HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9049-1987 - Repealing Article III Code Of Ordinances Disease Control. Public, Semi-Public - 03/12/1987OOV:dw Fi.rst Reading March 12, 1987 Agenda Item #23 Second Reading March 26, 1987 I tern #7 ORDINA!CE N'.l. 9049 AN ORDINA!CE REPFALIN:; ARTia:.E III OF CBAPrER 12 OF TBE <XDE OF ORDINA?OS OF THE CIT! OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AND StJBSTiro!'m:; THEREFOR A NEW ARria:.E III RF)3{JLM'm:; TBE CX>N.STRUCTION, OPERATION AND CXH40NICABLE DISFASE OONl'ROL OF PUBLIC AND SEMi-POBLIC &WIMMim, SPRAY, WADim, AND SPA POOLS WITHIN TBE CIT! OF LOBErlcK; AOOP!'IN:; RULES FOR GENERAL DESIGN SI'ANDARDS, SPEX:IFIC'ATIONS AND OPBRATDG PROCEDURES; PROVIDDG FOR PER- MITS, m::umm:; FEES, SUSPENSIONS) AND REVOCATIONS; PROVIDDG FOR INSPEC- TIONS; PROVIDDG FOR ~'PPl:NAL OF ]?,[ANS AND SPEX:IFICATIONS; PROBIBITDG FILL AND DRAW POOLS; P:ROVIDIN:; A PENALff; PROVIDIN; A SAVImS a.AUSE; AND PROVIDDG FOR POBLIC'ATION. i • I WHERF.AS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds that it is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Lubbock to regulate the construction and operation of public and semi-p.lblic swinming, spray, wading and spa pools within the City of Lubbock; NJy THEREFORE: I I I BE IT ORDAINED BY TBE CIT! ca:ncIL OF TBE CIT! OF LUBBOCK: I sroI'ION 1. THAT Article IiI of Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of Illbbock, TeXas, BE and is hereby repealed and the following shall be substituted therefore: ARTia:.E III. SvIMM:[R';, SPRAY, WADDG AND SPA POOLS I sec. 12-46. Definitions. I i For the purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply: . Construct neans building or linstalling a new swimming, spray, wading or spa pool or major alt~tion or IOOdification of any existing swimming, spray, wading or spa ~l or associated facilities. Cross connection neans a physical connection between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of wnicb contains potable water, and the other sewage or water of unknown f. ity, through which water may flow from one system to the other with the direction of flow depending upon the pressure differential between the two systems. Fill and draw pool neans a . 1 whose principal neans of cleansing is the couplete removal of the used water and the replacement thereof with clean water. i SeaJtb official means the City Health Officer or bis designated representative. Major alteration means renovation or alterations to a swimming, spray, wading.or spa pool with an expected cost exceeding five thousand dollars($ St000.00). Q;>erate ireans to comuct, mintain or othe:r:wise fumish facilities and appurtenances for swiming, bathing or wading at any public or semi- p.iblic swinming, spray, wading or spa pool. Private pool means a pool operated or maintained by an individual on private premises for use by his own family and their guests. Public swinmins pool means any swimning, spray, wading or spa pool to which the general public may be admitted with or without the payment of an admission fee. Semi-p,lblic awinm;ing pool means a swimming, spray, wading or spa pool on the premises of, or part of, a hotel, DDtel, trailer court, apartment house, private club, fitness club, condaninimns, cannunity club, country club, subdivision, housing association or similar estab- lishment where admission to the use of the pool is included in the gen- eral use of the premises or gained by payment of a fee. SJ;>ai pool means a unit designed for recreational or therapeutic use that is not drained, cleaned and refilled for each user. It may include, but not be limited to, the use of h}:'drojet circulation, bot water, or any CODbination thereof. Industry tetminology for spa pool includes, but is not limited to, "therapeutic pool," "h}:'drotberapy pool", "whirlpool," "hot spa,• "hot tub" and •sensory deprivation tank.• Spa pool regulation hereWlder does not include the use of such units at licensed medical health care facilities, hospitals, nursing hones and clinics. apray pool means an artificially constructed basin into which water is sprayed, but is not allowed to accunulate. Swimning pool means flow through or recirculation pools, outdoor or indoor, which are artificially constructed and provide facilities for swinuning, bathing or wading, and all associated buildings, eguiprent and aa,urtenances. It does not include natural ponds, rivers or lakes, unal- tered by nan, or private swinuning, spray, wading or spa pools as herein defined, nor does it include baths used for cleansing purposes, hydro- therapy, or for the healing arts unless such baths or pools are made available to the public generally. Wading pool means a shallow pool intended chiefly for use by children and having a maximum water depth of 24 inches. Sec. 12-47. Adoption of general design standards, specifications and operating procedures. The •General Design Standards, Specifications and (IJerating Procedures for SWimming, Spray, Wading and Spa Pools• prepared by the -2- health official am recomnended to the City Council by the City Health Boa.rd on the 12tb clay of Marcb , 198i, are hereby approved and incorporated into this article by reference and the construction and operation of piblic and semi-public swinming, spray, wading and spa pools within the City of Lubbock shall be govemed by said rules. A copy of said rules shall be placed on file with this ordinance by the City Secretacy and a copy shall be maintained in the office of the City Health Department, which copies shall be made available for piblic inspection during the normal business hours of the offices in which they are main- tained. Sec. 12-48. Permits, fee. No piblic or semi-public swimming, spray, wading or spa pool shall be maintained or operated within the City of Id>bock without a valid per- mit issued by the City Health Department or in violation of the provi- sions and requirene:its of this article. Permits shall be displayed in a conspicuous place within the premises, protected from the weather and in a position readily observable by patrons. All such permits shall expire on April 30th of each year and the permit fee shall be delinquent after that time, regardless of the dates of operation of such pool. The fees for permits shall be as set by the Finance Director of the City of lilbbock in accordance with Sec. 1-10 of this Code. An operating permit shall not be transferable from person to person and shall apply only to the pool for which it was issued. Sec. 12-49. Pemit suspension, revocation, hearings. Should the health official deter:mine that a hazard to public health exists at any swimming, spray, wading or spa pool, he may immediately suspend the permit for such pool and the operator shall immiately cease operations in coopliance with such order. 'l'hereafter, the operator may in writing request a hearing before the health official to show cause why such suspension should be rem:>Ved. The health official or his designated representative shall conduct such hearing within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of such written request. The health official shall within five (5) days of such hearing either grant or deny the request .for re:ooval of sus- pension. If the request is denied, the statene:it of denial shall be in writing am give the reasons for such denial. If the operator fails to request a hearing within 30 clays of the elate of suspension, then the ap- plicable permit may be revoked by the health official. Revocations and denials may be appealed to the Permit and License Appeal Boa.rd in accor- dance with applicable provisions of this Code. Sec. 12-50. Inspections. 'lbe health official shall make such inspections as are deemed nec- essacy to deter:mine that the installation and facilities of all swinming, spray, wading or spa pools conp].y with the requirements of this article before issuing a permit for such pools. In addition, the health official may make such additional inspections as are necessacy to insure that such pools are being properly operated and maintained and are not a threat to piblic health. -3- Sec. 12-51. Plans and specifications. No public or semi-public swinming, spray, wading or spa pool shall be constructed, nor shall any major alteration or addition to any such pool be made, until detailed plans and specifications for such construc- tion or alteration have been suanitted to be approved by the health offi- cial. Plans and specifications shall include layout, construction and dinensions, pool water treatnent units, sewage disposal facilities, piping and pumps, design criteria, including maxillllm pool load, capaci- ties of various units, safety equipient, bath houses, toilet facilities and any other pool app.irtenances, such as recreational facilities. Sec. 12-52. Fill and draw pools prohibited. The construction of fill and draw pools is prohibited within the City of Iilbbock and no permit will be issued for such pools. Sec. 12-53. Nuisance. All pools, whether in use or not in use, must be maintained so that they do not create a p.Jblic health hazard or a public nuisance. Sec. 12-54. Construction permits. Before construction is started on any swimming, spray, wading or spa pool, or upon a major mdification of such pool, the operator shall secure a permit from the building official and shall conply with all zoning, building, plunbing, electric and life safety codes applicable within the City of Lubbock. Sec. 12-55. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this article or any order, decision or requirement of the health official made p.irsuant to provisions of this article shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and each day any such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 2. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECI'ION 3. THAT violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor p.mishable be a fine not· exceeding one thousand dollars {$1,000.00). -4- SEx:TION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method of p.Jblication provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 12th March , 198..L. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 26th March , 198..L. ATTFSr: c--~~~~~./7 Ranette-Boyd, City Secretary z> • APPROVED AS TO CONl'ENT: Rita P. BarJil)n, Asst. City Manager for Public Safety and Services APPROVED AS TO FORM: Donald G. Vandiver, First Assistant City Attorney -5- day of day of ~. -, .. •.· ., \ GENE~L DESIGN s•T'ANDAI~DS, S.I?ECIFICAr..l'"IONS, AND OJ?EI~A..-..l'INC~ J?ROCU!I::>.LT:.l~ES l~C::>R SW-IM.MING• SJ?I~V, "WADING, AND SPA I 3 00L.S CITY OF LUBBOCK HEALTH DEPARTMENT "GENERAL DESIGN STANDARDS, SPlCIFICATIONS, AND OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR SWIMMING, SPRAY, WADING, AND SPA POOLS" DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of these standards, specfflcetlons, and operetlon procedures, the fol towing definitions shall apply: Constr~~j means buldl Ing or Install Ing a new swimming, spray, wading or spa poor or maJor alteration or modification of any existing swimming, sprey, wading or spa pool or essoctated fact I ltles. Cross c.QIUledJ.gn means a phystcaf connection between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water, and the other sewage or water of unknown qu~I tty, through which water may flow from one system to the other with the dlrec~ton of flow depending upon the pressure dlfferentlal between the two systems. Fl 11 ll.n.d graw....pD.a.l means a pool whose prtnclpal means of cleansing ls the complete removal of the used weter end the replacement thereof with clean water. Healib .a.f.U..cJ~l means the City Health Officer or his designated representative. ~eJor Jtl.ie.r:.ail.on means renovation or alterations to a swimming, spray, wading or spa pool with an expected cost exceeding FIVE THOUSAND dol tars ($5,000.00). Operate means to conduct, malnteln or otherwise furnish facll ltles and appurtenances for swimming, bathing or wading at eny pub I le or semi-pub I le stdn,rntng, spray, wedfng or spa pool. ' Prty~±e-~l means e pool operated or maintained by an lndlvfdual on private premises for use by his own family end their guests. Puhl le . .swtmmlog__p.'2.01. means any swimming, spray, trndlng or spa pool to which the general pub I le may be admitted with or without the payment of an admission fee. --~•-• --·•-•••••~~--,-✓-----••--••-•••-•-•••----•-----. -----,--.--.. --,-•• -,_,_-_-__ -_-,,.-.,-,.-•. _,-__ -,_-__ -_--_-__ -__ -_-_,.-_,-__ -_-,__-••• -•• ,.-,.H-.--,-------,-- £emJ.=~~bJl~-~~lmmlDQ-~ODl means a swimming, spray, wading or spa pool on the premises of, or part of, a hotel, motel, trailer court, apartment house, private club, fitness club, condominiums, community club, country club, subdivision, housing association or slmllar establlshment where admission to the use of the pool Is Included In the general use of the premises or gained by payment of a fee. ,S.p,.iL.J2DDl means a unit designed for recreational or therapeutic use that Is not drained, cleaned and ref II led for each user. ft may Include, but not be limited to, the use of hydroJet clrculetlon, hot water, or any combination thereof. Industry terminology for spa pool Includes, but Is not I lmlted to, "therapeutic pool," "hydrotherapy pool", "whlrlpool," "hot spa," "hot tub" and "sensory deprivation tank." Spa pool regulation hereunder does not Include the use of such units at I lcensed med teal health care facfl ftles, hospitals, nursing homes and cl lnlcs. ,S.p,J:_a~-~.cwl means an artlflclally constructed basin Into whlch water ls sprayed, but ls not al lowed to accumulate. SwlmmlD~-PDDl means flow through or reclrculatlon pools, outdoor or Indoor, which are artlflclal ly constructed and provide facll ltles for swimming, bathing or wading, end all associated bulldlngs, equipment and eppurtenences. It does not Include natural ponds, rivers or lakes, un~ltered by man, or private swimming, spray, wading or spa pools es herein defined, nor does It Include baths used for cleenslng purposes, hydrotherapy, or for the heellng arts unless such baths or pools are made evellable to the publ le generally. Wadlng_pD.a.1 means a shallow pool Intended chlefly for use by children and having a maximum water depth of 24 lnches. REGULATION 1. PUBLIC POOLS. (Semi-public swimming, wading, spray & spa pools where deemed appl feeble by the Health Offlclel.) (a) LAYOUT. The genera I I ayout she 11 be such thet bathers leevtng the dressing room pass the toilets and the shower In sequence and then to the pool. (b) MATERIALS AND STRUCTURE. Al I materlels used In the construction of swfmmfng & spa pools shel I be non-toxic to man, sound, durable, waterproof, end must be able to withstand design stresses. The bottom and sides of the pool shal I be easlly ,1eanable and finished either white or I lght colored, and el I corners shal I be rounded. Pool sides and bottom shal I be smooth and free from cracks or Joints, excepting properly designed construction or expansion Joints. Send or earth Page 2 ' ' bottoms ere not permitted In pools Including spe poofs. Wood shel I not be considered en acceptable material for pools Including spa poofs. Cc) PROPORTIONING OF SWIMMER AND NONSWIMMER AREAS. For the purposes of this regulation the portion of a swimming pool 5 feet or less than 5 feet deep shelf be desfgneted as the "nonswfmmer" area. The pert of the pool deeper than 5 feet shef I be designated as the "swimming" area. In designing poofs end In computing bathing loads, minimum poof ere as she I I be proport toned as to I I ows: (1) 10 square feet of poof surface shal I be provided for each nonswfmmer expected et the time of maximum load. (2) 27 square feet of pool area shaf I be provided for each swimmer expected to be present et the time of maximum load. (3) 300 square feet of pool area shell be reserved around each diving board or diving platform. This reserved area shal I not be Included In determining the area of the swimming section. (4) In spa poofs bather capacity shell be one person for each 100 gal Ions of water. Cd) DEPTH MARKINGS. Depth of water shal I be plefnly marked et or above the water surface on the vertical poof wal I end on the edge of the deck or walk next to the pool, at maximum end minimum points, at the points of break between the deep and shaf low portions end et Intermediate Increments of depth, spaced at not more than 25 ft. Intervals. Depth markers shal I be numerals of 4" Cinches) minimum height and of a color contrasting with background. Markers shel I be on both sides end ends of the pool. Ce) OVERFLOW "SCUM" GUTTERS shaf I: (1) extend completely around the pool except over steps with I Ip of the gutter level throughout the perimeter; (2) provide a hand hold for swimmers; (3) be provided with sufficient opening at the top, end width at the bottom, to permit easy cleaning. Cf) GUTTER DRAINAGE AND SKIMMERS. The gutter drainage outlets shal I be located not more than 10 feet apart. Outlet piping shal I be ~roperly covered by a drain grate with openings two times the area of the drain pipe. Gutter drainage may be discharged Page 3 to sewers, without direct connection, or tnto the recirculation system tn an approved manner. 1) Publ le, semi-public, wading & sprey pools. Approved skimmers may be substituted for scum gutters at the rate of 1 skimmer for each 500 square feet of water surface area or fraction thereof, lncludtng the surface area of an attached wading pool, excepting that In pools were the maximum permitted rectrculatton rate ts less then 35 gallons per minute, a stngle skimmer wll I be permitted. Skimmers shel I be properly Installed, wtth due consideration gtven to prevailing wind directions, and properly maintained and operated. The overflow slot of a skimmer shal I be at least 8 Inches In width at its narrowest section and shal I be automatically adjustable to variations In water level over a range of at least (3) Inches. Skimmers shel I operate et a minimum overflow rate of 20 gallons per minute per I lnear foot. The rate of flow through the skimming device or devices shal I not exceed 75J of the capacity of the recirculation system. When the addition of a skimmer required In thfs section lowers the minimum overflow rate below 20 gallons per minute per I lneer foot, such additional skimmer will not be requlred. Each skimmer must contain en easily removable and cleanable basket or screen through which all overflow water must pass to trap large sol Ids. 2) Spa Pools. Skimmers are required on spa pools. At least one sktmmtng device shal I be provided for each 100 square feet of surface area or fraction thereof. If more than one skimmer Is required, they shal I be so located es to mtnlmtze Interference wtth each other end to Insure proper skimming of the entire spa pool surface. Skimming devices shell be built Into the spa pool wel I, shall be valved, shat I develop sufficient veloctty on the spa pool water surface to Induce floating oils end wastes Into the skimmer from the entire spa pool erea, and shall meet the fol lowing general specifications: ((a)) The piping and other pertinent components of skimmers shal I be dlslgned fore total capacity ofat least 100J of the required Page 4 ~------------L-··-•••---•--·--, ---~,_ .... ., ."'-_,.,.,..,. < '"' ~ • " ' _H __________________ _ filter flow of the reclrculatfon system and no skimmer shal I be designed for a flow-through rate of less than 30 gallons per minute or 3.75 gal Ions per minute per I fnear Inch of weir. C(b)) The skimmer weir shall be automatically adjustable and shel I operate freely with continuous action to variations fn water level over a range of et least four Inches. The weir shel I operate at al I flow variations es described In (f)(1). The weir shall be of such buoyancy and design so as to develop en effective velocity. ((c)) An eeslly removable and cleanable basket or screen through which el I overflow water must pass shal I be provided to trap large sol Ids. ((d)) The skimmer shal I be provided with a device to prevent airlock In the suction I lne. If en equal lzer pipe Is used, ft she I I provide an adequate amount of water for pump suction should the water of the spa pool drop below the weir level, prov I ded thet, If any other dev Ice, surge tank, or arrangement ts used, e sufficient amount of water for pump suction she I I be assured. ((e)) Where the equal lzer pipe Is used, It shal I be st zed to meet the capacity requirements of the fllter and pump. This pipe shal I be located at least one foot below the lowest overflow level of the skimmer. ft shel I be provided with a valve or equlvelent device that wfll remain tightly closed under normal operating conditions, but wlll automatically open when the skimmer becomes starved and the water level drops two lnches below the lowest weir level. ((f)) The skimmer and basket or screen shall be composed of sturdy, corrosfon-reststent materials. -· ((g)) Prevaf I Ing winds shal I be considered In placement of skimmers to assure re~ovef of ~Ind-blown material In outdoor spa pools. Page 5 (g) ( h > Water sources. Only water from sources approved by the health offlclal shal I be used In pools. CROSS CONNECTION between potable water piping end the swimming pool reclrculetlon system Is prohibited, end no potable water pipe shel I terminate below the overflow level of a swimming pool or spa. Potable water for meke-up purposes preferably shal I be Introduced Into a float- controlled tank across en air gap et least twice the pipe diameter but not less then 3 Inches ebove the overflow rim of the tank, or dlrectly Into the pool by means of a safely located pipe (fll I spout) turned downward with en elr-gep et least 6 Inches above the pool overflow level. EXCEPTION: In cases where such equipment cannot otherwise operate, a potable water connection toe chlorlnetor wll I be permitted provided that It Is properly protected against beck slphonege end beck pressure bye check valve end vacuum breaker. (t) WALKWAYS Immediately adjacent to the pool shell (e) be et least 10 feet wide for pub I le and 4 feet for seml-publtc pools, exclusive of coping, excepting thet where diving stands or platforms ere Installed the walkway shel I extend et least 5 feet behind the stand or platform but not less then 15 feet from the pool wal I on pub I le pools end (b) slope away from the pool with a pitch of at least 1/4 Inch per foot to properly located deck drains. In general, each deck drain shel I serve an area not greeter then 300 square feet. Walkways shel I be constructed of concrete or other meterlal acceptable to the health officer, with nonsl Ip finish free of sharp or Jagged edges or surfaces. WALKWAYS FOR SPA POOLS. A continuous deck or floor area et least four feet wide shel I extend around et least 50% of the spe pool. The deck or floor shell be sloped to drain ewey from the spa pool et a grade of et leest 1/4 Inch per foot, be provided with edequete drains unless speclflcelly exempted by the heelth officer, end she I I have e non-sl Ip surface. (J) LADDERS shell be provided et both sides of the deep section of the pool and et the division between the •swimmer" and "non-swimmer" areas. If the well height at the shallow end Is greeter then 30 Inches, ladders or steps shell be provided there also. Ladders must have e handrall on both sides extending 30 Inches above the pool war I; ledders she I I be corroslon-reslstent and have nonsl Ip flat treads. One ladder shel I be sufficient on pools 20 feet In width or less. There she I I be a clearence of not less then 3 Inches between any ladder and the pool wall. Steps lead Ing Into pools or spa pools shal I be of non-sl Ip design, shal I be provided with at leest one hendrell, have a minimum treed of 12 Inches and a maximum rise of 10 Inches. There shal I be no abrupt drop off or submerged projections Into the pool or spa pool, unless guarded by handrails. If steps are Inserted In the wal Is or If stepholes are provided they shal I be of such design thet they may be cleaned readlly & shal I be arranged to drain Into the pool or spa pool to prevent the accumuletlon of dirt. Stepholes shal I have a minimum treed of five Inches, e minimum width of 14 Inches and shal I be provided with a handrail at the top of both sides. (k) WALL OR ENCLOSURE. The pub I le pool and the area lmmedletely surrounding the pool used by swimmers shall be separated from observation or other parts of the premises by a dureble fence, well or other enclosure having e minimum height of four fe~t for the control of senltetlon end safety. Cl) LIGHTING. Al I pools shal I be edequately I lghted by natural or ertlflclel means when In use. Electric wires she I I not extend across a swimming poo I. Underwater poo I I I ght Ing she I I be des I gned, lnstal led, grounded and maintained so es not to be dangerous to bathers. Arrangements and design of I lghtlng fixtures shal I be such that the bather and/or attendant may see clearly every part of the pool waters, pool bottom, walkways, spring-boards, and other appurtenances without being bl lnded by I I g ht. (m) SEWAGE DISPOSAL. All sewage from plumbing f lxtures, Including backwash from filters and wasted swimming pool water, but not I lmlted to water closets, lavatories, showers, and floor drains she I I be disposed of In a sanitary manner approved by the Health Offlclal. The sewer system shall be adequate to serve the facll lty. There shat I be no direct physical connection between the sewer system and any drain from the swimming or s~a pool or recirculation system.· Any pools or overflows from the recirculation system when discharged to the sewer system, storm drain or other approved natural drainage source shat I connect through a suitable air gap so as to 0 age 7 --------------------------------------------..... preclude the poss lb II lty of back up of sewage or waste Into the pool or piping system. (n) CONNECTION TO PUBLIC SEWERS. Connection to the pub I Jc sewer I I ne sha I I be In accordance w Ith a I I appl lcable plumb Ing codes and shal I be designed so that valves and/or pumps used for draining pools shal I be sized or control led to prevent the surcharging of the sewer. Co) DIVING BOARD CONSTRUCTION. Diving boards shal I be of sound construction, free of spl Inters or dangerous cracks and shal I be capable of supporting the heaviest load under conditions of reasonable use. Steps shal I be of corrosion- resistant material, easily cleanable and of sl Ip- resistant design. (p) HEADROOM. At least 15 feet of free and unobstructed headroom must be provided above diving boards and towers. (q) DIVING BOARD SURFACES. Diving boards and diving platforms shal I be covered or finished with durable nonslip material. Cr) DIVING AREA DEPTHS. In pools where a diving board or platform Is provided the depth of water shal I be as fol lows: Height of Diving Board or Platform Above Water Line Minimum Water Depth In Diving Area 0-1 meter------------------------8 feet 6 rnches Above 1 up to 3 meters------------------10 feet 3 meters and above----------------as approved Cs) ALTERNATE DESIGN. Where the provisions of these regulations do not permit the fnstel let Jon of e new design for a pool or water purification system, e design conforming with Texas State Department of Health Standards revised may be approved. Ct) MINIMUM DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES. Maximum slope-Shel low end--1 1 /8' for pools 42' or less. Maximum slope-Shel low end--1 1/12 1 for pools 42' or longer. Minimum distance from side wall for Oto 1 meter diving board--8•. Minimum distance from side wel I above 1 meter diving board--10'. Minimum distance between 3 meter diving boerds-- 12'. REGULATION 2. WADING POOLS. Wading pool weter shell be cleansed through e swimming pool reclrculetlon system es described under peregraph Ca), Regulation 3 of this section; but If the wading pool Is not connected withe reclrculetlon system then fresh cleen weter shell be fed continuously Into the pool and continuously wested. The water turnover rete for the wading pool shall not exceed 4 hours. When e wading pool Is constructed as a seperete tnstal latron sulteble provision shal I be made for skimming the weter surfaces. REGULATION 3. WATER CIRCULATION SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC ANO SEMI- PUBLIC & SPA POOLS. Ca) GENERAL. The weter recirculation system conslstlng.prlmarlly of piping, pumps, fitters, water conditioning and disinfecting equipment together with other standard accessory equipment shall be adequate to clerlfy and disinfect en amount of weter equal to the contents of the swimming pool within 6 hours or the spa pool within 30 minutes. The reclrculatlon system shell be kept In operation to maintain the.required sanitary quellty of the water. Weter drawn from the pool shell not be returned to the pool unless It hes been flltered and otherwise treeted In en epproved manner. Cb) PIPING. Piping systems shal I be: Ct) Designed to carry the required quentlty of water at a maximum velocity of 10 feet per second In s~lmmlng pools or 8 feet per second in spa pools. (2) Of sufficient strength to withstand and sustain operating pressures readily. (3) Made of nontoxic material. (4) Reasonably resistant to corrosion under conditions of operation. (~) So Installed and located as to preserve Its orlglnel qua I lty, conditions and capacity. Pipe and fitting which pass through the pool structure shall terminate flush with Inside pool walls or bottom. (c) (d) ( e) (f) (g) ( h) IDENTIFICATION. Piping systems shal I be Identified by tegs end numbers or appropriate colors painted or located at conspicuous points. AIR INDUCTION SYSTEMS. Air Induction systems when provided, shal I totally prevent water beck-up that would cause electrical shock hazards. Air Intake sources she I I be positioned and/or designed to minimize contaminants <such as deck water, dirt, etc.> from belng Introduced tnto the spa pool. HAIR STRAINER. The recirculation system shal I Include a sulteble strainer to prevent hair, I Int, etc.~ from reaching pump and filters. The provision of spare strainer baskets Is recommended. Strainers shal I be of corroslon- resrstant material, with openings having a total eree at least 4 times the area of the reclrculetlon suction pump pipe end shel I readily accessible for frequent cfeanlng. strainers shell not be required on vacuum be Heir fllters. VACUUM CLEANER. A pool water vacuum cleenrng system she I I be provided. In Integral systems, connections shall be In sufficient number, located In the wal I of the pool, at least 10 Inches below the water I lne. Section hose end equipment handles of such length as to reach el I parts of the pool shall be available for use. Fixed pipe connections shal I be adequately sized end shal I be connected to the pump suction. Exception: An approved portable vacuum cleaning system may be substituted for the above. FIXED OR ADJUSTABLE INLETS of proper numbers, size, design, and spacing In relation to the outlets and to the size and shape of the pool to facilitate uniform clrculatlon of water throughout the pool without excessive pressure and to facll ltate the maintenance of a uniform disinfectant residua! throughout the entire pool, without existence of dead spots. (Inlets from the clrculatlon system shal I be flush with the pool wal I and submerged at least 12 Inches below the water level.) DRAINS. Swimming pools shal I be equipped with 1 or more maln drains located at the deepest part and shell be cepeble of dretnlng the pool completely. Orefns shell be covered by gretlngs which are not eeslly removable by bathers, end which heve sefe openings et leest 4 times the erea of the drain pipe so the maximum veloclty of the water passing the grate wll I not exceed 1 1/2 feet .... -.. ~ ... ----~--------............ ___ ~, ... ~ ~ ..... ,,,, --•-••••··-~~·.~· •• , ..... _.,..._r-.'"""' .. _' _______ ,,..,..._ per second or shal I be an anti-vortex dreln. Main drains shal I be located within 10 feet of eny swimming pool side wal I. Multlple drains shel I not be more than 20 feet apart. Cl) PRESSURE GAUGES shel I be lnstal led on the Inlet and outlet manlfold of filters. Such geuges shal I read at 1 pound pressure Intervals or In Inches of vecuum. (J) FLOWMETER. An accurete rate of flow device, shel I be Jnstal led and located so that the rate of reclrcutatlon and rate of backwashing wlll be Indicated. Indicators shaf I be accurate to 5J under al I conditions of flow. The Indicator shell have a range of at least 150J of the normel flow rate, Including backwash. Ck) FILTRATION RATE. In newly lnstel led pressure sand filters, and In existing pressure sand filters as required, the rate of filtration shal I not exceed 3 gel Ions per minute per square foot and sufficient surface area of filter medium shal I be provided to achieve this rate. Such fl lters shal I be backwashed at a rate of at least 15 gal Ions per minute per square foot. The filter system shal I be designed with necessary valves and piping to permit complete drainage of al I parts of the system. Alum sulfate (alum) or other compounds approved by the Health Offlclal may be used as coagulants. Devices with reasonable accurate dosage control features shal I be provided for adding coagulants ahead of the filter. (I) PUMPS. Pumps shal I be of adequete capacity to provide the required number of turnovers of pools as specified by bather load, end whenever posslble shall be so loceted as to el lmlnate the need for priming. If the pump or suction piping Is located above the overflow level of the pool, the pumps shal I be self-priming. The pump or pumps shel I be capable of providing flow adequate for backwashing of filters. (m) SIGHT GLASSES ON PRESSURE SYSTEMS. Pressure filter systems shal I be equipped with a sight glass Installed on the waste discharge pipe. Such a sight glass shel I be read fly removable for clean Ing. (n) AIR RELIEF VALVES. Each pressure filter shal I be equipped with an air rel lef piping system connected et an accessible point near the crown. The tank and Its Integral parts she I I be ... ---------------------------------------------- constructed of material capeble of withstanding continuous usage, and pressure tanks shal I be designed for a pressure safety factor of four besed on the maximum shut off head of the pump. This shut off head for design purposes shal I In no cases be considered less than 50 pounds per square Inch. Co) VACUUM FILTER SYSTEMS. Vacuum filter systems shal I provide a vacuum gauge between the filter and the motor. Cp) ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT. FIiters shal I be designed, located and constructed to permit removal of filter manhole covers or heads for Inspection purposes, replacement or repair of the ff lter elements or medle. No filter or filtration system shal I be tnstal led beneath the surface of the ground without adequate provision for access for Inspection, maintenance and control. (q) FILTER MEDIA. These minimum standards shal I apply, where appl lcable, to either gravity or pressure sand filters. The filter bed of graded gravel or suitable grades of fl lter sand and a support-Ing bed of graded gravel or other porous materiel which shal I serve to support the fitter bed and distribute both tittered and backwash water uniformly. The supporting bed consisting of graded g~avel or other mater la I shal I support not less than 20" of fitter media consisting of sll lea sand or other durable, Inert materiel with en effective size between 0.4 and 0.55 mm, and a uniformity coefficient not exceeding 1.75 or 1.60. The minimum freeboard to the draw-off point of backwash water shal I not be less than 12" above the normal level of the top of the filter bed. Freeboard shat I In al I cases be at least 1/2 of sand depth plus one Inch. Cr) DIATOMACIOUS EARTH AS MEDIA. Where dfatomecfous earth Is used as the filter media, the filtering rate shal I not exceed 2.5 gal Ions per minute per square foot of effective ff lter surface area In swimming pools and shal I not be greater than 1.5 gal Ions per minute per square foot of effe~tlve filtering surface ln spa pools. The septum shel I be of corrosion-resistant material and shal I be so _ designed as to pr.event the passage of filter media Into the pool. The filters shal I be designed, fnstal led, and operated to maintain the required purity end clarity of the pool water under nl I operating conditions. Page i 2 .. ---,~~-···--------·---·- (s) CARTRIDGE FILTERS. (1) The filter rate one cartridge filter shat I not exceed 0.375 gpm per squere foot of effective fllter erea with sufficient aree to meet the prescribed turnover. (2) The filter end ell component perts shell be of such materlels, design end construction to withstand normal continuous use without significant deformation, deterioration, corrosion or weer which could adversely affect filter operation. (3) The tank containing the filter elements shnl I be constructed of steel, concrete, plestlc, or other suitable materiel, which wlll setlsfectorlly provide resistance to corrosion, with or without coating. Ct) FILTER CLEANSING. Al I filters shel I be backwashed or otherwise cleansed when the reeding on the rate of flow Indicators falls below minimum turnover rete. REGULATION 4. DISINFECTION OF PUBLIC ANO SEMI-PUBLIC POOLS. (a) DISINFECTION AGENTS. Effective weter disinfection shall be provided and maintained In all pools. This shell be eccompllshed by mechanical chlorination or other method approved by the health official that will maintain In the pool water an adequate, readily measurable residue! amount of the disinfectant to counteract pollution Introduced Into the water. The use of chlorine- ammonia disinfection treatment shal I not be permitted without special approval of the health officer. The addition of undlsolved disinfection egents directly Into the pool Is prohibited. (b) GASEOUS DISINFECTANTS. A device feeding gaseous disinfectants shall not be readily accessible to patrons or the pub I le end shall be placed In e well-venttleted area end preferably In e seperete room with en outside entrance. Such room shell be provided with mechanical ventilators with Intake near floor level and which discharge directly to the outside arr. Operating switches shal I be cl~arly marked end loceted outside of, end near the entrence. The chlortnator equipment shel I be of rugged design, cepeble of withstanding weer without developing leaks. Chlorine cyl lnders shall be rlgldly anchored to prevent their fal I Ing over. A velve stem wrench shell be maintained on the chlorine cyl lnder so the supply can be shut off qulckly In the cese of en emergency. Valve protection hood shal I be kept In place except where the cyl lnder Is connected to the chlorination system. The chlorine feeding device shal I be designed so that during accidents or Interventions of the water supply, leak Ing chlorine gas wll I be conducted out-of-doors. Chlorlnator shel I be a solution feed type, capable of dellverfng chlorine at Its maximum rate without releeslng chlorine gas to the atmosphere. The chlorfnators shel I be designed to prevent the beckflow of water Into the chlorine solution container. Pools at which gas chlorine ts used for disinfection shal I have e conspicuously posted sign on the exterior side of the entry door to the chlorine room, or on the adjacent wel I area. In addition to displaying the appropriate hazard Identification symbol for gas chlorlne, the sign shall state with clearly leglble letters not less than 4 Inches high the fol low Ing: "DANGER: GASEOUS OXIDIZER-CHLORINEII" A solutlon of commerclel strength ammonia shal I be kept avallable for use In testing for chlorlne ges leaks. A gas mask designed for use In a chlorine atmosphere shell be provided unless e self- contained breathing apparatus Is supplled. Gas masks shal I be of a type approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and/or the Natlonal Institute for Occupatlonal Safety and Health. A replacement cannister shall be provided end kept serviceable. Any cannister which has been utllized during chlorlne leakage shal I be discarded and a replacement cartridge provided. The date of attaching a cannister shal I be discarded one year from the date of attachment or sooner If the cannister Is expended as shown by the Indicator color change. Date stamped expired cannisters shall be replaced with unexpired, unused cartridges. A self-contained breathing apparatus may be used In place of a gas mask only If al I pool attendants end I lfeguerds who may be responsible for the a 14 ., health and safety of pool users have received formal training In the use of the equipment. Followlng lnltlal formal training, responslble pool attendants and llfeguards shal I receive refresher training at least once every six months If working at pools which are open year-round. For pools open on a seasonal basis, al I returning responslble personnel shal I receive retraining on the use of the equipment before the pool Is opened for the seeson. Only parts approved for the specific respiratory system shall be used for replacement. The respirator equipment shal I be kept at a readlly accessible point outside the room In which the chlorlnetor Is maintained. Al I swimming pools with gas type automatic chlorlnators shall post In a conspicuous location near the entrance to the pool an emergency pool evacuation procedure. Emergency exit doors or gates shal I not be locked when the pool Is open for use. Keys to such doors and gates shall be readlly avallable to pool attendants and llfeguards. Pool attendants and I lfeguards shal I receive training In the appl lcatlon of effective pool emergency procedures. Such training shal I be rev I ewed at. I east once every s Ix months for poo Is open year-round. For pools open on a seasonal basis, training In emergency procedures shal I be conducted be fore the poo I Is opened for the season. Cc) HYPOCHLOR-ITE SOLUTIONS. When a hypochlorlte solution Is used It shel I be fed through hypochlorlnator equipment. Such equipment shal I also provide the fol lowlng addltlonal features: (1) Feed shall be positive under al I conditions of pressure In the clrculatlng system. (2) Dosage and adjustment shal I be provided to lnsure•constant feed with varying supply or back pressure. (3) Positive features to prevent back-flow from reclrculatlon system to the solutlon container, and provision for reducing to a minimum the entry Into the pool of free calclum released from calclum hypochlorlte. ... . ' (4) Provision to prevent siphoning of hypochlorlte solution when the recfrcul8tlon pump and hypochlorfnetor are both turned off. (This appl les to above pool level Installations only.) REGULATION 5. WATER STANDARDS OF PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC POOLS. Ca) QUALITY OF WATER. Swimming pool water shel I be so treated end maintained whenever the swimming pool Is open for use that the bacterial, chemfcal and physical quality of the weter meets the standards set forth In Recommended Practice of the American Public Health Assocl8tlon Revised. (b) BACTERIAL STANDARDS. (1) Not more than 15$ of the samples covering any constdereble period of time, nor more than two consecutive samples, shall either (a) contain more than 200 bacteria per mllllllter, as determined by the standard (35°C) agar plate count, or (b) show positive test (confirmed test) for coliform organisms In any of the five 10 mlllll lter portions of a sample, or more than 1.0.collform organisms per 50 ml. when the membrane filter test Is used. All samples shall be collected,•• dechlorlneted, and examined In accordance with the procedures outlined In the latest edition of Staod~rd Ma.:t.lu:uis-1.Pc the Examination of tia±er Maste-Watec <APHA>. The Health Official shal I prescribe the type and frequency of collection and examination of samples to assure water quality meets minimum requirements. (2) The presence of Pseudomonas or other pathogenic organisms In the pool water shall be Justification for closure of any pool until subsequent sampl Ing shows the water to be free of such organisms. (c) CHEMICAL STANDARDS. (1) A disinfection process or procedure shell be used at ell pools subject to these rules 8nd regulations for the purpose of Insuring continuous disinfection of the water throughout the pool during the period the pool Is tn use. When chlorlne-or-chlorlne compounds are used as the disinfectant, the water In the pool et ell times whlle In use .\ shell contain a free chlorine residue! ofz not less then 1.0 pert per mill Ion es measured by the DPD method In swimming pools; end not less than 2.0 parts per mil I Ion as measured by the DPD method In spe poolsJ or shall conteln e free chlorine residual of e higher value to be determined by the Health Offlctel. If other halogens ere used,· reslduels of equivalent disinfecting strength she I I be melntelned. A testing kit for measuring the concentration of the disinfectant, accurate within 0.1 ppm, shel I be provided at each pool. (2) When Cyanurlc Acid compounds are used as e disinfectant the cyenurate concentration • shell not exceed 100 parts per mill Ion, end the chlorine and the free chlorine residual shell be et least 1.0 part per mllllon In swimming pools end 2.0 perts per mll I Ion In spe pools. (3) The Health Official may accept other disinfecting materials or methods when they have been adequately demonstrated to provide a se~lsfactory residual effect ~nd to otherwise be equally es effective under conditions of use as the chlorine concentration required herein, and not be dangerous to pub I le health, create obJectloneble physlologlcal effects, or Impart toxic properties to the water. (4) The pool water shall be maintained In en alkel tne condition as Indicated bye pH of between 7.0 and 8,2. A pH testing kit eccurate to the nearest 0.2 pH unit shell be provided et each pool. The elkal lnlty of the water In pools shal I be et least 80 ppm. Sulteble equipment for the feeding of pH regulating chemicals et such points that their use wll I be most effective shel I be provided In pub I le pools. Cd) PHYSICAL STANDARDS. The surface of the pool weter shall be kept free of scum and foreign floettng matter.· The bottom and sides of the pool shell be maintained free of sediment, dirt. sl lme and algae. Weter In the pool shal I be maintained free of turbidity and sufficiently clear so that the meln drain grll le Is clearly vis Ible from the side of the poo I. . . i • Ce) OPERATION RECORDS. The operator of each pool open for use she I I keep a dally record of Information regarding operation, .lncludlng readings of disinfectant residual, pH end maintenance procedures such as cleaning of filters end quantity of chemlcals used. Such records shell be readlly evellable to the Health Offlclal. REGULATION 6. ACCESSORY APPURTENANCES. Ca) IN PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS ONLY: (1) Dressing rooms shel I be provided for pools where bathing suits and towels are maintained for loan or rental. (2) All entrances to end exits from the dressing rooms she I I be ef'fectlvely screened to Interrupt the llne of sight of persons outside the dressing rooms. (3) Wells end partitions of dressing rooms end locker rooms she I I be of smooth meter I al with a finish Impervious to moisture, free from crec~s or open Joints. (4) The lower edge of partitions between dressing compartments she I I terminate not less than six (6) Inches above the floor. (5) Floors shell be of nonslip construction, free of open creeks and sloped to adequate drains. Junctions between walls end floor shel I be coved. (6) All furniture shell be of slmple character, eesfly cleanable and wherever possfble, locker compartments, furniture and.other appurtenances In dressing rooms shall be so Installed or raised above the floor es to permit thorough cleanlng and flushlng of the floor. (7) Dressing rooms shel I be adequately ventilated end so located as to facll ltet~ the proper use of toilets by bathers. (8) Adequate end proper tollet facllttles conveniently located In properly ventilated compartments shell be provided for each sex. The number of units provided shel I be sufficient with reference to the maximum number of patrons using the estebl lshment, ... .) • but In no case shell there be less then 2 units for eech sex. (9) A sufficient numbet of shower baths with hot water supply shel I be provided et eech swimming pool but In no case shel I there be less then 2 units for each sex. Provision shell be made to temper hot weter suppl led to bathers to prevent the posslbll lty of sceldlngs. (10) Suitable and edequate hot and cold running water suppl les to hend weshlng fecll ltles shell be provided In or adjacent to toilet rooms. Adequate handsoap dispensers shell be provided end maintained et hand weshlng f ac I I It I es. (11) An edequate supply of safe drinking water shall be provided by means of sanitary drinking fountains which shal I be conveniently loceted. (12) An edequate number of lifeguards or other atte~dants, trained In rescue end resustltatlon shell be In constant • attendance, during bathing hours, end no bather she I I be permitted In e pool area unless-such lifeguard or attendent Is present. Cb) IN PUBLIC ANO SEMI-PUBLIC POOLS ANO SPA POOLS. (1) Safety equipment consisting of ring buoys, shepherd's crooks end llfel Ines, of number and type approved by the Health Offlclel, shell be provided end accessible. Spe pools ere exempt from this requirement. (2) Where no lifeguards are In constant attendance, a sign shel I be consplcuosly posted neer the pool which states: "WARNING: NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY". This sign shel I be composed of clearly legible fetters not less then 4 Inches high. (3) The provision of towels, drinking cups, combs, heir brushes, or soap for use In common by patrons Is prohibited. (4) Bathing suits, towels, linen or similar ertlcles provided for patrons shel I be . properly weshed, sterll lzed end thoroughly dried after each lndlvlduel use and before enother use. (5) There shall be provided for emergency use, e telephone and a standard 24 unrt first aid kit. If the telephone and f frst aid kit cannot be practically located et poolside, they may be loceted In an Immediately edJecent office or other nearby end reedlly eccesslble eree, provided a clearly legible end consplclous sign Is posted et poolside which states where the emergency phone and first eld kit are located. (6) The maximum water temperature of spa pools shell be 104°F. (7) Spa pools located In private rooms shell heve Intercoms or similar communication systems to communicate with establ lshment personnel of e central reception eree. (8) Reclrculatlon pumps end heater thermostat switches shel I be Inaccessible to bathers. (9) All )ndoor swimming pools, bathhouses, dressing rooms, shower rooms, end toilet spaces shell be adequately ventilated either by natural or mechanical means. (10) Ce) Every swimming pool shell be operated end maintained In a clean and sanitary condition et ell times. Cb) Persons with sore or Inflamed eyes, colds, nasel or eer dlscherges, bolls or other ecute or obvious skin or body Infections or cuts, shel I be excluded from the pool. No person In or et e swimming pool shall commit or be permitted to commit any form of nuisance preJ~dlclal to the I lfe or health of eny person using the pool. (11) FENCING. At outdoor swimming pools, Including spray, wading, end spa pools, the entire area shelf be enclosed bye fence having a minimum height of four feet end e self-closing gate with a self !etching device no less than 42 Inches from the ground. Outdoor swimming pools which have en exl$tlng fence around them at the date of adoption of this ordlnence, but which ere less than 4 feet In height wlll be permitted, provide~ that the existing fence Is et least 42 Inches In height end hes e self-closing gete withe self !etching device located In the top 1/4 of the gate. For outdoor pools where no fence exists, e properly constructed fence which meets the requirements of these• rules shal I be lnstal led within 12.months of the dete of adoption of the ordinance which Is adopting these rules. (12) POOLS NOT IN OPERATION. (e) In the off season, seasonal pools shal I be: (1) covered with a safety cover, or (2) she I I have the water maintained with a sufficient clarity at el I times ~o that the main drain Is readily vlslble, or (3) kept drained and cleaned. (b) Pools which ere not In use on a long term basis shal I bes (1) covered with a safety coverJ (2) she I I have the wmter maintained with a sufficient clarity et el I times so that the main drain Is ·readily vlslble1 or (3) shell be emptied of water end fll led with an appropriate f I 11 meter I el. P~ge 21 TIIE STATE OF TI<:XAS R-109 COUNTY OF LUBB~e Roark Before me ________ ...,..,,...,,,..-..-,-,..,....,"'"T" ;:i NQtarv Public.in and,,/or Lubbock Countv. Texas on this dav p(•rsonally appeared TW 1 la AUf 1 I It Account Manac.er of the S~uthwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the LubboC'k Avalanrhe-.Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday. who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been pu.blis.hed continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion or this lel:!111 Notice --------L ................. l1---1Ntf'K"•t...,.1...,..~o. 757022 at Lubbock Countv. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the e 2 a O c is a true CQJl.V of the Qrl· gina I ·and '!II.as printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: _M_a_r_c_h_z_·s_, _A_P_r_1 __ 4_,_l._9_s_1 ________ _ 216 words@ 82t = $177,12 Account Manaf!er LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation ... ~ftO~ ti J~~t~n! for 1tie ~,.., go NOTARY pUBUf. 1°.,\-.pires Oct.:.:;.\., 19 MyC · ... · . 6th AP ri I ·e1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of -------· 19. __ _ FOR~ISS-10 '"':~ .. ~~"'M"':_-_ .. _____________ ;