HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 6125-1971 - Approving The Urban Renewal Plan & The Feasibility Of Relocation Prog. A-14 - 07/07/1971ORDINANCE NO. 6125
WHEREAS, unde~ the provisions of -Title I of the Housing Act
of 1949, as amended, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment is authorized to provide financial assistance to Local Public
Agencies for undertaking and carrying out Neighborhood Develop-
ment Programs; and
WHEREAS it is provided in such Act that contracts for
financial aid thereunder shall require that the Urban Renewal Plan
for the respective urban renewal area comprising the Neighborhood
Development Program be approved by the governing body of the
locality in which the area is situated and that such approval
include findings by the governing body that: (1) the financial
aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the
Program to be undertaken in accordance with the Urban Renewal Pt~n•
(2) the Urban Renewal Plan wil I afford maximum opportunity,
consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for
the rehabi I itation or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by
private enterprise; (3) the Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a
~eneral plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and
l4) the Urban Renewal Plan gives due consideration to the pro-
vision of adequate park and recreational areas and faci I ities, as
may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special con-
sideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children
residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan;
WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the
Urban Renewal A0 ency of the City of Lubbock (herein cal led the
"Local Public A~ency") undertake and carry out the Neighborhood
Development Program (herein cal led the "Program") identified as
"Lubbock Neighborhood Development Program Tex. A-14(C)" and
encompassing the area or areas bounded by Exhibit I in the City
of Lubbock, State of Texas (herein called the "Locality"): and
WHEREAS, the Local Pub I ic Agency has applied for additional
financial assistance under such Act and proposes to enter into
an additional contract or contracts with the Department of
Housing and Urban Development for the undertaking of, and for
making available additional financial assistance for, the Program;
WHEREAS the Local Pub I ic Agency has made studies of the
location; physical condition of structures; land use; environment
influences; and social, cultural, and economic conditions of the
urban renewal area or areas comprising the Program and has
determined that the area is a slum and blighted area and that it
rs detrimental and a menace to the safety, health, and welfare of the inhabitants and users thereof and of the Locality at large,
and the members of this Governing Body have been fully apprised
by the Local Public Agency and are aware of these facts and
co nd i t ions; and
WHEREAS there has been prepared and referred to the City
Counci I of the Locality (herein cal led the "Governing Body") for
review and approval an Urban Renewal Plan for the urban renewal
area, dated June I I, 1971, and consisting of twenty (20) pages
and nine (9) exhibits; and
WHEREAS the Urban Renewal Plan has been approved by the
Governing Body of the Local Public Agency, as evidenced by the
copy of said Body's duly certified resolution approving the
Urban Renewal Plan, which is attached thereto; and
WHEREAS a general plan has been prepared and is recognized
and used as a guide for the general development of the Locality
as a who I e; and
WHEREAS the Planning and Zoning Board, which is the duly
designated and acting official planning body for the Locality,
has submitted to the Governing Body its report and recommendations
respecting the Urban Renewal Plan for the urban renewal area com-
prising the Program and has certified that the Urban Renewal Plan
conforms to the general plan for the Locality as a whole, and
the Governing Body has duly considered the report, recommenda-
tions, and certification of the planning body; and
WHEREAS the Local Public Agency has prepared and submitted
a program for the relocation of individuals and fami I ies that
may be displaced as a result of carrying out the Program in
accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan; and
WHEREAS there have also been presented to the Governing
Body information and data respecting the relocation program which
has been prepared by the local Public Agency as a result of
studies, surveys, and inspections in the areas comprising the
program and the assembling and analysis of the data and informa-
tion obtained from such studies, surveys, and inspections; and
WHEREAS the members of the Governing Body have general
knowledge,'of the conditions prevai I ing in the urban renewal area
and of the avai I abi I ity of proper housing in the Locality for the
relocation of individuals and families that may be displaced by
the Program and, in the I ight of such knowledge of local housing
conditions, have carefully considered and reviewed such proposals
for relocation; and
WHEREAS it is necessary that the Governing Body take appro-
priate official action respecting the relocation program and the
Urban Renewal Plan for the Program, in conformity with the con-
tract for financial assistance between the Local Public Agency
and the United States of America, acting by and through the
Secretary of H0 using and Urban Development; and
WHEREAS the Governing Body is cognizant of the conditions
that ar.e imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban
renewal activities and undertaking with Federal financial assis-
tance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination
because of race, color, creed, or national origin:
I. That it is hereby found and determined that the urban
renewal area comprising the Program is a slum and blighted area
and qualifies as an eligible area under Texas Urban Renewal Law.
2. That the Urban Renewal Plan for the Program, attached
hereto and made a part hereof, having been duly reviewed and
considered, is hereby approved. The City Secretary ~e and is
hereby directed to file a copy of the Urban Renewal Plan for public
3. That it is hereby found and determined tbat where
clearance is proposed that the objectives of the Urban Renewal
Plan cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation.
of portions of the urban renewal area comprising the Program.
4. That it is hereby found and determined that the Urban
Renewal Plan for the Program conforms to the general plan of the
5. That it is hereby found and determined that the finan-
cial aid provided and to be provided pursuant to the contract
for Federal financial assistance pertaining to the Program is
necessary to enable the Program to be undertaken in accordance
with the Urban Renewal Plan for the area comprising the Program.
6. That it is hereby found and determined that the Urban
Renewal Plan for the urban renewal area comprising the Program
wi I I afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs
of the Locality as a whole, for the renewal of the area by private
7. That it is hereby found and determined that the Urban
Renewal Plan for the urban renewal area gives due consideration
to the provision for adequate recreational areas and faci I ities,
as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special
consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children
residing in the general vicinity _of the site covered by the Pl1an.
8. That it is hereby found and determined that the Program
for the proper relocation of individuals and families displaced
in carrying out the Urban Renewal Plan in decent, safe, and sani-
tary dwellings in confiormity with acceptable standards is feasibl e
and can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper
prosecution and completion of the Plan; and that such dwel I ings o r
dwel I ings units available or to be made available to such displace~
individuals and families, are at least equal in number to the
number of displaced individuals and families, are not generally
less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and
commercial facilities that the dwellings of the displaced indivi-
duals and families in the area comprising the Program, are
available a~ rents or prices within the financial means of the
displaced individuals and families, and are reasonably accessible
to their places of employment.
9. That, in order to implement and faci I itate the effectua-
tion of the Urban Renewal Plan hereby approved, it is found and
determined that certain official action·must be taken by this
Body with reference, among other things, to changes in zoning, the
vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other pub I ic ways,
the establishment of new street patterns, the location and
relocation of sewer and water mains and other pub I ic faci I ities,
and other public action, and, accordingly, this Body hereby
(a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out the Urban
Renewal Plan, (b) requests the various officials, departments,
boards, and agencies of the locality having administrative
responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such
end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a
manner consistent with the Urban Renewal Plan, and (c) stands
ready to consider to take appropriate action upon proposals and
measures designed to effectuate the Urban Renewal Plan.
10. That additional financial assistanre,under the pro-
visions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, is
necessary to enable the land in the area comprising the Program
to be renewed in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan for the
Program, and accordingly, the proposed Program and the annual
increment are approved and the Local Pub I ic Agency is authorized
to file an application for f ,i,nancial assistance under Title I.
II. That the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause
pub I ication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an
alternative method provided by law.
Passed by the Counci I on first reading this 2tb
day of Julv _;:;..;;.;."""'------I'
Passed by the Counc i I on second re ad i ng this 22nd day of July
, 197 I • ------