HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 9819-1995 - Zone Case 2658-B Zoning Change C-3 To C-2 Specific Use Drug Store Monterey - 06/22/1995First Reading June 22, 1995 Item i/21 Second Reading July 13, 1995 Item #11 ORDINANCE NO. 9819 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2658-B; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C-3 TO C-2 SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A DRUG STORE ON A PORTION OF TRACT A, MONTEREY CENTER ADDITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, including giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, and the notices provided by the Texas Local Government Code §211.007 (Vernon. 1990), and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on the proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice, was duly held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was determined by the City Council that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 2658-B SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map are amended as follows: A change of zoning under the provisions of Section 29-24( c )(24) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock from C-3 to C-2 Specific Use for a drug store on a portion of Tract A, Monterey Center Addition. City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located at the Southeast corner of 50th Street and Gary Avenue, and being further described as follows: METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a portion of Tract A, Monterey Center Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the map, plat, and/or Dedication Deed thereof recorded in Volume 696, Page 675 of the Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a Yz" iron rod with cap set in the South right-of-way line of 50th Street for the Northeast corner of this tract which bears South. a distance of 80.00 feet and N. 89°58'50" W., a distance of 1008.51 feet from the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Block E-2, Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE S. 00°01'10" W., a distance of230.00 feet to a railroad spike set for the Southeast comer of this tract; THENCE N. 89°58'50" W., a distance of263.42 feet to a Yz" iron rod with cap set in the East right-of-way line of Gru:y Avenue for the Southwest comer of this tract; THENCE N. 03°45'20" W., along said East right-of-way line of Gru:y Avenue, a distance of214.48 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE Northeasterly around a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 15.00 feet, a central angle of 93°46'30", tangent lengths of 16.02 feet and a chord distance of21.90 feet to a point in the South right-of-way line of 50th Street for a point of tangency; THENCE S. 89°58'50" E., along said South right-of-way line of 50th Street, a distance of262.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SECTION 2. THAT the granting of this specific use zoning is hereby made subject to compliance to all provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 7084, as amended, including particularly, but not limited to, Section 29-24 of the Codified Zoning Ordinance, which provides that a Building Permit shall be applied for and secured within thirty (30) months of the effective date of the zone change or all undeveloped property shall automatically revert back to the previous zoning classification, which in this case is the C-3 zone district; and if such reversion occurs, the Director of Planning is directed to remove from the Zoning Map the legend indicating such specific use. The Specific Use authorized by this Ordinance is permitted under provision of Section 29-24(c)(24) of Codified Zoning Ordinance No. 7084 on the property described as on a portion of Tract A, Monterey Center Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. SECTION 3. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 4. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. ZONE CASE NO. 2658-B --PAGEl- I J SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this .,..........22~n-=d-=--day of __ J_u.,..n_e __ __, 1995. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 13th day of July , 1995. ATTEST: ~i~~ . . . APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~F:!:;- APPROVED AS TO FORM: Linda L. Chamales, Assistant City Attorney I U.C:js/ZC2658-A.ORD .ccdocs/June 7, 1995 ZONE CASE NO. 2658-B ··PAGE3- q819 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY B K Beforem \ personally appear 6. otar in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Jo 1 M . of the Southwestern Newspa- sworn did depose and say that aid news a r h he u:na ~rnmg, nd Sunday' who being by me duly or to the first insertion of this P J !}. C.Cn published oontmuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOUR AL Morris Communication Corporation t Lubbock ~~unty, Texas and the attached print- of the origmal and was printed in the Lubbock Subscribe~ and sworn to before me this __ _:<J::_ _ _ad,ay of.__JI!f)c;!!!:.III!!:!JJov ... !!I. llkL. _____ :l9 9[e, SI!COMO RE~DiNG ORDINANCE$ C'RDINANC! NO. ttl4 FORI\! ~8-10 -.H ORDtNANCI! AMEffDINC 1 ~~~=c~s~F ";l~e ~~ g; I LUUOCt<. TI!XAS, WITH II!• GARD 'tO SUil-MfNORS-CUlt· F!W IV AMENDING TH! PO· LICE PltOCEOURII!S CON· ----------~~:~oTr:7~1; ~~~'it'lc~ CHANGING THE TI!I!M "SUB· MINOtt" TO HJUYe:t.ULt!'". CHANGING TME TfRM "SUS· MINOR'~ TO HJUVI!HJLt= ... PRO. VIDING FOR A Pt!FU()DIC Itt:• VII!WJ PROVtDtHG A PEN .AI.• 't'Yp PJtOV,DIHG A SAVIt4GS ~t~~~~:.~.I'IIOVIO!MO FOR , SECT ION 4. 'THAT vloloUon of any ; ,..ovtttonerthls orctma~ •heiR be: C~Mmtd o rnlsdetManor IPU'f"'hhobte 1 bv D t1ne In O(;C(Il'dOfiC& wf.th MC~ : :~·~.:: ~~=:: .r.~" 1 ORDINANCe NO. 9111 .AN ORI>INAUCE AMl!!I\IOIHG Z:ONING ORDiNANCE NO. JIS.C ANI> THE OFFICIAL MAP OF ' · THE CITY OF LIJB80CIC MAK· INGTHI!F'OLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASI! MO. 219)- As A ZONING CHANG!! FROM A· 1 AND 11·1 TO C-3 AND c-• SPE· C:IF'IC US£ tONHIIG FOR MINI· WAitEMOUS£$ OM TRI<CTS OUT CW SECTION f,. BLOCK E; l.Ufl. BOCK, TEXAS1 SUBJSCT TO C.ONOtTIONSJ PROVIOtNG" PENAl. TV~ PROVtOiNG A SAY· tNOS Ct.AUSE AND PRO\IIt:HNO FOR PU8t..ICATlON. SSCTlON 1 THAT vlolotlon of onv .,rovlsk!M of ttlt• ()rdh•ttante .nett be ctecrned o mlt6emtoanor pc.mbtt.. abl-e tw a flf'<lt rtot to uceed Two ThoutDfld on4 Ho/11& oenen ', (J'M'IOO.OO) •• provided: In ltCI101'1: ~n~:::!.::n:.•Ordtrta.-.do'th•: 9 ..... *'!" OROINANCINO.flll AN 0ftD1NANC! AMENDING ZOHING OROINANU NO. Jill< AND THI! OFFICIAL IMP OF THE CITY OF LI.I880CK MAIC• INGTHEI'OLLOWING C .... HGEOI ZONE CASE MO. 11 ... 81 A ZONING CHANGE FII:OM R• I TO AM SP!CIFit; US£ ZONING FOil: PARKING 011 A PORTION OF LOT$ !1 ANO If, 8\.0CK '" WEST0\11!11 HEIGHTS.JIDDI• TION, WeBOCI(, 11!XAI1 PRO VtDINOr A PENAt..TY; PROVlD-IHG A SA\IINOS C~.t.USI! AND PROVIDING FOit PU&LICA• TION· SECT JON 1 THAT vloloiiOf'l of an'l provfslont of tbtt OrdiMtlltt' thctU tw ctaeft"ed o mttctetMOOOr J'Unlstt· obi• b1 a Une nat hJ fXttt:d Tw~ Thovtond and No/100 poUors {IJ.CI)(t00l CIS PI"0111dtd 4n S.ctlon lf-31 of,.,_ !onlmt Orc:lnonttt of tht Cttv of Lubbock. fR~A~e~~o:ral!~~ AN ORI>INANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO, 101• AND TtiE OFFtCtAt.. MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAli(• INGTHI!!FOLLOWING. CHAMGI!So lONE CA$1! NO ... ,., II•'IZONIMO CHANGe FROM C·J TO C·l SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A O!:IUC STORI ON A POR~ T.ON OF TRAeT A. MONTEREY (ENTER. AOtJITI()M, LUBSOCK. TI!XASI PROVIDING .t. PENAl,. TYI PROVIOING A $AVIMOS CLAUSe AND PROVlO_I~ FOR J'U8Li~!~~~~J ;;_~'·"·, ; ... ,;•:..rli' IEcTION *'THAt •klf•IIM Of.,;... pra•ltiOI'It tJf tt. Qrdlrte'lnotl 1haff bw dttmtd G mttdOmt'OrtOr t!Kinflh-Hf• lw • ffn• not to •JI(te'd Two ThOUIOtUI end NO/ltD Oollau (IJAOO.HJ 01 fi!I"'''kfed tn l•cllon · t9"·3:\ of ttte :roni"DOrdl!"'Inc:eottn. c .... LUiliJod<, PATTI TATE NolaJY Public, Slate of Texes My CommJssion Expires 7.0S.,2000 ORO!NANCE NO fm Subscribed and sworn to before me thi:s..s --..!~:::· ___ day of.__;[;b;:!!!!:!o£Jk[(.llher-WI;L _____ l9 94 FOR:\.158-10 SeCOND lfU!AOINO OROINAN(:EI r.-, OAOfNAHCI£ HO. fit A AN O*OIN.UICE AMENDINO CHAPTI!" 18 OF 'ftlt!! CODE OF OROINANCU DF TtiE CITY OF · LV8tiOCK4 'tEXAS, WITH liE· ~ 01'110 TO !U8-MINOIW CUR· rrt"~~·: ::;:g~N: Ji'~ :~: TNNEO TIUER!IN t'O R E.FLECT ClfANOE$ IN ST~ fE LAW. CKANG1NO THE. TE~M ,,SUS. · . MtNOft** TO "IUYENH.Eu, : CHAHGtHG TH'I! TERM "SUB-! MI.,OR""' TO ""'JUVt!!Nil.E"~ PRO. . VIDI!IG FOR A PERIODIC RE• YU!W; fli'ROVtDfHG A PEN,\t.•' T'l't PROVIDING A SAVINGS. CLAUSI!' ANO PRO~OUfG FOit \ PUBLICATION, · I St!C:TtON 4 THAT•Iclottooo1cm't: oro~M~Df tttls Otdhnmct tM:U b1 : ~· o mlsd1rnfl000f' ,unts~• ; w a tnt tn ote<i"dctnt:t wllb Me-. tlon 1·4 of tM CaM of OrrtloontM ! a1 "'• (tty ef Lvbtx'tdt· Texos. ORDINANCE 1<0. ,., AN ORIHNANCI! AMEII DlNG ZONING ORDliiANCE NO. ,.,. AND THE OFFICI .. L MAP 0, • TilE CITY OF LIIBBOCI< MAll.· INOTHI!FOLLOWINII! ~~~~~~~~0l'""..~Jf :3oll'! ! TD C4 AND C·• $1'1!• : NUfO FOR MIN f-aN TR.-,CTS OUT OF $EC BLOCK E, lUB· SOCK. TEXAS: $U8JECT TO CONDtTION&J PROVJOING A PENALTY; J:'ROVIOING A SAV~ tNGS CLAlm! AND PROVIDING FOR PUit.ICATION. SEC'T ION S. n•AT v'oloUOil Of fiftY' :1!:::. :* .::~o::o::::r.: ;'::Za:f:~!;1~:=~~~:, ,.,;:-= ~:n:::=-~~~-::: : Cftt •' Lvt.JbOtl._ OROJHANCI: MO. t'811 -'H ORCINAtrtt• "M!!N:OING tONJNO OR:OtNAHC-!! NO. 71)14 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE Ct'TV OF LUBBOC.IC MAK~ INGTHEFOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. UN< 81 A ZONING CHANGE FROM R· 1 TO AM SPECIFIC USE lONtNG FOR PARKING ON A PORTION PATTI TATE Notal)' PubHc, Stale of Texas My Commission Expire~ . 1-05-2000 AND 18, BLOCK ll. R HI!IGHT$ ADD I· UBBOCJ(, Te:ICAS~ PRO. ----------~ '' A PENAL TVI PFtOVID· lNG A ~AVINO$ CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICA• TION. SECTION t. THAT vlolaUOftef Grl'l .. ,m.k!M ol ttl'" Ortfinarw:e thoU bt' deemwd e mb:dtlnttOnor ,.,nltfl· obt• by a liM nGt to l'xttmf Two Thovtand ond No/100 DoJtora ttt.OO(I.QO) Dl llt'OVkied ll'i $edh2ft 29-31 ofttMtZonfrt•Otd1nonctofiM: Cft:t of Lubbock. ORDINANCE NO, till .-,N OROINANCE AMENDtNG ZONING OROtNANCS. NO. 1084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CIT'I' OF LUBBOCI< MAl<• IHOT"f!FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CA$E NO. HSIJ. BII'IZONING CHAI<GE FRoM C4 TO C·Z SF'ECIFIC USE ZONING, FOR A DRUG STORf! OH A POR· TION OF TRACT A, MONTI!RI!'I' ti:NTER ADDITION, LUI!IiBO(f{, Tl!XA$1 PROVIOINO A PENAL-TYI PROVIDING A S"VINGS CLAU~E .o.NO PROVIDI!ID FOR puau.~lt~14 . .u~~· .. : .-··, ... ,.;<..: /"~ ~ I~CTION .. THATot-Ofooy IJrovfiiiHII Glf fhlt Ortfl~ thnU bl dNmtd o mtttt.maonor PUnlsft. CJbl• bY • tm. not 1a elt«td TWO Thoutatut otld Nor100 DoUan (S2.CXUUt0) H fl'f'OVIded In s.ctl~ • W·lt of tn.zonP'I:a:Ordln~:~ne• of th• CltV of LubbOCM. ~OINANU NO. tl1tl , lN OROII<ANCE AMEI<OING \ lONINO OROII'AI<CI! !10. I'IIU AND THl! OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY CW LUBIOCI< MAIC· I NOT HI! F OLLOWI liD CHAJr,IGI!S: ZONe' CAl£ HO.VJ1l A l:ONING CHAMOC FROM R~2 TO ,_M SPl USI! ZONING FOR AN OF AND DUPLI!~ . ON L.OT t, I OVERTON I AODJTtON, , TI!XASJ PROVIOINO A PlKAL TY1 f'R¢. YIOINO A IAVIIIGS CL .. USI ANO f'RQYIOINGI"OR 1'\IDt.ICA- TION. .. -------~ II!!CTK>H L THATvlohdlon ol'ttt'IY II'O'llitfont tt Jhlt Or'diMI"'I'!I lholl H dnmtd • tnNftmR,.,. JMtbfot. ltJfl .. ., • line -to hC:Hd T"'O' TftDUto:nd end NtfiOO Ooflort (U.OOUO) ot wov1d«f In Section 119-31 of lhtl Zool..,Or-nctolll!e CWvoiLubbock. ORDINIIHCI NO. ml I'M OIIDIMIINCII AM&NOING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. ,. .. AND THI!'OI'~ICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MilK• IIIGTHI!FOLLOWINO CHANGI!Sr ZONI! CAS I! NO. 114-1· Oi A ZONING CHANGE FROMC· tTO Cof ZONING ON TR!ICT$11-1, P'.O,H AND J, PARK LOftfitAtNP! i ADDITION, L1J880CJC, TI!XAS1 i SUUECT TO CONDITION II I PROVIDING A I'I!NALTVt PRO : I'IDING A SAYINGS CLAUS!! AI<O PROVIDING FOR P08Lit:A-TIDH. ORD~NANCE NO tl:ll seci-JON i THAT 'tfofo:tl~ of ony Pt'OYI&kml: aP thf• Of'dll'lanc.e shot! :;,~~::::r::::;rj~ :&"~:E':rt:t~~:c~e;~t,:.~ TtiOVIGAd' Wrt4S No/100 OoUart ;NO THe OFFIClAt. MAP OF jU,GQO,fOJ 01 orovldod In led!., I HI! CITY Ol'•LIII!IIOCK MAl(. r:::t= .. Or-n<UIIIM I cl:,.'fJ T HI!" 0 L L 0 wING . . " ' . A1AZONI --~~-TOC~ I f'OR A I -L::ot.....-¥-"""-_._,"'-_at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- thec.l.:~tQ-<LJL'!!ll~~~----r-:--::-is the original and was printed in the Lubbock NOTARY PUBLIC In and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires .................. ___ _ Morris Communication Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me thi,_s __ _,! __ _..day of ~ 19 9/.e, FORMS8·10 NOTICSOF I PUBLIC HI!ARING NOTfC:E It """"" •lrvM'I tnot the Cltv Council will hotd -a fi"4Jblh: HftJrlncJ M Th\lrtdCJy, Ji.me2'1. 19'95 ttt 10:» a.m .. 5n lhl CHv Caundl Chambe-n. hilS 1211t $tNtet, t..14.,_ bock. Tnas. to <:onakkw' fM ftiCOm-mllf'lde:ttonJ b¥ fft• Plcmf'!lne Cllnc:l lonf"V Cammlub'l that LOnlttu be chonved M certain l'f't!Pertlea 111 LUbb::lck. T•xas. Cttv af LUbbock Cttv Cauncll meeffnos are ovon. able t,o. oU nn.ont r•tonfleu of dlsablltti. ffYOU requlr.$llldalaa.. tlstonce. rt~••• c::onto:::t thtf Plan-nino Otf;)Qttm•nf at 761·21172 (Mon-da~F,.Idov, I:DG-5:«J p.m~) or l.U 13Ht SlrMt Room l07 at•Jeost oUJ houtt In advance of ht meotlna., All tnt~fltd .,.rsm; rnav soeak, then the Clf¥' Cuvncfi wm oct on suc:hr.eemmendctkrns. The folfow.. lng tonrt COleS wUI be h!a«<! Z:ONS CAIB HO. :tiJt .. At cm:ffn\RI"id ftqWSf tif HtfiO' HtAteil!f 'for H. A. S.sslonsJ ror u .&vnfm c:honoe trcm lOP kl JOP !f)edtlc U.te for 11\inf. warehouses on « tract out ef Sec:· Uon J.t. Biod: All( (north of :57th Slrni on::l wwst ot Frankford). ZONE CASC NO. llf).Al Recrwst I Off Huoo R__, and_A!$O<:h:lt" Uor :,~~!~·.::,"~~,:~, fo~~:?:: a ~nu:cWtfll!J'}<Jnd C-4$POdflc Ua far mlnl-wanhouse:~.or. tro:J$ out m s.ctl<l" '· Block 1!. (IO!Ittt ot 12nd Slr'ftt am east of UnfwraUvJ • .. :CONI! CAll: NO.._ 1114-B! RGC1uel1 Of Mike Lona (for AmwfcM State ~ for a. zanlnu chcnte frot'n R· 11D AM lpectffe u,e ifor-ltCH"1C.(f'fVJ •1"1: t1 ttOttlOtt IOf Loll 17 •nd u. llock J.4, Wtslcrver ,..rohh Addl· lion Ctouthelf earner of Sth llt'Hf cmdVfcki~~AY~~ PATIITATE Notary Pubflc, Slate of Texas My Commission Expires 7..(15.2000