HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8250-1981 - Amending Uniform Plumbing Code Prov. Savings Clause And Prov. - 10/22/1981II , ~ t I SMH:da ORDINANCE NO. 8250 --------- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ENTITLED "PLUMBING CODE" BY AMENDING THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR FUBLICATION. WHEREAS, it has been recommended to the City Council by the Plumbing/ Mechanical Board for the City of Lubbock, Texas, that the following revisions be made to the Unifo't'Dl Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock has determined that it is in. the beet interest of the City to amend such code; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTlON 1. THAT Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas, which adopts the Unifonn Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, be and is hereby amended to make the following amendments and repeal of present portions of such section and the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, as follows: Section 20.3 of the Unifot'Jll Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as tollowt3: Any person, firpn or corporation violating any provision of this code shall be deemed. guilty of a 'lllisdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $200 per day for each day that the violation of this code occurs or continues and each day shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as herein provided. Issuance or granting ot a permit of or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed or constnied to be a pet'Jllit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the prPVisions of this code. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of thi$ code shall be valid, except in so far as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plan shall not prevent the administrative authority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction operations be:Lng carried on thereunder when in violation of this Code or of any other ordinance or from revoking any certificate of approval when issued :Ln error. Every permit issued by the administrative authority under the . provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void, :Lt the work authorized by such permit :Ls not commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days. Before such work can be recOJIU11ended, a new permit shall be first obtained, and the fee shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been niade, or will be made in the original . ' ' plans and specifications for such work; and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded 180 days. Section 20.9 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by the permit to notify the administrative authority orally or in writing that said work is ready for inspection. Such notification t:1hall be given not less than four hours before the work is to be inspected. (working days only). It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by the permit to llla.ke sure that the wot'k will stand the test prescribed elsewhere in this Code, before giving the above notification. Sect;f.on 104(a) ot the Uni;form Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 117(1) of the Un;f.;fom Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (i) Private Sewage and D:leposal System. Private sewage dis- posal system is a sept;f.c tank with the effluent discharging into a subsurface disposal field. Section 120(b) of the Uniform flumb~ng Code, 1979 Edit:lon, is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 204 of the Uni;fori:n Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: See Table A. Sheet lead shall be not less than the following: :For safe·pans -not less than two and one hal;f (2½) pounds per squa,re toot (192 Pa). For flashings of vent teminals -not less than two and one hal;f (2½) pounds per square foot .· (144 Pa). Lead bends and lead traps ishall be not less than one-eighth .(1/8) inch (3.2mm) wall thickness. Table A, p. 23, of the Uniform flumb~g Code, 1979 Edition, shall be amended asfollws: the third listing, pertaining to "Homogeneous b;ltuminized ;fiber dra:l.n and sewer pipe" is hereby deleted in its entirety. Section 318(l)(b) of the Uniform Flumb:Lng Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows; (b) Advance Notice -lt shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by the pemit to notif1 the Administrative Authority, orally or in wr;i,t;lng, that said work is ready for inspection. Such not;i,,:;l.cat:1.on ishall be given not lesi:3 tha;n four (4) hour.is bet'ot'e the work :11:1 to be inspected. Section 401(a) of the Unifonn Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (a) Drainage pipe shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, gal- vanized wrought iron, lead, copper, bral!ls, ABS, PVC or other approved materials having a smooth and unifotm bore, except that no galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be used underground and shall be kept at least six (6) inches (152.4nxm) above ground. Section 503(a) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as ;follows: (a) Vent pipe shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, galvanized . wr~ught iron, lead, copper, brass, ABS, l'VC or other approved materials, except.that no galvan;f.zed wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe sh~ll be used underground and shall be kept at least six (6) inches (152.4nxm) above ground. Section 604(a) of the Uniform Plumb~ng Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (a) All plumbing fixtures or other receptora receiving the dischax-ge of.indirect waste pipes shall be approved for the use proposed and shall be of such shape and capacity as to prevent splash~ng ox-flooding and shall.be located where they are readily accessible j;g-x; ;lnspection and cleaning. No standpipe receptor for any clothes wa,shei-shall extend more than thirty (30) inches (.Sm), nor less than eighteen.(18) inches above its trap• No trap for any clothes washer standpipe receptor shall be installed below the floor, but shall be roughed in not more than six ~nches (6) (152.41IDll). No indirect waste receptor shall be installed in any toilet room, closet, cupboard or storeroom, nor in any.other p~rtion of a building not ;l~ genera.l use by the·occupants thereof; exce~t standpipes for clothes washer13 My be ;lnstalled ;ln toilet and bathroom areas when the clothes washer is installed in the same room. i I Section 614 o;f the Un:l.;fot'Jll Flumb~ng Code, 1979 Edit;lon, ahall read as tollws: Tl'aps tor island $inks and sim:llai-equipment 1shall be roughed ;l.n above the floor and maybe vented by extending\the vent as high as possible, but not le13s than the drainboard height and then returning it downward and comiecting ~t to the horizontal sink drain immediate- 11 down$tfeAm trom the vertical fixture drain. I The Teturned vent shall be connected to the ~br;lzontal drain through a ')!'-branch fitting and shall, in addition,i be provided with a foot vent ·taken off the vertical fixture vent by means of a Y- branch ilxuned:tately below the floor and extending to the nearest partition and thence through the roof to the open air or may be connected to other vents at a point not less than six (6) inches (152.4mm) ~bove the flood level rim of the fixtures served. Drainage fitt;tngs shall be used on all parts of the vent below the floor level and a minimum slope of one-quarter(\) inch per foot (20.9mm/m) back to the drain shall be maintained. The return bend used under the drainboard shall be a one (1) piece fitting or an assembly of a forty-five (45) degree, a ninety (90) degree, and a forty-five (45) degree elbow :Ln the order named. Pipe sizing shall be as elsewhere required in this Code. A mechanical vent system may be used. Sect;l.on 615(.f) of the UnU;om J?lumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (;f) Cleanouts may not be required on any wet vented branch serving a single trap when the fixture tail pieces or connection is not less than two (2) inches (50.8mm) in diameter and provides ready access for clean~ng through the trap. An accessible cleanout shall be installed ;1.n each vent for thecombinationwaste and vent system. l:;f a kitchen s;1.nk is on the puts:Lde wall, then the cleanout shall be on the out~ide of the residence. Section 70l(b) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (b) It :Ls provided, however, that one (1) trap may serve a set of not more than three (3) single compart,nent sinks or laundry tubs of the same depth. The depth requirement may be waived :Ln the case of approved type pumps discharged fixtures or appliances. Each double compartment kitchen sink i;hall be served by two (2) traps and shall have a cleanout. If the kitchen sink :Ls on the outside wall, then the cleanout shall be on the outside of the residence. Section 70l(d) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (d) The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the trap we:lt shall be as short aa practicable, but in no case shall the tail p:tece from any fixture exceed twenty-four (24) inches (.6m) in length. Measure from top o;f floor to inner edge of vent. The horizontal branch is not to exceed three (3) feet. Section 706 of the Unif'onn Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read al:i follows; floor drains shall connect into a trap so constructed that it can be readily cleaned and of a size to serve efficiently the purpose tor which it is intended. The drain inlet shall be so located that it is at ~11 times in full view. When subject to backflow or back pressure, such drain~ shalLbe eq,uipped with an approved back.water valve. Need not be vented if within 15 feet and the branch enters the vented line above the flow line at the vented line. Section 708(a) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (a) lnterceptors (includ~ng grease, oil and sand interceptors etc.) sh.all be provided for the proper handl:l:ns of liquid waste containing grease, flall1lll{:\ble waatei;, sand, solids, acid or alkaline substances or other ingredients harmful to the building drainage system, the public or private sewer or to public or private sewage disposal. Section.711 of the Uniform Flumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as ;follows: (a) Each waste pipe ;f;rom kitchen floor drains, kitchen sinks, diehwasher~ in hotels, restaurants, boarding houses or public cooking places shall be run into grease interceptors of a type in which separation is accomplished by differential gravity methods and which is approved by the City Engineering Department. (b) Other waste waters which do or may carry grease into the C;Lty l!lewers i;hall be run through approved grease interceptors, when required by the Senior l'lumbing Inspector or the City Engineering Department. (c) A grease interceptor, when required, shall be located as near as possible to the fixture or fixtures which it serves, and when these fixtures are separately trapped, provision shall be made tor a local vent on the inlet aide of interceptor to the open air, except when the fixture outlet is not 1llDre than five feet from the ;l.nterceptor, then the trap and local vent may be omitted • . (d) WAter jacket · grease interceptors shall not hereafter be in15talled. (e) The grease retaining capacity of each grease interceptor, ;l.n pounds o;f grease, shall.be equal to twice the rate of flow capacity in gallons per minute of waste water so that the interceptor shall reinave and retain 90% of the grease discharged into it up to its required capacity of.accumulated grease. For calculating the re- quired s;l.zes_of grea.se ;tntercepton, the ,;ates of discharge from each tixture connected to the interceptor shall be based upon the rates shown ;l.n the following table. Minimum Rates of Flow fo,; Desisn of Grease Interceptors Type ot F;i.xture S;Lngle compart,nent isink, 1~'' waste Double compartment sink, 1~11 waste Triple compat'tment sink, 2" waste Dishwa$her up to 30 gal. water capacity Dishwasher up to 50 gal. water capacity Dishwasher up to 100 gal. water capacity Floor drain (each) Rate of Flow in GPM 15 20 25 15 25 40 5 Grease interceptors furnished shall be manufactured by approved interceptor manufacturers and of the size, as determined above. Each such interceptor shall be labeled with the manufacturers name, the interceptor shall be engineered to meet the required flow and shall be 150 stam.ped. All ·interceptors shall be brought flush with, or above, finished grade. (f) Oil interceptors shall be installed where required by the City Department and shall meet the.requirements of the Chief Plumbing :i:nspector as to design and efficiency. Table 7-2, p. 60, of the Uniform Flum.bing Code, 1979 Edition, be and is hereby deleted in ita entirety~ Section 713 of the Uniform Plumb:f.:ng Code, ·1979 Edition, shall read as follows; APfroved sand traps shall be 1n$talled in all service stations, public garages, steam cleaning plants and other commercial buildings where the washing or steam cleaning of automobiles, trucks, machinery, or similar items is done. Such sand traps shall be considered approved when constructed :Ln accordance with the diagram at the end of this ordinance, a copy of which shall be maintained in the Building :i:nspection of;fice. Section .714 ;l.s hereby added to the Un;l.fonn Flum.bing Code, 1979 Edition, and shall read as follows: Interceptors and ti-aps ;for special wastes, such as for dental, medical or·surg:Lcal purposes, and such as for special industrial processes to prevent the discharge of undesirable suspended solids to the sanitary sewer collection system, shall be installed where needed and shall be approved by the Senior Plumbing Inspector and the Engineei-ing.Department for the use, before installation. Section 802(;1) of the Uniform l'lumbing Code, 1979 Edition, is hereby deleted in its entirety and said paragraph is hereby reserved. Section 1002(b) of the Uniform Flumb~ng Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (b) No pereon shall make a connection or allow one to exist between pipes oi-conduits carry~ng domestic·water supplied by any public or private water service system, and any pipes, conduits or fixturee containing or car:rying water trom any other source or containing or carrying water which has been used for any purpose whatsoever, or any piping car:rying chemicals, liquids, gases, or any substances whatsoever, unless there is provided an approved backflow prevention device •. lf an on the premises inspection cannot be made, then a i-educed pre~sure backtlow prevention assembly shall be pro- v;l.ded (equ~l to or better than a watts 900). Section 1003(h) and (i) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (h) Lawn Sprinkling Systems shall be equipped with a,n approved vacuum breaker installed on the discharge side of each of the last valves. The vacuum breaker shall be installed at least six (6) inches (152.41JlJll) above the surrounding ground and above a sufficient number of heads so at no time will the vacuum breaker be subjected to back pressure or drainage. If the vacuum breaker cannot be installed at least six (6) inches above the surrounding terrain, then a reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly shall be in- stalled (equal to or better than a watts 900). (i) Fixture Inlets and Outlets With Hose Attachments which may constitute a cross-connection shall be protected by an approved non- re,novable type backflow prevention device or by an approved vacuum breaker :l,nstalled at least six (6) inches .(152.4mm) above the highest point of u~age and located on the discharge side of the last valve~ Fixtures with integral vacuumbreakers manufactured as a unit may be installed in accordance with their approval requirements. Hose bibbs other than above, and lawn hydrants shall be protected by an approvednon-,.removable type backflow prevention device. If the vacuum breaker cannot be installed at least six (6) :inches above the surrounding terrain, then a reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly shall be installed (equal to or better than a watts 900). Section 1004(d) of the Uniform Flumb:lng Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (d) Piping and tubing which has previously been used for any purpose shall not be used for potable water systems. Section 1007(e) of the Unifom Flumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (e) lelief valves located in$ide a building shall be provided with a tull l!lize drain of galvanized steel or copper pip:L.ng and fittings and shall extend from the valve to the outside of the building with the end of the pipe not more than two (2) feet (.6m) nor less than six (6) inches (152.4mm) above the ground and pointing downwC:L"rd. Such draiti may terminate at other approved locations. No part of such drain pipe shall be trapped and the terminal end of the drain pipe shall not be threaded. Section 1008(b), (c), and (d) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: (b) Water service pipes or any underground services may be run or laid in the same trench with a min:lmum of 12 inches separation between pipes (horizontal). (c) Water pip~ng :i.nstalled within a build:f.:ng and in or under a concrete floo~ ~lab resting on the ground shall be with copper tubi._ng, without joints where possible. Where joints are permitted, they shall be brazed and fittings shall be wrought copper. (d) Inspection -No water supply system or portion thereof .containing a joint as described in Paragraph (c) above shall be covered or concealed until it first has been tested, inspected and Approved. Section ll0l(d) of the Uniform Fluinb:lng Code, 1979 Edition, shall 't'ead as follows; (d) A public sewer may be considered as not being available when such public sewer is located more than one hundred (100) feet from the property. Section.1104 be and is he;reby deleted :ln its ent:i.'t'ety and such section is hereby resetved. Section ll07(a) of the Uniform flumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows; · (a) Cleanouts shall be placed inside the building near the connection between the building drain and building sewer or in- stalled outside the building at the lower end of a building drain and extended to grade. Additional building sewer cleanouts shall be installed at ;f.ntervAls not to exceed one hundred.(100) feet (30.4m) in straight runs. Cleanouts shall be identified by the pemanent placement of a brass tag on the build~ng adjacent to the location of .the cleanout. The brass tag shall be stamped with the letters c.o. Section .1108 .. be and is hereby deleted in its entirety and said sect;f.onis hereby resened. Table 11-1, p. 90, of the Uniform fluinbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall be ,amended as follows: the sixth list~ng pertaining to "Seepage pits or cesspools" is he't'eby deleted in its entirety. Section 1206(c)(2) of the Uniform Fluinbing Code, 1979 Edition, pei-tain:tng to "Final Piping Inspection", shall 't'ead as follows: (2) Final Piping Inspection: This inspection shall be made after all piping authorized by the pemit has been installed and after all portions thereof which are to be. covered or concealed are so concealed and befo't'e any fixtures, appliance or shutoff valve has been attached thereto. Thit!i inspection shall include an air pressure test, at which time the gas piping shall stand a pressure of not less than fifteen (15) inches ~f mercury, measured with a man0111eter or slope gauge. Test pressures shall be held for length of time satisfactory to the Administrative Authority, but in no case for less than fifteen (15) minutes~ with no perceptible drop in pressure. For welded piping, and for pip:lng carry~ng gas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14) inches (.4m) water column pressure, the test pressure shall not be less than sixty (60) pounds per square inch (413.4 kPa) and shall be continued for a length of time satisfactory to the Administrative Auth- ority, but in no case for less than thirty (30) minutes. These tests shall be made using air pressure only, and shall be made in the presence of the Administrative Authority. Alli necessary apparatus for conducting tests shall be furnished by the' permit holder. Section 1213(g) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: · (g) Gas piping supplying more than one (1) building on any one premises shall be equipped with separate shut-9ff valves to each building, so arranged that the gas supply can be turned on or off to any individual or separate building. Such shut-off valve shall be located outside the building it supplies and such shall be readily accessible at all times. On single structures. a union shall be installed at each penetration. Section l213(n) be and is he:reby deleted in its entirety and such pa~agraph is hereby reserved. Section 1214(a)(5) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: · (5) Aluminum alloy connectors may not be used. Section 1218(a) of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, shall read as follows: · (a) The following regulations, as set forth in this section and in Section 1219 "Required Gas Piping Size", shall be the standard for the installation of gas piping. All natural gas regulations and tables are based on the use of gas having a specific gravity of sixty-five hundredths ( •. 65), supplied at six (6) to eight (8) inches (152.4203.2mm) water column pressure at the outlet of the meter. Note: Where gas of a di;l;ferent specific gravity is to be delivered, the serving gas supplier should be contacted for specific gravity conversion.factors to use in sizing piping systems from the pipe sizing tables in this chapter. Appendix I of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, is hereby deleted in its entirety and said Appendix is hereby reserved. SECTION 2. THAT all IAPMO Standards contained within the Uniform flumbing Code, 1979 Edition be and are hereby adopted. SECTION 3. THAT should any sect:1.on, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the.remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. . . SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method as provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this __ _ Passed by the City Council of second reading B APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: k1n.~ Susan M. Horton',Assistant City Attorney . , \ . . . .. ' .. r:t11I lrfJII l?'omf tt (I,,,, PLAN VIEW -n ------:::z·--7· IF MI\NIIOlE 00/En USE. D IN PLACE OF fflAP 11 01'!1\TE • MUST rflOVlt'IF. a• VENT tXTti:NDINO MHMUM 4' ABOVE TRAP .• ,•· .... f 14 nnr, .,z•D.c. l I . :1,; •: Et1cll Woy , .. \ •,· ·, 11 'lo r,-..-.,. b ii¥ -:~1: I -·p.··~: .. •;..;....• .. .:i_• _ __._.:...,...; ; !: :··1·: : t.!·:. ·:: :: : .. f~_t,. / 4"• go• O,nd I ft:,' :, ~ ~ ,:~~---~-~-:[~ · '{ ~~#11:y·t; t1:;;..•-:.."" f -~• •o~ f l!.' ~ }:, :1) WI\I.L SH/\1.1. OF. POI.JtEO MOIWI.ITHIC WITH FLOOR • on USE l<l!'.YWI\YS 0 w/\unsrorn USE DEFOAMEO REINFORCINO BARS' CONCRETE• MIN. aooo PSI l!f 20 MYS ; TOI' UNOl!n covtn on e• ADOVI!'. l'IHISII onAott ... ~-J~~ ¥11:W ... r,., /Jnr, • }t•ac. tt1cll H"1 I .I-' .. I. ., I'.::•:· SAND TRAP DETAIL . . . ..... MINIMUM !!TANOI\AD FOl'f CQ.1MERCII\I. INSTALLI\TIOH9 R" VltNT RttOUffu:n Wlll:N Dl!tCIIAIIOI LINE CONNECTED TO PROPERLY VENTED UN£ , OTHERWISE A 4'V£NT AEOlfflED . /' PIPE F'ITTINGS SHALL CONFORM TO cunnl!NT l'I IIMIIINO OflUINIINr.tn 01" TIii! arv OF' WOOOCK APPFIOVlll OF' 1111:'. l'I.UM1'1NO INSl"£CTOl1 9HI\LL OE 0011\l'fEO JOO Ual 1N8Tl\t.l,I\TION .i' .;· ; 1., , .. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO 1979 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE . . Section ·20.3 -ts a completion of the section. in the Uniform Plumbing Code en.titled "Violation and Penalties." The Plumbing Code has blanks where the actual penalty provision would be contained and we have merely filled in the blanks with: 11a fine not to exceed $200 per day for each day that the violation of this code occurs.11 Secondly, the third paragraph the Uniform Plumbing Code, as.adopted, Indicates that if work is not commenced within 120 days, the permit shall become void. We have changed this in our amendment.to read 180 days, due to the fact that some people are not able to start the construction project within four months after being issued a permit due to the fact that there may be budget problems, weather problems, or design problems. Therefore, extending it for another 60 days would give the permit holder a more equitable chance to start the work. Section 20.9 -of the Uniform Plumbing Code states that: "Not i fl cat I on sha 11 be given to the Bui 1 ding Inspector not less than 24 hours prior to the work to be inspected.st However, we have established as a goal for this department, to respond within four hours of the time we receive the inspection request. Subsequently, we changed the code from 24 hours to four hours~ I think this is in the best interest of the construction community inasmuch as an inspection can be made In the same day that the plumbing work is finished. Section 104(a} -ts the definition of cesspool. cesspool has been deleted throughout the Uniform Code because the state does not allow cesspools. allusions to cesspools are contradictory to state The term Plumbing Subsequenfl y, law. Section 117(i) -was rewritten to define a s~pt•c tank and to delete the terminology seepage pit. Seepage pit and cesspool are considered to be the same thing and once again, are contrary to state 1aw. Section 120(b) -is the definition for seepage pit and it has been deleted from the code since it is in conflict with state law. Section 204 -was rewritten to be less restrictive; i.e., 4 pound original requirements--2¼ pounds per square foot is revised requirement. --... . . ._) . ' .. Proposed Amendments to 1979 Uniform Plumbing Code October 19, 1981 Page 2 ~- Section 318 -entitled "Inspection and Testing," Section 1,. Sub-section(b) "Advance Notice,.11 was rewritten to reduce the time necessary.for notification from 24 hours to four hours; once again providing more service to the community. Section 401(a) -was written essentially to drop the restriction of ABS or PVC drainage piping to residential construction not mor~ than two stories in height. 1 Section 503(a) -was es·sentially the same as the preceding comment where ABS or PVC installations being limited to residential con- struction not more than two stories in height were deleted. The thought of the board on this issue was that if PVC is an acceptable usage in residential occupancies of two stories or fess, then we should be able to allow it for drainage_ and vent systems in all occupancies in excess of two stories as well. Section 604(a) -has to do with Indirect waste receptors. The original code stated that no trap for any clothes washer stand- pipe receptor shall be installed below the floor. It shall be roughed in not less than six inches and not more than eighteen Inches above the floor. That was changed to read: "It shall be roughed in not more than six inches above the floor." Section 614 -ts entitled "Special Venting for Island Fixtures." The last sentence was added, which states, "A mechnical vent system may be used." - Section 70l(b) -"Traps Required." The section was deleted which stated that "Three lavatories immediately adjacent to each other in the same room could have the same trap."· ·Also, the last sentence was added once again to provide for ease of cleanout when necessary. Section 70l(d) -The last two sentences were added: "Measuring from top of floor to inner edge of vent, the horizontal branch ts not to exceed three feet." This was added for._clarification. Numerous plumbers were having difficulty wtt·h~the actual measurement, and the board felt that this addition would clarify that for the plumbers. Section 706 -The last sentence was added and states: 11 ••• need not be vented if within fifteen feet and if a branch enters the vented 1 ine above the floor 1 ine at the vented l ine.11 -· . ••'f '\ • . *"' ...... ' . ' ' Proposed Amendments to 1979 Uniform Plumbing Code October 19, 1981 Page 3 Section 708 -originally stated: "Interceptors, including grease, oi.l, and sand interceptors, etc., st,al 1 ·be provided when, in the. judgment of the admin.istrative authority, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid waste containing grease, flammable wastes, sand, solids, etc. This was rewritten to say: 11 1t shall be provided for the proper handling.11 The board felt that the administrative authority should not have to hea~ every case, because it was their consensus that interceptors should be provided. Section 711, Sub-section(a) -The portion regarding grease interceptors was rewritten in its entirety that it might more closely correspond with the last Plumbing Code which was adopted by the City of Lubbock. This also addresses (b), (c), (d), (e), as we 11 as the minimum rate of flow for design, and (f). It was the board's feeling that the design criteria that was in the original City of Lubbock Plumbing Code was the best design criteria currently available for the City. Subsequently, they opted to adopt the previously- existing system in design criteria. Section 713 -was added to the Code in order to provide for a · design that would be acceptable with Section 712. Section 714 -also was added to the Code in order to clarify the instances during which this type of interceptor or trap was required, and who had approval authority. Section 802{i) -deletes reference to the use of bituminized fiber pipe Joints. Bitumlnized piping is no longer allowed under the Uniform Plumbing Code. Section 1002{b) -adds a sentence at the end of the paragrapn stating: 11 lf an on-the-premise inspection cannot be made, then "· a reduced pressure backfill prevention assembly shall be provided which is equa 1 to or better than a Watts 900 •• -~Watts is a brand name supplied for comparison purposes, only.}'- Section 1003{h & t) -Both of these sections have the same sentences added in order to preclude cross-connections with non-potable water distribution points to the City's potable water system. ·-· Proposed Amendments to 1979 Uniform Plumbing Code October 19, 1981 Page 4 Section 1004(d) -was rewritten to exclude any prev·lously used pipe from being allowed for potable wat~r system. Previous to this amendment, water pipe which had been used previously in a potable water system could be used once again in a potable system. It was the consensus of the board that there is no way to tell whether or not a pipe has been used for potable or unpotable, water, and that, it would be better just to eliminate the option. r'I' Section 1007(e) -was rewritten to delete the use of hard- drawn copper piping which is not available and not in production at this time. Section 1008 (b), (c), & (d) -were rewritten•-(b) to a11ow water surface pipes to be laid in the same trench with twelve inches of separation; (c) to eliminate the useab11ity of ferrous piping under slab; (d) t~ require any portion subsequent to (c) above would requi-re a test inspection and approval. In most cases a test is not required for under- slab piping; but where there is a Joint, the board felt it was necessary to ensure that the system is water tight. Sect ion 1101 (d) -was changed from 200 1 . to 100' to allow for the occupant/owner of the property to apply for a septic system from the Health Department; whereas before, the 200' was substantia11y more restrictive. Section 1104 -was deleted because it pertains to private sewage systems and the City of Lubbock does not-control private sewage systems. Section 1107(a) -The last sentence of the second paragraph was added to more clearly identify placement of the cleanout· after final grading and lawn installation and landscaping was weeded. ..·- Section 1108 -was deleted because Section 1008 covers this information. Table 11-1 -deletes references to seepage pits and cesspools which are not allowed. They are also part of private sewage systems and the City does not regulate them. -..,,.~ . " .. . , • • Proposed Amendments to 1979 Uniform.Plumbing Code October 19, 1981 Page 5 Section 1206(c)(2) -the second paragraph was changed to require fifteen ln.ches of mercury to be· used for tes.ting, rather than only ten Inches. The thought of the board was the ten inches of mercury could not supply a sufficient amount of pressure to adequately test the Joints. Section 1213(9) -"lnstal lation of Gas Pipi,ng,11 was modified with the ~dditlon of "On single structures, a union shall be installed at each penetration." Section 1213(n) -This section was deleted as it was the requirement for a number of fifteen copper tracer wire to be installed with an attached two nonmetallic underground gas piping. The board felt this requirement was not reasonable, seeing that we know the point at which the plastic.pipe entered the ground from. the gas meter in the street, and there always is a direct line from the meter to the house. Section 1214(a)(5) -was modified to exclude the use of aluminum alloy connectors. Secdon 1218(a) -Deleted the sentence referring to undiluted liquified petroleum gas piping which may be sized for 2500 BTU 1s per cubit foot. This is not applicable to the Lubbock area. Appendix 1 -refers to the same gas piping sizing for undiluted liquified petroleum. Section 2 -states that ·all IAPMO Standards contained within the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, be and are adopted. We be.1 ieve that it is a specific requirement in order that we .adopt the installation standards of this document. ..-. The State of Texas County of Lubbock Before me, Gilbert Orttz, a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Bidal Aguero of Amigo Publications, publishers of ~l Editor, weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said news- paper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pr r to the first insertion of this City·ordinance No. -,'-"~.::i,-,i-;._---,,......,~.at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached pr nte copy o t e Ci.ty Ordinance is a true copy of theY7:·5:n- al J~-.+=6a~~ef~fl E~itor on the following dates: AJ.D_fJ.., · ;Jj:&, itor Amigo Publications Subscribed and sworn to before me this t../J_day of D/b4,,be<r:, 198- Nortary Eublic . . . The State of Texas County of Lubbock Before me, Gilbert Ortiz, a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Bidal Aguero of ·Amigo Publications, publishers of El Editor, weekly newspaper, wbo being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said news- paper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two we s J!rior to the first insertion of this City·ordinance No. ~ at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached pr nte copy o t e City Ordinance is a true copy of th~~rigin- al j~ was ~rinted ~n El Editor on the following dates: N0<),1 · +·0191·. E~D. Amigo Publications Subscribed and sworn to before me this B..:ili..day of /),&47! .Lr.t, , 198j ···· Ord[niiji'ciNt. i2so• ··· :{n Ordfflarrce •· amending Chapter 24 of ·the Code of :_ Ordinances. -~Qt Lllil!!9Ck,_ Teqs.enll!IWU 116_..' by ·amending' rfe ··u: tlorm plu1Dbin code as hereinafter set l'orffl; provide a savings clause · and providin9 for publication . . ,·