HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9066-1987 - Amending Chapter 11 Article VI Liquified Petroleum Gas Equiptment - 04/23/1987ll ,( l LJM:dw First Reading Apri 1 23, 1987. Agenda Item #20 Second Reading Miay 14wi 1987 Agenda Item #14 ORDINMO: m. 9066 AN ORDINMO: AMENDI!G CHAPrER. 11, ARTICLE VI OF THE LUBBCXX CITY CXDE RmARDI!G THE PERMITrim OF LI(JJEFIED PmROLEtlM GAS EOJIPMENT IN- STALIATIONSJ PBOVIDim A PENALTY1 PROVIDI!G A SAv:ImS a:JWSE; AND PROVIDI!G FOR PCJBLICATION. WHERFAS, the City Council has determined that the changes here- inafter made are to the benefit of the plblic health, safety and general welfare and are in the best interest of the citizens of Lul:tK:>ck 1 KM THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY <XXJliCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBCXX: srorION 1. THAT section 11-162 of the Code of Ordinances, City of LUbbock, Texas, is hereby an:mded to read as follows: "Sec. 11-162. Permit and license. No person shall install any tank, container or equipment for the storing or consumption of liquefied petrolewn gas, or install any piping for the distribution or use of liquefied petrolewn gas, on any premises within the city, until such person shall have secured a pe.tmit from the office of the building official of the city and shall be regularly licensed by the railroad commission in accordance with the provisions of section 113.081 et seq. of the Texas Natural :Resources Code. No pe.tmit shall be issued unless the proposed instal- lation con:plies with the tenns of this article or a variance granted by the Building Board of Appeals. Any pe.tmit denial may be appealed to the Building Board of Appeals.• SOO'l'ION 2. THAT the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas is hereby amended by adding a section, to be nUIIbered 11-179, which said section reads as follows: •sec. 11-179. Variance authorized. A variance may be granted to the requirements of this article by the Building Board of Appeals, unless another Board has been designated, when the board finds1 (1) That special or peculiar conditions exist on the property to be improved which do no apply gener- ally to lands or improvements in the same area, and that the circumstances or conditions are such that the strict application of the prwi- sions of this article would deprive the appli- cant of the reasonable development of the property, and (2) That the variance as granted by the board is the minimum that will accooplish the reasonable developnent of the property as detennined in (1); and (3) That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the plblic welfare or injurious to the property or inprovements in the general area; and (4) That the literal enforcement and strict application of the provisions of this section will result in unnecessary hardships, other than financial1 and (5) In granting any variance fran the provisions of this article, the board may designate such conditions which will substantially secure the purpose and intent of this article.• SECTION 3. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deened a misdemeanor pmishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars as provided in section l-4(a) of the City Code. SECTION s. THAT the City secretary is hereby authorized to cause plblication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alterna- tive method provided by law. AND IT IS W ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this ___ 2 __ 3_rd __ day of ApriT , 1987. Passed by the City Council on secom reading this 14th day of May , 1987. 13.c. McMINN, MAYOR I [~AS~ APPROVED AS 1'0 FORM: ~~P..,,cM.., Laura J.;issistant City Don Stevens, Fire Chief Attorney -2- R-132 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Jane Ro a r k a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on this day personally appeared Twi I a Aufi 11, Account Manaee r . of the ~outhwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Mormng. Evemng and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first inser;,g>,¥0~9this lel!al Notice ------~---=--=--:-:----:--:---No. ______ at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the LeE!a I Notice is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: -...1H-a..z.V-·..111,,1,6,1..1•L.-.,2c;..,;i.3.a., --11..::;91.1;8.,_7.._ __________ _ 564 word,@ 82t -$478,88 Account MaoaE!ec LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation 26th .MaY · .... 87 . Subscribed and sworn to before me this --day of -------· 19 __ i :-ORalNAlllCUJ061 ·• • --~ OROINANCE AMlmCIING ZONING OltOINANCE Nd. 1'118• •' . ' i A,~fCTIHTYE 00,FFFL.IUCBIABLoc"'-A!.PKF' ' ' 0RDINA~fftf«161 ~-. ORDl'. j ma " ....,. • AN Of!OINANCE AMENDING l =·· "'~~-~ .ClfilNGES!.ZONECASEN0-2460-_RECTING 4N ERROR.IN THE ' A ·o E , , 01 A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-LEGAL DESCll!PTIOt,I OF AN · ~ ~ -.-.. QltUfH: ,:_-.·_·•-1 NG TH e F o LL ow 1"' G i, 01to1NANC:.e No. 11169 AND COfl• ..-_·' _, .. !i'O 8QC-ICMAK·1---...,.------j 1,R-lSPE_CIPICUSE,Q!)j!,ND --------u UNDl!IIGROUND,iJTILIT.V-________ _ . ING THE F LLOWHl!O llMITEl).C.-2·TOR-1,ll-2,GO ,EA.$EMENTA8ANOONEDAN0 .. " CHANGES: ZONE CASI! NO. 2588: 'AND C•2 ZONING ON. T..flACTS · :CLQSED,.JY .SAlO ORD.lNANCE t A ZON:ING CHANGE. FROM R·3 .OUT OF fl!CTION 11,8LOCKE•2.. N0.1969; DIREC'flNG THE CITY. ;ro R-.. t ZON1_ NG ON. L_OT& r.a. •L\1880CK, TEXAS; SUBJl:CT TO ENGINEeR To MARK THE OFS BLOCK:1, A •. W.J/lCKSON AODI· 't :coNDITlONS:•PROVU)!NG A ·FICIAL MAPS OF THE CITY OF ,TION;LuB_ BOCK. JEX,.S; PRO. l>ENALTY; PROVIDING A SAV• iuBBOCK 'TO fU!:FLl:et SAU> , •VIDING A Pti?NALTY; PR.OVID-f% INGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING CORRECTION; PROVIDING A! j OIG A•SAVINGS CV,USE ,ANO J. FOR PUBLICATION. .. . : . SAVINGS'CLAUSE, ANO PRO, ~ ;~~-•~ING FO~•Pl,IBLICA· ~ fOIU)INANC:E 19062 VIOINGFOR PUBLICATION/ ! ·ORDINANCE #9059 · 1! 0 _ , zt:1~:i•:tt~~~~:i~~: .· i~ 1:c:~::gi*..fl°N~~N. ' AN ORO'lNANCE AMENDING 1 ·.ANO.THE OFFICIAL MAP OF lNG AND•-CLO$.ING'POR'TIONS" ZONING OROll')IANCE NO, 208' 'f -T1 !j~ ft!!, EOF:.LFU08LBLOCOK'W,MI ANKG· , OF A 21H'OQT :ALl.EV LOCATED ANO THE OPf'tCIAL MAP OF· • ,. ., , n , lff,Lt!T 1..,,._ liLOC::K 10, TR,IGG: i; THE CITY OF LUBBOCK'MAK• ~ CHANGtsS:%0NEtAsEN0.259ll HEIGHTS "DDITION TO.THE UIC .THE 'FOLLOWING 1~ AZONINGCHANGEFROMC:•1 Clil'Y_Of:LlJBBOCIC,:.LUIIBQCK i CHAN.GES: iONE C~E NO. 2589). ~, TO CA ZONING.• LIMITED TO A COUNTY, TEXAS, ANO 'MORE 1 ' A ZONING tHllt,IGI; FROM R•S !'1' PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO ON PARTJCIJLARL't! l)ESCIUBED IN, l' TO C-3TOC4ZONING, LI.MITE!> Ii LOT 12, "RY ADDITION, LUB-:n1e eoov .OF ,TJ-IIS ORtll•' · TO CERTAIN LISTEO USES ON t; tOCK, TEXilSI $UBJ&CT TO ; HANCE1 OIRECTING THE CITY LOTS A, e •. ANO E, BENl>l:R' u_1 C:ONOltlaNS: PltOVtc;itNG A E~INEER TO,MARK THE OF·. CEl'tTER ADDITION.. LWBIIOCK, [ ,P.ENALTV1 PROVIDING A SAY-FICIAL MAP.$ OF l'HE CITY OF . TEXAS; SUBJE.CT TO CONOI• ,t-ING.$ CLAUSE ANO PROVIDING LUBBOCIC _TO-REFLECT SAID TIONSi PROVIDING. A PENAL, l_ .FOR PUBLICATION. , :. A&ANOONME,tT ANO CLOS'tHG; . TY;',f>ROVIOIN.GAliAVING$ ' .: OROlNANCE#f063,:., · .PROV.IOING'A,SAVINGSj CLAUSE ANO f.ROVIOING FOR , :.,AM ORDINANCE AMEHO_ IN_ G ·CU __ .· U$E; A_ NO. PR_ OVJD_ IN• G F. OR. PUBLICATION. : ' ,,ONING OR.O'tNANCE';t,10. Nl84 · PU8LIC,!I.TION. t >> · ' , -ORDINANCE t'l!l60 . , ANO TKE OftFJCIAI. JAAP OF .. ,ORDINANCE• tw6 · . .fiN ORDINANCE AMl!iNOING THE-CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK, , AN 0ROINAf,ICE :AMENDING.· ,. 'ZONING;OROINANCEti0.108' ING .THE 'FOLLOWING CHAPTERll;A.IRTt<:LE.VIOF, '' ANO THE OFFIC-1Ala. MAP OF ' CHANGES: ZONE CASE N0.1592; · 'fHE ·LU880CK CITY COOE RE· ! ·THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK•' iA'ZONJNG CHANGE FROM IHC , GARDINGTHEPERMITTlt,IGOF It! G : THE ,FOLLOW! NG ,TO IHC SPECIFIC use PERMIT LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS I CHANGES: ZONE (ASE: NO. 2590; ,FOR A BLOOOil>i.ASMAC:ENTER EQUIPMENT IN$Ti'.LLATIONS:: • A-ZONING CHA:NGE-FIIOM R-1 ,ON LOTS 21-36.' BLOCK .t,'J.T, l'HtOVIDING A PENALTY, PRO-, TO C·2 SPECIFIC use PERMIT '.HART''ADDITION. ·LUBBOCK, VICING A SAVJNGS CLAUSE;' , FOR GASOLINE #LES ON LOTS . TEXAS; ,PROVIDING ,A PENAL• i,Np PROVIDING FOR PUBLICA-' H,8LOC:K3i,CARTERCOFFEY ,1'.Y:' PROVIDl.tlG A SA\flNGS .110t.l. 'ADDITION, LVBBOCIC, TEXAS<, ' 'CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR lt-132 suBJECT TocoNotnoNs: I ;pua,.JCATION.'; . ,.,, , __ ·-.·.· -~---------PRov101HG A PENAL TY; PRO-", .. ' ORDINAN<:£ tf_!IOl!4 . VIOlt.lG A SAY. ·INGS CLAUSE_ . , ·AN ORDIHANCE AM!;NOING AND PROVIDING FOR PU!ILICA.-ZONING ORDINANCE. NO. 111114 T.,.... _______ .. --· ______ • 1>.ffO'THC: .OFF,i,CIAL·MAP -OF , THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AIIAK• 1~:N~~r: !oN~~ksi°"~ ~~ .. 41 ,ZONING CH/lNGe 11'0.RM C-2A ro C-1 l'ONING ON· L01"5:l0, ,lt.UYKENOAI.L AOOITJON, LIJflBOC1'; Tr!~; P~O'o(. I_OING .APEHALTY'~DlHG1UAV• · 1.NGI_ C\Al,tSE . 'O PRQ'liOING · f'OA'JiUBLtCA ON.' · 1 '., ..