) is 60 x 60 inches. A turning space of 63 x 56 inches may at times prove more workable and desirable. (4} A minimum width of 60 inches is required for two (2) individuals in wheelchairs to pass each other. (5) In a wheelchair the average unilateral vertical reach is 60 inches an ranges from 56 to 78 inches. 18 J 0 VT.RW (6) The average horizontal working (table) reach of a person in a wheel- chair is 30. 8 inches and ranges from 28. 5 inches to 33. 2 inches. (7) The bilateral horizontal reach, both arms extended to each side., shoulder high, of a person in a wheelchairio ranges from 54 inches to 71 inches and averages 64. 5 inches. (8) An individual reaching diagonally (from a wheelchair) as would be required in using wall-mounted dial telephones or towel dispenser., would make the average reach (on the wall) 48 inches from the floor. (9) Most individuals ambulating on braces or crutches., or both., or on canes are able to manipulate within the specifications prescribed for whee - chairs. although doors present quite a problem at times. However., a crutch tip extending laterally from an individual is not obvious to others in heavily trafficked areas., and not as obvious or protect:bre as a wheelchair and is., therefore., a source of vulnerability. (10) On the average., individuals 5 feet 6 inches tall require an average o 31 inches between crutch tips in the normally accepted gait. Section 3305A. Site Development I (a) The ground shall be graded., even contrary to existing topography, so that it attains a level with normal entrance and will make a facility access ible to individuals with physical disabilities. I (b) Public walks shall be at least 48 inches wide and shall have a gradien not greater than 5 percent. These walks shall be of continuing common surface, not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes in level. Wherever walks cross other walks,. driveways., or parking lots they shall blend to a common level. A walk shall have a level platform at the top which is at least 5 feet by 5 feet if a door swings out onto the platform or toward the walk. This platform shall extend at least one foot beyond each side of thE doorway. A walk shall have· a level platform at least 3 feet deep and 5 feet wide, if the door does not swing onto the platform or toward the walk. This platform shall extend at least one foot beyond each side of the door- way. (c) Spaces in parking lots that are accessible to the building or facility s h'all be set aside and identified for use by individuals with physical disa- bilities. An adequate parking space is one that is open on one side and which allows room for individuals in wheelchairs or individuals with br~aces and crutches to get in and out of an automobile onto a level surfacE, suitable for wheeling and walking. Parking spaces :brindividuals with physical disabilities when placed between two conventional diagonal or I 19 I head-on parking spaces shall be 12 feet wide. Care in planning shall be exercised so that individuals in wheelchairs and individuals using braces and crutches are not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars. Con sideration shall be given to the distribution of spaces for use by the dis- abled, in accordance with the frequency and regularity of their parking needs. Walks shall be in conformity with Section 6 (b). Section 3306A. Ramps (a) Where ramps with gradients are necessary or desired, they shall co - form to the following specifications: (1) A ramp shall not have a slope greater than one foot rise in 12 feet or 8. 33 percent, or 4 degrees 50 minutes. (2) A ramp shall have handrails on at least one side, and preferably two sides, that are 32 inches in height, measured from the surface of the ramp, that are smooth, that extend one foot beyond the top and bottom of the ramp, and that as far as practicable conform with Amer- ican Standard Safety Code for Floor and Wall Openings, and Toe Board as promulgate~ by the American Standards Association, Inc. (b) Ramps shall have a surface that is nonslip. A ramp shall have a level platform at the top which is at least 5 feet by 5 feet, if a door swing I out onto the platform or toward the ramp. This platform shall extend at lel st one foot beyond each side of the doorway. A ramp shall have a leve pl4tform at least 3 feet deep and 5 feet wide, if the door does not swing onto the platform or toward the ramp. This platform shall extend at least one foot beyond each side of the doorway. Each ramp shall have at least 6 feet of straight clearance at the bottom. Ramps shall have level platforms at 30 foot intervals for purposes of rest and safety and shall have level platforms wherever they turn. Section 3307A. _Entrances. At least one primary entrance to each buildin shall be useable by individuals in wheelchairs. At least one entrance useab by individuals in wheelchairs shall be on a level that would make the elevate accessible. Section 3308A. Doors. Doors shall have a clear opening of no less than 32 inches when open and shall be operable by a single effort. The floor on the inside and outside of each doorway shall be level for a distance of 5 feet from the door in the direction the door swings and shall extend one foot beyond each side of the door. Sharp inclines and abrupt changes in level shall be avoided at doorsills. As much as practicable, thresholds shall be flush with the floor. -20 I U-.T,li'W Section 3309Ao Stairs. Stairs shall conform to standards of the American Standards Association, Inc., with the following additional considerations: Steps in stairs shall be designed wherever practicable so as not to have abrui • (square) nosing. Stairs shall have handrails 32 inches high as measured from the tread at the face of the riser. Stairs shall have at least one hand- rail that extends at least 18 inches beyond the top step and beyond the bottom step. Steps should, wherever possible, and in conformation with existing step formulas, have risers that do not exceed 7 inches. 1, Section 3310A. Floors. Floors shall wherever practicable have a surface that is nonslip. Floors on the same story shall be of a common level throug - out or be connected by a ramp in accord with Section 7 (a) through the first paragraph of Section 7 (b) inclusive. Section 3311A. Toilet Rooms. (a) An appropriate number of toilet rooms, in accordance with the nature and use of a specific building or facility, shall be accessible to, and use- able by the physically handicapped. (b) Toilet rooms shall have space to allow traffic to individuals in wheel- chairs, in accordance with Section 5. (c) Toilet rooms shall have at least one toilet stall that is , (1) 3 feet wide (2) is at least 4 feet 8 inches., preferably 5 feet deep (3) has a door (where doors are used) that is 32 inches wide and swings out (4) has handrails on each side, 33 inches high and parallel to the floor 1 ½ inches in outside diameter, with 1 ½ inches clearance between rail and wall, and fastened securely at ends and center. (5) has a water closet with the seat 20 inches from the floor (d) Toilet rooms shall have lavatories with narrow aprons which when mounted at standard height are usable by individuals in wheelchairs., or shall have lavatories mounted higher, when particular designs demand, solthat they are useable by individuals in wheelchairs. (e) Mirrors and shelves shall be provided above lavatories at a height as low as practicable and no higher than 40 inches above the floor., measurec from the top of the shelf and the bottom of the mirror. (f) Toilet rooms for men shall have an appropriate number of wall- mounted urinals with the opening of the basin 19 inches from the floor., or shall have floor-mounted urinals that are on level with the main floor of tl e toilet room. 21 .- (g) Toilet rooms shall have an appropriate number of towel racks. towel dispensers. and other dispensers and disposal units mounted no higher than 40 inches from the floor. Section 3312A. Water Fountains (a) An appropriate number of water fountains or other water-dispensing means shall be accessible to,. and useable by, the phy.sically disabled. (b) Water fountains or coolers shall have up-front spouts and controls. Water fountains or coolers shall be hand-operated or hand-and-foot- operated. Section 3313A. Public Telephones (a) An appropriate number of public telephones shall be made accessible to., and useable by, the physically disabled. {b) Such telephones shall be placed so that the dial and the handset can be reached by individuals in wheelchairs. (c) An appropriate number of public telephones shall be equipped for thos with hearing disabilities and so identified with instructions for use. Sectioh 3314A. Elevators. Elevators shall be provided and shall be access ible ta, and useable by, the physically disabled at all levels normally used by the general public. Elevator control buttons shall have identifying features for the benefit of the blind. Elevators shall allow for traffic by wheelchairs. Section 3315A. Switches and Controls. Switches and controls for light, heat., ~entilation. windows., draperies, fire alarms, and all similar controls of frequent or essential use., shall be placed within the reach of individuals in wheelchairs. Sectiol 3316Ao Identification for the Blind. Appropriate identification of I specific facilities within a building used by the public is essential to the blind Raised or incised letters or numbers shall be used to identify rooms and offices. Identification shall be placed on the wall, to the right or left of the door, at a height between 4 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 6 inches measured from the floor, and preferably at 5 feet. Doors that are not intended for normal use, and that are dangerous if a blind person were to exit or enter by them, shall be made quickly identi:fiable to the touch by knurling the door handle or knob. Section 3317A. Warning Signals (a) Audible warning signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous visual signals for the benefit of those with hearing disabilities. (b) Visual signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous audible signals for the benefit of the blind. _ 22 _ 3318A. Hazards (a) Every effort shall be exercised to obviate hazards to individuals with physical disabilities. (b) Access panels or manholes in floors, walks., and walls can be extrem - ly hazardous., particularly when in use, and shall be avoided where possib • (c) When manholes or access panels are open and in use, or when an open excavation exists on a site, particularly when it is approximate to normal pedestrian traffic, barricades shall be placed on all open sides., a least 8 feet from the hazard., the warning devices shall be installed in accord with the provisions of Sub-section (b) of this section. (d) Low-hanging door closers that are within the opening of a doorway when the door is open., or that protrude hazardously into regular corridor or traffic ways when the door is closed., shall be avoided. (e) Low-hanging signs., ceiling lights, and similar objects or signs and fixtures that protrude into regular corridors or traffic ways shall be avoided. A minimum height of 7 feet, measured from the floor, shall be had. (f) Lighting on ramps shall be at least equal to that prescribed by the specifications of American Standards Association., Inc. Exit signs shall be1in accordance with specifications of American Standards Association., Inc. , except as modified by Section. Sub-section (k) of Section 3707 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition,. shall read as follows: (k) Hearth. Every masonry fireplace shall be provided with a brick., concrete., stone, or other approved noncombustible hearth slab at least 8 inches wider on each side than the fireplace opening and projecting at least 12 inches therefrom. This slab shall be supported by noncombusti- ble materials or reinforced to carry its own weight and all imposed loads. Combustible forms and centering shall be removed. Section 4402 of the Uniform Building Code,. 1973 Edition., is amended by add- ing paragraphs as follows: In front of the building site. In the portion of the roadway of the street that is adjacent to the curb in front of the building site for which a permit has been issued; provided however., such occupied space shall permit the maintenance of two traffic lanes at all times. I 23 A traffic lane, for this purpose, shall be not less than 10 feet nor more than 21 feet in width, or which ever is marked on the street. Provided further, such street occupancy shall be reduced, if necessary, to main- tain the required two traffic lanes in the event construction is commenced on the opposite side of such street which requires temporary street occup ancy. No material or equipment shall be placed or stored within five fee (51) of any rail or any street or railway track. Plans for the proposed public property use shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Section 4501 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, is amended by add ing the following paragraphs to be inserted following the third paragraph: 11In the event a street curb line is moved back closer to the abutting pro- perty line due to the widening or redesign of the street, then, in such eve t, structures or appendages regulated by this Code which project beyond the property line shall be relocated or removed to conform with the new curb line. Such removal or relocation must be completed, at the expense of the owner., within thirty (30) days from notice by the Building Official. Nothing in this Code shall permit structures or appendages to extend or project into the right-of-way of U. S. or Texas Highways within the City11 I A new Chapter 46 is hereby added to the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, which shall read as follows: Chapter 4 6. Signs ' Sec. 4601. Permit Required. (a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 4603, no sign shall be e ~ected, or attached to, suspended from or supported on a building or structure until a permit for• the same has been issued by the Building Official. (b) All signs shall be inspected by the Building Inspector for approved locations and structural safety. Electrical signs and outline lighting shall conform with Chapter 6 of the National Electric Code and Ordinance as adopted by the City of Lubbock. Sec. 4602. Fees. A permit and inspeetion fee, payable at the office of th Building Inspector, shall be charged for sign erection at the time a permit is obtained. Such fee shall be according to the following schedule: 24 UT,1:i'U7 Wall Signs and projecting signs •.••••••••.••.••••••••• $5. 00 Gronnd signs ..•..•..•..•. o • o ••••• o •••••••••••••••• o • 5. 00 Roof signs ........ g, •••••• o •• o o •••••••••••••••• , • • • • • • 5. 00 Electric signs: In accordance with the fee schedule in the Electrical Ordinance. Sec, 4603. Structural Alterations. No sign shall be altered, rebuilt, enlarged, extended or relocated except in conformity with the provisions of this Code, Sec. 4604. Movable Parts. The changing of movable parts of signs that are designed for changes, or the repainting of display matter shall not be deemed to be alterations within the meaning of this section. Sec. 4605. Wall Signs. Wall signs exceeding 40 square feet in area shall be of noncombustible material except that such signs placed against a build- ing or structure which is of wood frame construction or which could be of wood frame construction under this Code may be of combustible material, Cappings., decorations., lettering and mouldings may be of combustible material on any wall sign. (b) Wall signs shall be securely attached to the building or structure by m 4ans of metal anchors, bolts, or expansion screws. No wood blocks or anbhorage with wood used in connection with screws or nails shall be con- sidered proper anchorage, except in the case of wall signs attached to the ! buildings or supported by an unbraced parapet wallo I Sec. 4606. Projecting Signs. (a) Projecting sign shall conform with City Zoning Ordinance. (b) Projecting signs exceeding 2½ square feet in area shall be made of noncombustible material except that decorations, facings and lettering se1 in or attached to, noncombustible material, (c) Projecting signs shall be securely attached to the building or struct- ure by bolts., anchors, chains, rods and guys. No nails or staples shall be used to secure any projecting sign to a building or structure. Sec, 4607. Ground Signs. (a} Ground signs shall not exceed the height limitations above the ground on1which they rest as specified in the Zoning Ordinance. The height shal belmeasured to the top of the sign. (b) Lighting reflectors may project beyond the top or face of the sign. 25 ... I (c) Within the fire limits., ground signs more than 15 feet high shall be made of noncombustible material., except that cappings., decorations, lettering and mouldings may be of combustible material. Sec. 4608. Roof Signs. (a) Display signs that are placed above or supported on the top of a build ing or structure shall be made of noncombustible material., except that cappings., decorations., lettering and mouldings may be of combustible material. Sec. 4609. Location. No sign shall be so placed as to obstruct or interfer with an exit way or so as to prevent free passage from one part of a roof to any other part thereof., or as to interfere with light and ventilation, or so as to obstruct any opening in an exterior wall required in this code for fire department access. Sec. 4610. Design. All signs shall be designed according to generally accepted engineering practice to withstand wind pressures specified in this code. The loads shall be distributed to the structural members of the build- ing or structure in such a way that these members will not be overstressed. Sec. 4611. Zoning Requirements. All signs erected within the City of Lubbock shall conform to requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance. I Sub-section (a) of Section 4711 of the Uniform Building Code., 1973 Edition,9 is amended by adding the following paragraph: I EXCEPTION: Exterior gypsum wallboard may be used on exterior wall. soffits and ceilings. Chapters 13, 1~ 23 and 49 of the Appendix to the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition,9 are hereby adopted. Section 4901 of Chapter 49 of the Appendix to the Uniform Building Code,9 1973 Edition shall read as follows: Sec. 4901. Patio Covers Defined. Patio covers are one story roof struct- ures which shall not exceed 12 feet in height. Patio covers shall be open on one or more sides for a clear height of not less than 6 feet 8 inches between the floor and the soffit of supporting members. Where two sides are open,9 such open sides may be partially closed by solid walls which are not more than 30 inches in height above the patio floor and the remaining sides may be totally enclosed. Open sides shall not be covered with any materials which would obstruct the free passage of light and air. 26 Patio covers may be detached or attached to other buildings as accessories to Group J., Group I or to single dwelling units in Group H Occupancies. Patio covers shall be used only for recreational, outdoor living purposes, carports~ and storage rooms and not as garages or habitable rooms. Chapters 35., 38, 48, 51, 57 and 70 of the Appendix to the Uniform Building Code~ 197 3 Edition, are hereby deleted. SECTION 3. Should any section11 paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publicatio of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the Council on first reading this 11th Passed by the Council on second reading this 25th day of __ ....:A..:.ip:;.:r....:i....:l __ ....,:> 1974. day of Apri l , 1974. \ I ATTEST: I ROY BA:SS~ MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: 27 ,t