HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9107-1987 - Zoning Ordinance 7084 Zone Case 2600 Ellwood Place Addition - 08/27/1987First Reading August 27, 1987 Agenda Item #25 Second. Reading September 10, 1987 Agenda Item #10 ORDINANCE NO. 9107 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2600; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO R-1 (DH) ZONING ON LOT 12 ANO THE EAST HALF OF LOT 13, BLOCK 14, ELLWOOD PLACE ADDITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; DESIGNATING A. LANDMARK THEREON; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE ANO PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the Bidwell House, which was built in 1937 at 2623 21st Street has had only two owners in its 50 year history; and WHEREAS, Dr. Herbert H. and Pearl Bidwell, who lived in the house from :i 1937 to 1959 and Oti ce and Mary Faye Green, owners si nee 1959, have con- ii tributed to the development and well being of the Lubbock Comunity; and '.i' : 11 Maxey; !,1 !ii! WHEREAS, the house was built by prominent local contractor, J.B. H :1 fl )i WHEREAS, the house is an excellent example of the Monterey style, an eclectic revival style that was popular from the mid-1920s to the mid-1950s; and WHEREAS, the landscaping around the house has been maintained as I planned in 1937 and includes many original and unusual plant materials; and .1 WHEREAS, the proposed landmark designation as hereinafter made has been duly presented to the Urban Design and Historic Preservation Comission and such Comission, after public hearing, has made its recommendation in favor of such designation to the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recomendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code··of Ordi- nances, City of Lubbock, Texas, as well as notices provided by Article lOllf, Vernon 1 s Annotated Civil Statutes, and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was Ii by the City Council determined that 1t would be in the public interest that :1 the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter !·.II set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been in- • troduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: I I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: I ZONE CASE NO. 2600 SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map BE and the same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: A change of zoning from R-1 to R-1 (DH) zoning district, under provi- sions of Sections 29-29 and 29-25 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, on all of Lot 12 and the East half of Lot 13, Block 14, Ellwood Place Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located at 2623 21st Street and said property is hereby declared to be a historic landmark district, such historic designation to continue regardless of any change in the underlying zone district. SECTION 2. THAT the principal structure located thereon BE and is hereby declared a historic landmark. SECTION 3. THAT no person or entity shall construct, reconstruct, al- ter, change, restore, remove or demolish any exterior architectural feature or landscape architectural feature of a designated historic landmark unless application be made to the Urban Design Commission for a certificate of ap- propriateness, and such a certificate is granted. SECTION 4. THAT any new buildings or structures within this historic landmark district shall be architecturally compatible with the historic landmark structure therein, in terms of style, color, materials, texture, and basic form as found in the following style: Spanish Colonial Revival as described in the booklet, "Architecture in Lubbock: A Guide for Identification and Preservation," First Edition, 1979, and Monterey, as described in the book, 11A Field Guide to Ameri- can Houses," by Virginia and Lee McAlester, New York: Knopf, 1984, pp. 431-433. SECTION 5. THAT the following BE and are hereby declared to be exte- rior architectural features, and as such shall be preserved in their present form: 1. Stucco and vertical wood siding exterior wall surfaces. 2. low-pitched roof with slate-like asbestos shingles. 3. Wooden cantilevered balcony. - 2 - ' 4. Stucco-clad chimneys. 5. Arrangement of porches and steps. 6. Shape, configuration, location and division of multi-light case- ment and double-hung windows and French doors. 7. Entry features and exterior doors. 8. Spanish Eclectic and Colonial Revival details, including doorway surrounds and balcony details. 9. Wood and stucco surfaces shall be painted as needed for protec- tion and appearance, with paint colors similar to those used at present. SECTION 5. THAT incorporated by reference into this Ordinance, and by attaching hereto, are photographs of the building as it presently appears. Said photographs shall be used to indicate the degree of alteration which has already occurred and the degree of preservation of the original struc- ture. These photographs shall be further identified as follows: North facade (facing South) - 3 - West facade (facing Southeast) - 4 - Portion of East facade and chimney (facing North Northwest) - 5 - Portion of East facade (facing Northwest) South facade (facing North) - 6 - Cantilevered wooden porch (North facade) Detached garage (Southeast corner of property) - 7 - Porch details (North facade) - 8 - Exterior wall and window details (North facade) - 9 - Entryway deta;ls (North facade) -10 - Typical window and shutter detail (North facade) -11 - SECTION 6. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($1,000.00) as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 7. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any rea- son, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 8. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause pub- lication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Counci 1 on first reading this ?7th day of August 1987. Passed by City Counci 1 on second reading this 10th day of September 1987. A e.. rtt:/ mw B. C. McMl~MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Laura J. Mo e, Assistant City Attorney -12 - THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK R-9 Before me Frances· Hernandez a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on this day personally app_eared . Twi I a Au f i I I, Account ManaE!e r of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been pu~lished continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first il}r2's~§s>f this __ . =L..;;;e..;;..E!_;;.a;....;l,_,;.N.;..;o~t~1"-c_...;;.e ________ _ --------------. No.------at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Le E! a I N ° t 1 Ce is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-d~ignalwo8.!~~ fo(Jo~wa d~te$728. s!P t em.be r. 12' 19' 1987 Account ManaE!er ..... LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation .. :SN •• :o.:=~s~;mtobelor~metbis 21s)r•I Seoft~m-&~r·. .• . .. ,1o&~!iiimitll ~ AN 0Ro1N.1Ne1; A,M'r:Noi'NG ' g~o..soi.ri.,..A~~:~ :;::t ... .., ., IRANCES HERN, .. ·T:oHN NEo'C;l~TEYO~Or:F~~~~..f~ ~=uc , CITY 01= LUBBOCK. TEXAS. ~ j A f LUBBOCk , w1TH REC.AR0ToofieRAT10N ~ ··:•. 'oitoitieAN ., · n "'"d · or u1G THE -FOLL MAK-r .,, -11-Enm ... · OF COMMON C'ARRIERS SUB . AN ORl>lNANCE DING· . . CHANGES:ZONECA OWINc; •. AN ORDINANCE ABANDOl'!I- JECT,TO. REGU,1.ATION BY THE .Z0NING QRDINANCE NO. l!OM. )' ,CoffimlSS A ZONING CHANGEs~:gM"':311 jg:,GE~DA CLOSING PORTIONS STATE OF TEXAS AT LUBBOCK 1 AND TH~ OFFICIAL MA~ OF TO GO ZONING ON LOTS I!. ,5 ''AVENUE VENUE AND CEDAR IN.TERNATIONAL AIRPORT; . THE ClTY OF LUBl!IOCK MAK• . . .J.S. ANI> 11-24, BLOCK e 0V • '• · · LOCATED IN SECTION PROVIDING.A PENALTY PRO-ING THE ,FOLLOWING 'TON·ADDITION ER• S,BU)(;KBTOTHECITYOF VIDING A .SAVINGS cJ:usE i · · CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2600; ~~ TEXAS; PRov11>iNJ-:11p\i<Ji.~•---~ ; }~~~. LUBBOCK COUNTY. , AND.PROVIDINGFORPUBLICA-A ZONlNG CHANGE .FROM R-1 , T)'; PROVIDING A SAVIN ~ ,: · ND MORE PARTICU· ·- TION. • . . . , . .. . .TO R-1 (DH) ZO .. NING ON LOT 12 ~LAUSE .AND PROVIDING Fg: l.'.~~~F\ESCRIBED IN THE AMO THE EAST HALF •OF LOT· Ul'ILICATION. ·· · ' 'iRECTING· HIS ORDINANCE; DI• · ORDINANCE 4"115 ~ BLOC!( l~ ELLWOOQ PLACE • · . . I' ,TffE CITY ENGINEER . · .AN C)RDINANCE REPEALING .AD.OITION. LUBBOCK; TEXAS; , . · ORDINANCE ffill ' . , TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAP.S ' SUBSECTION6-2'2(3) CONCERN• DE:SIGNATING A LAN,bNIARK' , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING, i:~~:r:f{":Y OF·.LUBBOCK TO ING USE. OF ELEClRIC NON• THEREON; PROVIDING A PEN, THE %0NING CHAPTER QF TtfE ',MENT AND SAID ABANDON- METALL.IC tUBING;''PROVII). ALTY;' f:'ROVIDING A SAVINGS LUBBOCK .CITY CODE BY RE tNG · ~OSING; PROVID- ING A PENAL tyf.PROVfDING A CLA~SE AIH) PROVIDl~G FOR. : QUIRING A SP.ECIFIC USE PER: J'ROel,~NI GS.CLAUSE; ANO. SAVINGS CLAUSE AND flROVII>• PUBa;:tCATION., · · · • '\ M!f FOR VAR.IOU$ DETENTION 'flON. FOR. P.UBLICA• l~G_FOR.PU8L1CATIQN; F,.CILITIES; PROVIDI.NG A · . . O.RDINANCE ftH5 .. AN' ORDINANCE AMENDING 1 ZONING O'l'U)INANC:E NO. 708' ,f<ND. THE OFI' ICIAL MAP OF TH.E CITY .Of LUBBOCK MAK• ; ING T.HE f.OLLOWING CHANGE$, ZONE CASE NO. 25991 , A ZO.NING CHANGE FROM R-3 , TO IHC SPECIFI.C USE PERMll FOR CERTAIN LlSTED USES ON LOTS 1:2. BLOCK 7. SOUTHMOOR ADDITION; LUBBOCK, TEXAS; SUBJECT. TO.CONDITIQNS1 PROVIDING A PENALTY: PRO- VIDING A.SAVINGS CLAUSE ANDPROVIDING FOR PUBLICA· TION. · . . ORDINANCE "9106 AN ORDIN"'"CE AMENDING· ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 708' AND THE OFFICIAL' MAP OF. TKE CITY, OF LUBBOCK MAK• ING THE.FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2152- 1;; A ZONING. CHANGE FROM C· · J'TO C~ ZONING, LIMITED TO , CERTAIN .LISTED USES, ON • TRACTS OUT OF SECTION "• a.,.OCK A~k. AND LOT 2. tROSS- ROAD$' Al)l)ITION, LUBBOCK. TEXAS; SU&JECT TO CONOi; TIONS; PR'OVIQING A PENAt.· T'(1. P".OVll)ING A SAVINGS c:v;use AND Piu,v101NG fOR I PtlllUCATION. · · . ·,'. ----· OltDINANCE n1• · PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAV · · AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN.G FINOGSR CLAUSE AND PROVIDING ; .ORDJNANCE ~ ZON)NG ORDINANCE N0.108,I' , PUBUCATION. AN OROJNA"CE ABANDON-, AMO THE .Ol=FICIAL .MAP OF .\ .ING AND CLOSING AN UNDER-! THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK-· .ORDINANCE fti12 . . GROUND STRltET LIGHT CA- I NG THE .FOLLOWING .,4!' ORDINANCE AMENDING 'LE EASEMENT LOCATED IN CHANGU:.ZONE:; CASE HO. 2110l; ,tf.,_ ZONING CHAPTER OF THE !f OOOLof\ND PARK ADDITION A ZONING CHANGE FROM C·2 LUBBOCK CITY CODE. BY.. to THE CITY QF. LUBBOCK WITH CONDITIONS TO C-2WITH AMENDING THE PARKING RE-i UBBOCK 'COUliTY, TEXAS: CONDITIONS (OHi ZONING. ON PQUIREMENTS FOR THEATRES· ;go MORE PARTICULAR Ly THE WEST e• OF LOT 3..AND ROVIDING A PEMALTY· PRO. ESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THE EAST '1J' OF LOT.4.,lil,.OC:K · ?!.DING A SAVINGS CLAUSE· IS ORDINANCE:;1>1RECTING .JOO, OVERTON .ADDITION, LUB• · TIO,.ON.P 1 R .. OVIDING FOR PUBll,,. • -. E CITY ENGINEl!!;R TO MARK BOQC T2XA$; DESIGNATING A ....-..-.E OFFICIAL .MAPS OF. THE LANDMARK THEREON:"'l'R~ · CITY OF REFLECT iAIO ABAN- YIDING A PENALTY; PROVID-.;0ROINANCEffll4 . !<'NMENTAND~JNG· PRO. ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE'AND. AN ORDINANCE ALT-ERING ~JDING A SAVINGS,CLAUSE· PROVIDl"IG F.OR PUBLICA• THE PRIMA FACIE SPEEOLI•• ,ANDPROVIOINGFORPUBLICA: TION •. · . · ·' ., , :. \ · .:.... ITS ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ;'l'ION. 1 . 1 , , ' ; •. . · . STATEDEPARTMENTOFHIGtf. 't'.· OR , !. ''ORDINANCE~Of. ',, , WAYSANDPUBLICTRANSPOR_.. DJNANCEffl1' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TATION STATE HIGHWAY NO · AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZOIIING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 n ... AS HEREINAFTER MORE ZONING ORDINANCE 110 71184 ANO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF PARTICULARLYOESCRIBEDIN ,AND THE. OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF l.UBBOCK MAtc:.' THE BODY OF THIS OROI, • •THE CITY OF LUBBOClt MAK ING THE FOL'LOWING :ANCE; DIRECTINGADVISING, i,~G THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE "10. Mm; ' F l'HE TEXAS DEPARTMENT .! ,'.A to":.~~ ~'li~~~.2M4R :1 A ZONING Ct!ANGE'FROM R,1 OF HIGHWAYS ANO PUBLIC 1'Tcp A-I ZONING. LIMITEft.To· TO C•IA ZONING. LlMIT!;O TO -~~ANSPORTATION ABOUT HURCH USES. ON LOT '!.,A CERTAIN \.ISTEO USES, 'ON R ACEMENT OF SIGNS WITH ', '·PTUCKETT SUB HOMES A_.DDI-• LOTS 1$-'16. BLOCK 2. W. fi:MAS-' ESPECT THERETO· REPEAL , SEYADDtTION.LUBBOCK;TEX· ING.CONFLICTING OROI: I , IOM. LUBBOCI(. TEXAS; S'Va- AS; SUB.IE CT TO CONDITIONS; NANCE$ to tile EXTENT OF I f; JECT TQCONOITIONS • PROVJI). PROVIDIIIG A Pl;NALTY1 PRO-SUCHCONFLICT;APPLICATION ~dNGA PENALTY; PROVIOIMC!;A ,VIDING A SAYINGS CLAUSE OF THIS ORDINANCE OIILY TO ; f•SAVINGSCLAUS!;;ANOPROVJD.. ANOPROVIDINGFORPUBLICA-, STREETS OR HIGHWAY.$, '~":FORPUBLICA:TION. TIQ"-. ~AMEO tlEREIN; PROVIDING ~-···~ lf{!'-15 ORDINANCI; SHALL Bl:: i'-I.IMULA1'1YE; PROVIDING A .JPE!_NALTY; PROVIDING A IA'V-![!'!\5 CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING j~!"'fl!VIJUCATION. • fl .:,.1 ... ---•----·=-, .