HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 5208-1967 - Changing Prima Facie Spped Limit Frankford, Erskine - 02/23/1967j / -..SCR/clc ORDINANCE N~·i --~---~ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ALTERING AND C NG N OF THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED ,LIMIT FOR ALL VEHICLES ON T HE FOLLOWIN STREETS lN THE CORPOfl,ATE LThUTS OF Tillt-CrI'Y OF LUBBOC~ LUBBOC COUNTY:>' TEXAS~ TO-Wf: A 55 MPH'SPEEDf_ZONE ON THE WEST SIDE OF FRANKFORD AVENUE (F"I M. 2528) BEGINNING AT A POINT o. 800 MILE SOUT OF ERSKINE AND EXTENPING SOUTH FOR o. 200 MILE; A 60 MPH SPEED ZO ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRANKFORD AVENUE (F. M. 2528) BEGINNING AT A P OINT O,. 600 MILE SOUTH OF ERSKINE STREET AND EXTENDING SOUTH FOR 0,.200 MILE.; A 50 MPH SPEED ZONE ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRANKFORD AVE NUE (F.~·: M~~ 2528) BEGINNING AT A POINT 0." 800 MTI.,E SOUTH OF ERSKINE STREET AND EXTENDING SOUTH FOR 0., 634 MJLE; A 50 MPH SPEED ZONE 0 THE WEST SIDE OF FRANKFORD\AVENUE (F~' 2528} BEGINNING AT WEST 41I'H STREET (F. M. 2255} ~ND EWENDING SOOTH FOR o. 434 MILE! §UTHOR IZING THE PLACING OF SPEED LIMIT SIGNS; PRESCRIBING.:A PENALTY; PR VIDING FOR PUBLICATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING THAT 21.TREETS OR HIGHWAYS NOT SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE PROVISIONS HEREO AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL OTHER PRIMA F ACIE SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCES EXCEPT THOSE WITH WHICH IT SPECIFIC CONFLICTS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS~ the ggverning body of the City of Lubbock., as authorize by Article 670ld,. Section 169 (b)'Vernon:1s Texas Civil statutes., finds that certain prima facie speed limits on certain highways are different from what is reasonab or safe and should be altered and the immediate preservation of public health and safety requires immediate alteration of said prima facie speed limits as hereinaf r set forth,. which creates an emergency. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBB~K: SECTION 1. The prima facie speed limit established by Article 670ld.,. Section 166a (1) Vernonits Texas Civil Statutes is altered and changed for all vehicles to fifty (50) miles per hour on the following designated highway or street in the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock• Lubbock County., Texas~ to-wit: On the east side of Frankford Avenue ( F. M. 2528) beginning at a point o. 800 mile south of Erskine street and extending south for o. 634 mile. SECTION 2. The prima facie speed limit established by Article 6701d, Section 166a (1) Vernonts Texas Civil Statutes is altered and changed for all vehicles to fifty (50) miles per hour on the following designated highway or street in the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock~ Lubbock County.t· Texas.,. to-wit: On the west side of Frankford Avenue (F. M. 2528) beginning at West 4th Street { F .. M. 2255) and extending south for o. 434 mile. ;~ SECTION 3. The prima facie speed limit established by Article 670ld$ Section 166a (1) Vernon?'~ Texas: Civil statutes is altered and changed for all vehicles to fifty-five (55) miles per hour on the following designated highway or street in the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock~ Lubbock County~ Texas .. to-wit: On the west side of Frankford Avenue (F. M. 2528) beginning at a point o. 800 mile S> uth of Erskine and extending south for o. 200 mile. SECTION 4. The prima facie speed limit established by Article 670ld.,. Section 166a {l) Vernon1's Texas Civil Statutes is altered and changed for all vehicles to sixty (60) miles per hour on the following designated highway or street in the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock.Lubbock County,. Texas"' to-wit: On the east side of Frankford Avenue (F. M. 2528) beginning at a point o. 600 mile south of ~rskine Street and extending south for o. 200 mile. SECTION 5. The City Manager is authorized and directed to cause the placing of signs so as to clearly define the limits of the prima facie areas set out in this Ordinance., SEC'.Ir.DN 6. Any person. firm or corporation violating the prima facie speed limit established by this Ordinance shall upon conviction be fined any sum not to exceed TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) DOLLARS. SECTION 7. The City Secretary is authorized and directed to caus1 publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance together with the penalty provision as an alternative method of publication as provided by law. SECTION a. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with any provisions hereof are hereby repealed insofar as such conflict exists. SECTION 9. That all highways or streets not specifically set forth in the preceding sections hereof shall not be affected by the provisions hereof.., and this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other prima facie speed limit ordinances except those with which it specifically conflictr;t::_. SECTION 10. Should any section"· paragraph~ sentence.,., clause;;, ph1 ase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reasona the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION ll. The fact that public necessity and convenience requirE s that this Ordinance be passed as an emergency measure for reasons set forth in the preamble hereof.., the rule recµ iring that no. ordinance shall be finally pass, d on the day of its introduction be suspended., and this Ordinance is de:tdared to be an emerg~ncy measure to take effect from and after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on this the_2....,3_r_d ___ day of February . ~ 19 67. t City Attorney Approved ~ornev