HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9166-1988 - Closing A Portion 5 Ft Utility Easement - 01/28/1988II '! l I HW:da 4036 File And Return To Ed Bucy R-0-W First Reading January.28, 1988 Item #20 Second Reading February 11, 1988 Item #8 I VOL2741 PAGE181 ORDINANCE NO. 9166 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CLOSING A 5 FOOT UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN SECTION 22, BLOCK A, OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER IN THIS ORDINANCE; DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO MARK THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK TO REFLECT SAID ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. . WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the underground utility easement as hereinafter described in the body of this Ordinance is no longer needed for public use and it would be in the public interest to close, vacate and abandon the same; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the underground utility easement as hereinafter described shall BE and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abandoned for easement purposes and for public use; A 5 foot underground utility easement located in Section 22, Block A, Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which bears North 1434.12 feet and East 718.79 feet from the Southwest corner of Section 22, Block A, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE N. 52°30 1 E. a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE S. 37°30 I E. a distance of 110.00 feet; THENCE S. 52°30' w. a distance of 5.00 feet; THENCE N. 37°30' w. a distance of 110.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. I! SECTION 2. THAT the City Engineer shall mark said abandoning and 11 closing on the official maps of the City, giving the number of the Ordinance ~ and the date of final passage. SECTION 3. THAT should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. .. ,. VOL 27 41 PAGt 182 SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 28th day of January 1988. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 11th day of February 1988. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~0 Ed Bucy, Right-~gent APPROVED AS TO FORM: 8 B F f B f 6 A 10 , 9 4 B.C. McMINN, MAYOR STATE OF TeXAS J COUNTY OF LUBBOCK 1 ""'"bl' certify that thit ,,..,.,,.,enl _..., Fll EO on the dote ond ot m ttmo ttomped hereon by '"" ono w<>t duly IIECOII0£0 "' the Vol11me ond Po91 of 1M Ollidol l!eol 1"1~ ltecO<dt of Lubbock Covnt,, loa<ol ot ""mp•d ...,,..,... b¥ ft!O, fEB 16 1988 ~~~ COUNTY ClERK f.U81!10Cl COUNTY. T!XAS -2- THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK R•127 Before me Frence& Hernandez a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County. Texas on this day personally appeared T\11 I a AufS It' Account Menal!er of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation. publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning. Evening and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of this --l .... e ... e ..... zs~I__.,Nuo._t ... · .. t..,c ... e._ _________ _ --------::-----::--:,-:--...,.....,.-No. 825881 at Lubbock County. Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the Let!ll Nat1ce is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: Eebruarr 13r 20t 1988 JJO Words ~ .88 = $290.40 Account Menef!er LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Southwestern Newspapers Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~bay ~IIAL n/, j ~'JNV ... ~~~uz~ vd ~ /)----j"'-c-FR/\NCES HERNANDE l ~' ~}~ T r-•.-f3~) Pu •Lc St 1te ot Tr .. as. , ......_ .... ( ~ ' . l pgtu• ·-__ . ~ ··~'#«<tt ... .:> If co ~· My C.ollctfliSO.oul1 E•p.re:; 7-6-91 II! .s&Jiiiiiii · t .. ,f d;-.;~' . J. • Alit OIIQ,~NCE ABANDON~ " ;....----f · AN OROI NOt~.-~~GR~fott.rt~;t:tffi~:: -----llitUIUol!:~·i!,__.:i;!..,..i;·-~, ... :;,.~:;&:~~~~~~~---------------· · fHE eobE QS ES Or , MENT I,.OCAJ!i:D 1111 SECTION.22, i'~E CITY qp Tf!X. ' BI..OC~~ 0 __ ll THE CITY OF 'U"· AS, BY AODi1f · APTER 7 ' () . ., ,.. A}IEW ARTICLIE: IV PERTAIN•. B CK, UBBOCKCOUNTY,TE¥~ , lNG TO ASSIGNMENT PAY FOR. AS. AS MORE .PARTIC:QlARLY 1 CERTAIN MEM8P$ OF THE DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER IN ' fl~ :DEPARTMENT; Fli:!NID-THIS ORDINANCE;. DlliEC:.TING lNG A SAV~NGS-CUAUSE;• AND 1 THE CITY ENGINEER TO' MARK-r PROY.t . .0\1\!G.~OR.PUI\LI~A·i THE OFFICIAL MAPS'OF THE ~ N: · CITY OF l.tiB80CK ,T.Q ftE~· j ~-10 ._ .. :. '. _-_·_ .. i FLECT$AIDABAN.DONMENT• I ORDINANCE #91._. . -1 AND CLOSIIIIG; PR(IVIOIIIIG A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PRO; AN ORDINANCE AMENOfNGJ VIOING ~ORF•UBLICA~ION. ' • ~. ONlNG ORDtNAI'fCE "'. 0.7084; ORDIUAUCE#'"67'. AND 'THE OFFICIAL: MAP OF-,...,. ., . tHE c•TY QF WI)&OCK.MAK·•! -. '' · ' · ; . liN-G ,THE ·FOLL.QWING• AIII.ORDINAIII.CECANCEt.LING . tH_· A. N. G. E. S:'lON. E'Ci'SEN0 •. '2612; · AU._T,HORITY .AI\!D _APPiiiOVAL A ZbNING (MANGE FROM T TO f='OR' A -TRAFFIC SIGIIIAL AT R·l SPECIFIC USE PERMIT. FOR. I ISTH STR.EET ·AND ·AVENUif L" A MICR.OWAVE ,TOWE~. ON A. 1 AND AUTHORIZING .. THE -Rt:·, tltA·CT out OF.•SECnON 3 •. MOVAL OF-SAID TRAFFiiC ~IG. BLOCK·D-6. LUB-BOCJ<;/TEXAS;-NAL AS AN OPERATIVE' TRAF·' . PROVIDING A PENALTY/ PRO. FI,C SIGNAL •.. , . ( : VI01N.G.A SAVINGS CI,AUSE, _;-. ~._'"'" .. -DIN4NCE ~_,,;.:. AND PROVIJ)ING FOR-PUBLICA· ""' • ~~ i 'TION. . --;,_, ... '. _'· --1 AN ORDII\!ANCE-A8i.NDON· · ' • OROINANCE#9165 jiNG AND CLQSING PORTIONS ·;;.·.~-: ·:· _ -···· .... '_jOFA$TORMWA_TER-STORAGE AN ORDI,NANCE'AMENDING')1'ND DRAINAGE EAiE.MENT ZONING ORDINANCE IIIQ.lq84 ,LOCATED I·N SECT ON 11,· AND TKE OFFIC-IAL MAP ()F,,tiLOCK .E·2, LU811!0CK OUNTY, THE CITY OF. LUBBOCK MAK•·ti~AL._S._.AJI!D,.MORE PAR,TICU· lNG 1'H.E" F01.•LOWtNG y DESCRIIH:O IIII:THE CHANGES.;, ZONE CASE.NO. %413; JIODYOF THIS ORDINANCE; Dl· · · A ZdNfiiiG <;HAliGE F~_OM C·3 ~E~J!NG THE CITY ENGINEER_ TO C'3 SPECI,FIC·U$E PEli:MI.T 3° """RK THE OFFICIAL MAPS , FOR·~<coMMERciAI:.Atttt.:eTtc ,fe:~i~}TY .oF .__~asocK to ' FLELD ON-A T~AC:I' OUT :OF. SAID ABAN-D!)N· SECTION 17, 8LO(;I( a;. LU8· ft~N_T AIIIO CLO.SING; PRDVtD-· ! l(iOCK,-:t'bA$· ~li{OVIOUIG.A A SAVIN~ CU.I.!:$1h AND PeN. "' .. ~'fY •.• 'f'JiCIV. !OUt~_·". ·U)'_··. ~D'(IOI,N(O. FOR, PUOI,.IC:A·; . IN_G$C\A~ft.ANO:PROV.I~.' N.-. .. , . '. · ' FOJU"UIIQ9'.1JQN; . • '•' ----~I . - f -~--·~··'·~~ .·. . ,'. : ' . 'l /'' ~·