HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 8154-1981 - Funds. Widening University Avenue From 4Th Street To 19Th Street. $568,000 - 02/12/1981~-,~ -11 FORM L-2 ORDINANCE NO. _8_15_4_'. ---- AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE ,. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds it is necessary to appropriate certain specific fund$ for an approved project; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: There is hereby appropriated out of the following described fund, to-wit: Street Improvements The sum$ 568,000 For the following purpose: Widening University Avenue from 4th Street to 19th Street Construction Engineering $ 533,920 34,080 $ 568,000 AND IT IS SO ORDERED Passed by the Council on first reading this 12th day of February Passed by the Council on second reading this 26th day of February 19 81 MAYOR DEPT. , n r n G r r r [ r n r r r r: (l r r CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET 1981-82 CITY OF LUBBOCK Lnbbook, Texas r ' ' ,. l ! l - r I t ,- ,,... ,,... ' ' r r r ' -' ' r ,... r CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET 1981-82 ,.. l r- ,- ,- ,.. r ,... ,- ,.. ' ,... i - r ~ . .,... - r ,- I • I I • CITY OF LUSS0CK, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1981-82 CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET SUMMARIES AND DETAIL Budget Summarles Bonds Authorized, Issued and Remaining Balance Capital Budget Program Summary Budget Details Municipal Buildings and Equipment Fire Station #13 Fire Pumper Unit #19 Fire Pumper Unit #20 Park Improvements Sinmons Senior Citizen Center Community Center Renovations Parking Lots for New Parks Development of New Parks ~ater System Improvements Sandhills Storage Building Water Supply Investigation Water Treatment Plant Addition Justiceburg Water Rights Hearing Sandhills Wells and Plpelrne Well and Pump Controls Raw Water Storage Reservoir Electric Systems Improvements SPS-LP&L Interconnect Substation Improvements Northeast System Improvement S.C.A.D.A. System Improvements Miscellaneous Distribution Projects Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Sewer Reclamation Plant #1 Digesters--Southeast Reclamation Plant Airport Improvements Land Acqutsitions--lnstrument Landing System I It 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 r r r l . ,- ,,... ,,... ! ,- I ,,... ,- r I r ,... i ,,... -I I r ,,... • I ( ,- I l . ,.. Purpose Waterworks System Waterworks System Sewer System Street Improvements Storm Sewer & Drainage Storm Sewer & Drainage Fire Stations TOTALS CITY DF' LUBBDCK, TEXAS CITY·OF LUBBOCK CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET 1980-81 Bonds Authorized, Issued and Remaining Balance (000) (000) (000) Date Amount Amount Remaining Authorized Authorized Issued Balance 5/21/77 $16,775 $11,625 $ 5,150 8/09/80 21,000 16,200 4,800 5/21/77 3,303 2,030 1,273 5/21/77 4,782 3,693 1,089 11 /09/67 1,950 1,715 235 5/21/77 473 100 373 5/21/77 310 -o-310 $48,593 $35,363 $13,230 r-CITY OF' LUBBOCK, TEXAS I ' . r- .1 . r C ITV OF LUBBOCK CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY (000 1s of dollars) r Approved Projected · J>rogram 1981-82 1282-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Total Municipal Bldgs. & Equipment $ 506 $ -o-$ -o-$ -o-$ -o-$ 506 ,-. Park Improvements 294 -o--o--o--o-294 Water Systems Imp. 13,695 I ,624 -o--o--o-15,319 ~ Elec. Systems Imp. 2,983 4,157 2,485 15 -o-9,640 Sanitary Sewer ,... System Improvements 1,032 -o--o--o--o-1,032 Airport Improvements 356 -o--o--o--o-356 TOTAL $18 2866 $ 5!781 $ 21485 $ 1.5 $ -o-$27 2147 ,- Source of Funds ,-1977 Bond Election $ 5,780 $ -o-$ -o-$ -o-$ -o-$ 5,780 1980 Bond Election 8,780 1,624 -o--o--o-10,404 1981 Elec. Rev. Bonds 2,588 4, 157 2,485 15. -o-9,245 ,.. Conmurrity Development 214 -o--o--o--o-214 ' Revenue Sha r Ing 475 .-o--o--o--o-475-- Cap 1 ta I Reserve 160 -o--o--o--o-160 Water Rev. Fund Res. 118 ...o--o--o--o-118 ,.. Elec. Rev. Fund Res. 395 -0:--o--o-·-o-395 ! Airport Rev. Fund Ret. 26 -o--o--o--o-26 Grants 330 -o--o--o--o-330 r TOTAL $18,866 $ 52781 $ 2,485 $ 15 $ -o-$27 2147 -' r I : ' r ,- ,- ,... ,-. I I ' I ,.. ! ,-. I ,-. ,... ,.. i ,-. l I ,- -! ,-. r \ ' r CITY 0F" LUBBOCK. TEX.A& MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT r r r ,- I I ,- r ' ,- r ,- r r -I r i r l . ,- ,- crrv ar waaaaK. TEXA• CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: Fire Station 1113 Account No. . 70-0001~40003-Various .. Description: This project provides for the fire station at Erskine Street and Fulton Avenue. •This includes purchase of a lot, installation of paving and utility service, architect fees, construction and equipment for the station. (Pumper for station listed separately). This station would serve Citizens outside Loop 289.in Northwest Lubbock and provide back up service in other areas. This would have a two-bay apparatus room: and all st·at1on facilities. This station would initially house one Engine Co. however could be used as a two -Co. Station should need develop. PROGRAM: Municipal Buildings & Equipment Project Status: Land-Utilities-Paving ~"8.<·-.······~··· ·•••••• .. '&"-. ···············-····•;• ...... ~~~~-:-;-:»•:..-~-:-·a.~•:~:-·•:•:'ll! Proposed Projected •":.fi"::•"'•"'rl:J'~•··· •• '!',.•. ~• • •••••-.•••N •••=-•,••:;§ ~•••••e::.,~!-~§•••••::::••~~e:::• • •••~.;!-••:::::••8 •••=••:( For =;:;:r--=::-=-=·====:==·====4 :.-:-:-:-:-· .... -:-:.-:.:-:-: ·=-.. -.-..-;. . ... . . ....... ~·-·· ., ......................... ::;:.:~~=;::::::=::::;::::: -~ ••• ·'E;:···e-: •••• ~~1-... ·-~·-······················· ···r$,:,»··~·-·-·····~·-···~-·==--=~' •·•••••-.;•s •~••••••g• ~••~•••···•••••••:-:•,.. • ;:::••·•• ~·• ••• • Current Future Years :-:~•:::-:=:-:-:::-.~~:;::~;:=:•.~-:::1=::::::::::~;:::::::~=!.:::.•-::::: .:::::~:~;:;:»~-:;:.~•~i =~::::;:;:;:::::::~==== -~ ~~.~---~···--·•'-~-·:.;::•····:::~== ·········•·§·•·····•>:-:.-.•~,.-......... ~-, .!.•.-:..•.•;:;:. Year (OOO's) ·,,tJ····~··•:..•.•······= :~==~::=:::=:-:::::;:;:=:-:~.--::::~.•·-:••~::::::;:;:.-::::::::;.:;§,':~:=::::»~= i~:::i-~:~:t:-·· ·=·==~==· ·-~=====~~== -.~ ... -•• ••.i<•··~~-=·=•=-:,s.~-!.~.;,:-.-::..-..... '!.·.~·-'!.~.-. ••'f,):••··· .-.~~-=~=--:.:-~❖.~~-·-·······~ (OOO's) •·❖-:.:~:-:.'.•. :•:•:•.•·· :-:•:•:•:!:-:-:-:::::::-:-:-:-:-• .:=::::.-.:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::.:::::::::::::.:-:-:::::-:::-:::•:=:::::::::: ... ·•·•·•·•······ ..... Project Allocation T8nR•it 1QR 1-82-1QR~1 IQR~A& LGRA-R~ lQR t;...81. T868ls) Land/ROW Acquisition 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 Utilities -Paving 17 0 0-0 0 0 17 Design 0 18 0 0 0 0 18 Construction 0 246 0 0 0 0 246 Equipment 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 Total Allocat:inn 33 284 0 0 0 0 317 Source of Funds 1977 Bond Election 33 284 0 0 0 0 317 Total Funds 33 284 0 0 0 0 :u1 Effect on Operating Budget: Personnel Service 60 Supplies 2 Maintenance 2 Other Charges 2 Capital Outlay 2 TOTAL 68 _,_ ,- ' r ( r ,- ,- ,... t ( ,... ,- ,- ,... ,,... r -t r r r , crrv ar waaacac. TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECT~ BUDGET Pro1ect: Fire Pumper Unit 819 Account No.: 55-0001-40003-008021 Description: This project provides for tJie purchase of a 1981 Ma.ck 1250 gpm Pumper and equipment. This Pumper will be stationed at Fire Station #4 at 3rd anc . University Avenue to serve the community of that area • The new unit will replace a 1951 Peter Pirsch 750 gpm Pumper and will Provide a more depen- dable. safer unit with 65% more pumping capacity. By replacing this unit we will continue to receive insurance credit for a Pumper and a saving on insurance cost by all of the citizens of Lubbock. ! PROGRAM: Municipal Buildings and Equipment Project Status: Construction Initiated r..:--. •• _'.!•.•. ~!,,• ••••••• ~ ~·-· •• ··········!~~---.•.•········•·=-•~·'5,.•."'!.. . . ·:;:~~v.•:;:;:~ Proposed Projected For J;::~;~:::;::~:=::~::: ~-••x-:§;:•-•;:::.•.❖ ~~~;:.,•.••~~••• X~-:;• ~ ~•❖•:-:~'!.»·•• • e-:): •• ~ :-:-:-:-•••• :,. *❖•-· •:-~·~-=,~~$•:•:•:•.•!-!❖:• .•:•. ==········· .•!• -:-. • • • ~❖ =··=:=·=~·=====·=•:!:❖!❖ ;:::;.~-:-:§:::•:::-~::~:;:~~--=·•::::~~:::::::::•::::::~;::::~-::=--=•:::~::: --~ ·~::~:: Current Future Years .-. .•.v.,;•.·•••••-.••·•• :;§!!•:•::::~~~•:•:•:•:•· :,.~ ••••~!-:-.•!-:•>::.•❖._.-. s::=_-:? ~-:.;.•.❖,•,• • •••§:::::;:~❖:-::::~:-:>.-.•~••::i: -=~ :;§::::::=::::~~=~: :!;:;_'f ~.-:(:•:'f(:,S:-:!'!t:-::::::•::. -.-::::•❖::::::::•::§;::::•.~:-:::.::<;:~. C!! :::;:;:: •• :;:::;:, Year (OOO'a) y·~-~❖-.-.,~~❖·•·s~•······~-:;.-=-.~~--;::•.· ·····=-•!!.' --~~---•.. ··•:-:•:~. :-:-.-.'!.■.•❖·•·❖• ;:~=-•···············•!.•.• • ~ ••••• ~~• •• ._ •••-.. ~❖• • " "• •••~ .!. •X:C•••»..' •!.•. •~<•••~•~•~!.• •z:;:~•••~• •••~~-• l0001s) ~»=====~~==:~:::;::::: •~!.• =••••••••.._•:-'$:,,•••'$_~ ~••:•:•;:•••••••••••--•• • •• •• ~••••••••<!:,• §"!!• ••• ••••• ~ ••••~ .-.•,. N ... ···········.,,.·.· .... . .............. , .. •.•-~-·-·-«·. ·······~ , ...... ·······--···· ............. ~. Project Allocation T8nR•S~ 10a ,_a,-1 OA. '!I..R 'II IQR'l-J:11.-IGAA-R~ [Oac...A.-:. T86ftlsl Equipment 63 62 0 0 0 0 125 Tot-al .&11--at-i,...,. f;1 I:.? n n n n 1?ir. Source of Funds ' Community Development 63 62 0 0 0 0 125 " Total Funds 63 62 0 0 0 0 125 Effect on Operating Budget: tersfial Services upp es 8 Maintenance .Q Other Charges 0 Captb\fll Outlay 0 0 -2- r ,- ,... ,- ' ,- ,- I L . ,- r r r ,.. -I ,- I • ,- I I r I CITY ar waaacic. TD.A• i CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: Fire Pumper Unit 120 Account No.: 10-7579-43439 Description: This project irovides for the 8urchase of a new 1250 gpm Pumper for replacement o existing unit 2, a 750 gpm Mack Pumper purchased in 1952. The new unit is required by the Texas Insurance Commission to continue to receive credit for this unit. It will provide a more dependable, safer unit with 65% more pumping capacity. This unit will be equipped with a "Tele- Squirt 50" and will be stationed at Fire Station /110 located in the Heavy Industrial area of Southeast Lubbock PROGRAM: Municipal Buildings & Equipment Project Status: Preliminary Plans Initiated ·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~===~:~::::::::~== :Proposed Projected For :::::::::::::::::::=~~;::; ~::~:~:::::::::::~:::~::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~==~:::: :::~~::::::::=:::::::=:=:=· :•:•:•:•:-::::::::•::-•:::::::::::::::::•::.:-:::::::::=:-:-•:::::::::~::::•:•:::::::::::::•.::::::•:::•:•:❖::::::: Current Future Years =:~:E:E~:~:i:~:::::::~;~. :::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::: Year (OOO's) :::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::=.=t: .•,,.•·············'' ..... ,.•.•·······································•·-;.•.•·······~·································· lOOO's) ::::::::::::::::::::::!:~:: Pro1ect Allocation lt8oB•lf lQAl-82 1982-8:3 198:3-84 1986-S'i lQ.Ra;...g,:. 'f866is) •Equipment 12 160 0 0 0 0 172 Tot-al Al 10--<1.t'f,.,.., 12 160 0 0 0 0 172 Source of Funds Capital Reserve 12 160 0 0 0 0 172 Total Funds 12 160 0 0 0 0 172 Effect on Operating Budget: Personnel Service 0 Supplies 0 Maintenance 0 Other Charges 0 Ciltital Outlay 0 OTi\I, 0 ,... l CITY CF' LUBBOCK, TEXAS ,- j i ' r I ,- PARKS IMPROVEMENTS r-- ' r ,.. ; : ,- r r--1 r ,.. . CITY ar LU89CICIC, TEX.A• ! CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGFT Proiect: Simnons SeniOr Citizen Center 55-0001-40003-007824 Description: ,- Mae Sinmons Party House is now used as a satellite center for senior-citizen programs. This project will involve renovation· of the party house so that the center will better serve the needs of senior citizens in the area. Additional Comunity Development funds will be requested to expand the building. ,.. ,-PROGRAM: Parks Improvements Project Status: Improvements Initiated ,- ::::::=:::::;:~~=~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::•:•=·~·····~:~:::~::::::::::::::::~~ Proposed Projected For ::::•::::;:::::::=:::::::::: :::::::~~:::;:~::-:;:::::::::::::::::::;::::::•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::.:~ ····=-•·~-·-······'!.·.•··•!• •!·!•!•!•:•:-:=:-:-::::::::::::::::-::::-::::::::§:::::::~:::!❖❖❖❖·•· ••••••• .•~:•:•::,::::•:~~ Current Future Years :~:::::~::::::::::::::::::: i-:::::::::::::::::::!•!•!•:-=•=~ ... :::•::::::::::~=•❖!•:•:•:•:•:::;:::::: •• :•:•:•.•:•:-:::::::::::,:•❖===·=· Year (OOO's) ~=~=~=~~=:::t-::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::=::::::=:~;::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~:~:~:::~:::~::::::=:::: :::::;::::•:•·•:•::::::::::: ~:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::~::::::::::::::~:::::::~:::::::=:::::::!:::~::::: lOOO'sl :::::=:::~::~:::::;:;::::: r Proiect Allocation ITRnR•!i, ]Q.R 1-82 198 ?-A.~ ]QA '4-RA-1QRA-81i lORli-~~ t865lsl Construction $ 2 $18 -0--0--o--0-$20 ,- ,- ,... ' C r Total Alln,-"'t"'"" t ? t1R -n--n--n-_n.:. t?n Source of Funds Community Development $ 2 $18 -0--0--0--0-$20 ,- ' Total Funds $ 2 $18 -o--o--0--0-$20 Effect on Operating Budget: ,- ,- -4- CITY ar LU8110CIC, TEXAII CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET I ~t853i:a~~~tAAjJ~R Proiect: I COIJITIUnitv Center Renovations Description: 55-0001-40003-008015 Maxey Community Center, Rodgers Comnunity Center, Woods Community Center, and the Garden and Arts Center wi 11 undergo renovations. The renovations will make these facilities more attractive and ,... i more ab.le to meet the needs of persons and groups wanting to use the buildings. Woods Community Center will be expanded to become a more useful facility. ' ,- ,.. PROGRAM: Parks Improvements Project Status: Improvements Initiated r mittllllllf lllilJllll~lilllll~lil!ll!llil!lllllmJimrrittm1111mm1Jlllllllllll Proposed Projected For ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::• . ························•!• Current Future Years •:•:•:-:-:•:•:•:•!•!•!·!•!•!• ········································=·······························=············································· ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !l1~1l!1t1!~!~!!1l~1lllllll~~t1!11!1Il1ll11!~~!11!111l1llili~]l~l!ll!l1~1111l~l1~Iti11!~I Year (OOO's) ·•···•···•····•············· J~~J~l~l~lf lf lllll lOOO's) r Proiect Allocation T8nR•i, }QA l-82 1982-8~ 1981-R4 1984-Siii lOA "-R~ 'f865l-s) I Construction $50 $148 -0- -0- -0- -0-$198 ,... r I t . Total Allo<!at""'" tr.n 114A -0--n--n--n-'i:10A r Source of Funds r Revenue Sharing $30 $ 14 -0--0--0--0-$ 44 (Entitlement Period II} Comnunity Development $20 $134 -0--0--0--0-$154 - Total Funds $50 $144 -0--0--0- -0-$198 r Effect on Operating Budget: Personal Services $-o:.. Supplies -0-r ! Maintenance 3 Other Charges -0-Capital Outlay -0- ., .. TOTAL $ 3 -5- ,..., I r I I ,.. ,- -I ,..., ,... ,- r ,... I . ,- ,_ ,... . - CITY OP' LU88DCIC, TEXAB CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: Parkino Lots fot-'.N~ Parlee:: Q?_s;:~A?_A JIC~7-11.111 ?7 Description: Parking lots will be constructed on George.W. Dupree and Jack Stevens parks. The parking lots will enable visitors to park in safe areas and will prevent congestion on streets adjacent to the parks. .. , PROGRAM: Parks Improvements Project Status: Preliminary Plans Initiated llllll~lllllltttlllll~lllllllll~l~l;l\l;ll~l\llllllllllllllllllf lllllll{ll;llllllirm;tlll: Proposed Projected For ~~~~;;;~;;~lllI~l~!l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~:=:~:::::::::::: Current Future Years ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~!!~11!lil!l1!Il!lilf ll1I~li~Il!l1!~1!lllf l1f 1ll11lJ~l!1~1!l111!f 1111l1illill1f 11ll1l Year (OOO's) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: lOOO's\ ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: Pro1ect Allocation i'fBoB•~~ 1 QR 1-R2 ]QR?-A1 1QR1-8&-198A-81i 108"-R,;. 'f868is\ Construction -0-$20 -0--o--0--0-$20 Tota1 Allo,.qt--fnn -0-t?n _n_ -0--0-_n_ t?n Source of Funds Revenue Sharing -0-$20 -0--0--0--0-$20 (Entitlement Period 11) Total Funds -0-t?n -n--n--n-_n_ t?n Effect on Operating Budget: - -6- ,-. ' r ' r ! ,- ,-. I r 1r ' ' r r I ' ,- i r I ,,... ,,... r ,... ,- CITY DP' LU880CIC. TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: n,:i,y,:.1nnm,:.nt of Na..i Park~ O?-l;':til?-441:;':17-1141 ?~ Description: This project will fund the installation of automatic irrigation systems and the establishment of turf on N.B. McCullough and Jan Jennings parks. The parks will then have usable open space. The City has applied for matching federal funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund to further develop .these parks. t. > . PROGRAM: Parks Imorovements Project Status: Final Plans Comolete tlllllf lllllllllllllf ~l~l~l!llltllll~ll{l~f l~lll!Jlllll~lllllllllllllll~lllf lllll!l~ll; !Proposed Projected For -. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::: Current Future Years l~llllll~llilll~lllll lll~llrl~lllf 1lllll1l1l1l~lf lllll1lll~l~lllll1lllll~ll1f lllllllll~ll~ Year (OOO's) lOOO's'\ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ·················•!•!•······ Proiect Allocation ITRnR•i, ]QR 1-82 198'-J:l.'\ lQ.R 'J-8/J 1984-8 Ii 198~8~ 'f868+s1 Cons true ti on $5 $108 -0--0- -0--0-$113 Total AllnrJt.t:lnn $5 ·$108 -0--0--0--0-$113 Source of Funds Revenue Sharing $5 $108 -0--0--0- -0-$113 (Entitlement Period II) . Total Funds $5 $tnA -0--0- -0--n-t11 ':t Effect on Operating Budget: -1~ r ,. ,... ,- I r ,-. ,- - ,- ,,... ,- ,- i r ,,,,. I ,.,. CITY DF' LUBBOCK, TEXAS WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ,- r r ,- ,... ,- ,... r ; ,- 1 r ,- ,... ,... ,... r ,- - ! CITY DP' WB80CIC, TEXAill CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect:Sandhllls Storage Building 20-6071-44532 Description: Construct a storage buflding at the Sandhllls pump station to provide protection for motors, pumps and supplies. ' PROGRAM: Water Production System I mp rovemen t Project status:Plannlng Needs :::::~:=:=:•:•:~:::::~:::;:::•:•:=:=:•·~:::-:•:•:•:•:~:=•:•::::::::.::-:::::::::::~:~:::::::;:::.-::::•;:;:~:::::•;: !Proposed Projected For ·······•·«::❖•:•:•:•:•❖:•:• :•:•::::::::::::::•:::•:•:•:::•:•:•:•:!:•!•!•!•:::•:•:-:❖-:-:.s:.-.:=:=:.:••§:;:..:~-:•:•:•:~•-:::•:•••;::~~-::::::::::::::~::::::::::~, .......... ~ •·•••·· •···•·•····•·•••••· ·············•:-:.-:•.•······§··· -.-s.-.•~ -.~ ~-··· -:-•• -.-~ Current· Future Years :::::::::::;-;:.:::::::::::. :::~:::::::=:=:•:=:=::•:•::;::::::::::::~::•;:;:::::::::;:~::::::::::::::::!.:::!::::::::•::::::• -;:~;:::::;:;i:: ·?=:;~::•:::::::::::!:::::~ ....... ~--········ ~~.-............ :,..-:-.•.······•·S, ··········-=······•"":l·(··· ·······~::;:;: ......... ~., (OOO's) .... -. •···· ·······~-=-··············· ... ·.······•·,;..•.•···········~~-·~···· .s ······~~~·-... ··=······~· Year -~~;:.~==·=·=•:•:•:•:•:❖ :-:::::::::::::::::•:•.::•:::•·•:•:•:•:•:•:::•:::•:-:-.•:•·•:❖·•:❖:•.•!-. :-:-~:-:-:•:!! •!+ :•::;::•:•·~•:•:•:• :::=:::::::::::::::::::::::: :=:-:-:•:•:•·•:•:•::•:•.•!:-•:~::•:•:•:•:•.•:,::•:•:-:-:=:•:-:::-:-:•:•·•:~;:~$•:•:•:•···•8•:•:•.•!~~-:-:•:•! l000's) ·········•·❖••····=·=•:•.•:•.-.•:-:•:•:•:•:•!•.•=·=·=•:.:-:-:❖:-;-:-:::-:-. :-.•:-:.:.:::::::-:-:.:♦:•❖:•:-:-:<• :-:::-:•!•!•!•~-:-:-::::-:•. Project Allocation l18oB•lY 1981-82 1QA'-A3 1081-84 1084-B'i 198c;...R,; t86ftl-s) Design 5 5 Construction 70 70 Total Al1,,.,.at-ir...., 75 75 Source of Funds 1980 Bond Funds 75 75 Total Funds 75 75 Effect on Operating Budget: NONE ' -8- r - ,- r r r ,- - r I ' - r ,- r ,- CITY ar LU880CIC, TEXA9 CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: Special Water Prolect 20-6071-44532 Description: Investigation of Water Supply Sources '" ' PROGRAM: \later Production Sys. Improvement Project Status:Negotfatfon In Progress . ·.-..• ·.-................... ·······•·-.· .. ············•.,"(•"•"'•············. •>>=•·········~·~~-=····~:~ Proposed Projected For :;:~•=·=~·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=· :::::::=::::•:-:-:-:-:•:•:•:❖•:-:-:----:-.-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-.-:-:•::;::•:•:•:•:•:•:~-:-:-:~•::;-.•=--~=-==·=~· :-.11:?;::::::::::::::::::::: ❖1!•!·!•:••=~•=•:::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:)•:•:•:•:•❖❖:-:❖:•:•:•:•:•>. •:•:•:•:-~:-:•!•!.!-!•!•.•:•:•:-s:•.·!•!•!· :-:-:-:-:-::::•:•::.::::•:•:•:::•:~-.:•.:•:•:•···•:•·•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:~-=·=•:!:•:•:❖1•:•:•:~~:;::=::·•x•:•. Current Future Years •»'!if'••·······~········· ·=· -:-:-;:;.:❖~:❖:~❖--":•:•:~••·••::::•.:•:••:•:•:•.•X••!:!:::•:••::.-:-:?:•:•:•~:•:•:•!•!-!•!•:•:•~;i:•••:-:•••:-~:•.•••.:t•••:•:• -~:~::::;:.:::=:=::~ • ~-. ••••• ., •••• ····-~~--~~~-~ •••• , .... •.•:;,·•····",,;·••itf+••·•~❖-•· ·•8 ••• :,; ••• ❖.• •• •:. •••• :,..-.. Year (OOO's) :;:-::::::::::::•:•:•:•:::•.•!•:•:•.•!-:•!❖:•:•:•:•:•:•:•·•:=:->:•:■:•:•.,•:•:;:•:• ·=··•:•:•:-:!!::::::•:•:•:•:•:•· i-,•·· .-.:•.•·············· • •:•=-·•:•:•:~-::::~:::-::::•::::;::-:::::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::;:;::::::•:::•:~::~::::::•::;::::::::::-::::: (OM'sl :;;:::;:•::::=:::::::::::::: :•❖:::::-:•:•:•:-:•.-:•:-:-:!:•:❖===•=❖❖):•:•:•:❖:■:!:•:-:-:-:.:-:-:•:!:•:%:•:•:•:•:-:-:::-:-:-:-:-:-:!:•:•:• :=:-:::.:=::::::!!:!•:•:•:•: Project Allocation TBoB'if IOAl-82 lQA'-83 1081-84 1CJ84-8'i lQRr...R,; f86ftlsl Investigation 136 136 ' Total A1lora-tfnn 136 136 Source of Funds Fed. Revenue Sharl ng (#11) 136 136 Total Funds 136 136 I Effect on Operating Budget: NONE -9- r r I ,... ! -' ,... r ,... - r ,... ' ,... -I l r -I ' r -' i L r I CITY DP' LUB•DCK, TIEXA• CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET. Proiect:Water Treatment Plant Addition 20-6072-.r..r.532 Description: f 11 ter units Increase Addi tton of s Ix with pumps and piping to the water treatment plant capacity by eighteen mil 1 ton gallons per day. Construction pump station #9. at Clovis Road and (luaker Avenue to Increase west system maximum capacity by 25 m,g.d. I > PR0GRAK:Water Treatment Syst. Improvement Project Status: Plans being prepared ::;::::::::::::::;::::::::::-::::::::;:~~~::::•:~~::::::~~~:::=:::;:::.::~::;::::-::::::::::=:::::::::-;:~~::::: :Proposed Projected For ~:::::-:::·•:•:•:❖-•!• ~. ···•:•:•:•~:::;::::~:=: ::::::~::::::::::-:=::::::::::::;::!:!::::::::~:-:::::::=:-:::;::::::::::::;:=:::::=::;:::~::z:-~:::{-:::::-::: •::=:!!::::::::::::::::::::~ ❖!•!•:=:•:-::.:::❖.•:•:•·•:•:•.•:❖ !.!•···=·=~ .. =······•:•···•:•·.:•!."❖-.:::==:•;:;•:•···~-•.i==·=~:::-: Current Future Years :-:•:•:•:•:•:-:::.•:::::•:::~:::::::::$:.::::::::::::::~~:=~~:=~:::1~::::•.:!•!•~:::=!§:§: •• :::.::-:::: =:-:•:!:•!•!•!·❖:•:•:•:•:•:• · Year (000's) :=<•:•:•:•:•:•:!!-:❖:❖: ::::::•:::::•:-:-:::•:•:!:-:-:-:-:-:❖:•:•:::•:•:-:•:❖:•:•:•:-:•·•:•·~·= .. :•·•:;:<::::-:•:::-.-.:•·•:-:.:•:•:•:•·•: :::::::~:::::::~:::::::::: -:-:-:=:-:♦::•:•:•·❖:•:::•:•:•:•:::~-:-:•.•!•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•·•:-:=--:~-:-:•·<-=·=··•:•:•:•:•~•-:;:.:.:-:•:-:•:!:• (OOO's) :-:•:-:-:-:-::::::~:=:=:-:::::::=:-:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::=::::~:=~:::::=:::::=::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~ ::::::::::::!::~-~:::::-::: Pro1ect Allocation i18nR•JiT 1981-82 198~A~ IQR~-RA 10s, ... ec; t OJI ti-A I. T865lsl Prel lmlnary Engineering 36 -36 Design 73 100 173 Construction -2,500 509 3,009 Total Al 1,.~at:inn 109 2.600 509 1-218 Source of Funds Water Revenue Fund Bal- ance 109 52 161 1977 Bond Funds 2,430 2,430 1980 Bond Funds 118 509 627 Total Funds 109 2,600 509 3,218 Effect on Operating Budget: Util ltles, Electric $ 2 Suppl les 1 Maintenance 1 Total $4 -10- ,... ! - - - - -[ -' -i r r - CITY DP' LUB80CIC. Tl:XAII CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: Justlceburg Project Hearing 20-6071-1J1J532. Description: Legal and technical fees for Justlceburg water rights app1 I cation and he.arlng. .. ' PROGRAM: Water Production Syst. Improvement Project Status: Permit In Progress :::~::-:-:~•:•~:=:::::.::::=:•:~:::::=·•:•:::-:-:-:;.:~~:=:-:::;:::;:~::::::::::::~:;:::::;:;:;;:::::::;:;:•::::::::. !Proposed Projected For -~·11Ii=·=·=•=❖-~-:•:::-:♦:::::-:-:-:.:-:•:•:•:•:•:•❖~❖•-·=·=·=<•:::-:-:9:-:-:.:•:•:-:•:•:•8❖:-:-:-:-:•>:<•:•.•·==•:❖~;• •• ;::-•"•!.•.•····•"!.· ~::•;:.::::•:::<::•:::::::::-:•:•:•·•:•:•:-:-:~❖:•:•:•·•:•:•!•!•!•:•::;::-·.:-:-.a.•.:;:-·•:•!-!•!•~-=-:«•:•·•:-:: Current Future Years ::::.•· . ::::::=~=~ •• !. • ~·"!. ••• •"!i,•.-.~ ····-~· ··~<-···•~❖·•·=--•·-=~---'!.· .•• -:--.-.g:;.-.1~·-··=«····•:..•:-:.-. :•···=-. • ······=-•··· ;:,,•!\• ··:.:• ••••• •~, s:;: •••• ·•••••~· •• ••~'$!~ •• •••• :;:;-··. ·······~-=-······· ·==~:t:f:::::::.;:::::::::::::::=:=·•.·:•:=:•·•.:::::-:::::::r;...::::::::::'ft •• ~~:::~·•::~ !!:::::::::;.~;:;: Year (OOO's) :-.-:::::;:::::::::-:::~=:= •.... ····•&•··················~·=-'!!.':•····•).•.-.•:..•.··-.•:•.•···'!.··•!i!!•.•· §!•".•'::t.•.•:•'$;,·•············ :;::::::•:•:::::::•:•:•·❖: =~:::=:::::::-::::•::::::::::::::;.-:::::=::::::~::::::::::=::::~•::;::=:::•::.-:=::x.::::•:::•:::~ :::::•:::•::;: (OOO's) :=:::::=~~::::::::::::;:;: :-.. •.•!•.-:-:-:-.-::: .. -.:-:-:-: .. -.:-:-:-.•,.•··=·····=-~=•:•:♦:-:-$:•:•:•.~====❖>:•:•:-:!:-:!:•:•:!:•:-:::-:::-:- Project Allocation TRnR•lY 198l:..R2 JQA~Al 1QR~~4 l984-85 lGR'i-R,:;. t86ftls) Consulting Fees 12 88 100 Total Al ln,-su·inn 12 88 100 Source of Funds 1977 Bond Funds 12 88 100 ; Total Funds 12 88 100 Effect on Operating Budget: None -11- r r ,- ' ,- ! ,.. ,... ,- 1 - r r . I ,.. I I -l r CITY DP' LUBBDCIC.' TDC.AB -· CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGfT Pro1ect: Sandhl 1 ls We11s and Plpel lne 20-6071-44352 Description: Dril 1 25 we 11 s ,· construct 6 ml les of 42 Inch .PI pe 11 ne, roads and power to the wet ls for cont inuf ng wel lfield development. PROGRAM:Water Production Syst. Improvement Project Status: Field Work in Progress :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~:::::::::::: Proposed Projected For :::::::::::::~::::::::::::: :=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::. ··························=· ❖!•!❖!❖!❖*•!•!•!•:•:•··=~········=•:•:•:❖:❖•!❖❖!❖!❖!•!•!•!•!•!❖!•!•!•❖:❖:•:-:•:•·•:•:•:.:•:•:• Current Future Years :::::;::~::::::::::::::::::: !•!❖•!•!•!•:•:-:!:-·•·•·❖·=:-~·=•:::•=·=·=·=<•!•:•:•:•:•:•·❖:•:•:•:•:❖:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:::;:.:•:•:•:•:•: ··'!.· •• •,IIJ,•,,•···········•;• ·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=•:•·=•:•:=·===·=·•=❖.•:❖:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•·~❖:-:•:❖:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Year (OOO's) ························•·-: :-·•:•:❖·•:•·•:•·=::::•.•··•:•·=::•:❖:•:•:•:•:•!•!•:•:•:•:::::-:,❖:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:♦:•:•:•·•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:::, ::::•:•::::::::::::::::-.:::. ♦:::♦:-:-::•.::•.•!:-·••!•:•····=···=•:•·•:•:•:❖:--:•:•:•:•:•:•:❖:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:~-=-=~•:•:❖:❖:•:-.• COOO'sl =~~==~:::::::::::::::::::: •••••.•• ••••• ·······•!-.•.•·····•:. ·············~-·-··········-.•··············· ... ·••••••••••••••••·••••••••·• -~ ·············• .. •··-· .. Project Allocation tRnR•~, 10Al-82 IOR ?-A1 l0A1-8& lOJU-8" 198 Ii-A,; T86ftls) Prel lmt nary Eng t neer Ing 24 24 Design 50 200 250 Construction 200 4,726 4,926 Total AllocaHnri 274 4 q26 ; 200 Source of Funds 1980 Bond Funds 274 4,926 5,200 . Total Funds 274 4,926 5,200 Effect on Operating Budget: Utilities, Electric $ 6 -12- ,.. r ,,.. ,- ,.. ,.., ,... [ ,- ; ,... ,... ,... f ,-. ' ,.., CITY a,-waaactc. TEXAa CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Pro1ect:We11 and Pumr> Suo. Controls 20-6071-44532 Description: Rerote control system for SandhJ 1 ls wel Is and pumps and for local supply and dJstrJ bu- tion system pumps, valves, pressure and elevated storage system. PROGRAH:water Production Syst. Improvement Project Status: Plans being prepared :::•:•:•:~:::::-:~:::::::~:::::::.:~:::::;•.:::::;::::::::•.:::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::. Proposed Projected For =~=~~:::::::::~::::::::: :-:=::::::•:::•:•:•:•:•:-:::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:!:•:•:❖:::::•:~•!!:•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-~.:-:❖:•:•:•:::•:•:•:•: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~:::::::::~:::~: Current Future Years :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?=:::::::'!,:::::::::::::::::::::'(::;::::::::~::::~:::::::~=~:=:~::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::: Year (OOO's) r::=::;:-:::::::::::::::::=:::: :::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::::::::::::::::•:::g:::•:::•::::::: ••• ~-·······•·•:•········· ·•:•:•:•:=•-•!•!•.•·•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.:•:•···=•:•:•:•:•••:•:•:.:•:•:!:~:-:•:~❖!•!•!•!•!•:::❖:-:-~:-:::-:::•: lOOO'sl :§:-.-:.-;::::•::.:::::::::: :•.•·····•:•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:❖•!•!•:-:•.•·•!•:•:•:•:•:•:==•=-=•:•:-:•:•:•:.:-:.:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•!•:•:•:•:-:•:•:-.-:-...... ·····•:-..•. _ .... _. Pro1ect Allocation ITRnB•it 1981-82 JOA'-A1 1981-8/t 198A-8s; lQA ..... A~ t868Js) Prel im. Engineering 11 11 Desi.gn 16 25 41 Construction 376 376 Total Al1,.,,.a~-1 ...... 27 401 428 Source of Funds Revenue Sharing (9) 13 197 210 1977 Bond Funds 14 204 218 Total Funds 27 401 428 Effect on Operating Budget: Personal Services $20 Supplies 2 Caprtal Outlay (P .W.) 8 -TOTAL $30 ' -13- r r ,,.. r ,- I ,-. i ,... ,... -/ ,... I r r ,.. I l ,... ' ' crrv ar Luaaacec. TEXAa CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGl!'T Proiect: Raw Water Storage Reservol r ·20-6071-4'6532 Description: A 1200 acre-foot raw water storage reservol r near the present 500 acre-foot reservol r, ' bullt by the Canadian River Municipal Water Authorf ty. The site wfl 1 be N.E. of the existing City of Lubbock Water ·Treatment Plant_. . - ,. PROGRAK:Water Treatment Syst. Improvement Project St&tus:Prel imtnary Plans In it lated :::::::•:•:•:----.:;:::::::::.:•·•:(•:•·•:•:::.-~•:•:•··•;:::~:;:;:::.~;:;:::1x;:;::3:::=:;:::::•:(::::~! !Proposed Projected For :;::~:=~~::::~::::::::: • • • ••••••••?.••••• •• •••~•"-" •!-••• .•)i••!!••~;:•!!:•"•!.~••••$:•• ~~••.:•&!.•"• ;!!••••)!-~ •• • ===~•:=•::.:;:::::::;:::::;! •···············•~❖·=···~·-••"!JII>.~!!-·.:-:,••··~ •· • •··•·❖·•··••'I/JI'"•· ~•8•"• • ~~~···· ·••s~•·· -:•:•··~·=•:•·•:!.:.O:•:•····=•:•····=···=··•·❖!•!•!•!•:•:•:.:•····=·===·=·· ~·-:•.·=-•·=•:•···•!•.•:•:=:::-. -~~ Current Future Years ::;:~~t:::::~::::::::~=~ ·-~-t.=-•······•).•.•·•~:•.•·~~=··~~-·-···*·················=····~<·······«•.·····~·•:ft~.•!!•·§.·····:~ :-:•.-:-:•:•:-(•:•:•·•:•.•:•:-:-•:•:•.-:-:-:•. :-:-:-:•:•:•:•:•:-,:-:•.•:-:•:!!~•:•·•:•'··=•z«•--. ::;.-::: Year (0001s) 1--fi!8!:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::i::::::::~::::::::::;:::::::-::::;:::::;:;::::::•::::i-:;:;:::•:::::::::::::~:x-:~;::§:~:-:-•::~ . . . .. :. ........... --~--·-•-•!-·•··············•·;,{_:;. ..•. •>.•.•······•~'!!-·••:. ••• ~ ... 'S ~--=-······•·!!•·1'!••:.?.•-:•!.·•·=-•··~==:. (000's) ••••• e;-:-:•··~--=•:•:::~-~=:-::):::::::::::::~:'$::~::::::::::::::::::::::.-f.:::).:>::.:::::-::::.<:::::::.::">:::::::::-:::::;,:::::::.:~ ::::::.-:-:.::::•:•::::.~❖: Project Allocation !To_Dat 1981-R2 JOR'-Rl lCJR"t-84 1984-85 lOR'i-8,; T868ls\ (111n'I' f;J Prel Jm. Engtneerlng 109 -109 ·Design 100 169 269 Land Acquisition 251 0 251 Construction -5,300 1,115 6,415 Total £11 ___ .... __ IJ60 5.469 1.115 7.041J Source of Funds Water Revenue Fund Bal- ance 211 66 277 1977 Bond Funds 21J9 1 , 7IJ2 1,991 1980 Bond Funds 3,661 1,115 IJ,776 Total Funds 460 5.469 1.115 7.044 Effect on Operating Budget: None '· -14- r ' r r r ,.. ,... r ' ,... ,- -! CITY DF" LUBBOCK, TEXAS ELECTRIC SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS .r r r ,- ,- ,- ,... ,- ,_ ,- ,- ,- ,- - ,- r ,-. CITY DP' LU880CK. TDAB CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Pro~ect: SPS -LP&L East Intertie Description: This project provides for the engineering, design, land,· right-of-way acquisition, construction and equipnent for a 3.3 mile 230,000 volt intertie between Lubbock Power and Light (LP&L) and Southwestern Public Service (SPS). The project will connect the SPS Jones Plant to the LP&L Holly Plant along 82nd Street. The p.roject will benefit all of LP&L's approximately 90,000 custaners by allowing LP&L to secure an additional source of electric power. The cost of this power will be lower than that presently generated by sane of LP&L' s older generating plants and will have the effect of reducing operating costs and helping to mirdmize future rate increases. Based on LP&L' s existing rate, this purchase could reduce LP&L' s operating expenses by approxima.tely $500,000/year. PROGRAM: Electric System Improvements Project Allocation 'f8nR•;1 taR 1-A2 · Engineering & Design 30 10 Land/ROW Acquisition 100 0 Construction 125 ' 60 F.quipnent 1,140 567 Total AllnrAt-inn 1,395 637 Source of Funds 1977 Bond Election 670 0 Capital P.rx>jects Fund 650 0 Operational Revenue 75 395 1981 Revenue Bond 0 242 Election Total Funds 1,395 637 Effect on Operating Budget: • Lan.at KOW acqUJ.SJ. 1:1.on Project Status. initiated }QR ?-A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·Projected For Future Years (OOO's) lOA~R& IQ81i.-8r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lQR~A,; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 100 185 1,707 2,032 670 650 470 242 2,032 · To d:3.te, all engineering and design has been performed b~t the LP&L staff out of the existing operating budget. $30,000.00 -15-. r CITY' CIP' W •IIDCK. TEXA• CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET r Substation Improvements ,. Proiect: Description: This project provides fOI' the upgreding of wbbock Power & Light's (LP&L) Cooperetive, Vicksburg and Chalker substations and fOI' the extension of LP&L's 69KV ,-system along 82nd St. and Utica Ave. This project is in accoroa.nce·with LP&L· Cl.Ir'!reilt five year construction program and is required to enable LP&L to continue to serve its growing system loa.ds and provide adequate and reliable pcMeI' to all of its custaners. · Appruximately 50,000 custaners will directly benefit by the expansion with the remain-,-ing 40,000 LP&L custaners benefiting by LP&L's continued ability to remain canpetitive and provide adequate system SeI"Vice. Without this project, LP&L will be hampered in its ability to provide seI"Vice to new custaners CI' maintain reliable SeI"Vice to ' r existing custaners. PROGRAM: Electric System Improvements Project Status: Preliminary Plans Initiated :::::::::::::::::;:::::-:::::::::~:;:;:.•-:=:::-:-:;::;::-:~:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::•::::::::::::::::::::: [Proposed Projected For :::::::=::::::::: :::::::::::: :-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:=:-:•:=:•:-:-:-::::::::~:=:-:::::-~!:-::::::::::::::::::::::•::::::::::::::::::=:::::::=~::::::::: ·=·=·=·~~;::❖:•:❖:•·· ::::::::::::::•:::::::::::::-:•:•:•:•:::•:•:•!•!•!•!❖!•!•!•!•!❖•:•:•:•:•:•:!:-:.:-:,:•:•!•!-!•·•:•:•·!\!:•:•:•:•·•: Current Future Years :•:•:•:• •• •!•.•:•:❖:•·-~== •:-:•:•·•:•:•:=:•:•:•:•···••;::•:•:::•.•:•:•:•:•:•:~•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:❖:~•.:•:•:•:!!•:•·•X~•===•:•:•;::-:::. -=~=:::~~::::::::::::::::: :-:-:-:=:-:-:-:-:::•:-:::::::-:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::::~~::•;::::•:::~::::::::::::•:~:::::~ Year' (OOO's) ::::::::::::::•::.•:•:•:•:•:::::•:::•:•:~•:•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:z:.:•:•:•:-:-:-::.•:-:::,:=-•:--:-:.:•·❖-===•:•:-: ~:::;:::=:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::!:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::~:~:::::::::::~~~~=~::::~::::::::~=~~!::::4 lOOO's) :-:;:::::::::::::::::::::::: ··--··············· .... ,... Project Allocation t8oB•5f 1981-82 }QA ,.;_A .1 198 "-RA-QR.&-Rc; l98'i-81i 'f868lsl Engineering & Design 15 15 5 0 0 0 35 r land/ROW Acquisition 0 5 20 0 0 0 25 Construction 0 20 20 0 0 0 lfO ,,.. F.quipnent 0 700 4-50 0 0 0 1,150 ,... Total A11ocat-inn 15 740 495 0 0 0 1,250 Source of Funds ,,... 1981 Revenue Bonds 15 740 495 0 0 0 1,250 I ,,... ,.. - . Total Funds 15 740 495 0 0 0 1,250 Effect on Operating Budget: To date, all engineering and design work has been performed by the LP&L staff.out of the existing opereting budget. $15,000.00 ,-. -16- r ' ,- ,- ,- ,... ,- ,- I i ,- r -! ,- r r I .. ,... r ,... \ [ CITY DP' LU8B0CK. TEX.AB CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Pro.1ect: LP&L N.E. System !mpXVvement Description: This project allows for the retirement of the Lubbock PCMer & Light (LP&L) Plant #2 and also to meet future loads in the Northeast Lubbock system. The project will involve an extension of the second circuit of LP&L's existing 115l<V transmission line from its present tennination at 50th street and east loop 289 to Plant #2. The project also includes the construction of a substation in Northeast Lubbock to meet ·expected load growth and to assune a portion of Plant #2 load when it is retired.'· The retirement of Plant #2 is necessary due to its present high operating and maintenance costs. This project is in acconiance with LP&L current five year construction progrems and is required to enable LP&L to optimize its systems operations and to adequately provide for its system loads. 'Ibis project will benefit all of LP&L's custcmers (~proximately 90,000). PROGRAM: Electric System Improvements Project Status: Prel:i.minary Plans Initiated :,,,:x.-:•»-.,...❖.»..~-,.,.:-m«::::i::>~'~~: d Projected For :::::::::::::::~::~:::::::t ••••••••••••• •••• •.•····· ••• :,!}•.•··· •••• ,-.:,..-:-,s:••"•··············~•·=-•··~· ·••·§ r1:,,!.-=:;,• -;:.• ropose :-:•:•:•:-:-:::;:::::;:::::::::~=:.::::~:::::::::::::::::::-.:::::::::::::~:::::.::::~:=:~::::::-:::~ -~ • Future Years ::::;:-:::::::::::::=::::::::: :::::::::::~::::::::::::::~~-::::~::::::•:•:::::::•::::::::::::::::;::::~::::::::::-::::::::::=:::::: Current ·=·=···=-=·=·=·=·=·=•:•:•:•·· :-:•:•·•:~:-:.:.:•:❖:•·~····=············~==-:•:•:::-:-·•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:~❖:•:-:•:•:•:•:-.-..-:• y (OOO's) :~-:;:;::::::<•:•:•:-:.:( •:•:•:::-:,:=:•:•:•:•:•:=:-::::::::::•:::::~::::::•:::::::~::::•:::::-:::::::*:::::::•;:::::;:::::::::::•:•:•.•:•: ear ::::;:-:::~=:~:~:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::•:::•:•:::::•:-:=-~•:•:•:❖:~-:•:•:•:•:•:~-:-:=:•:•:-:!:(•···•:!:•:•:•:•:❖.:❖•:•:•:•:•:•:• ( 000 ' ~ l ::::~::::;:::::::::::~:::: .••.....•..•. ·•••· . ·····•:..•.•·······•·-..·-····•·s:.•,•···············•':fi/:.-;•.•·········----······•·-.•·· s Project Allocation ITRnR•iY 10A I-R2 ]qR?-R1 JQA~AA-QAA-R~ lOA-....81;. 1865:J.s) Engineering & Design 1 4 20 25 0 0 50 Land/ROW Acquisition 0 0 150 50 0 0 200 Construction 0 0 40 80 0 0 120 F.quipnent 0 0 1,900 780 0 0 2,680 Total Allor,it-inn 1 4 2,110 935 0 0 3,050 Source of Funds 1981 Revenue Bond Sal.es 1 4 2,110 935 0 0 3,050 ' 1 4 2,110 935 0 0 3,050 Total Funds Effect on Operating Budget: To date, all engineering and design work has been performed by the LP&L staff out of existing operating budget. $1,000.00 -17- ,... r ,- ,- ,- ! ! ' ,- ,- r ,- ,- ,,.. r- ,.. r- ,... r- ' ' ,... ' CITY DP' LU88CICIC. TEXA8 CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Pro1ect: LP&L $CADA. System Improvements Description: This project provides for the upgrading of wbbock Power and Light's· present canputer capabilities and the installation of SCADA rem::rtes in all najor LP&L substations to fully coordinate relaying and line· .switch-. ing. This project will greatly improve LP&L's emergency response cap- abilities and allow LP&L to optimize individual substation loading, thus greatly improving system efficiencies. All of LP&L's custaners will benefit frcm increased system reliability and increased efficiency. This project is in accordance with LP&L's current five year construction program. PROGRAM: Electric System Improvements Project Status: Final Plans Initiated !•:-:;:=:•:•:❖:•:-~:-:-:-:❖~:-:•:-:-:-:,:-:-:•:•:•:•::~:::::::❖❖:-:::::::;:::.;::::::;:::::::::::~~::::::::~ Proposed Projected.For :::::;::::::~::::::::::::::• ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::~=~::~::=:::::::::::::~:~:=:~==~::::~:~:::::::::•::::-~:::::::=::-::::::::~:::~~ :::,,--:::::::::::::::•·::::::: •••••••••••••• •• ••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••• ······•·-:-·•····•·❖~.-.::i?.•.•···•-.;; •••••••••• $:,.•· •• Current Future Years ··-~·.•······•)·••"$,.~-.-.:-:•:-::;-:-:::::::.:-::::::::;:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::;:::-:::::::~~~::::::-:::~.::!;:· •X:;:::!-!·!x~:•:•!·!•!• :•:•:•:•-::•:•:•:•:•:-:-:-:•:•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•.•!•!•:•:•:•:•:❖:•:•:•:•:•:::•:;:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.•:•.•❖:•:=:❖•:.•:--.: Year (OOO's) ·=-•····•>:-:.•.❖!❖•!•:•: ::::$:::.'$::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::~~:::::-:::-.:::::::::::::~::;.:::::::::::::::: •• ::: :::::;:::::::::::::::::::::: :=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::: (OOO's) :::::::::::::::::~:::;::::: Project Allocation l'f8nR•i, ]0Rl-R2 JQR?..A1 l Oft '.l-JU.-Qft.&-8~ l981i-A..:: t8oftls) Engineering & Design 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 Construction 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 F.quipnent 0 100 50 50 15 0 215 Total A 11 or,u·i_on 1 102 52 50 15 0 220 Source of Funds 1981 Revenue Bonds 1 102 52 50 15 0 220 ' 1 102 52 50 15 0 220 Total Funds Effect on Operating Budget: -18- r I r r I ,- l : ,- ,- ,- - ,- ,- ,- ,.. CITY DP' W ••DCIC, TICXA• CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Pro1ect: M;Rce11 .... -, Hi;: Distribution Pro;ects Description: This project provides for the engineering' design, land, right-of-way acquisition, vehicles, construction and equipnent to meet LP&L's over- head and underground distribution construction requ:i.reme.nts for-a three year period. This project will enable LP&L to provide ·service to all new customers and customers which an: desiring to change over fran Southwestern Public Service Canpany. PROGRAM: .Electric System Improvements Project Status: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::=:::•:❖:•:•:•:••=:•·•:•!.:=:-:::::::::::::;:::::::=::::::::::::::•:•:::::::•::. Proposed Projected For :•-•;:.:::::::::::::::::::::. :-:❖•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-:-:::-:-:-:::::.::::::::::::::=:-:::-·!:•:•:•:•!•:•·❖:❖,:•:•:•:-:-:.:•·•:•:•:==~-:-:-:;:~. -~=--·-··················--•:•····!.•.•··················~---•.·················=•:•:-:=:-:-:-:-:-:-:=:-:-:~❖·!•!•·•:!.,«:.••:•:•:❖:i•!•!• Current Future Years •:•·=·=•;:;•:•:•:!C•:•:❖:.: ,•':!,,·•························ ···············~~-···············-=·····················•:;. •. '!!:-•~ ... -~ .. ········•;• ::::::::•.~:=::::::::::::::: :❖.::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::•:•:•:::•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•,.•~:-·•:•:<•:•:•·•:•:•:•:•.~ ... :❖~--:•:•:•:!!•! ·::::::~1::::::::::::::::::: ·=·=·=·=·=•:•:~-=•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:=:::::.::::::::::::::::::::~~:?:::::::::;:-:::::::::::::::::::::::❖•!•!•:• Year (OOO's) !•!•!-:•:•:•:-:-:-:•:-:•!•!•!•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:::•:•:•;::-:-::;::::•:•:•:•:•:~;:=•~:•···•:=•:•:•:•: :::::~~~:::::::::::::~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::-:::::::.:-:::::::::::~-:::.:::~~=~=~== (OOO'sl :-:.:•.•:-::::::::•:•❖:•:•: Pro_iect Allocation TRnR•i\' 1QR1-R7 1 OR ?.-R ":l IOR'LRA-QR.&-Rc; 198.._R~ t865lsl Engineering & Design 0 100 100 100 0 0 300 land/ROW Acquisition 0 100 100 100 0 0 300 Construction 0 650 650 650 0 0 1950 Equipnent 0 650 650 650 0 0 1950 Total A 1 lot!at'.i.,..., 0 1500 1500 1500 0 0 4500 Source of Funds 1981 Revenue Bonds 0 1500 1500 1500 0 0 4500 I Total Funds 0 1500 1500 1500 0 0 4500 Effect on Operating Budget: - -19- r CITY OF" LUBBOCK. TEXAS ,.. . ,,.. . ,.. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Dfi>ROVEMENTS r ,... ,_ ,- r ,... r r ,... .,,,. ' r ,... ,... l .,,,. ,... .,,,. ,- 1 .,,,. ,... ,- ,... i CITY ar '-UBBCCK •. TEXAB CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET Proiect: S.E.W.R.P. I 1'i-607'i-44&:;:11 Description: Reconstruct and/or rep~lr #1 plant, Install new sludge pump and valves to replace approximately 5 m.g.d. treat~nt capacity. .. ' ,, PROGRAM: Sewer Rec. System Improvement Project Status: Deslgn·State =:=·=·======:==:===========:====::=·===============·==~*=======::====~~~~i~!1!lli~l!i1~~t :Proposed Projected For :;:::::::::~:::::::::::::::• . -..:..•.·-~-=-··················· .... ·-1:•······· ·=-··· .•.....•••• ~ ••. ❖ ~-~:~::::::~::::::::::::::=: ::::::::::::::.:!:).:::::::::::::::~:!•-::•:::•:::::::::-::::=:::=::::::·······~. • •• :::::: Current Future Years :::::-:-:::•:•:•:•❖!-!•!•❖!•!•!•:❖•:=:-:!:-~-:❖:-:-:--=:-:=:-:-:-. :-:::::=:-:-:-~---~=-=·-·=·=·=·=·=-=·==: *··· ······~ ········~·-···•t·· ....... •.•········•·t!!•··········'•':i.:.:-·•···•·=-•·•:•:•········ •···· •·····•z•·····~············•;: Year (OOO's)· :::~=~=~~==~====~:=:=: ••••••• , •••••••• •,•······· ............. -~ •••• ••••••••••• ········"'········ ••••• (•'•!. ••• ·~·=-C:• :;::::::::•:::•:•:❖:•:•:•❖:•:•:•:=:-:-:-:::•:::•:-:=:•:•❖·•:❖!•!•:•:•:•:•·•:::•:=:=:•!•:8:•:-:::::::::,.:,•:•: •!•:•:-:-::•.•:•:•:-:•:::-·•:•:•:•·•:•:-:::•-•!•.::•:-:-:-:♦:=-~::=·=·:::::::•:==~=·=•:•·•·❖.•:•:-:~•=-=•::.❖:• (OOO'sl :::::::5-:::::•:•:•:•··•:::: • •••• ••••••••••••• •·=-•·····=-•···· ••••••· ············=-· ·•·•· ••• •·•·•· ·····•'!-'!i.•,•············· ····•· ....... :-.•.•:•:•:•:=-=-··· Proiect Allocation t8oB•~T IQR 1-A2· 1QR?-A1 JQR'.l-~& ]ORA-Sr. }OSI ~A,:;. 'f865ls, Prel lmlnary Engineering 11 11 Design 21 22 43 Construction 533 533 Tot-al A11orat-inn 32 555 'i87 Source of Funds 1977 Bond Funds 32 555 587 Total Funds 32 555 587 Effect on Operating Budget: None -20- r-CITY CIP' LUBBCICIC, TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET ,... Proiect: City's Share Two DI gesters 35-6075-44533 Description: ,-ft 3 ' City's share In the cost of two 400,000 di gesters at S.E. Reclamation Plant J - ,.,.. PROGRAM: Sewer Rec. System Improvement Project Status: Engineering Complete . r- ·::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::::::::::~:::::~:::::::::::::~:::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::::~~:=~~===~ :::::: !Proposed Projected For ::::.:::::~::::::::::::;:::. :::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::::::::::::=::::::::::~:::::•:t::::::::::::::~::~~ .. •.·=·=·===·=·=·=·=·=•=❖•;; ... ~•-·· ... ················-=············· ·············································•·❖-•.•.:•············"!!.· Current Future Years ::~;:;~::::::::=::::~::~: :-:;,;::::::::::::::::::::::~:=:-::::::::::::::'$::::::::::::::::::s.::::::::::::-s.~):::::::::::::::.-:•:::::'$,::'f!:: ~~!!(•:•···•:•:!:•:❖:•Z!: :-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::-:::::::::::;::::::::~:::::::::::~ Year (OOO's) ~~ :.:•:~!).":•:•············ ·::::::::~:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::=~:::::::::~:::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::: fOOO's) . :::::::::.::::::!:•:~:~:•:•: ,-Pro1ect Allocation !'f8nR'i' }QA 1-82 198~A,'.3 1081-Rt.· 108.6-8-; 199c;..,:t,:. t8681-s) Pre 1 Im. Engineering 5 5 -Land 26 26 Design 38 38 ,- Construction 477 477 ,... . ,.. Tot:al Al 1n,-1'lt--fnn 69 477 li46 Source of Funds ,... ' Sewer Revenue Fund Ba 1. 15 15 r 1977 Bond Funds 54 477 531 ,- Total Funds 69 477 546 Effect on Operating Budget: NONE ,- ·\ ,- ,- I ,... ,- - ,_ ,.. ,.. ,,... ,.. ,- I ' CITY CF" LUBBOCK, TEXAS AIRPORT ,- ! CITY a,-LU•BDCK. TEXAS . CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET ,.... t Proiect: Land Acouisition for ILS Description: This project provides for the engineering and acquisition of land for the installation r of a Instrument Landing Syst~m on runway 26. Presently there is a Instrument Landing System on runway 35L/17R but ne>t on 8/26. By having a Instrument Landing System on runway 26, all aircraft operations will have an additional margin of safety when. there is poor visibility during strong west winds. In addition to.acquiring the land for installation and clear zone requirements, the project includes relocating Guava Avenue outside the extended clear zone. - -'.PROGRAM: Airport I'roject Status: Land Acquisition Initiated ,.... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::::::•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Proposed Projected For :::::::::::::::::~:::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~:=::::::::::~:::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::=:::~::::=::::::=:::::::. :::::~:~::::::::::::::::::: . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::-:::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::;::~:::: Current Future Years ·••··•·····•··•···•···•······ -:::::::•:❖"•❖!•:•:•:-:::.:::♦:♦:-:=:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:::-:-:•:::::❖:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:❖:•:•::.•:•: Year (OOO's) ·:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::•::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::•:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~=::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (OOO's) .,:::::::=:::::::::::::::::::: ·····•··•··········• .... r Project Allocation iTBoR•i, lQA l-A2 lQR?-81 1981-86: 1981&-Sli 198 t;..8t, t866+s) Engineering 6 -o--o--o--o--o-6 Land Acquisition 4 356 -o--o--o--o-360 r ,- Total A11o,-.qt-ln1"1 10 356 -o--o--n--n-'11\111 Source of Funds FAA -o-330 -o--o--o--o-330 ,-Airport Revenue Fund 10 26 -o--o--o--o-36 r ! Total Funds 10 356 -o--o--o--o-366 r Effect on Operating Budget: None ,- ! ,- -22-