HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 6781-1973 - Issuance Bond Election - 12/21/1973II I NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS THE STATE OF TE~~S § § COU~~-OF LL~BOCK § § CITY OF LG~BOCK § TO THE RESIDE~~ QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, INCLUDING THOSE WHO OWN TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY, AND WHO HAVE DULY RENDERED THE SAME FOR TAXATION: TAKE NOTICE that an elec tion \vill be held in the City of Lubbock, Texas, on the 15th day of January, 1974, in obedience to an ordinance duly entered by the City Council which is attached hereto and made a part of this Notice for all intents and pur- poses. WITJ:.j'"ESS OUR HANDS AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, this the 21st day of December, 1973. Oz.,, --· ~~· ~ Mayor, City of Lubbock, Texas ATTEST: ~--e.-City Secretary, City of_Lubbock, Texas (City Seal) ORDINANCE NO. 6781 AN ORDINANCE by the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas, calling a bond election to be held within said City for the authoriza- tion of general obligation bonds, makting provision for the conduct of the election and other provisions incident and related to the purpose of this ordinance; and de- claring an emergencyo WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas, deems it necessary, advisable and to the best interest of the City and its inhabitants that the bonds of said City be issued for the purpose hereinafter stated, and has determined to sub- mit the proposition for the authorization of such bonds to an election as hereinafter set out; and WHEREAS, the City Council ·has found and hereby declares there is an urgent public necessity for the acquisition and construction of the improvements to be provided with the pro- ceeds of said bonds at the earliest possible date for the i.mmedi.ate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, and that by virtue thereof, this ordinance shall be passed and adopted as · an emergency measure; ;:10':-t, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That an election be held on the 15th day of January, 1974, which date is not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days from the date of the adoption he.reof, at which electio~1 the follmving proposition shall be submitted: "SHALL the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas, be authorized to issue THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,500,000) general obligation bonds of said City for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to wit: constructing and equipping a Civic Center to be known as Memorial Civic Center, and the acquisition of a site therefor; said bonds to mature serially over a period of years not to exceed FORTY (l~O) years from their date, to be issued and sold at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance; and to provide for the. payment of principal of and interest on said bonds by levying a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest &id to create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds as they become due?" SECTION 2: That the official ballots for said election shall be prepared in accordance with the V.A.T.S. Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote 11FOR'' or "AGAINSTn the aforesaid propo- sition which shall be set forth in substantially the following form: PRECINCT NU}'tBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 II I "THE ISSUANCE OF $3,500,000 MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF" The word "FOR'' and beneath it the word ''AGAINST" shall be made to appear on the left of the propositiono A square shall be printed on the left of each of the words "FOR" and "AGAINST'', and each elec tor shall place an "X" in the square beside the state- ment in~icating the way he wishes to vote. SECTION 3: That the polling places and officers of said election shall be as follows, to wit: POLLING PLACE Wolffarth Elementary 3203 Erskine Arnett Elementary 700 E. Queens McWhorte r Elementary 2711 lst Street Jackson Elementary 207 Vernon Guadalupe Elementary 101 N. Avenue P Alderson Junior High 219 Walnut Bowie Elementary 2902 Chicago K. Carter School 610 Avenue Q Rush Elementary 4702 15th Street Thompson Elementary 2002 14th Street Ba yless Elementary 2101 ~8th Street Haynes Elementary 3802 60th Street Smiley t.Jilson 4402 31st Street ALTERNATE PRESIDING JUDGE PRESIDI NG JUDGE Mrs. Robert B. Davis Mrs. John \.Joffard C. A. Oldham Mrs. C. A. Oldham Fred Gentry Mrs. Eli Sanchez H: D. White Francis Gonza les William Goldstein Fra nk Ca r rillo L. M. Simmons Lorenzo Sedeno F. L. Alexander Mrs. Charles Putman Mrs. C. W. Moore Earnest L. Thaxton Mrs. Arthur J. Damron Mrs . Henry Shine H. D. Woods Mrs . Joe Mcllhaney Mrs. Syd Moore Mrs. Philip O'Jibwa H. J. McCabe Ameral Payne Mrs . Geneva Bowerman Mrs. C. G. Rook, J . Overton Elemen tary Mrs. Arnold Chauncey 2902 Louisville Avenue Mrs. Steve Meinecke Roscoe 'Hilson 2807 25th Street Chester Hubbard Ed Langston I PRECINCT NUMBER 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 47 48 49 so 51 POLLING PLACE PRESIDING .TIJDGE Hutchins on Junior High Everett Key 3102 Canton Dupre Elementary J. W. Jackson 2008 Avenue T Sla ton Junior High Harvey Austin 1602 32 nd Street Bean Elementary Mrs . Ro se Ingram 3001 Avenue N Ella Iles Elementary N. P. Holmes 2401 Date Avenue Stubbs Elementary· Mrs. Charles Shank lin 3516 Toledo Ma edgen Elementary Mrs. Nay Hale 4401 Nashville Monterey High School G. E. Daws on 3211 47th Street Wheelock Elementary Mrs. Dud ley Walker 3008 42nd Street Brown Elementary Mrs. Lee English 2315 36th Street Ha rwell Elementary Mrs. Allen Fulson 4101 Avenue D Pre cinct 1 Clubhouse Mrs. Charles Britton 5012 50th Street Parsons Elementary 28 11 58th Stre et Atkins Junior High 5401 .Avenue U Hackenzie Junior High 5402 12th Street Murfee Elementary 6901 Na s hville Drive Aggie Pavilion Texa s Tech Univers ity Municipal Auditorium Texas Tech University Southeast Elementary 5401 Quirt Mrs. P. H. Pappas Mrs. J. C. Hodges Mrs. J. C. Foster Mrs. John Frentress Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hamilton Mrs . Elen L. Gilpin Mrs. Francis Phillips ALTERl"\JATE PRESIDING JUDGE Mrs. Alt on Taylor Mrs . L. P. Rheudasil Mrs. D. M .. Davis Mrs. George B. Gilliam Mrs. Lucill e S. Graves Mrs. Vera Ogle Nay Hale Mr s . G. E. Dawson Dudley Walker Mrs. Stella Lea Mrs. J. C. Stroud Mrs . Pat Sanders Mrs . Jackson Drew Mrs. Clem Simpson Mrs. Robbie Whit- worth Mrs. A. C. Bowden Sandra Ste cher Mrs. Emily Burden Mr. F. B. Crush ·r Each Presiding Judge shall appoint not less than two (2) nor more than eight (8) q~alified clerks to serve and assist in holding said election; provided that if the respective Presiding Judge herein appointed actually serves, the Alternate Presiding Judge of his polling place shall be one of the clerks. On election day the polls shall be open from 7:00A.M. to 7:00 p. ~!. Absentee voting shall be conducted at the City Secretary1s Office in the City Hall, in accordance with the provisions of V.A.T.S. Election Code, Chapter 5. SECTION 4: All resident qualified electors of the City, including those who own taxable property in said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shall be permitted to vote at said election. That at said election two separate ballot boxes shall be provided at the polling place. In one box only resident qualified electors who own taxable property and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be allmved to vote. In · another box all resident qualified electors (who are otherwise qualified but do not mvn taxable property which has been duly rendered for taxation) shall be allowed to vote. ·The votes cast in each of said boxes shall be recorded, returned and canvassed in such manner as will reflect separately the votes cast by the qualified electors who own taxable property and who have duly ren- dered the same for taxation from the votes cast by all qualified electors (including those who mm taxable property and who have duly rendered the same for taxation). SECTIO~~ That a substantial copy of this ordinance shall serve as proper notice of said election. Said notice shall be posted in the election precinct or precincts and at the City Hall not less than fourteen (14) full days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general I circulation in said City, published therein, the first of said II publications to be made not less than fourteen (14) full days prior to the date set for said election. SECTION 6: The public importance of this measure and the fact that it is to the best interest of the City of Lubbock to provide the improvements indicated by the proposition for the issuance of bonds hereinabove set out at the earliest possible II date for the immedi<.'l.te preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the citizens of said City constitute and I j create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that 1 this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and that this ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force immediately from and af·ter its passage, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 21st day of December, 1973. ~---2~4$". l ATTEST: ~ ~~H's ~-j citSecret Y. City of Lubbock, Texas (City Seal)