HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9156-1987 - Amending Zoning Chapter Permit Rescue Mission And Community Shelters - 12/10/1987BLL:js First Reading December 10, 1987 Item #13 Second Reading December 17, 1987 Item #12 ORDINANCE NO. 9156 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONE CHAPTER OF THE LUBBOCK CITY CODE BY RE- QUIRING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR RESCUE MISSIONS, AND COMMUNITY BASED SHEL- TERS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUB- LICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordi- nances, City of Lubbock, Texas, as well as notices provided by Section 211.007(c), Texas Local Government Code, and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by redesignating subsection 29-3(26a) referring to comparable use, as subsection 29-3{26b). SECTION 2. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by adding subsection 29-3(26a), which reads as follows: 11 (26a) Community based shelters. Shelters which provide confidential shelter and services in emergency circumstances over a period of generally more than single days." SECTION 3. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by repealing and reserving subsection 29-20(c)(52) referring to rescue missions. SECTION 4. THAT the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a subsection to be numbered 29-24(c)(30), which shall read as follows: I I i 11 (30) Rescue missions, shelters for the homeless, and other types of transient housing. In the 'A-2 1 , 'C-4', 'IDP', 'M-1', 'M-2', and 'IHI' zoning districts, excluding 'community based shelters' as defined in Section 29-3(26a} of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock." SECTION 5. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($1,000.00} as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 6. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any rea- son, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 7. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause pub- lication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading this 10th day of December 1987. Passed by City Council on second reading this 17th day of December 1987. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Benj~s;;.t C~ty Attorney - 2 - THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK R•90 Before me Frances. Hernandez a Notarv Public in and for Lubbock Countv. Texas on this dav personally appeared Twit n Aufil I, ACCOUNT MANAGER of the S~uthwestern Newsp~- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-.Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday. who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this Leea I Notice ______________ NR25499 at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- edco~~llie Le~al Notice Avalanche-.Journal on the followil!JLdates: 421 ~ord& ~ .se = S370.48 is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock December 12, 26, 1987 Account Manaf!~r LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation r: . oi&rN'~~'.;,;~· , .. IA~ oilo,~~.r~e M\litN~UIIG: , 'AN Oltllt~ IC. ONI ... __ G_ Oltb. lNANCE NO . .':t_O_ltil .. ,l,NGANDCLO$U>IGA-FI .• p NO. THE OFF.CIAL·MAP·OF <UTILITY EASEMENT.1,.0(!Ano HE cn-.v OF LUBBOCK ~"' INW0001.ANOPAR.KADDI.TION NG. '!:.HI; :FOLLOWING To THe C · · ANGE$: ZONE CASJ;: NO~tm-· .. ITY OF 1.uasocK, ' DELETE CONOrr.10•·•0 .. •: LUIIBOCK COUNTY, '.fEXA$, AS , ROINA "'" ,. FRANCES HERNANDEZ Notary ?ublic, State of Texas My Commission E~pires 7-6-91 MORE PARTICULARLY-OE-. · ', A, NC.Jal S4l2 AND 58lA,ON, , $Cl:U81!0 HEREINAFTER IN TR CT 1• SOC.ITH l,INIVERS(Ty·L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l:S!ii:11_ ________ _ THIS ORDINANCE; DI i!'JNG ,,Aot>ITION, .LUBBOCK; TEXAS' ------""'"'CTY · · 1-------'_JUBJEC:J',.TP, CONDITION.$,• '"'" I ·:PROVIDING A PENAl:TV,·PRQ-.>· . ~~,::=~~~ PR~ l~~j":o,v.!:~.~?'_r_~~-·-.·~.,.a_'tf,c_5 _,_·A ___ e_.•_:_,.' ,.· VH>.ING A' $AVI~ . L USE•· ' · · · · ~,i~_ ... ov101No P1Js1.1q.t y,. 011.DiNA.Nel! niis ! ·"./ ,. · ~·.iA~ oRDr'N·ANcE\~MeNDfNct~ : ; Olll>INANCE 191.8 , 1'HE. lOMI NG CHAl>TER OJ: THE-' AN OROINANCE AUTHORIZ• tl-lJ.BGOCK CITY. CODE BY .PRO-·., .ING A K.E'W TRAFl'IC SIGNAL i'YtOtNG FOR ·R•l··_PERMITTEb) ,,USE$ IN:NEWL.Y ANNEXED·-AT 69TH.stREE1 ANO_ SLIDE : AReA .. $,; PROVIDI.N_.G. A P"'N•L• ROAD; A.NI) PROVIDING FOR • TY, PROlll I "' "' PU. a.1. .. •."."-.TIO_ N •. _•._,: rcLlu·se· o NGA SAV:t-NG-s • r, l "' AND PROVIDING FOR 'oROINANCI: 1?150 ,PUSLl~TION. ; A!il o~tiJNANci Au-tk()RI?• \'.':·. 't~~-,R~~~~•~t~,i , , .· i~0.,AJ~Ri=~~J~ J~GA~~ r:_:-,AN,_ORqiNA~CE AMiN~l~G ,. ,·-'l'HE U>Nt: <!HAPTeR· OF THE. FQRD AVENUE; ANO PROVIP. r U;l~SOCK (:l'T:.'1'· t;ODE·BY RE•, , lt~G F.OR PUBLICA;TION.. · , QUIRING A'SPECl!"IC USE PER/ ·· :'olotNANce 191s1 · ;,Mlt: FOR Rescue M1H10Ns~ · .-.·. , . "'NDCOMMUNITYGASEDSHEL· '-'FF.Rs, PROVIDING-A. PENAtY TY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS ,CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLfC4TION;,' ; :;, · ·•· , __ :, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ-, lNG A NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL :AT 19TH STREET AND MILWAU• fKEE AVENUE; AND PROVID- t!,Nt~:~RtUBLIC~(l~.N. : . • 1: ,, fR~INANf~ ~1-r . , , l ,AN ORDINANCE CANCELING fAUTHOIIITY ANO'.-AP.PROVAL ~ "'FO.R_A '.fRAF . .F· I_C_S. IGNAL AT 6TH STl:EET IANO' 'AVENUE.L' NO AUTHORIZING THE RE- NIOVAt,,"OFcSAll);.TRAf'FICSJ°':• , HAL 45 AN OPERATIVE .TRAF• :fllGIJGJlllL •. '". :: ·· ;, i' •: 0·:,.: ! . , C>ROINANC~ 'ff1'3 -., · -: _; . AH ORDINANCE ANIENDINQ ~ IONING ORQHfAN~li f>IQ. 101, ANO 'TIU: 01",ICIAL lf,Af! OF tHE CtTY OP LUHQ(;IC MAK; NG ~HE FOt.LdWtNO !., CHANGE$: ZONE CASE NO. fl'35- ; A.ZO. Nl·N· GCHAN. G_. li;.FROMC-3 AND C..C·TOC·•'ZONIN~ QtfA R'AC'r OJJ'.f OF ·set:TION 34; 8t.OCK M{, t.UilBCICl(. TI!XAS1. ~ u .. BJE.c., T~.,C().N, .. lll.T .. Q. ~'.' PROVIDING APENALTV1 Pit<>' VU:>1.NG A'$AlllNG$ ;CLAU$E t!i'?_PROVll)~G f.~R. PUBJ,.ICA·. -ORDiNANct; ;,,is, \,, ;. : ·c:·"-'t OltD. I NANC.E. AMENOUIG · . .HAPTER I_ OF tHe COOE OF" OROINANCE$ 01", THE CiTYiOF LU880CIC '.fEXAS, BY AMEND- ING THE LANGUAGE OF POR• TIONSOF SECTION liA-WITR.RE-'' GARO TO A CHANGING f'loLi.. " n,o Pt.Ac-ta, CORREC'irlJ.t'G TECHNICAi. fiRROlU IN A-PRf: CINCT'BOUNOARY DESCRIP: .J'.ION,At(O "1.T~R CINCT BOUNDAR FOR A MAP OF , PRECINCU,01". THI: ,<;lt:Y ,OF LU88OCK I PROVIDING 'TH'AT ~I. PORTIOJ'fs 9.': _1!EC~r!ON M NOt AMEN01$0 . REMAilll THE SAME, PROVI <, 'ii IAV• ' ING$ CLAUSE, Ol!CLARING AN I £MEltOll!NCY1 PROVIDING FOR ;f>UOUCATION; AND PROVlp:..· , i"'.to~ EFF,!!<;~y,a DA,'re. '. ·, ...