HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9220-1988 - Cancelling Approval Traffic Signal At 26Th And Boston Ave - 09/11/1988JWF:dw First Reading August .11, 1988 Item 20 ·Second Reading August 25, 1988 Item 9 ORDINANCE NO . __ 9_22_0 ___ _ AN ORDINANCE CANCELLING AUTHORITY AND APPROVAL FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT 26TH STREET AND BOSTON AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING THE REMOVAL OF SAID TRAFFIC SIGNAL AS AN OPERATIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL. WHEREAS, there is presently existing a traffic signal at 26th Street and Boston Avenue; and WHEREAS, after traffic engineering studies made by the Traffic Engineering Department of the City of lubbock, the recommendation has been made to the City Council of the City of lubbock by the Traffic Engineering Department that such traffic signal should be removed, with which recommendation the City Council of the City of lubbock (after due consideration) now concurs; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the authorization and approval for a traffic signal at 26th Street and Boston Avenue contained in Subdivision 40 of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8190 of the City of lubbock is hereby cancelled and expunged from said Ordinance, and said Ordinance 8190 of the City of lubbock is hereby amended to affect such change; such Ordinance No. 8190 shall in all other matters remain the same. SECTION 2. THAT the City Manager or his delegate is hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed the said traffic signal at 26th Street and Boston Avenue as an operative traffic signal as soon as practicable after the final passage of this Ordinance. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: B. C. McMil\J; MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. Ci I. I I· THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK R-299 Before me F"rence1 Hernandez a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared T.J. Aufll h Account Hanal!er of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning, Evening and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this Lee; a I Not 1 ce --------.,..----.,,...-----No. 826674 at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Lei! 8 I Not 1 ce is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanch~-Jum:nal op thl!.,foUgwiniZ dates: AUIUtlt JOt September 61 1988 110 wora1 ~ .ee ~ $96.80 LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ttb day of FORMSS-10 'If''' OR~~~~: ~1 ... .t.K O•C>·IftAKCI: :(:Afi!CELI.tl<IG AUTHOR rrv -AliiD.; ·APPROVAL FOR If. TRA?'FIC . $1GNAL AT 22NO .STREET'AliiD ' AVf:.NUE Q AND AUTHORIZING THE' R.EMOVAI.; OF SAID. TRAF· · 'FIC SIGNAl. AS AN C)PERATIVE TRAF~I,C:SIGNAL. : : 'oROUIANCE 19220 . -: .. ·· .· Aff ORI)IN/f.NCE (AIIICEI.I:.ING AUTHORtTY AND APPROVAL FOR A TRAFFIC 'SIGNAL AT 26TH STREET AND- BOSTON AVENUE ANO AU· ··~?t.'#.~~"Wesrl~~v:~.~~ I)PERATIIll! tRAFFIC $1GtiAI.. . . . ' . ' ·· · ;~RQI!'!ANCE .9221 ,:. : ' •.. AN'OROINANCE APPftOV· lNG AN.O AOOPTINQ A BUDc;,f!;r. ~~~:A~'i.A~;;,~~J".:r~(.A/i' FIGUAES I'OR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981f..89; PROVIDING FOR N!OC:ESSARY TRANSFERS OF ,F\INOS &ETWEEN ACCOIJNlS AN!:HlEPARTMENTS, IF'RE· QIJI:REC):. AND APPROPRIAT- ING I'UN'OS FOiil ffiE'1981·P FISCAl YEAaBUOGETOI' THE CITY OF I.IJ88QCK ll'nf fRII.NCES l-lERN1\NDEZ Nou··y p,,\)~t:. S,t::tr r:f l :::r.~-s. My (;omn'U$sion E•pirea 7·6-91