HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 10000-1997 - Zone Case 1875-R Zoning Change C-4 To C-4 Specific Use. Cellular Phone Tower - 06/26/1997• First Reading Item f/25 June 26, 1997 Second Reading Item f/17 August 14, 1997 ORDINANCE NO. 10000 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 1875-R; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C-4 TO C-4 SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOWER ON A PORTION OF LOT 5 LESS THE EAST 20 FEET, COMMANDERS ADDITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. . WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council finds that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, including giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, and the notices provided by the Texas Local Government Code §211.007 (Vernon, 1990), and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on the proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice, was duly held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was determined by the City Council that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 1875-R SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map are amended as follows: A change of zoning under the provisions of Section 29-24(c)(10) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock from C-4 to C-4 Specific Use for a cellular phone tower on a portion of Lot 5 less the East 20 feet, Commanders Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located at 6615 West 19th -Rear, subject to conditions and being further described as follows; METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a portion of Lot 5, Commanders Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the ZONE CASE NO. 1875-R --PAGE 1- COMMANDERS ADDITION to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to !the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1355, Page 622, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas. METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION of a portion of Lot 5, Commanders Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, according to the map, plat, and/or dedication deed thereof recorded in Volume 1355, Page 622, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas, being further described as follows; BEGINNING at a ½ inch iron rod with cap set in the North line of a 20 foot utility and garbage collection easement which bears North 00°00'30" West a distance of 20.00 feet from a ½ iron rod with cap found at the Southwest corner of Lot 5, Commanders Addition; THENCE North 00°00'3011 West, along the West line of Lot 5, a ,,, distance of 30.00 feet to a set ½ Inch iron rod with cap; THENCE South 89°59' East a distance of 50.00 feet to a set ½ inch iron rod with cap; THENCE South 00°00'30 East a distance of 30.00 feet to a ½ Iron rod with cap set in the North line of a 20 foot utility and garbage collection easement; THENCE North 89°59' West along the North line of 20 foot utility and garbage collection easement, a distance of 50.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 1,500 square feet. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 • That the tower be engineered to facilitate co-location of at least two users. 2. That all unconditionally permitted C-4 uses be permitted. SECTION 2. THAT the granting of this specific use zoning is hereby made subject to compliance to all provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 7084, as amended, including particularly, but not limited to, Section 29-24 of the Codified Zoning Ordinance, which provides that a Building Permit shall be applied for and secured within thirty (30) months of the effective date of the zone change or all undeveloped property shall automatically revert back to the previous zoning classification, which in this case is the C-4 zone district; and if such reversion occurs, the Director of Planning is directed to remove from the Zoning Map the legend indicating such specific use. The Specific Use authorized by this Ordinance is permitted under provision of Section 29-24{c)(10) of Codified Zoning Ordinance ZONE CASE NO. 187 6-R -PAGE2- SECTION 3. THAT violation of any provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by a fme not to exceed Two Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 4. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on flrst reading this 26th Passed by the City Council on second reading this 14th APPROVED AS TO FORM: ..i-r---L..,,'_'_c:, ~ C:,/4 .. ~ Linda L. Chamales, Supervising Attorney, Office Practice Section LLC:dk/ZC1875-R.ORD ccdocs/June 17, 1997 ZONE CASE NO. 1875•R -PAGE3- day of June , 1997. --'-"""":-'--_,,...----day of August , 1997. ed copy of thc...,.111='.!~'e!,,.,..__,_,,._L..-______ -,-:,--- alanche-Journal on the following dates::-,,,~4...!11!=:--1....:..Jll~,:F=,-!-=i.~+~;;;j;-u__;;_ _______ _ FOR!\I 58-10 l ll!COND Jl!ADlNO oRD}IIA~CI! T , WlTH PIUliU,TT i OROINAN · AN ORDll'IA 18.G IONING bit • 70U ND THS P OF THeCIT'fOF OCt¢. AK ING T,t UCU.;AW) NG HANGES: ZQNei'CASII!:~&. 1266-; A ZONING CHANG£! FROM •2.A TO C-2A SPECIFIC.l.ali! EONING FOR A VETERINARY . LINICON LOTU11,41lANI>. 413. LFORO TERRACE ADDITION, · LUBBOCK, TEXAS; SUBJECT TO ~ONDITIONS; PROVIDING A ,ENAlTY1 PROVIDING A $AV• fl\lGS;CLAUSE AND PROVIDING J<OR PUBLICATIO~. tECTION 3. THAT violation of ony fl,rovlslon of this Ot'dlnance shall Ce deemed a mlsdemeal!OI' P11nlsllable •by a fine not to txc.eci Two Thou• 'aond and Nc/lOO Dollllrl ($2,ilOO.OOl '.n provided In llectla!I 29-31 at the ,Zonlno Ordinance of l11t,CJt,, of iLl.tlbock, , ' ORD !NANCI!! NO. fflB : iAN ORDINANCE AMENDING. !ZONING ORDINANCE. NQ, 7084 ,. 'AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF:· :"THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK• , 'INGTHEFOl.lOWING CHANGES: ZONE CAie N02795: A ZONING CHANGE FROM IHC TO IHC SPECIFIC USE ZQNJNO FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOW• ER ON A PORTION OF L.CT&.t, 10. AND 11, BLOCK 1, LYNDALE ACRES ADDITION, LUBBOCK,, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENAL• TYi SUBJECT TO· CONOITIQNS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROV! DINGJ'ORPUBllCA, TION, . , 'ORDINANCE NO • .,,, AN QRDINANCII! AMeNDING A ZONING OROINANCE NO. 70U ANO THe OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK•· INGTHEFOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2196; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C:• TO C•4 SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOW• ER ON A PORTION OF THE l!AST AT FEET OF LOT•, BLOCK 1, SIMPSON RHYNE QUIRT AO. DITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; SUB-, ,,JECT TO CONDITIONS; PROVIO. j !ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND !PROVIDING FOR PUIILIC:A·, flON. . ' ,:SECTION 3. THAT vlolotlon Of anv I ]>rovlslon oft his Ol'!llnancuhall be ' !idetmed a mlldemeanor Pl/n lll!able 1 , :bv a fine not lo ucted Two Thou-;1and and N0/100 Pollara 1$2.~0,00l ;«it Provided In Section 29-31 of lhe 1;1:onln, Ordinance of thil City of t~bock. . I F ORDINANCE NO. 10000 •' fAN ORDINANCE AMENDING. d%ONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084; 1 1:AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF •THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK• 'INGTHEFOLI.OWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 1815- , R; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C•, 1• TO C-4 SPECIFIC USE ZONING A<~.PHOllle..row.' t:R ON A PORTION OF LOT 5 LESS THE EAST 20 FEET, COM-MANDERS ADDITION,.LUB· '1!0CK, TEXAS; SUBJEC:T TO =ITIONS; PROVIDING A biALTY; PROVIDING A IA\/'• CLAUse ANO PROVIDIIIIG P:OR PUBLICATION ·sric+10N ,. THATvlaloffGno1cmy Jll'IIWllon of 1h11 ~ lllaft bt dee.med .o mlllCfemllonar Pllll!Challte 'by a fine not fo elll::ffll Two Tl,ou-. sond And No/100 Dollars (S2.COO.OO) as Provlclec! In Section 29-31 Of the ZOnln; Ordlnonc.of !he Cllv Of Lubbock. ORDINANCE NO. 10001 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK- 1 NG THE FOLLOWING CHAN(;ES: ZONE CASE NO. 2197; .A ZONING CHANGER FROM C•3 TO C-3 SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOW-ERON A PORTION OF BLOCK 12, MAOOOX ADDITION, LUBBOCK, '.TEXAS; SUBJECT TO CONDI• TIONS, PROVIDING A PENAL· TY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE ANO PROVIDING FOR · PUBLtCATION. , ' SECTION 3. THAT violation Of onv Provisions of this Ordinonce lhall ' be dNmed o mlademeanor P11nlsh- able by a fine not to •-•d Two Thouaand and f,101100 Dollora 1SUIOO.OO) GI Provided In Section . rt::~~~· Drdlnonceottlle ,:tl:mt t:--------·--·--- THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBO..C.K Before me c ,ar.l V f:'l': 6: e-. h3 .-~ Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared u•',,.nOP.. C,..ca v ,, tdep hone Ca-k,.;.,. tY\~y. · of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubtfock Avalanche-Journal -Morning, and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newsP.a r µas been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- or to the first insertion of this --11::,....,"f-"'-.L-LL!!'--L-"-'-·' ('-'::----~-------------------- -----------------'•o. /{)~ -! J(J 5 at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy of the l fCJ4 \ is a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Av nche-Journar on the following dates:__,:_'C'":""'d.=..U::.,.Y,.._P;.:_• ___._\{,._;..,., ...,, .... 'l,;,,.'\..,_,'1...__-,,-_____________ _ LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURAL Morris Communication Corporation ;• (\ ( .)ii.. ' .. ;>.-:; <;, (){, NOTARY PUB C In and for the State o Texas My Commission xpires .................. ___ _ suSiCEAlt&rQ SEP 3 Q 1997 CITY SECAE1AAY FORrilUBIBOCK, TEXAS fore me thi.,..s _ _,,.d_,,_· ::a...q__.__ __ day of __ S..=i,..~--=-'-'-'"=~"---__.19 ,, q 7 ·tOHII CASI! NO, 17HI RIC!UUI or Clma=l.and lervtc,et Inc. Clor fcit/t, em Bell WlrfllH Inc., . tor JI. onJno than11& frorri C.lto c., r:Ptielfle •UM for ci c-llular phone •, owet on Cl POrllon of the tost ,a. , HIJ1H.ot 41, Block•!, Simpson 11{=) Qll,I'! Addition (1517 e._ Sf~ f'f-,~:t•:;t '• f l .~ •~ ' , •!'' OHi!! CASE! .NO •. 117.S-R!. Request _onil!I Puchtt (for Poka Lom-.,JPcs· Inc.I for 1onlnf chon1111 ,v1m1 1o· C:-1 to-~ IIPKln<: Use for a . te u r Phone tower on o POrtlon o1 • Lou'"' .the east JO feet, com-ll'lilnd•t• Addlllon 16611 w. 1'lh $1~1,:' ~tar), . I · ~()~: ~AS~ NO. Z7t7t R~esl ~ Rtmnv Pud<ett • for Poko Lombro f'CS •Inc.I for zon11111 ct101111e from t-3 lb C-3 IPedllc Use for o cellu• lat ·phone. tower ol\ o portion ol Block 12, Mlldllox Addition (2908 ~~-,!~~ • ~eor). -~~;•••·. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF W,BBOCK Before me p;;,,/d )'11!:-J~ =! ~otary Public1gaid for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeare'd.Ut4/A_;:;__./4.AtJ.L;: ~Add" ,.S: ~~ L'l1!,c: of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lutibock Avalanche-Journal -Morning, and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that sai news aper h s rn published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- or to the first insertion of this ~~~:L---~~~--~~-:-------------------- -------..------.-------·o. /<?IJ-1¥/!J;, at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy of thtL..6~..G:..'---------r---1· s a true copy of the original and was printed in the Lubbock alanche-Journal on the following dates:--,1:....L..:~--"'=~-_,.-=,--;........-l!:::---J;,__ ______ .....,,..-,-,,,. ______ _ LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Morris Communication Corporation /., Subscribed and sworn to before me thi.,_s ___ ) ___ d,ay o,fL--~""""""'-"""":;._;:c.:.JU~ ... ~-,;..;=---=---19_q __ J_,__ __ _ t"'OR!\158-10 IH1'. l ~uiei:iliiiiiiliir--------------------- ' "ORDINANQ:N0."'9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A : i SECTION 3. THAT vlOl,:rllorl <lf OfW AM _ ZON>NG ORDINANCE N0. 708' l~~oomlft~~.!~!!..I!! ~"C?_e p OF ANO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF _,,,...... _.,,,,__ p ... ..,....,.. ANO Tn THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MA.K· b'f a fine not lo .-eel TWO Tl'IOll-~ THE CITYO ING THE FOL L'O W rN G sand And No/l00 DoHar, JMAKINGTH '· WING CHANGES:ZONECASENO.2796; ($2,llOO.OO)OSPl'OVld'ldlnSectlon. iCHANGU;·%0N. EN0. !266-A·ZONING CHANGE FROM C-' 29-3loflhe?«llntOrdlm,nceofthe O; A ZOHfNGCHANGE FROM • TO C-' l>PECIFIC use ZONING City of Lubbock • . C-~A TO C•2A SPECIF IC I.IU! FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOW• tzONING FOR A VETERINARY ER ON A PORtlON OF THE ·1· ORDINANCE NO.10001 'CLINIC ON LOTS411,4l2AND•t:t EAST 47 FEET OF LOT4, BLOCK JALFORD TERRACE ADDITION, l, SIMPSON RHYNE QUIRT AD• i.AN ORDINANCE AMENOING • LUBBOCK, TEXAS; SIJBJeCT:rO DITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; tZONING ORDINANCE NO. 708' 'CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A . PROVIDING A PENALTY; SUB• i AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF LPENALTY; PROVIDING A SAV• JECTTOCONDITIONS; PROVID ; THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK• ltNGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING : ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE ANO I rtl GT HE FOLLOW I NG , FOR PUBLICATION, !PROVIDING. FOR PUBLIC A• ' CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO.2'/'P7; SE. CTION 3• TH•T u(olot•-Of -PION. · ; · ·... . i A ZONING CHANGER FROM C-3 ~ • ...,. _., • i TO C•3 SPECIFIC USE ZONING t provision ofthitOrdlnance lhall be !, SECTION 3. THAT vlolotlon of anv ,. FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOW· · :V~: :sd:=;; ;':!~r..':: • ~= '::if~J!:.:';";in~::::i:. ~.~~tx"f~Jl~g; i.8uL~~'iz sand and No/100 Dalian ($2,llOO.OOl i 1w o fine not to •~ceed Two Thou• , TEXAS; SUBJECT TO CONDI•· os provided In Section 29-31 of the , sandond N0/100 Dollars ('2,000.001 • TIONS, PROVIDING A PENAL•. Zoning Ordlnonc:eof the City of O$PrGvlded In Sectlon29-31 of the [TY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS Lullboek. zonlnv Ordinance of the Cllv of ' f CLAUSE ANO PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCE'NO.9'198 , . Lubboek, . 1 PUBLICATION, ' . A!'I ORDINANCE AME.NOING ORDINANC~ NO. 10000 l SECTION 3. THAT vlolotlan olanv Z0N1NG OROINANt'S NO, 7084 ~provltkllll of fhil Qrd/nante shall AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING be deemed a misdemeanor pOllllh• THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK• · ZONING ORDINANCE NO; 708' able b'f a tine not to exceed Two ING THE FOLLOWING ANO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF Thouaand ond No/100 Dallon CHANGES: ZONE CASIS N02l'95: THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK· ($1,000.00) as provided In Section A ZONING CHANGE FROM IHC •ING THE FOLL 0 WING 29-:JloftheZonlnaOrdlnanc:eallhe TO IHC SPECIFIC use ZONING. CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO, 1875-. Cl!yof Lubbock. FOR A CELLULAR PHONE TOW-. R; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C· ER ON A PORTION OF LOTS9, 10 ,1 TO C-4 SPECIFIC USE ZONING R'929 AND ll, BLOCK l, LYNDA LE POR.ACELLULAR PHONE TOW• ACRES ADDITION, LUBBOCK, WR 'ON'"J\'l"'ORTTOtf'OF tt'>r·5- TEXAS; PROVIO.INO A PENAL• LESS THE EAST 20 FEET, COM- TY; SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS;. MANDERS ADDITION, LU&• PROVIOINGASAVINGSCLAUSE BOCK, TEXAS; SUBJECT TO ANO PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC:A•. '4.>NO ITIOt,IS; PROV IOIN.G A TION. l!EW\LTY; PROVIDING A I.AV• INGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION