HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8396-1983 - Amend. Zoning Ord. #7084 For The Following Changes: Zone Case #2391 - 01/27/1983SMH:da ORDINANCE NO. 8396 ------- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK SO AS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2391; A SPECIFIC USE ZONE CHANGE, FROM R-2 TO AM SPECIFIC USE PERMIT UNDER PROVISIONS OF SECTION 22.3-20-3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON LOT 18, BLOCK 2, ELLWOOD. PLACE ADDITION, CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 1-5 OF THE CITY CODE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Counc;tl finds that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, morals, and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 26 of Ordinance No. 7084, as well as notices provided by Article lOllf, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, amended in 1961, and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche- Journal more than fifteen (15). days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Council Room on the second floor of the City Hall, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner here- inafter set forth in the bodf of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been ;f.ntl'oduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORl>AINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 2391 SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map BE and the same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: A Specific Use Zone Change, from R-2 to AM Specific Use Permit under provisions of Section 22.3-20-3 of the Zoning Otdinance, for professional offices on Lot 18, Block 2, Ellwood Place Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located at 2435 20th Street.and subject to con- ditions. SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS: a. That the front two park;Lng spaces on the site plan be deleted. b. That the sidewalk be constncted on the University Avenue side of the lot. SECTION 2. THAT the D;l.rector of J:>lanning of the C;Lty of Lubbock is authorized to issue a Specific Use Permit to the Applicant in said Zone Case in accordance with the recommendations and conditions imposed by the Planning «_ and Zoning Commission, on file with the office of the Director of Planning and the City Council which are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, provided said applicant agrees to be bound by the terms of the Specific Use Permit, the granting of which is hereby made subject to compliance to all provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 7084, an Ordinance of the City of Lubbock, including particularl1, but not limited to Section 22 of Zoning Ordinance No. 7084, which provides that a Specific Use Permit and a Building Permit shall be applied for and secured within thirty (30) months of the effective date of the zone change or all undeveloped property shall auto- matically revert back to the R-2 zoning district; and the Director of Planning in such event is directed to remove from the Zoning Map the legend indicating such limited use. The Specific Use authorized by this Ordinance is permitted under provision of Section 22.3-20-3 of the Zoning Ordinance, for professional offices on Lot 18, Block 2, Ellwood Flace Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texei.s. SECTION 3. THAT violation of any prwisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars as provided in Section 1-5 of the City Code. SECTION 4. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared.unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Otdinance as an alternative method prwided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading th:ls --=-- Passed by City Council on second reading this .;;,,,a::::;.:.--,.1 BILL APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~Th-~ Susan M. Horton, Assistant City Attorney THE STATE OF TEXAS . COUNTY OF LUBBOCK N tarv Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on thrs day Before me Bonnie McKee a O • HanaS!e r · of the Southwestern Newspa• ersonallv appeared Twt I a Auf t 11 • Acco un~he-Journal Morning. Evening and Sunday. who ::.rs Cori,oration. publishers of the Lubbo\~ t•l1~"new;paper has been published continuously for more being by me duly sworn_did depose __ and ~ay i~n s~f this . t.eatal Nottct-1137 word1C!:60t P~r than fifty-two weeks prior to the first m64~482 at Lubbock County. Texas and the _attached prmt- vo rd-$682. 20 No. . f the original and was printed rn the Lubbock 1 1s a true copv o 19 8! edcopyofthe Nat ce . . KIUKKH ·F'ebruarv 12 & 19,. Avalanche-.Journal on the following dates. -45 Account Manel!er LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNA~ Southwestern Newspapers Corporation th·s ~~-... dav of F'ebruar, Subscribed and swo~n t? before me 1• ~ · . 19-83- 1 IMH !,tK~ · Olt OlfilANCt f'fO, ffl7 -•-1· .,AN OR!:!!IANCE AMENDING .. ONmo ..,..OINANCE ·no. 1094 !:OHNII Mt«Ef. NOTARY PUBLIC ;. 4"40 · TH_E -OFFICIAL MAP 011' .~. ..tu0 --. ST•-""F ,-•· 1 1..,, c,ry oi: •Lueaoctt so. •s "•"'"' rw" •n"-~•5 y ...,._ " TO MAKE THE ~OU.OWING · llftuu,-..ON 1!'¥11.IRES tufty 11 l"'u t CHANGE$: .tONE C: $Fi NO; 1,0,. WI . SQ 4 MY ,._wt_, _. ,,v ' • -:, C; CHANGE fi'AllT O LOts l.:t, 1 · tHe • fflG ~ Af.iD '. IN THE 1.UTHU.t,N AOOt. Ge : ZONE QSf: NO. 2385i tlON TO THE (;ITV OF Lue. HAN<;E .PAltT OFl,OTS S'-ND 4. 1rJ ~ JOCK, I.VBDOCK ~NTY. TUC, ILOCIO.MOfitNINGVIEW_'ADDI•. , AS, .FIIOM Id T/t C:•t tONIN(l° tlON. CITY OF LtiH K.1.ua. C>tStJUCT1 f'ROVIOING FOR_ A 19(1( .COUNfY; "tU · liOM PENALTY AS PROVIDED FO,t ,__ __ It-I TO A"? ·ZONING ICTt L ____ ___:._:_ _________ -;l IN. TION H OF TH&; CITY PROVIPtNO FC.lt A . -Al co PRov_ 10_ IN(, ,. $AVINO$ -----,PROVIDEOFOl tN-. N),f CL. AND PROVIDINO-FO!t f,F TWE (ITY f!Dl!il Pl!OVltJ; . :H~~~Tig:i>rNANC:E HO. 8391 ,.\~.,~~IN'i::oi\.A~tlti~ , ""· (lROINA.Net MIENC1NG TIOM, · ·· · ·. • · .. · ·· ··: ' ZONIN,.. OROINANCE NO.. 70U $MH:de ,. ototNANCE NO. fflS ~ ANI) THE OF_FICIAL MAP o,-liN 'ORDINANCE • AMl;NO·l·N G f THE CITY OF LIJ880CK SO AS ON/NG oto1pAHct 'NO, ~ f TO MAKE THE . FOi.LOWiNG , NO Tfil; OF l(fAI,· MAt. , 1~,~~i~~.e:1~,i~~ie:F0£l!fo· q:~(; 51':r/'~f 8l&tfow;,:J I OUT OF SECTION 44, tMc1c4 .. 'ic:, .&~lG\5JrfS1,c~t'01~tt. ;. f~~f;, ffflfCtkJt:~!3~~ .·1HANOE, "ROM c ... TO l_ .. $PE, A,l ZONING OIS1'RICT1 l>ROVIO,. 11:1( U$1 PHMlt NOEil , ING FOR A Pf:H.4..LTY AS PRO-ROVlllOl\iS OF Ji'Cl'IO 22,H, . v1oeo FOR IN SECTION l-5 OF F ,THE itONINtl·OROINANCE, THE! CITY CODl51 PROVll'.Slt-1¢, A OR · MltU•WAREHOVS~ ' ON · SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIO• ,Jllti~llitCJ'l,1m1oiV.tt: ' ~C:l~~Pu:tb~:I~~ ~o; ~ CITY OF f.U8BOCK, 1.U8tl0(K SMl-l/1'1\ca: '011011'.lANCE NO l«Q AN OROfNANCE AMENOIIIIG COUNTY, ll:XA$1. PROYIOING AN ORDIIIAf'fcti AMENC>INO ZONl!'fG ORDINANCE NO. _ JOU '.FOR_ A PiH'-1. TY AS PRF.IPED ZONING ORPINANC.E NO 1084 AND·. 'fl1E OFFICIAL MAP CF IFOR IN Sl!(tl()N H .· F THE ANO THE OFFICIAl. MAP OF 'THE C'ITY OF I.UBBOCK SO A$ (ITY COOEi PROVIDtN A UV• THli: CITY OF LUIIIIOCIC SO AS TO MAKli; • THE FOLLOWING INGS CLAUSI;: AND PROVIOING TO 'MAICE THE l'OLLOWING CHANG.ES: ZONE C:ASf; 1'10. 2m; ¥OR Pu111.1cAtlON, ; CHA_NGES: tONE (ASE N0:_1923-(HANOI; \.OTS ffl, '40 ANO 241 $MH:d11 OR01NANl';ll: NO; Im, 01 CHANGE TRACT E, IN THE IN TH& OAK· PARK ADDITION I '.AN ORD!NANC&· AMl;NOING C:.C. KNOTT AOOtT,ON TO THE 'l'O T?f CITY. OF L.IJBf«;K, :JQNING OttOINANCti NO, "'84 CITY OF LtlBBOC:IC, LU8110(1( LUBfl K · COUNTY. TEJCM, • :1, !NO THE: OFFICIAL 11114P: OF COU"ITY, TEXAS, FROM C•t,. TO FROM ..! TO 11-1 l(IN(NG OIS.. ' HE (;fl'\' OF LIJISOCK so AS l A•l 2:0N!NG OISTIUC:T1 $UB· : tiRICT1 PROVIDING FOR A PEN, , 0 MAKE THE FOLi.OWiNG JECT._TOCONC>fl'ION$1 PltOVID-. I.TY AS f>ROV'10eo FO_R JIii '{HANG£$: ZONE CASE N0,?391; , ING .-OR A PENALTY AS PRO. ECTION' I-$ bF THE CITY , . ,,. .. c,Ftc US"'. • "'ON"' ,. woeo FOR 1•• •"'cT,o•• r • "'F · Rovf"'rNG '" SA"ll'l"'SI •1· KANGE •. FROM R,; TO ul·,,.e-! l tMe c1-rv co&e;l11ov'1b,i;o"',. . ' ANo ~Rovio1No FOR .. IFIC: use.·. PERMIT . UNOE_R : f SAVINGS CLAUSE AND Plov,o.. ! TION. . IIOVl$10NS'-0F SECTION ff.3-JNGFORPUeiLICATION. : ~ : a . OROINANCEN0.14CO ~3. OF THE ZONffiG OR0J. . .. . ' ·· .... . AN ORDIIANCE AMENDING ANC!: FOR . f'll()FfflfONAL lONING ORDINAN_C:E. NO. 7084 FF1c'i!s ON LOT JI, e_uLOcK 2, , ANO THE· OFflCIAL MAP OF ELLWOOD PLACf ADDJflON, l'HE CITY o,: LU880CIC SO AS . • (:l'fY OF LU880(K, LUB.80CK fO MAKE THE' FOLLOMNG COUNTY, f_E XAS; PROVIDING ·· CMA...,,GE$: :tON~CM_, .E NO .• 1'62, F(IR A PENAL\'Y AS PRO'VIOEO C1 CHA...,,Gti: 81. KS 13 ANO 14. ·FOR IN S&C:flON H OF. THE i I C.H. 'HODGES A o_ ITION, CITY (!T'Y CODE, l'ROVIOIN(l." SAY> ; OF t.Ul!I K, ·_·1.~eocK COVN, ING$ Cl.AVIE _AHO PltOVIOING TY. TE FR .AirJP..l . -" PR PU8LI ATION. . I =T RiR&v,'&m6'" i:o~ . A Pi!NA P~IOJ;:O FO-IN S&C ION l•S Of' ltlE CITV COOi;; PROVll)lf(G A II.VINOS CU.USE Af.10 PRO\,'Uflt.lG f;.OR ~lWl~--.. ,