HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 6586-1973 - Approving Minor Change To The Urban Renewal Plan, Ord. 6273 - 03/08/1973~ A: ··1) r./ :I\ -Ct;t )' ORD I NANCE NO. _6 ...... 5:-.8;.;a6 __ _ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK APPROVING A MINOR CHANGE TO THE AMENDED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE MEMORIAL CENTER PROJECT AS APPROVED BY OR~INANCE NO. 6273, FINALLY PASSED ON JANUARY 13. 1972 WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Lubbock approved a Revised Urban Renewal Plan for the Memorial Center Complex Project Area, dated December 21, 1971, by Ordinance Number 6273 finally passed on the 13th day of January, 1972; and, WHEREAS, the City Council approved a minor change in said Revised Urban Renewal Plan by Ordinance No. 6412 finally passed on the 27th day of July, 1972; and, WHEREAS, the City Council again approved a minor change in said Revised Urban Renewal Plan by Ordiaance No. 6453 finally passed on the 28th day of September, 1972; and, WHEREAS, said Revised Urban Renewal Plan needs another minor modification in order to achieve more flexibility in land offerings to private redevelopers mn respect to advertising requirements; and, WHEREAS, said modifications of the advertising requirements are set forth in a document entitled "Amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Memorial Center Complex Urban Renewal Project, Project No, TEX. R-138(C)11 , designated as Exhibit 11A'1 ; and, WHEREAS, sa~d minor modification to the Revised Urban Renewal Plan has been approved by the Governing Body of the Local Public Agency, as evidenced by the copy of said Body's duly certified resolution approving said minor modificat1on, which is attached thereto; and, WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Lubbock has reviewed and approved said minor modification of the revised Urban Renewal Plan for the Memorial Center Complex Project; NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: Passed by the Council on first reading this 8th 1973. day of March Passed by the Council on second reading thss 1973. 22nd day of -~Ma=r~ch;::_ __ _ ~ ...... MORRIS W. TURNER, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 'I . .. . ' , .- .. AMENDMENT TO THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE MEMORIAL CENTER COMPLEX URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, PROJECT NO. TEX. R-138(C) I ! I , /1EnCIR I /11. CENTER ro:',Pl.O U rb.:i:1 /{encwa I P 1 an Change Sectiqn 4.01.06 Advertisinc PRESENT WORDING I I_, Advertis~; All outdoor advertiS:ing shall meet <1pproval of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lubbock, Texas basc:d or1 desi911 cl))d placernenL, and shci ll comp l y 1t1ith .... .. the following requirements: (a) or sold on the premises or to the name of the establishment or business. (b) The content of signs shall relate to services provided or products produce;d \\ 1! All advertising shall be attached to one or more facades of a building wiSh j, sign or letter face parallel to facade and shall extend no more than two (2) feet perpen~icularly from any facade and the total area of such attached . signs s~all not exceed lf percent of the floor area of the building to which they are attached. No hanging, exposed neon, flashing, parapet, or roof signs shall be.permitted. Billboards are expressly prohibited. Signs painted on a building and signs attashed to or on a window, or designed to be viewed from the outside through a window shall be deemed to be outdoor advertising. REVISED WORDING Advertising: All outdoor advertising shall meet the approval of the Urban Renewal .Agency of the City of Lubbock based on the design and placement and shall comply with the following requirements: (;i) Th~ r.nnt~nt~ nf ~inn~ ~h;,Jl r-,:. l;, ,.,. 'l'n n .... ;m~ ... '\.J ~c..-Hiro~r _...,.,.._,,,: ,.J.-,,1 ---..J~. -""-- ' (4) I Public Se rvice--a sign limited to de piction of tirnC', tcr-ireraturt!, dr I news provided c1l l other .st:,:indards of this section ore met. (5) Detc1ched--One (I) dctachc;d sign is per~1itti:::d for each developmenl lot provided the following conditions are met: a. The design, form, and matcri~l shall be in hilrmony \·tith the b·uildin5 d_esign on the dcvelop1,1ent lot. ;,. b. The height shall not exceed six (6) feet, c. No part of the sign may project horizontally beyond the propertY. line. d. On street corner, no sign shall be placed within twenty-five (25i feet of the intersecting right-of-way. I e, No signs shall be placed within twenty-five (25) feet of driveway entrances, (6) F~ee Standing--One (I) free-standing sign is permitted for a development 1ot on 4th Street provided that: a. The ~eight shall not exceed thirty (30) feet, b. No part of such signs maV ~roject horizontally beyond the propert) Ii ne. c, There shall be a minimum horizontal separation of one hundred (100) feet between every free-standing sign on the same side of the street, (d} The following signs are prohibited: Exposed neon signs without background ·letters, flashing signs, roof signs, signs painted on walls of a building, signs attached to or on a window, and siqns desiqned to be viewec