HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 10105-1998 - Zone Case 1756-D Zoning Change R-1 To A-2 Apartments Lots 1-16 Block 5 ETC - 09/24/1998:Fi.rst Reading Item Ho. 40 , September 2411 1998 . . . Seeond leading Item ITo. 19 October 8,. 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 10105 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 1756-D; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO A-2 ZONING FOR APARTMENTS ON LOTS 1 THROUGH 16, BLOCK 5, LOTS 7 THROUGH 14 AND 17 THROUGH 32, BLOCK 2, WESTHAVEN ADDITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been· duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council found that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully compiled with, including giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, and the notices provided by the Texas Local Government Code §211.007 (Vernon, 1990), and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice, was held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinances and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to fll'St reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 1756-D SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map are amended as follows: A change of zoning under the provisions of Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock from R-1 to A-2 zoning district for apartments on Lots 1 through 16, Block 5, Lots 7 through 14 and 17 through 32, Block 2, Westhaven Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located south of 2nd Street between Hartford and Geneva. SECTION 2. THAT violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by fme not to exceed Two Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars ($2,000.00) as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this24thday of Sept. , 1998. CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~ .. ,...~ Linda L. Chamales, Supervising Attorney, Office Practice Section LLC:dk\ccdocs\ZC17S6-D.ORD September l S, 1998 Zone Case No. 1756-D Pagel of2 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Before me Jeremy Davis a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Deanna Gray I Telephone Sales Manager of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning, and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- or to the first insertion of this ~A~dv=ertl~s~em!Ul<e .... nULe~~g""a~JO'!:N~o~t:'-"lc .... e'--------------------- ---------,:---=-----,-,----.--l"O./d f-f2R at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy of th AdvertlsemenULe al Notice · s a true co y_ of the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates:......u"f'£'===--~-L.!.'-L..-=----=-----:=----;;~.-::=----- LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Morris Communication Corporation Subscribed and sworn to before me thi FORM 58-lfl I ~dayof __ ....... (J........,::;;.___,0"""" .. _L __ _.l9·--~-Y __ e JEREMY DAVIS ~of Texas 03-23-2002 Expires THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK (0105 Before me Jeremy Davis a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Dearma Gray I Telephone Sales Manager of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning, and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- or to the first insertion of this ~A~!!!!!!!~I'Ift~k~~~IL------------------- o. 'IJ&' ... 1/ t Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print-;ed~c~opP;y~ofttUh~e~~A~d~·~·e!tt~Jsis~e~l!~Jt~n~tf~Le~giaLI N~oti~c~e;:_:=:~is a true copy o the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates :.=~'T'-'ft!"':::..:"'""'J.~r,__.t.Lf--'-"<-L.-L---------~--::---=c=----- LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Morris Communication Corporation I ~ 0(!_~ 9r-' Subscribed and sworn to before me this. ______ day of_---""::.._ _________ .19 _____ _ FORM 58·10 e JEREMY. DAVIS Notary Pubic, State or Taxas Mv CommiSSio.Jt'l &phs 03-23-2002 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK ltJ/lJ 5 Before me Phi1lip Hernandez a Notary Public in and for Lubbock County, Texas on this day personally appeared Sarah Kelley, Classified Sales Manager of the Southwestern Newspa- pers Corporation, publishers of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal -Morning, and Sunday, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than fifty-two weeks pri- or to the first insertion of this _.L=eg""ai=-=-N.:.::o:..;;ti=c.:;;.e--:---:-::---:=---c~...---------------------­ ---------y--"I"'T'!r-71"--No./IJII-SQSS at Lubbock County, Texas and the attached print- ed copy ofth Legal Notice 'sa true co Y. o the original and was printed in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on the following dates:~~.,.,....""t'..-=r........,....._,f-+...__~~:::---=---::-:::::~-----------or t LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Morris Communication Corporation .. ·----------------------------- ORDINANCE NO. 10100 ABANOONING AND CLOSING A .- lO·FOOT BY 23 FOOT WATER LINE EASEMENT LOCATED IN LOT 5 VENTURE ADDITION; A • 20 FoOT UNOERGROU NO UTILI· TV EASEMENT AND A lO.FOOT WATER LINE" EASEMENT LD· CATED AT LOTS • AND 5, 'liEN· TUREADDITION; ANOA5·FOOT LP&L UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN LOTS ol AND 5, VENTURE ADDITION, TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK (1301 · 68th STREETl . ORD.INANCE NO; 10101 ABANDONING AND CLOSING ALL ALLeYS IN THE TEW SUB. DIVISION; A PORTION OF 2nd , PLACE EAST OF UNIVERSITY ADJACENT TO BLOCKS 1 AND A, PERKINS SUBDIVISION; A PORF· TION Of 2nd STREET EAST 0 UNIVERSITY ADJACENT TO THE TEW SUBDIVISION; ANAL· LEY BETWEEN LOTS 7 AND 1&, IILOCK 1, PERKINS SUBOIVI· . liON; ALL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE ROBERTS ANO MCWHOR• Tt:R ADDITION; AND A POR· TION OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY AND GARBAGE SER• VICE EASEMENT LOCATED IN . "TRACT A", BELL DAIRY ADDI• .. 'fiON TO THE CITY OF LUB• IIOCK (201 UNIVERSITY AVE• NU~:__ ____ .. PHILLIP HERNANDEZ Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires 12-(14.2001 . ORDINANCE NO. 10102 ABANDONING AND CLOSING A ---------~-··--··--... TEN-FOOT ALLEY IN SECTION ill!, 8LOCK E·2, liiJBBOCK COUN· · TY, TEXAS (5$01I'ENGLEWOOD AVENUE) ORDINANCE NO. 10103 ZONE CAS'E NO. 2827 (EAST OF UNIVE.R.SITY AND NORTH OF 78th STREET): REQUEST OF · IIERNIE GRADEL WITH HUGO REED AND ASSOCIATES (FOR· ACTION PRINTING) FOR ZON· , lNG. CHANGE FROM C·2 TO C .. I . SPECIFIC USE FOR MINI -$TOR· 't' ' ·• AGE WAREHOUSES 'ON TRACT . I' c. THE EAST 280 FEET OF I I •"' TRACT£, AND ;'1"11E EAST 280 , . .. 'FEET 01= TRACT A·l·B, AND A :· ZONE CHANGE FROM C·2 TO R·2 . t' .. '·· ON TRACT O, SANDLES:WOOD :: f . VILLAGE AOOITION. I if . ORDINANCE NO.lOlOs· ~. ; ' ZONE CASE NO. 1756-D !SOUTH 'I l. OF 2nd STREET BETWEEN 'f ~ HARTFORDANDGENEVA);RE· ' 1·. •.·.~, QUEST OF PAUL STELL !FOR } HURT AND STELL INVEST· '~·.··.··:···.· , MENTSl FOR ZONING CHANGE , FROM R·l TO A·2 FOR APART· MENTS ON LOTS l THROUGH 16. ' BLOCKS, AND LOT$7THROUGH 1• AND 11 THROUGH 32. BLOCK ' t. WESTHAVENADDITWN ..... ~ ... ~· ---:2::~:.:..:...: