HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 4665-1965 - Amending Ordinance # 1695 To Add New Section, Section 8B-"A-3" 3Rd Apt District. - 03/25/1965~I MY'D_bw oa-;zs-CdS ORDINANCE NO., 4665 --------------=-0'+-'-oe -J stos AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 11695 (BEING THE ZONING ORDINANeE OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK) TO ADD A NEW SECTION (SECTION 8B). TO PROVIDE REGULATIONS INTENDED TO ENCOURAGE HIGHER DENS! MULTI.,.FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS AT LOCATIONS IN OR NEAR THE CENTRAL PART OF THE CITY OR IN_ THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF SUCH CYI'HER CON .. CENTRATION OF POPULATION AND ACTIVITY AS THE TEXAS TECHNOLOGI.; CAL COLLEGE; AND PROVIDING FOR REQUIR.EMENTS FOR SETBACKS., BUILDING COVERAGE .• OPEN SPACE. OFF STR.EET PARKING; TO ADD A NE SECTION 2. 82A PROVIDING A DEFINITION OF OFF STREET PARKING SPACES AMENDING SECTION 3 TO PROVIDE FOR AN uA.,311 THIRD APARTMENT DISTRICT; AMENDING SECTION 4 TO PROVIDE THAT 11A•311 COLOR SHALL BE DARK GREEN; REPEALING SECTION 15. 2>:-3•8; AMENDING SECTION 16 TO PROVIDE THAT THIS SECTION SHALL APPLY TO "A" DJSTRICTS; AMENDING SECTION !.7 TO PROVIDE FOR REGULATION! OF SIGNS IN "A.,3" ZONING DJSTRICTS; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND FOR PUBLICATION OF DESCRIPTIVE CAPTION. AND ESTABLJSHING EFFECTIVE DATE OF THJS ORDINANCE., NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock of Lubbock County~ Texas (being a part of the Zoning Ordinance) BE and the same is hereby amended by the addition of Section BB which shall read as follows: SECTION 8B .;, '.'A.,311 THIRD APARTMENT DJSTRICT The following regulations shall apply in the "A.,.311 Third Apartment District which is the highest density residence district. The regulations as set forth are intended to provide for and encourage higher denBity multio:ofamily developments at locations in or near the central part of the City or in the immediate vicinity of such other concentration of population and activity as the Texas Technological College. Tall buildings are a basic part of these districts regulations~ a::s are accessory services intended for the benefit of residents of such structures. The requirements for setbacks~ building coverage, open space, off.o.street parking, and such are intended to provide for proper siting of such structures so as to maintain reasonable standards of development and mini ... mize possible adverse effect on the surrounding areas. BB. 1 Uses Permitted. BB.l-1 Apartment houses or multi ... family dwellings. 8B. t-... 2 Accessory Uses. Accessory uses providing service to the tenants are permitted provided such uses do not occupy more than ten {10} per cent of the gross floor area of the building., are not visible or identifiable from the outside of the buUding, have no exterior signs, and with no entrance to such facilities except from a lobby or other common area within the building. Such uses may include., but are not necessarily limited to such things as bai)ber or beauty shop, professional type office, laundry and cleaning pick up statio~ restaurant, and newsstand. 8B. 2 Conditional Uses. (Reserved for future use} 8B. 3 Yard Requirements. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard for every structure The minimum depth of such yard between the front property line and the front of any structure shall not be less than twenty~ive (25) feet and measured from the center line of the fronting street shall be as follows: 8B. 3•1•1 For lots fronting on a residential streegthe front yard shall not be less than fifty (50) fe-et. 8B. 3el•2 For lots fronting on a collector street, the front yard shall be not less than fiftyt<five (55) feet. 8B. 3.,1•3 For front yards fronting on a major street ... the front yard shall be not less than seventy (70) feet. 8B. 3 .... 1<&4 For lots fronting on a semi4freeway., the front yard shall be not less than eightyefive (85} feet. 8B. 3<il1•5 For lots fronting on a freeway. the front yard shall be not less than one hundred twenty•five (125) feet. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard for every structure measured from the rear property line to the rear of the structure. The minimum required rear yard shall be not less than forty•five (45} feet to the center line of an abutting alley or .. if there is no alley,, thirty.-five (35) feet from the rear lot line. Accessory buUdings allowed within the required rear yard area shall not be more than one (1) story in height. ==::.----~=========--------------============--------=---===---========----------=~== 8B. 3 ... 3 Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of the principal buUding. The minimum width of each of such side yard&p measured from the side property line to the principa buUding., shall be twenty..five (25) feet provided that on corner -lots the minimum side yard shall be as above but measured from the center line of the adjacent street shall be as follows: 8B. 30\03.;..1 For lots abutting on a residential street .. the side yard shall be not less than fifty (50) feet. 8B. 3•3•2 For lots abutting on a collector street, the side yard shall be not less than fiity~ive (55) feet. 8B. 3e301!>3 For lots abutting on a major street,. the side yard shall be not less than seventy (7Jl) feet. 8B. 3•3~ For lots abutting on a semiefreeway. the side yard shall be not less than eighty.,.five (85) feet. 8B. 3~3""5 For lots abutting on a freeway. the side yard ~hall be not less than one hundred twen.ty-five (125} feet. 8B. 4 Lot Width. The minimum average width of any development lot shall not be less than one hundred fifty (150) feet. 8B. 5 Lot Area. The minimum area of any development lot shall be eighteen thousand (18~ 000) square feet. 8B. 6 Lot Coverage. The combined area of the principal building and any accessory buildings shall not cover more than twenty (20) per cent of the development lot area. 8B. 7 Building Bulk: No part of any building,. except for one story accessor. buUdings, shall project up through planes parallel to and extending .up at an angle of seventy•one degrees and thirty...rour minutes {71034't with respect to the horizontal (this being a slope of three {3) feet vertical for each foot horizontal) from each of the property line limits of the development lot or from the center line of any adjacent streets or alleys, whichever affords the greater bulk. 8B. 8 F1oor Area. The total gross floor ·.area for any building or group of buildings,. including any accessory buildings. on a si.ngl.e development lot shall not exceed three (3) times the area of the lot contained within the property lines. BB. s..-1 BB. 8 ... 2 The floor area of a building for the purpose of this section is the sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls. Floor area shall include any portion of the basement used for residential purposes or occupied by any accessory use as permitted under Subsection 8B.1 ... 2 of this section, attic space ha,ving head room of seven feet six inches (7~6") or more. interior balconies or mezzanines, lobbies or other common areas available to the occupants, halls, corridors, stair wells and elevator shafts,. but need not include the area of any open exterior balconies, terraces or porches, enclosed off.,.street parking areas or that floor area devoted to mechanical equipment. 8B. 9 Density. One dweW.ng unit for each four hundred fifty (450) square feet nf net development lot area shall be allowed, such net area being defined by the property lines of the development lot and ex• elusive of any area in adjacent stre~ts or alleys. 8B.10 Useable Open Space. For the purpose of this section useable open space shall be ground or roof area, Open and unobstructed to the sky except as provided below,. which shall be available and convenient for the use of all occupants. Such open space shall be designed for and devoted to landscaping,. green areas, and recreation. BB. 10 ... 1 The area of such useable open space shall be equal to five {5) per cent of the gross floor area contained on the develop• ment lot and at least one .;,third (1 / 3) of the required area shall be at ground level. 8B.1~ ... 2 Such open space may be in one or more areas but shall be of such size and :shape as to afford reasonable use by the occupants and no dimension shall be less than twenty (20) feet. SB. 10oro3 No portion of such required useable open space shall be used for off ... street parking, vehicular drives,. or loading .; areas. 8B.10~4 Any roof area to be considered as useable open space shall be suitably surfaced, adequately protected, and free of any obstructions. 8B.10..,5 For the purpose of effecting reasonable shelter, up to twenty ... five (25) per cent of such useable space may be roofed ·and in such instance not more than fifty (50} per cent of the roofed section may be enclosed provided such enclosure does not affect more than three sides of any structure. SB. 11 Off.:.Street Parking. Paved off ... street parking area shall be provided on the development lot for the benefit of the occupants and their guests on the basis of one and one~half (1 1/2) parking spaces per dwelling unit. SB.-11~1 Off-street parking areas shall not occupy more than twenty• fi ve (25) per cent of the required front yard area, provided that no such front yard parking area shall occupy any portior of a ttiangle at a street intersection measured twenty.:.five (25) feet along the street property lines from the intersectio • 8B.11 ... 2 Any such off ... street parking areas shall be screened along the side property line by am inimum six (6) foot permanent solid wall or fence from any adjoining property in any "R" district., except that such screening is not required along any alley line., and any such fence or wall shall conform to Subsection 15. 1 ... 2 ... 2 of this Ordinance. 8B. 11'"'3 Any lighting of drives or parking areas shall. be so designed as not to cam:e any glare on any other residential or apart ... ment zoned area in the vicinity. SB. 114 Off-street parking areas shall. be checked and approved as to number of spaces, access, and ingress and egress by the City Traffic Engineer under the terms of this district and the Cityts driveway regulations. 8B.12 Height Limit. There shall be no maximum height limit in the 11A-311 District, except for accessory buildings as noted in Subsection 8B. 3•2 SECTION 2. THAT Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance)., BE and the same is hereby amended by the addition of Section 2. 82A which shall read as follows: 112.82A Off....Street Parking Space. An area for the temporary storage of an automobile which shall be permanently reserved for such purpose and which shall. not be within or on any public street., alley, or other right'!Of..-.vay. Such area shall: a. Have a permanent all..-weather surface b. Have dimensions of not less than 8~ 6" X 1st o" c. Be accessible by an all...weather surfaced drive of sufficient width to provide for access and maneuvering, which drive shall connect with ·a dedicated street or alley. d. Be appropriately defined and marked e. Be so designed and regulated that no parking, or maneuvering incidental to parking, shall. be on any public street or walk . ~ f. Provide adequate barriers to keep any parked vehicle from extending into or overhanging any public right•or~ay. g. Be so designed that any vehicle may be parked and unparked without requiring the moving of any other vehicle.~· SECTION 3. THAT Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance) BE and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: The City of Lubbock is hereby divided into eleven classes of use '! districts termed respectively: "R•111 11R&211 "R•3" "A.e;311 "C.,l11 "C.;.2A11 "c •2" - ''c ... 3'' "C .,.4" nM..,1n "M!I,#2" Single Family District Two Family District Multio!:IFamily District Third Apartment District Semi~ommercial District Restricted Local Retail District Local Retail District General Retail District Commercial District Light Manufacturing District Heavy Manufacturing District SECTION 4. ,THAT Section 4. 5{B) of Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock (being the Zoning Ordinance)" BE and the same is hereby amended to provide for a new color legend for the Zoning Map which will indicate an '~A~3" Zoning District by the shade or color ~'Dark Green". ' SECTION 5. THAT Section 15. 2~3 ... 8 of Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock. (being the Zoning Ordinance)~ shall and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 6. THAT Section 16.1.;.1 of Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubboc~ (being the Zoning Ordinance)# shall be amended to apply to 11A 11 Districts and the Section heading shall read hereafter as follows: 16.1 ... 1 Accessory buildings in "R~' or "A" Districts. SECTION 7. THAT Section 17 of Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubboc~ (being the Zoning Ordinance),. BE and the same is hereby amended to add a new section which shall read as follows: 1117. 2A The following name plates and signs shall,be permitted in any "Ao:o3 11 District: 17. 2A~1 One sign not exceeding twenty ( 20) square feet in area for identification of apartment buildings. Such signs may be back.;;olighted., fl.ood ... lighted or white.,.lighted but shall not be of the flashing or animated type. Such .. ===--~~-==--============--=========-===------~------===-===========-----------~-+---sign may be mounted on the front w.~ of the principal. building, provided it is not over fifteen (15) feet above ground level at the building. or, if not attached to such wall~ shall not be over five (5) feet from the wall .at the nearest point. 17. 2Ae2 Directional. signs, each not exceeding one and one,..half (1 1/2) s~uare feet in area. 17. 2Ao;.3 An unlighted sign or signs not exceeding a total of twelve (12} square feet in area, pertaining to the prospective rental or sale of the property on which they are located. 11 SECTION B. Any person~ firm or corporation violating any of the provisio s of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding the sum of $200.00. Each day such violation is committed~ or permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such· hereunder. SECTION 9. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall n<;>t affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 1"0., The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause the publication of the descriptive caption hereof together with the penalty provision for violation thereof in lieu of publication as provided by Article 1176bot1, Vernonts Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas . SECTION 11. This order shall take effect ten (10) days from and after the last date of publication as herein provided. AND IT IS S 0 ORDERED.· Passed by the City Council on first reading this 25th day of March, 1965. Passed by the City Council on second reading this 8th day of __ A.:..p_r _il __ .• 19 5 .. Fred 0.