HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8233-1981 - Amend. Sec. 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, And 19A To Provide A Def For Oil And Gas - 08/27/1981' •' ,, -\ '.J.., ,, 'I ~ -""-,---o I 1 s~rn: bs ORDINANCE NO. 8 23 3 c, --~4---5I AN ORDINANCE i\}JENJHN(; ORDINANCE NO. 7084, CITY Of LUBBOCK, TEXAS, (BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE) , llY AflENDING SECTIONS 2, 6, 9, 11., l2, 14, 15 ;ind 19A THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR A DEfINITION OF OIL AND GAS WELLS; TO PERNIT OIL AND GAS WELLS TO BE DRILLED IN ANY DISTRICT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PRO- VIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council has found that the changes indicated below would be in the best interest and safety of the citizens of the City of Lub- bock; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION l. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by adding Section 2.83a as follows: "2. 8-'in. OIL AND Gi\S WELLS: Any hole or holes, bore or bores, to any sand, formation, strata or depth for the> purpose of producing .. ind re- covering any oil, g~1s, liquid hydrocarbon, or any of them," SECTION 2. THAT Ordinance No, 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by adding Section 6.3-8 to read as follows: 116. 3-8. Oil and Gas Wells (Subject to conditions of Chapter 19,\--0il and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordin;inces)." SECTION 3. THAT Ordinance No, 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by adding Section 9.3-11 to read as follows: "9.3-11, Oil and Gas Wells (Subject to conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordinances)." SECTION 4. TIIAT Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by adding Section 11,3-2-b to read as follows: "11.3-2-6. Oil und Cas Wells (Subject l:o conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and G.:is Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordinances)." SECTIONS. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by ndding Section 12.3-11 to read as follows: 1112.3-11. Oil and Gas Wells {Subject to conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordin:rnces)." SECTION 6. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by ,idding Section 14. 3-10 to read as follows: ''14.3-10. Oil and Gas Wells (Subject to conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordinances)." SECTION 7, THAT Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amcndcd by adding Section 15.3-47 to read as follows: ''15.3-47. Oil and Gas Wells (Subject to conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordinances}." SECTION 8. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by adding Section 19A.3-42 to read as follows: 1119A. 3-42. Oil and Gas Wells (Subject to conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordinances)." SECTION 9. THAT Ordinance ~o. 7084 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance), be and is hereby amended by adding Section 19A.4-18 to read as follows: 1119A.4-18. Oil and Gas Wells (Subject to conditions of Chapter 19A--Oil and Gas Drilling, Lubbock Code of Ordinances)." SECTION 10. THAT should any paragraph, scmtence, clause, phr.2se, or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 11. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this nth Passed by the City Council on second reading thisL~~~ I\.TTEST: , ' ,,._ ( .. _ -~-• • ./ \... -,,/ ..,J _ -:;,,· -,/ ~ Evelyn Gaffga, City SecretarY,~Treasurer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Jim ,Bjrtram, Director of Planning APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~1h-N:aw Susan M. Horton, Assistant City Attorney ____ _..___ • 1981. ~=~=.u-<::.~• 1981.