HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9233-1988 - Closnig Underground Utility Easement Section 36 Block A-K - 10/27/1988!! JWF:js 32801 File And Return To F.d Suey R-0-W First Reading October 27, 1988 Item #15 Second Reading November 10, 1988 Item #9 VOL 295.3 PAGE . 26 ORDINANCE NO. 9233 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN SECTION 36, BLOCK A-K TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER IN THIS ORDINANCE; DI- RECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK TO REFLECT SAID ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the underground utility easement as hereinafter described in the body of this Ordinance is no longer needed for public use and it would be in the public interest to close, vacate and abandon the same; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the underground utility easement as hereinafter de- scribed shall BE and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abandoned for easement purposes and for public use: METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a 20 foot Underground Utility Easement to be abandoned, located in Section 36, Block A-K to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the Southeast corner of this tract, said point bears N. 00°06'28" E. a distance of 1822.50 feet and N. 89°53'48" W. a distance of 621.25 feet from the Southeast corner of Section 36, Block A-K; THENCE N. 89°53 148" W. a distance of 20.00 feet to a point for the Southwest corner of this tract; THENCE N. 00°06'2811 E. a distance of 400.00 feet to a point for the Northwest corner of this tract; THENCE S. 89°53'4811 E. a distance of 20.00 feet to a point for the Northeast corner of this tract; THENCE S. 00°06'2811 W. a distance of 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BE- GINNING. SECTION 2. THAT the City Engineer shall mark said abandoning and closing on the official maps of the City of Lubbock, giving:the number of the Ordinance and its date of final passage. , . ~ .. ""' . -~ .. ~~;~_' -,:_ .. '-',,v·; :~-,./ .• ~~--.. -. "_ .. \. .. VOL 2953 PAGE . 27 SECTION 3. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an al- ternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by City Council on first reading this 27th 1988. day of October -Passed by City Council on second reading this lOth 1988. day of November APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: &btJ~ fiLE[) FOH RECORD 88 NOV 1_0 P 4 : 13 . .J (C/iJ --~.. )(j!, . ..c ... u. ,.r:~,~~ ... :wr.ty c:.,rk, Lul:.bock Cc:tJnty, T.x<lll Ji};_ (_ ·~ t:c ~ B. C. McMINN, MAYOR Sr~IE OF rEXA$ 1 COUNTY OF LUBBOCK I heteby tertify thc'.!thio 1n1trument wet Fll.EDon th1 dote and at the t•m• llomped her.,.,., by me '""" wr.t dOJtr IIEC:ORDEO •n the Volume end Page of tn• Ollitiat Ileal '"'Ofo•rf)r llecords of l"'bboc. Countr. Tea<os en """'P"'d h•••on b~ '"*· - 2 - . •ov 1 o 1988 -~"~ COUHT¥ Cl~RK LU8&0CKCOUNTY, TEXAS,. .. _...,., ·- J I J THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK R-365 Before me Erence& Hernandez a Notarv Public in and for Lubbock Countv. Texas on this dav personally appeared T.J. Aufill' Acco'unt ,..tanaeer of the S~uthwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday. who being by me duty sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been fublished continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this _ __.l....:«~~..:lf:..:ai-~.I......:.N:..:0~:-_..1L.E1.3!c~e.__ ________ _ -------------No. 826917 at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the lee a I Not 1 c e is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-.Journal on the following dates: november 12 • 19 • 1988 3 word& @ • 2 = $28 96 Account Hanaeer LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22n~ay of November . 19__!!!L ~ . OROINANCE #97.37 • . \ ': ' " ,_ -,. AN ORDINANCE AMEND-... , ..... """'""""' ... ' 70ll~ AND THE: OFFICIAL MAP OF 'I' HE CIT.Y OF 'LUBBOCK I MAKING THE'FOLLO'NING 'CHANGES: tONE (ASE'NO. 226,_ LAZONIKGCHANGEF.RO~AM 'SPECIFIC !JSE. TO GO li)NING ON A TRACT OF. LAND OUT OF SECTION t•. BI..'OCK £:2> LU8• BOC~i tEl(loS; PROVIDING A ~PENALTY:·PROVIf.)INQ A SAV· tNGS"CLAUSE'ANP P.OVIDI.NG !FOR pU8LiCA!ION~. , . . ,~ ~Rdl~N~-' ~~ . .. ~-·-·.' \ ._..,'·.:' -~< --~-"'' ,:-·.,-' t . · AN'·OIU)INANC£ ABANOQN· 't~ AND CLOSING·AN UNDER· 'GROUND U'fll.IT.Y. l(j\SEMENT lLOCATED JN SECTION "36,. '·eU.OCK A·K TO THE CITY 01'. : r..u.eBOCK• LI.IBBOC.K ,COUNTY. iTEXA$, AND. MORE PARTICU: ·I.:ARt.V J)I!SI!R18El' ~ER.EIN· !AFTER IN .THIS ORDINANCE! DIRECTING THE CITY ENGI• 1 TO MARK THE QFF ICIAL OF THE CITY ·OF LU8· .tQ REfLECT.SAID A8Atl· OONMEIIIT'AHD CLOSING: PRG- ·vlOiftG A SAVINGS CLAUSE :AND PII:OVIDING FOR PUBLICA- TION, ft·~·,c· FRANCES HERNANDEZ Notary Pt:~,;:,:, Sr.ate cf Te.-;ss My Commission Expires 7 ·6·91