HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8239-1981 - Ord. Increasing Fees Charged By Lubbock For Licenses, Permits, And Services - 09/10/1981. . ._,. t t· \ ,v ' .) DGV:js Ordinance No. 8239 ------- AN ORDINANCE INCREASING CERTAIN FEES CHARGED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK FOR LICENSES, PERNITS AND OTHER CITY SERVICES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to keep the costs of fees charged for City of Lubbock permits, licenses and other charges current with the cost of providing such services in a time of high annual inflation; and WHEREAS, increasing the cost of such fcl's will place the burdc,n of paying for such services upon the users of such services rather than upon the general population of the City; NOW THEREFORE: I.IE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CT.TY Of LUBJJOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock be and nre hereby amended in the following named sections or subsections to read as follows: Sec. 4-23. Reclaiming animals; impoundmen t fees. ANIMALS AND FOWL An owner ceclaiming an impounded <loM shall pay nn impoundment fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for the first impoundment; twenty-flvc dollars ($25.00) for the second impoundment; and thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for the third and any subsequent impoundments. The owner shall also pay three dollars ($3.00) foe board chacge for each day such animal has been im- pounded plus seven dollars ($7.00) rabies vaccination fee and ;i two dollar and fifty cents ($2.50) license fee if applicable. Owners re- claiming cats from the shelter shall pay three dollars ($3.00) for each day such animal has been impounded, plus seven dollacs ($7.00) rabies VRccination fee and a two dollar and fifty cents ($2.50) license fee if applicable. (Ord. No. 7083, §2, 6-12-75; Ocd. 7995; §1, 2-14-80) Sec. 4-24. Adopting animals. i\ny person adopting an animal from the animal shelter shall pay a deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) towards neutecing the animal, a fee of seven dollacs ($7.00) for the cost of rabies vaccination, a two dollar and fifty cent ($2.50) city license fee, and a two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) administrative fee. The The adopting pernon has two (2) weeks to return the animal to the .shelter and receive a refund of all but the administrative fee. All animals adopted must be neutered within ninety (90) days of adoption oc of reaching six (6) months of age by a vetecinarian. Upon ceceipt of proof o[ neutering by the animnl shelter, thu neutering fee shall be focwarded to the veteclnarliln. (Ocd. No. 7083, §2, 6-12-75; Ord, No. 7995, §1, 2-14-80) Sec. 4-JO(b). (h) Upon immunization of an animal ngainst rnbies by a licensed vetecinarian, payment of a license fee of two dollars and fifty cents I ($2.50) and a writt~n application stating name, address, and description of animal, the city enforcement agent or a veterinarinn appointed for such purpose may issue to the owner a license certificate and a metallic tag for each animal so licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for which it is issued and the number corresponding with the number on the c:crtiflcate. Sec. 4-33. Duplicate license; transfer of license. A duplicate license or transfer of license may be obtained upon payment of a two dollar and fifty cents ($2.50) rl!pl.accment or transfer fee. (Ord. No. 708], §2, 6-12-75) Sec. 4-64. Poundage [ees. The following shall be the (e~s charged as poundage on animals impounded under the provisions of this division: Large animals (c.:1ttle, horses, cte): Co.p tu re and irnpoundmen t, pc r !wad ....... , . . . . . . . . . $ 2 5 . 00 Boarding, per head per day ........................ $ 3.00 hdvertising for sale of animal, per head .......... $ 1.00 Small animals (sheep, goats, etc.): Capture and lmpoundment, per head ................. $15.00 Boarding, per head per day. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . $ 3. 00 Advertising fur sale of animal, per head .......... $ 1.00 (Ord. No. 932, §1-7; Ord. No. 7876, §1, 6-28-79) Sec. 5.2. Same--Amendments BUILDING CODE Sec. 304. (n). Building Permit Fees. Every application for cJ building pvnni.t shall be accompanied by tlw p,1yment therefore, ns follows: I Storage plants for gasoline or other volatile or flammable liquids., ... , .............. , $20.00 Service station storage t3nks, each ............... $10.00 Parking Lots .................................. , ... $10.00 New buildings, additions and other permits excepting alterations ..................... $ 0.04 per square foot, $15.00 minimum. Alterations of existing buildings ................. $ 4.00 per $1,000.00 valuation, $15.00 minimum. Rcinspection of any of the abov0. ............. ,., .. $15.00 Investigative inspection fee ...................... $25.00 Where work for which a permit i.s required by this Code is st.'.lrtetl or proceeded with prior to obtaining s~id permit, the fees specified herein ~hall be doubled, but the payment of such double fC'e shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this Code in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescribed herein. The City, County, State, Independent School District, or the United States of America shall be exempt from the paying of any fee for any building. Sec. 310.(a). Permit and Required Fees. No person, or persons shall hereafter move any building within the limits of the City of Lubbock, Texas, where the same shall be moved in, through or upon the streets, alleys, avenues, or public grounds, unless said person shall before said house or building is moved secure a permit to do so from the Building Official. The mover shall pay for said permit. Buildings up to and less than 400 square feet in area, ten dollars ($10.00), one story house, ten dollars ($10.00), two story house, twenty dollars ($20.00), and larger structures, fifty dollars ($50.00). In addition to the above fees for moving, a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be charged for each day in excess of two (2) days that the building obstructs streets or alleys. No pemit will be required of contractors for moving tool or storage houses, but same shall be removed from building site upon completion of contract. Further, the Building Official may refuse to issue a removal permit in a case where such work will necessitate the removal or cutting of any wires belonging to a public utility company, or to the City until such time as the party making application for such permit shall have made satisfactory arrangements with the party or parties owning or controlling such wires, either by written agreement or by deposition with said com-pany a sufficient amount of money to cover the cost of such work, that is, cutting and replacing the wires so removed or cut, to the satisfac-tion of the parties owning or controlling same. Sec. 310.(e)3, Buildings to be moved into the City Limits of Lubbock must be in-spected in the same manner as paragraph l(a) above. A minimum fee for inspection of $25.00 will be charged plus twenty cents per mile beyond the City Limits. Sec. 311.(b). {b) Pemit Fees. The permit to demolish shall be paid for by the contractor or person performing such work on the following basis: Build-ings up to less than 400 square feet in area, ten dollars ($10,00). One story house, twelve dollars ($12.00); two story house, fifteen dollars ($15.00); and larger structures twenty dollars ($20.00), commercial buildings requiring barricades twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Sec. 4602. Fees. A sign permit shall be ten dollars ($10.00} per sign. This fee is payable at the office of the Building Official and shall be in addition to any fee required under the Electrical Ordinance, Sec. llA-123. Sec. llA-47. License fee. ELECTRICAL CODE Each successful applicant for an electrician's llcensc shall pny the following respective fees; master electrician or master sign elec- trician the sum of one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165.00), journeyman electrician or journeyman sign electrician the sum of twenty-two dollars ($22.00), maintenance electrician the sum of sixteen dollars and fifty cents ($16.50). The fees herein enumerated and required by this section shall be paid and delivered to the secretary of the board of electrical examiners within thirty (30) days after the applicant is notified that he has passed the examination. Complete reapplication and reexamination will be required if such fee ls not paid and !cluch bond posted within the time herein specified. All license fees collected by the secretary of the board shall be paid over to the general fund of the City of Lubbock. (Ord. No. 4897, 1-20-66) Sec. llA-50 (a) . (a) Master electrician and master sign electrician a fee of fi(ty- five dollars ($55.00). Sec. 11A-50(b). (b) Journeyman electrician, journeyman sign electrician and main- tenance electrician a fee of ten dollars ($10.00). Section llA-58. Temporary License. The holder of any license for a journcym:rn L!lectrician or _journey- man sign electrician or the equivalent of such license issued by another city with standards comparable to the City of Lubbock may upon presenta- tion of evidence that he holds as equivalent license from such city be granted a temporary license by the city Electrical Inspector. Any tem- porary license issued under the provisions of tl1is sectlon may not ex- ceed an accumulated total of two months, or until the next regular ex- amination is given and is not renewable. The applicant for a temporary journeyman license shall pay upon issuance of such license a fee of $5.50. Section llA-63. City apprentice work permit. Everyone desiring to do work as an apprentice electrician within thu City shall register with the City Electrical Inspector, and obtain from such office an apprentice work permit. A fee of two dollars shall be charged for issuance of such permit. Such permits shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each calendar year, and may be renewed by application therefor to the Electrical Inspector and payment of a one dollar renewal fee. Section llA-82. fees -~ew Construction. The following fees shall be charged by the City :ind must be paid before a permit for electrical work on all new construction is issued or work thereon is commencedi,: The permit fee shall be eq ua 1 to two cents (2i) per square foot of floor space in the planned construction. Work commenced without first obt.:iining a permit shall be assessed at twice the nonnally required fee. When more tlwn one inspection is required, a reinspection fee of ten ($10.00) dollars shall be charged, New warehouses shall pay the following fees: One to 20,000 square feet, $.02 per square foot for every square foot in excess of 20,000 but not in excess of 50,000 the fee shall be $.015 per square foot plus four hundred ($400) dollars; for every square foot in excess of 50,000 the fee shall be $.005 per square foot plus seven hundred and seventy-one ($771) dollars. Exception. For new warehouses with no offices or restrooms and with 120-240 volt, single phase 60 amp maximum service the following fees shall be paid; 1-1000 square feet, two (2i) cents per square foot. 1001 square feet and up, $1.50 per outlet and $1.50 per fixture plus fifteen (15.00) dollars. In all instances, a minimum fee of ($15.00) shall be chnrgc>d for any permit. *Unless specific alternative .'.lrrangements have be~n made in writing with the Building Official and the Senior Elcctrlcnl Inspector, Section llA-83. Fees -All Other Types of Construction. The following foes shall be clwrgcd by the City for .:111 types and classes of construction not covered by the preceding section and mus t be paid before a permit is issued or work is commenced*: Minimum permit fee .......................... . $15.00 New ins tal la tions-ou tle t .........••.......... $ .40 e,1ch Altering or changing meter loop ............. . $10.00 each :::itldi tional meter ..................... . $ 1.00 adtli.tional Fixtures ..•.................................. $ .40 each Gasoline pumps ..........................•.... s 2.00 each Motors, fans and heat pumps ................. . $ 2.00 each If any additional circuit is required to accommodate outlets, a permit fee equal to that for new work will be charged. *Unless specific alternative arrangements have been made in writing with the Building Official and the Senior Electrlcal Inspector. Section llA-123 -Sign Permit Fees. The following fees shall be paid to the City upon the issuance of a sign permit: (a) Outside neon signs -(1 to 5 transformers) $10.00 (b) Interior -illuminated outdoor signs, each $10.00 Sec. 12-75(c). FIRE PROTECTION (c) The applicnnt shall pay an annual license fee In the sum of sixteen dollars and fifty cents ($16.50) to the City Secretary-Treasurer. Upon certification from the fire marshall that applicant hns satisfied the requirements of this section, and after payment of the license fee, the city secretary shall issue the license. No licensee under this article shall allow, permit or suffer an agent, employee or representa- tive to engage in the fire extinguisher business unless such agent, employee or representative has a certificate of compliance issued in his name and in his possession. Violation of this subsection by a licensee shall be grounds for revocation o( the license issued here- under. (Ord, No. 5271, §1, 6-22-67; Ord. No. 7877, §2, 6-14-79) Sec. 12-76 (b). (b) The applicant for certificate of compliance shall pay an annual fee in the sum of eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) to the city secretary-treasurer upon certification from the fire marshal that an applicant for .:i certl[lcute of comrliance has satisfi.cd these re- quirements. The city secretary, upon receipt of payment of the annual fee, shall issue a certificate of compliance. Provided, however, a certificate of compliance shall not be construed as authorizing a holder to repair or service (ire extinguishers unless he is a bona Eide agent, employee or representative of a licensee l1nder this article. (Ord. No. 5271, §1, 6-22-67; Ord. No. 7877, §3, 6-lli-79) Sec. 13-3(c). FOOD SERVICE SANITATION (c) Issuance; fee, When insrection reveals tbnt the applicable requirements of this chapter have been met, including payment of a permit fee, a permit shall be issued to the applicnnt by the city health department. The annual permit fee to be pnld by (~::ich npplicant shall be as follows: Food service permit: Seating Capacity 0-10 ............... , ............ $ J0,00 Seating Capacity 11-30.,, ........................ $ 50.00 Seating Capacity 31-S0 ........................... $ 60.00 Seating Capacity over SO ......................... $ 70.00 Food processing permit: Square Footage 0-1000 ............................ $ 45.00 Square Footage 1001-3000 ....... , •................ $ 60. 00 Square Footage 3001-5000 ......................... $ 75. 00 Square footage 5001-10,000 ........... , ........... $105.00 Child Care food service permit ........................ $ 25.00 Temporary food service permit ......................... $ 25.00 Reinspection fee ...................................... $ 25.00 (Ord. No. 8018, §1, 4-10-80) Sec. 15-50. Regulation 3 (a), HEALTH AND SANITATION (a) Permits. Nn public or semi-public swimming pool shall be maintained or operated in the city without a permit in force issued by the city health department, or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of the permit and these regulations. The permit sh.111 be dis- played in a conspicuous place on the premi.ses where Lt may he rendily observed by all patrons. /\11 such permits shall expire December 31st each year. The fee for such permit shall be forty dollars ($40.00) per year. Sec. 15-100. Fee. The permit fee for a massage business shall be five hundred and fifty dollars ($550.00) per year or any part thereof. The permit fee for masseurs shall be one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00) per ye,1r or any part thereof. Sec. 18-37. 2. Samc--Fce for furnishing. MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC There is hereby authorized i:l charge of three dollars ($3.00) per copy for each copy of the investigating officers' report o[ investigation made at the scene of an automobile accident, to any of the nbove named persons. Such chargl' shall be pai.d in cash to the chiuf of poli.ce or his representative and sliall be <leposited in the general fund of the city. (Ord, No. 2173; Ord. No. 5863, §1, 4-23-70) Sec. 20-14. Same--Number required; contents; fee: posting. PAWNBROKERS AND SECONDHAND DEALERS A separate license and application shall be require<l (or each estab- lishment or place of business at which any person shall pursue the occu- pation of dealer as defined in this article, regardless of the ownership of such business. Upon application and payment of the license fee of five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50), the tax collector shall issue a license to the appli-1 cant which license shall state upon its face the address and business to be conducted and the name under which the business ls to be conducted and such license shall be kept conspicuow;ly posted in the place of business of the dealer where it may be readily available for inspection by the public. (Ord. No. 1578, §Li) Sec. 21-4. Same--Fec. PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS When a license is issued to any person named in section 21-1 of this Code, such licensee sl1nll pay to the City Secretary-Treasurer an annual license fee of eleven dollars ($11.00). Sec. 21'i-2. Amendments. PLlJNBING CODE Sec. 20.7. Schedule of permit fees. New construction, excepting repair or replacement shall pay a fee of $0.02 per square f oot. Minimum permit fee ........................... $15.00 Repair, roplncement, or new installation in existing buildings ...................... $15.00 Water softener .................... ,., ........ $15.00 Yard sprinkler system ............ , , , .• , . . . . . . $15. 00 Sewer replacement and/ or top. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15. 00 Gas service replacement .. , .... , ...... , . . . . . . . $15. 00 Water service replacement ....... , .... , ..... , . $15 . 00 Water heater replacement ..................... $ 5. 00 Gas grill or yard light (each) ............... $15. 00 All reinspection fees, red tags (each) ....... $10.00 All alterations of or additions to existing systems shall pay a fee equivalent to $2.00 per $1,000.00 of valuation or fifteen dollars ($15.00) whichever is greater. EXCEPTION: Shell buildings and warehouses shall pay a fee of $0.005 per square foot where minimal plumbing is installed. Additional per- mit and fee is required prior to completion of interior of shell buildings or warehouses of $0.02 per square foot If additional plumb- ing is required. However, up to six (6) fixtun~s may bo installed for the minimum permit fee or at a rate of $2.00 per $1,000.00 eval- uation, whichever is greater. ' Sec. 26-50. i\.pplical:lon. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS Before obtaining a license to keep, have, conduct or operate a bil- liard or pool table for profit within the corporate limits of the City o( Lubbock, Texas the applicant shall make a written, signed application therefor to the city tax collector, accompanied by a fee of two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per table to be so operated payable to the city. Such application shall set forth full information concerning the applicant including but not limited to: (a) The full name, age, place of birth and present residential and business addresses of the applicant. (b) 'fhe length of the residence of the applicant in the city and the 5tatc, and whether he is a citizen of the United States. (c) A full personal description of the applicant, including age, height, weight, r.:1cc, color of eyes, complexion and color of hair, body and facial marks and defects, if any. (d) Whether applicant has been charged with or convicted of any felony or misdemeanor, excluding traffic complaints, and If so, full information concerning ~ach. (e) Four business and personal ceferences who can testify as to the applicant's character and reputation. Sec. 28-63(j). STREETS AND SIDEWALKS (j) All paved surfaces of city streets cut for the construction of commercial driveways shall be replaced by the city at tlw expense of the contractor who caused the street cut, The contractor shall pre-pay the city for the estimated cost of repairing the asphalt paving at all pro- posed commercial driveways ilt the time of issuance of the building permit. The rate shall be two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per linear foot for the total width (as measured at curb opening). of commercial drivers to be constructed, with a minimum charge of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) re- quired. In the event no repairs arc necessary, such payment will b~ re- turned to the contractor. (Ord. No. 1466, §3; Ord. No. Li371, §1, 6-30-64; Ord. No. 5057, §3, 7-lli-66; Ord. No. 5580, §1, 12-19-68; Ord. No. 5758, §1, 10-9-69; Ord. No. 6891, §§1--3, 5-9-74) Sec. 29-3A(2). SUBDIVISIONS (2) Twenty (20) copies of the preliminary plat and/or plat for re- approval shall be submitted to the secretary, planning and zoning commis- sion, at le<1.st twenty (20) days prlor to the meeting at which it is to be considered, together with the deposit of an application and processing fee in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) if the plat contains one acre or less plus an additional fee of six dollars ($6.00) for each acre or portion of nn acre In the plat over one acru. Utility pro rnta costs sh;:i.11 be based on the rates in effect at the time of utility line con- struction. Preliminary plats submitted for re-approval must be accom- panied by a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) if the plat contains one acre or less plus an additional fee of six dollars ($6.00) for each acre or portion of an acre in the plat over one acre except that in no case fihall the total fee for re-approval exceed sixty dollars ($60,00), Sec. 29-JB(J). (3) Final plats submitted for approval must be accompanied by a pro cessing fee in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) if the plat contains one (1) acre or less plus an additional fee of six dollars ($6.00) for each acre in the plat over one (1) acre. Sec. 33-4 (l) . TRAILERS, NOBILE HOMES AND VACATION TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS (1) Fee. The annual fee for each mobil~ home park or vacation travel trailer park shall be twenty-five dollars ancl fifty cents ($25.50) for the first twenty (20) mobile homes or vacation travel trailer stands and one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) for each additional stand. This annual license can be issued when the owner shows written evi- dence that the mobile home park or vacation travel trailer park and its facilities have been inspected and approved by the city-county health department and by the city fire department not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of license application. This non-transferable license may be obtnined at the City Tax Office. The City Tax Department shall send out notices thirty (30) days before expiration date and follow up to insure this nnnual license is obt.:iincd. ... Sec. 33A-l. Adopted by reference; amendments. UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE (a) Adoption by reference. The 1979 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code, as copyrighted in 1979 by the International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, California, along with the Appendices thereto, as hereinafter amended, is specifically adopted as the Mechanical Code of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and a copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein by refer- ence as though set out completely in detail. A copy of said Uniform Mechanical Code shall be filed with the city secretary and a copy main- tained in the office of the building inspector of the City of Lubbock, Texas, all such copies to be open to public inspection during business hours of the offices where they are maintained, with the following amend- ments thereto: Whenever reference is made in this Chapter to "The Uniform Mechan- ical Code, 1967 Edition" or to the "Uniform Mechanical Code, 1970 Edition," shall hereafter be to the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code. (b) Amendments. Section 203 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1979 Edition, is here- by amended to read as follows: "In order to determine the suitability of alternate material and methods of installation and to provide for reasonable interpre- tations of this code, there shall be and there is hereby created a Board of Appeals, whose membership shall be the same as that of the Plumbing Board of the City of Lubbock. The Building Official shall be an ex officio member and shall act as Secretary of the Board. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the Building Official with a duplicate copy to the Appellant." Section 204 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1979 Edition, is hereby amended by amending the second paragraph thereof to read as follows: "Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provi- sions of this Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $200.00.11 Section 304.(a) of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1979 Edition, is hereby amended to read as follows: "New Construction -excepting repair or replacement shall pay a fee of $0.015 per square foot. The minimum permit fee shall be $15.00. Repair, replacement or new installation in existing buildings -See Unit fee schedule included in Table 3-A. All other portions of Table 3-A are hereby deleted." Sec. 34-95.l(H). WATER, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL (H) Permit Fees: Individual sewage disposal system ............... $50.00 Commercial septic tank emptying ................. $50.00 Veteran's Administration loan inspection fee .... $17.00 Sec. 35-4. Same--Issuance--Fee. WRECKING YARDS Ai~D JUNK YARDS The tax assessor-collector, upon receiving nn application for a license and the payment of an application fee of eleven dollars ($11.00) to cover investigation and processing, shall refer such application to the zoning administrator, building inspector, police chief, fire marshal and any other appropriate city departments for review, inspection :ind approval or disapproval in regards to compliance with this chapter and all appropriate city ordinances. Upon assurance of compliance with this chapter, and the payment of all license fees, the tax assessor- collector shall issue o wrecking yard/junk yard llccns0. One license shall permit both operations combined or one only as tbe operator chooses. (Ord. No, 6337, §1, 4-10-72) Sec. 35-5. Same--Durn tion. The license issued herein shall be valid for a period of one year nnd renewal shall be on or before Jnnuary first of each year. The annual license fee shall be fifty-five dollars ($5.5.00). The nnnunl license fee paid along with the applicntion fee sh:i] l be prorated as to the portion of the year remaining at the time of license issuance, (Ord. No. 6337, §1, 4-10-72) SECTION 2. THAT should any section, paragrarh, sentence clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstilutional or invnlid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, SECTION 3. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cnusc publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an al- ternative method provided by law. SECTION 4. 1981. TIIAT the effective dnte of this Ordin,tnce is October 1, ,., AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the cuy Council on first reading this 10th day 0 f ----S~p.tenibe" 1981. Pa ssed by the City Council on second reading this 1981. ATTEST: Evelyn Ca ff ga, City S e·c re"tq cy-Treas urer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: :Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: J, , , ,.1_·• 94_~.l _ i . . cL.dY.~\ re: < Donald G. Vandiver, Asst. City Attorney SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES Cor.rnunity Centers *l~o Admission Charged end Public Not Invited 1. Social Hall 2. Meeting Room 1 *Admission Charged (Not for Profit) 1. Social Hall 2.· Meeting Room l ""· All Sunday Reservations Additional Charges l. \.Jhen mea 1 is served 2. Set-up (over 150 people) 3. Jc:nitor Service (preparation for Sunday Reservations) CURRENT 525 · 10 50 25 50 10 10 15 PROPOSED $40 15 65 35 85 15 15 25 * Al l chcrges are based on time periods 2s follows or a m2ximum of Ll hours: 9 a.m. to i2:00 noon; 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Garden and Arts Center Admission Charged and Public Not Invited 1. Au.di tori um 2. Meeting Room No Admission Charged and Public is Invited (Outside Regular Hours) 1. Audi tori um 2. Meeting Room · No Admission Charged and Public is Not Invited 1. Auditorium 2. Meeting Room Additional Charges 1. . Piano Ren ta 1 2 .. Projector Rental Gener~l Use of Kitchen (no utensils or dishes) Party Houses 25 3 10 3 30 5 15 Sl or $2 -0- 30 5 10 3 40 7 15 $2 or $3 5 ~~eek days Weekend .& Holidays Deposits Current Proposed ' Lanct,-,,er $25 , Same Mackenzie Terrace 12 II Little Party House 5 II Barbeque Pit 8 II Bunk House 5 " A.B. Davis 8 Ii Lou Stubbs ·s " Mahon 12 " Clapp 12 · -. •. " Current $35 15 . 7 .. 10 10 .10 .10 15 -· 15 Proposed Current Same ·-· ·s100 50 " II II • ': .-JI --~-"?--:· u _ .... , " -: f .. .. i -u ..:. . , .... II II II .. - II ·-..... ~~-~ It •-.. d~ -,--~ -·· ..... --··. ~. ... -.-, .. II Propo Same !i,100 II II II II u II 'II . . . -. ., " . ~ ... vla te Key Pi ck-up Lost Key /'Jani tor Service ✓Late Key Return Tennis Center · Court Fees (Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 1. Singles (per person) 2. Doubles (per person) {Weekends, Ho1idays, and after 6 1. Singles {per person) 2. Doubles (per person) Memberships {annual) 1. Family 2. Individual Swirrming Pools Admission Maxey and Clapp 1. Children (3-12 yrs.) 2. Teenagers (13-19 yrs.) 3. Adults (20-up) Rodgers and Woods l. Children 2 •.. Teenagers 3. Adults Rent ; Maxey and Clapp 1. 1-99 people· 2. 100-199 people 3. 200 and up Rodgers, Woods and Sirrmons ·1. 1-99 people . 2. .100-199 people ·· :->_. ~. 3. 200 and ~P ;. ··< ~ 6 p.m.) p. m.) CURRENT $ 5.00 -0- 20.00 .50 per day 1.25 1.00 1. 75 1.25 $100 65 60¢ 75¢ 90¢ 50¢ 60¢ 75¢ $ 55 70 95 45 55 95 PROPOSED $ 7.50 2.00 25.00 Same Same II It II It ti Same ti II II II II II ti II II II II I• • . Fa.miJy ·swim Night {Thurs. 5:30 -closing)· 2 · 11 ~-= ---··--·------------------------------·-------..... ·-·· ·--- .. --·~ ' l! u v Jf(l 11jr JUN 1 O 1982 Fare Study -March, 1982 11/1~~~ The mass transit industry has been mandated by the current economic conditions to re-evaluate all aspects of transit operations. The most important consideration in this evaluation process is the possible reductions in Federal Operating Assistance. The components of service reductions and revenue increases must be balanced to maintain the best transportation service possible. The Reagan Program for Economic Recovery published in February, 1981 proposes a 33% reduction in the UMTA budget in FY 1983. This proposed legislation is the catalyst for this report. This proposal can be affected by several variables. One variable is if Congress will actually approve a 33\ cut. Indications are that the cut will not be this severe. Another variable is that the cuts might be in other areas of UMTA's budget, and the operating assistance formulas would be affected to a lesser degree. The staff is also working under the assumption that the local share of the total budget will remain intact. The Citibus.system was implemented in 1976 and the adult fare was 40¢, then an increase of 25% to 50¢ was established in September, 1980. At the time of the 1980 increase the new GMC coaches were introduced and no service reductions were implemented. These past fare increases have not kept pace with rate of inflation, the price of a gallon of gas, or the operating expenses of transit. Now it is critical for Citibus to recover more of its expenses from the farebox and not from government subsidy. We need to first look at revenue increases and its impact on the operating defi_cit. Revenue for the system comes. from several sources: the farebox, the Texas Tech Contract, the charter profit, and miscellan- eous contributions. The farebox revenue is the component that can be most easily manipulated through the use of fare increases. A fare increase should work two-fold. It should first lessen the operating deficit and secondly, it should cover a higher percentage of the operating expenses. The fare structure that the Transit Board is recommending follows: v 75¢ Regular Adult Fare 50¢ Student Fare (Children under 12) 35¢ Elderly and Handicapped Fare 40¢ Prepaid Tickets $6. 00 and $12. 00 Econocards (10 and 20 rides) $9.00 Student Econocard (20 rides) No transfer fee ITEM 1, L V studies show that, in general, every time fares are increased, riders are lost. Based upon an ATE study of the Citibus system a 12\ drop in ridership is estimated to accompany a SO\ increase in fares.. This is assuming no change in ~ervice. These ridership and revenue estimates reflect the drops in ridership due to the fare change and service changes. Ridership 933,026 939,990 827,191 Average Fare Farebox Revenue FY 1981 Actual FY 1982 Estimated FY 1983 Estimated 31¢ 31¢ 47¢ 290,892 291,397 388,780 Of course, the increase to 75¢ shows the greatest change in revenue. The 75¢ fare will help recover operating expenses of Citibus at a much greater level. The transit board has set a goal for the revenue to cover 40\ of the expenses. Currently, 33\ of Citibus expenses are covered by revenue, which is average for a system this size. But, Citibus relies on the federal subsidy to cover 40\ of its expenses, which is above average. FY 1982-1983 Revenue Break-down \ of FY 82 Operating Budget FY 82 Revenues Federal Subsidy City Share Miscellaneous Revenue ·Farebox.Revenue Expenses 40\ 27\ 17\J 33\ 16\ $741,396 493,128 312,048 291,397 $1,837,969 $1,837,969 FY 83 with fare increase and service reductions (projected) FY 83 Operating Expenses FY 83 Revenues Federal Subsidy City Share Farebox Revenue Miscellaneous \ of Expenses 36.2\ 26.53% 20. 59\} 37 27\ 16.68\ • $1,888,541 $ 683,741 501,087 388,780 314,933 $1,888,541 {iii:= :: J I iih ~\ ;: LUBBOCK MEMORIAL ..,'IV IC CENTER 11--R~ ' '\ ; :) -'-/.>. I J--t.fl/ 0 J{'t;I -...L_ ,.., ~-RENTAL RATES .vr/-...--PROPOSED V It. NON-PROFIT COMMERCIAL 5% INC. -COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL RATE EXHIBIT HALL -ENfERTAINMENT 900 1000/10% 1050/10% 1 0 5 0 / 1 0 % :: MEETNGS, SEMINARS 800 900/10% 945/10% 9 5 O / 10 % :: OAl~QUE TS 800 900/10% 945/10% 9 5 O / 10 % :: DMKES 900 10001ioi 1050/10% I O 5 0 / 1 0 % :: EXHIBITS/TRADE SHOWS 800 1100/10% 1155/10% 115 O / 10 i:: 1/2 EXHIBIT HALL 600 700/10% 735/10% 7 5 0 / 1 0 % :: 1/3 EXHIBIT HALL 400 500/10% 525/10% 5 2 5 / l O % :: THEATER ENTERTAINMENT 300 350/10% (1 PERF) 367.50/10% 375/10% 450 525/10% (2 PERF) 551,25/10% 550/10% MEETINGS, SEMINARS 300 350/10% 367. 50/10% 375/10% OANQUET HALL -FULL ENTERTAINMENT 500 600/10% 530/10% 625/10% MEETINGS, SEMINARS 500 600/10% '630/10% 625/10% BAUQUETS 400 500/10% 525/10% 525/10% DANCES 50 0 600/10% 630/10.% 625/10% EXHIBITS 50 0 600/10% 630/10% 625/10% OANQUET HALL -2/3 EfH E RTA I NM ENT 400 500/10% 525/10% 525/10% MEETINGS, SEMINARS 400 500/10% 525/10% 525/10% ( BANQUETS 300 400/10% 420/10% 425/10% DANCES 400 500/10% 525/10% 52'5/10% EXHIBITS 400 500/10% 525/10% 5!J.5/10% BANQUET HALL -1/3 ENTERTAINMENT 300 400/10% 420/10% 425/10% MEETINGS, SEMINARS 300 4 0 0/ 10 % 1 420/10% 425/10% OANQUETS 20 0 300/10% 315/10% 325/10% DANCES 300 400/ 10% 420/10% 425/10% -EXHIBITS 300 400/10% 420/10% 425/ 10% -I m 3:,:: BASE RATE OR 10% OF GROSS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, \~ITH A CUT-OFF AT $25,000 GROSS. . ~ . '.. . . . . . •,. :iii} .. l. )lie :ii;(; · in !!l ~ . LUBBOCK MEMORIAL CENTER RENTAL RATES v v PROPOSED NON PROFIT COMMERCIAL si INC. -COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL RATE MEETING ROOMS 101 40 so S 2 I~ Q 55 l O 2 40 50 52:50 .5 s 103 40 50 52.50 55 104 40 50 52.50 55 105 40 50 52.50 55 106 40 50 52.50 55 108 40 50 5 2. 5 0 55 109 40 50 52.50 55 110 40 50 52.50 55 111 40 50 52.50 55 112 40 50 52.SO 55 104/105 80 100 105 110 108/109 80 100 105 110 111/112 80 100 105 110 107 100 125 131. 25 130 ALL MEETING ROOMS 540 675 708.75 710 MEZZ/\NINE 8Af~QUETS 200 300 315 325 MEETINGS 300 400 420 425 TERRACE SUITE BANQUETS 125 125 125 < MEETINGS 150 150 150 HOSPITALITY SUITE MEETING 50 so 50 THEATER LOBBY 50 so so GRAND STAIRWAY 50 50 50 -PLAZA ._ /1 L l ,: l ·-,,......10 0 ___-WO yo --PEDESTRAIN MALL $2/BOOTH/DAY $2/BOOTH/DAY $2/BOOTH/DAY EHTIRE BUILDING 2500/DAY 3000/DAY 3150/DAY 3150/DAY 'I. - COLISEUM POSSIBLE RATE INCREASES _..::::.~nquets Athletic Events ( Rodeos, Circuses, Festivals {Events with major equipment) Dances Meetings, Speeches, Graduation, School Bands, etc. Stage Shows Rock & Roll Shows Exhibits Registration r.' One performance or one part of a day Two performance or two parts of a day OTHER CHARGES: {For all users) Animals Overnight Move-in/out Chairs W/Tables ·Chairs Only ~ehearsal (Walk-in) Rehearsal (Dress) Auditorium Dressing for BB Programs BB Workout W/Heat BB Workout W/O Heat BB Floor, Put up-Take down Box Office New Stage Current S 700.00 1,300.00 1,700.00 1,300.00 1,700.00 850.00 1,100.00 850.00 . 1,100.00 1,2-00.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 1,600.00 850.00 1,100.00 1,150.00 150.00 250.00 .25/ch . 2 0/ch 250.00 300.00 SD.DO 15% 75.00/hr. 60.00/hr. 400.00 25.00/day 225.DD or 8,00/sec. 10% on Commercial with ceiling at S60,000.00 15% Service charge for Stagehands Convention SB00.00/day s 5% 735,00 1,365.00 1,785.00 1,365.00 1,785.00 892.50 1,155.00 892.50 1,155.00 1,260.00 1,680.00 1,260.00 1,680.00 892.50 1,155.00 r ;:i (' !J ,. ! 1;575.00 ,/ Prooosed S 750.00 * 1,350.00 ** 1,800.00 * 1,350.00 ** 1,800.00 * 900.00 'fl* 1,150.00 * 900.00 ** 1,150.00 * 1,250.00 ** 1,700.00 * 1,250.00 'fl* 1,700.00 * 900.00 ** 1,150.00 I . ;:._ 3" o tt * L1so.oo- 157.50 262.50 .25/ch .20/ch 262.50 160.00 260.00 .25/ch .20/ch ~60.00 315.00 52.50 15% 78.75/hr. 63.00/hr. 420.00 26.2S/day 236.25 or 8.40/sec. 320.00 55.00 15% BO.OD/hr. 65.00/hr. 420.00 25.oo/day 250.00 or 9.00/sec. AUDITORIU:-1 POSSIBLE RATE INCREASES V Lectures, Speeches, Meetings, Recognition Services, Films Graduation Services Symphony Concerts other Concerts Stage Plays, Variety Shows, Stage Shows Rock & Roll Shows • One performance or one part of a day ** Two performances or two parts of a day OTijER C~ARGES: (For all users) Move-in/Move-out Rehearsal. (Walk-in) Rehearsal (Full Dress) Piano Programs Block Out Box Office Ceiling from $10,000 to $15,000 10% on Commercial 15% Service charge for Stagehands Current $ 500.00 650.00 500.00 600.00 500.00 650.00 500.00 650.00 600.00 850.00 800.00 1,100.00 175.00 175.00 200.00 65.00 15% 150.00 25,00/day .s 5% 525.00 682.50 V Prooosed *.S 530.00 ** 680.00 525.00 * 630.00 ** 525.00 * 682.50 .... 525.00 * 682.50 .... 630.00 * 892.50 ** 530.00 630.00 530.00 680.00 530.00 680.00 630.00 900.00 840.00 1,155.00 * 850.00 ~'k 1,150.00 183.75 183.75 210.00 68.25 15% 157.50 26.25/day 180.00 180.00 210.00 70.00 15% 160.00 25.00/da The State of Texas County of Lubbock Before me, Gilbert Ortiz, a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Bidal Aguero of Amigo Publications, publishers of El Editor, weekly newspaper, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said news- paper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeS?, prior to the first insertion of this City Ordinance No. ~ 39 at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached printe.d copy of the City Ordinance is a true copy of th~£- fii8Jo~pri nted if El Editor on the following dates:.=-::~...J..J.~<??~ 'f a. t9J . I 1.tor Amigo Publications Subscribed and sworn to before me this ]_{_day of C<:iober . 198/ ~,'Uff:/;; f ()A, ~Afert rt:1.z Nortary Public Ordinance No1 8239 An Ordinance increasina ccnain fees chatsed by the Ci(y of Lubbotk for liocnsca, ~nnill a~ °'lier C11y Savicc,; prQviding a S&91IIIP dall$e and. providinl for pubticatlb,I