HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9706-1994 - Amending Chapter 24 Design For Streets And Drainage Structures - 04/28/1994First Reading Item /128 April 28, 1994 Second Reading Item 115 October 13, 1994 ORDINANCE NO. 9706 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WITII REGARD TO STRIP PAVING AND STANDARDS OF DESIGN FOR STREETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City ofLubbock to update the provisions of the Code of Ordinances with regard to strip paving and standards of design for streets and drainage structures due to changed conditions; NOW 1HEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT section 24-152 ofthe Code of Ordinances, City ofLubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 24-152. Strip paving. (a) Strip paving is not considered standard, permanent paving, but only a temporary paving measure until full width paving with curb and gutter can be constructed. (b) All strip paving will require City Council approval. (c) Should the City Council approve strip paving at partial or total abutting property owner cost, it shall not relieve the property owner of responsibility for the cost of full width paving and curb and gutter when constructed. (d) The strip paving shall be constructed in accordance with the design standards described in section 24-153. SECTION 2. THAT section 24-153 of the Code of Ordinances, City ofLubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 24-153. Standards and design. (a) The standard design, layout and plans for the construction, reconstruction, and/or replacement of all pavement for streets and drainage structures in the City ofLubbock shall conform to the master thoroughfare plan of the city and be constructed according to the most recent applicable specifications approved and the City Council and plans approved by the city engineer. (b) Full width paving shall consist of curb and gutter sections, as described in section 24-86, with a roadway consisting of a minimum depth of six (6) inches of compacted caliche base and a four-course penetration type or one and one-half(l 1/2) inches ofhot mix asphaltic concrete surface. The width shall be consistent with the master thoroughfare plan. (c) Strip paving shall consist of shaped drainage ditch sections with a roadway consisting of twenty-eight (28) feet wide and a minimum depth of six (6) inches of compacted caliche base and a twenty-four (24) foot wide four course penetration type or one and one half(l 1/2) inches ofhot mix asphaltic concrete surface. (d) All work shall be done under the direction of the city engineer. (e) Half-street paving must have the approval of the city engineer as to provisions for drainage, utilities and the removal of any obstructions in the proposed roadway; the acquisition by the developers or owners of any necessary temporary working easements shall be at their expense. SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, section, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary of the City ofLubbock, Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative means of publication provided by law. 2 II I I AND IT IS SO ORDERED. II II Passed by the City Council on first reading this 28thday of April I · 13th I Passed by the City Council on second readin · day of October ATTEST: Larry Herte~ City Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM: dd2/ccdocslpaving.ord April19, 1994 3 • 1994. 1994. LUBBOCKAVALANCHE~OURNAL Southwestern Newspaper Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me thii).s __ .;;..l-"7---~:..._- FORM 58·1 ll -:;::--oRDINANCifllcl:t10l~ ,:l 'AN ORD~-.. ~~t~ AM~Nd. lNG ChAPTER 2' OF THE CODE OF. ORDINANCES 'OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS; WITH RE• GARD TO URIP.PAYING AND : STANDARDS OF DESIGN FOR : STREETS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF LUIISOCKI PROVIDING A SAY· INGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. • •· . . . ORCIINANCE NO. t722 •. · •_ •'.-~ I -·,or : --_, ·" '1 " .·:,~·AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING CHAP'TER 24 SECTION :16-22 ·OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES . IIY AMENDING SUBSECTION Ccl WITH REGARD TO EXCEP• TIONS FOR HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES! AND BY DELETING SUBSECTION ldll AND PROVID· lNG A SAYINGS·CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICA:.. ;rroN;·:q~~;--~:*-:·-~~"'"::~;A ..... 1 ·-,·:·~~H'ceiio:-'\-•b -~ . _·~l.N'o~bi'NANeE.' ~:'~~ lNG CHAPTER l8 OF TTHE CITY OF ORDINANI(.~I~~~EGARDTO ' OF LUBBOC e DIICHARGE PROHIBITIN:J~ B'V MINORS! OF FIRE. A DULTS FROM PROHIIITTI~:GG u"NsUPERYISED , . PERMI EARMSANDAM-\ ACCESSTOF::V CHILDREN IN l · MUNITION ENT THE OIS. 1 ORDER T2J':,i~ ARMS BY Ml· CHARGE vr lNG A PENAL· I NORS;.P0~~G A sAVINGS \ TY I PR •NO PROVIDING FOR ~ CLAUSE! .. . . . . 'PU.·_BL.ICAT .. lO~. ";·. · .. ··_" ·. <· .• _ ... :. . . ·· oRDINANCE NO. 9737_. ' • .. • AN oRD~~~Nce~:~~e JNG CHAPTER 18 OF THE C\TY I OF ORDINANCE:~. WITH RE• ' OF LUBBOCK• T -MINORS' CUR· GARD T~ ~':e:ttOING :THE ! EW II RFEW FOil SUB- OURSrft.{iJ1NCLUDE THE ... " . .ORDINANCE NO. f738 .'· AN ORDINANCE AMI!! NO. lNG ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7014 AND THE OFFICIAL .MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING THE FOLLOWING i --CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. :llSS- Ft A ZONING CHANGE FROM C:· 2, GO AND C-4 TO C·.C AND C-4 ;SPECIFIC USI!! ZONING FOR MINI·WAREHOUSI!!S ON MULTI• PLE TRACTS OF LAND OUT OF SECTION 36, BLOCK A,.J(, LUB· BOCK, TI!XAS1-SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY I PROVIDING A SAV· iNGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING ~-Pt,IBt.ICATION.·.-:_;" . ORDINANCE NO.f739 :' . •'i L . ·:. '·'-.~.\, ·'. • ~:!~ AN ORDINANCE-AMEND-ING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. · 7QI.C :II.ND THE OFFICIAL MAP 'OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK Mli.KING THE FOLLOWING CttANGES: ZONE CASE M0.2T.II; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R·2 TO R·2 SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A RADIO TRANSMISSION TOWER ON LOT 1, BLOC'K 1, ?r;t't~~~~~=~~~:J: VI DING A PENAL TYJ PROVIO. , lNG A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND ;~~~I DING t:'OR PUIILICA· -~ ~RDINANC:E NO.f7.CO. li' ~/ : . ~-AN ORDINANCE AMEND· lNG ZONING ORDINANCE NO • 70114 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE! CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGeS: ZONE CASE NO. 1111, ' Dr A ZONING CHANG!!! FROM C· 2 TO c:-:3 SPECIFIC: USE ZONING ,FOR A CONVENIENCE STORE WITH GAS SALES AND CAR WASH ON LOT 1, IRIS GARDENS ADDITION, LUBBOCK. TEXAS! . PROVIDING A PENALTY; PRO. VIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE . AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICA-,. TION;·. "R,231S . '