HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 10095-1998 - Zone Case 2826 Zoning Change R-1 To R-2 And C-4 Section 9 Block E - 08/27/1998I First Reading · Item Bo. 36 ~~ August: 27, 1998 Second Reading Item Bo. 16 September 10, 1998 ! ORDINANCE NO. 10095 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND Tiffi OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING Tiffi FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2826; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO R-2 AND C-4 ZONING ON A PORTION OF LAND OUT OF SECTION 9, BLOCK E, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the 1986 Comprehensive Land Use Plan is a guide to help the Lubbock Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council determine the physical development of the community; however, planning is a continuous process and change is inevitable; and WHEREAS, the Lubbock Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council recognize that the zone change on R-1 is a minor deviation from the 1986 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and attempt to protect public and private commitments that have been previously based on the Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council found that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully compiled with, including giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, and the notices provided by the Texas Local Government Code §211.007 (Vernon, 1990), and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice, was held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinances and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY Tiffi CITY COUNCIL OF Tiffi CITY OF LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 2826 SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map are amended as follows: A change of zoning under the provisions of Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock from R-1 to R-2 and C-4 zoning district on a portion of land out of Section 9, Block E, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located south of 82nd Street and west of Avenue P, subject to the following conditions and being further described as follows: ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO R2 BEGININNG at a point from whence the Southeast Comer of the Northeast Quarter of Section 9 bears North 89°59'28" East, 787.24 feet; THENCE North a distance of 451.32 feet; THENCE East, a distance of 129.91 feet; THENCE Around a curve to the right, through a central angle of 14°19'35", an arc distance of 121.32 feet, a chord bearing of South 0~09'48" East, a chord distance of 121.00 feet. THENCE South, a distance of331.25 feet; THENCE South 89°59'28" West, a distance of 145.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO R-2 BEGINNING at a point from whence the Southwest Comer of the Northeast Quarter of Section 9 bears South 89°59'28" West, 717.85 feet; THENCE North 00°03'15" West, a distance of 451.48 feet; THENCE East, a distance of 145 feet; THENCE South, a distance of 451.46 feet; THENCE South 89°59'28" West, a distance of 144.6 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO R-2 BEGININNING at a point from whence the Southwest Comer of the Northeast Quarter of Section 9 bears South 0°03'15" West, a distance of728.43 feet; THENCE North 00°03'15" West, a distance of 160.15 feet; THENCE East, a distance of 440.04 feet; THENCE South, a distance of 160.08 feet; Zone Case No. 1816 Page 1 of4 THENCE South 89°59'28" West, a distance of 439.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO C-4 BEGINNING at a point from whence the Southeast Comer of the Northeast Quarter of Section 9 bears North 89°59'28" East, 466.69 feet; THENCE South 89°59'28" West, a distance of317.58 feet; THENCE North, a distance of331.25 feet; THENCE with a curve to the left, through a centml angle of 15°56'22", an arc distance of 134.97 feet, a chord bearing of North 07°58'11" West, a chard distance of a distance of 134.54 feet; THENCE around a curve to the right, through a centml angle of 15°56'22", an arc distance of 118.28 feet, a chord bearing of North 07°58'11" West, a distance of feet 117.90 feet; THENCE North a distance of 254.29 feet; THENCE North 8~59'02" East, a distance of 820.00 feet; THENCE South 00°03'00" West, a distance of 368.95 feet; THENCE South 89°59'28" West, a distance of 466.69 feet; THENCE South 00°03'00" West, a distance of 466.69 feet, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. . SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The C-4 zoning shall prohibit the following C-4 uses: a. Bar, nightclub b. Billboard SECTION 2. THAT violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by fine not to exceed Two Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars ($2,000.00) as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Zone Case No. 2826 Page 3 of4 SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 27th day of August , 1998. Passed by the City Council on second reading this .llltl'Pay of Sept. , 1998. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ Zone Case No. 2826 Page4 of4 I I I I I I I THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK LUBBOCK AVALA CHE·JOURNAL Morris Communicati~n Corporation /tJtJ95 ./?A _ I / lONE CASE. NO. 21:!5 Request of StlbscFibe.d.Jw,g sworn to before me this,_---'IJ"i'"'--"'---day o.J..r-,.~DL-""-..... "' .... ~~~ ... 'ti'H'"""' ... 'h ......... ~'-... 'C __ ,1 ~.Tr!~~JioL~~~~~U~ , n .. 1'"' r·~ . . ~ tor otw..rlln ....... ,half of Lola 1 i-1: f'. • ·. ·.~. ·~. ··• ~ .. '··l! .'·.:", . ..,• !"'<.,· "". ·~ SJI 6-L Block IP7, Orllllnol Town Add!-.· , .' 1t ; _. , ji •;:;;;;:u: tlonmooAwnueJ>. I. DEC . , .,. . ..:1 ;· f •· Nonce OP . zoNa CASE No. IMNh R~~~tueat FOR!\1 ~.8:·.10. . ' 1 7998 ! f .PUBUCHI!ARING ;~onl::,4~rtl'!ro:nnaof2 tlo:conclrll:ut~~ofz:1;. ( _ ( >NOTICE It llereby Diven that tht .,_ ,... _.. · • • Y "· • •• · · · . j Cltv Council -111 hald a Pub II tlon • a•~ • 1~th f us tl ." ~,.... --· ... ···.nY . IH w c •• """'~ ,_ a 14oncl < ·,.li:Jo...._,.,.r~)( ..,..t:..AA, •. v S I . ta1"11111 en Tllunclov, Aut~uat 21 eoatotMLK Jr. Blvd.). *--·, 1 • • JHtaiUIIO&m.,lntheCI"'Coun: ----:...---· .··.:!tell el'lamllert, ltU 131ft 'strett, ZONE CASI! NO. 21126: Requut of .-LI$bocfl. Tb'aa, to conalder tlte Burl w. Nloaftra (Brad Barzus) for '------------------------------------~f::''l:rldcl,!!.!!!_'rf tile Plannlno mnlr~~~ Cha1111Urom 111·1 to R..Z and , 1111 -mrnlllon tftat Jon· C-4 on a POI'IIon of Janel out of Stc· 1----11!111 lie ChanGed on arluln ProPer• lion 9, Bloc!< I! (aoutll oiUnd i Texoa. City of Lub-llreet ancl-t of Avenue P). . •: II Celli nell m•etlnaa are ~ Ill all Ptr110na FHCirdltu ZONI! CA$1! NO. :iaze: RIQueaf of Jof dllabllltv. If vou require -clal Bernie Gradel with Huao Reed oncl h otslatonce, Pfeate contod the Cll'f Aaaoclofn (for LubboCk Lond Co.) ~ Secretarv•a Office at 775-2026 or tor zoning che~nge tram R·l. ta R·l :·'Wrlle ta '" at PO Boll 2000, Lub-IPtc:lflc Ute lor reduCllld front llif. ; 1loclc. TX ~>157 at leoat 4 lloura In llack on CIIIOI'flcn of lone! out of Sec· Jcttdvance at the meetlr~~~. Alllnte,... lion 16, Black E·2 (lOuth of t8th tsfl!d •raons mar IlPtak, and then ltreet ancleost at Vk:ksburo). tlte City Council will oct on lllch recommtnclctlona. The followlllll OTHER BUSINESS Zllnteatftwlllbtheoi"CC. , Hold • Pl611c haal"'tlll lor consldar· .._ ZONE CASE NO. 11122: Rtqueaf of at1o11 of an amendment ta the Mos-Bernltl Groclelwltn ijugo Reed and tar TIIGraut~llfore Pion element of tilt Comorthenalve Latd liM Pta11. ORDI"ANCI! N0.110f4 ORtJtHAI'fce tio. to09• · 1' ZAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ONING ORDINANCE NO 71194 , ANO THE OFFICIAL MAP OF · ·THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK· lNG THE FOLLOWlNG ):AM OROINANCI! A.MENOI~G :zONING ORDINANCe NO. 7084 JAND tHE OFFICIAL MAP OF , THE .CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK· 'INGTHEFOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 1147- wr::~~~~~ ORDINANCE NO. t008f . CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2828; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R·l ·TO jt.j SPt!CIFIC USE ZONING FOR REDUCED FRONT SET· flACK ON A P(!RTION OF LAND' OUT OF SECTION 16, BLOCK E·2. LUBIIOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING ~.PENALTY; PROVIDING A . -VINGS CLAU$E1 SUBJECT TO . CONDITIONS; AND PROVIDING i FOR PUBLICATION. ( ' 'SECTION 1 THAT"IolofklnofanJ Pro91slons Of this Drcllnonce Sholl be deemed o mlsdtmeonor I>Unlsh·. ' able by o fin& not to ••ceed Two f TIIOUIOhd Ond NOIIGO Dollctrs t IU.OOO.OOI as IIII'OY.Ided lrt Stctlcln f 29...11 of file Zoning Onllnanc:e or ltle ~U:ti' Lubbock. 1 SECOND READING N ORDINANCE AMENOING ONING 0RI11NANCE NO. 71184 t---.......;.~'---­ ND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK· ~NGTHf:FOLLOWING '~HANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2822; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C~ R·3 AND M·l TO M·l SPECIFIC · USE ZONING FOR DAIRY EX· ,' PANSION ON LOTS 1·13. BLOCK ; •1, TEW SUIDIVISION, LOTS 7 I AND II. BLOCK I, PERKINS SUB-DIVISION, LOTS 7·12 AND LOTS 25 AND 2d, BLOCK 4 PERKINS SUBDIVISION AND TRACT A, BELL DAIRY ADDITION, LUB· BOCK, TEXASr PROVIDING A · PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAY· Ar A ZONING CHANGE FROM Mo t TO M-1 SPECIFIC USE ZONING ON A PORTION OF LAND OUT .OF SECTION I. BLOCIC I, LUB· BOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A 'PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAY· INGS CLAUSE; SUBJECT TO tONQITIONSt AND PROVIDING , ~OI't PUBLICATION. .E<:tiON 3. THAT vlolullon Of llnv llirovlstcms of this Ordl!'lllnct Shall lioll deenled o m1Sdem8nor I>UniSh· able bY o fine nat to elQied Two Thousond and No/100 Dollars ($2,000.011) ~'provided In Sedlcin 29·:11 of tfle toning Ordinance Of tile CIIY of Lullbock. ORDINANc:&.NO. 110f5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING llOHING ORDINANCE NO. 71184 I AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF. . T. HE CITY QF LUBIIOCK MAK·\ lNG THE FOLLOWlNG CHAHGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2826; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R·l 10 lt-2 AND C·~ ZONING ON A PORTION OF LAND OUT OF 'j SECTION 9, BLOCK E, lU8· ,BOCK, TEXA$1 PROVIDING A :PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAV· .INGS CLAUSE; SUBJECT TO .! CONDITIONS; AND PROVIDING : Fot:t PUBLICATION •. SECTION 2. THAT,Ytolaflon of any provt.lofl ollhls Ordinance sholl be deemed o misdemeanor P.,nishoble bv line nol fo t•ceed Two Thou· sand and No/1110 Oollors ($2,1100.00) os provided In Secllon 29-31 of the Zoning Ordinance of. the Cllv of . Lubbock. /tltJ'/S ORDINANCE NO.IOOt2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING' ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 71184, AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY •. OF LUBBOCK MAK· ·I N G T H E F 0 L L 0 W I N G CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 21124; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R·l TO GO ZONING ON A TRACT OF LAND OUT OF. SECTION t, BLOCK A, lUBBOCK, TEX.ASt PROVIDING A PENALTY; PRO. ! VIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE .: AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICA- ': TION. · ' SECTION 2. THAT vlolallcn of ony ··; Provltlon of thl$ Onllnonce I hoff be .:. deemed o misdemeanor IIUnltfloble ' by fine 1101 fo exceed Two Thou. *«<nd.ond NO>'IIIO Oollons ($2,1100.1101 ot P<Owlded In Sedlon ll!l'-.11 Of tile r Zonl!lfl Ocdlnonce of the City of • · Lllbbock. . ORDINANCE NO. toon AM ORDI.NANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 71184: AND THE OI'FICIAL MAP OF ·THI! CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK· IN G THE F 0 L LOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2825; A ZONING CHANGE FROM C-4 TO C..t SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOR A TOWER 0•1 THE WEST HALF OF LOTS .... BLOCK 191, ORIGINAL TOWN ADDITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A l SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PRO. VIOING FOR PUBLICATION. I SECTION 3. THAT vloloflcn Of ony · Pf'!lvl.tont of this Onllnonc• shall be dtetrn!d o mildoi!T18!10f" I>Unlsfl. able bY a fiiW Ml fo •*"""' Two ; Thousand and N0/100 Dollars ~ 1$2.1100.1101 a• -kllll In Sedlofl lW-.11 of flit ZtlrllnliOnll-offhol Clll'Of Lubbock. ' Morris Communication Corporation 2~ .. 1~ 'mft~~I!N~~~;! ANI> T . PIC I At. MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBO~K MAK- INGTHEFOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONI! CA$E NO. 2125; A ZONING CHAIIJOIS FROM C-4 TO C-4 SPEtiFtc; 1/SE Zbi\IING FOR A TOWER ON THIS WEST HALF OF LOTS 6-1; Bl.OCI< 197, OR.IGINAL TOWN ADDITION, LUBBOCK, TEXAS;' PROVIDIN!i, A PENALTY; PRQVIDIN~-A SAVINGS CLAUSEi AN!> PRO· VIDING FOR'PUBUCATlON. SECTION :J, THAT Vk;llqtlon of any provisions of lhle Ordinance lliall be dll'!millf a misdemeanor pUniSh- obi• IIY a line tlof to ••catd TWa Tflru"a.lld e~nd No/100 Dallar1 I~.COitODl as PfDVII!td .In Section 19-31 of the lonlniJ Ordinance ot the City of Lubbock. ORDINANCE NO. 10094 AN ORDitiANCE AMENDING ZONING OIU:l!l'iANCE .NQ. 701!4 ·AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK· lttGTHEFOt.L.OWING "CHANGES:lOMI!CASE NO. 1647- AI A ZQN.IHG CHANGe FROMM-·1 TOM--! Slii!CIPIC U~E ZON lNG QN A. PORTION OF LAND OUT Of SECTION J, BI.OCK f, LUB· 'lOCK, TtXAS; PROVIDING A Pfli!NALTY; PROVIJ)ING A SAV· INQS Ct.IIU$!!1 sUB.II!!CT TO COHDITION$1 AND PROVIDING FORf!IJBUCATION.' • SEC&:,N l. 1HAT pi'OYf$~ OJ lfiJ• btuleemeit a ml able IW a flllit " TIJIIII,al\d 11114 H!!it 0 I:!QIIIIra {$Ul00.00) OS• PI'OV!III lot Skfllllt '.JV-31 of the Zonln!IOrdlnancultha ' CHy af Lubbock. . IECTIOH 2-THAT ~lollltlllll otany: PI'OVISIOIIoflhtaOrdlnanc .. hc!ll be · deemed a mlsdemear~or fiUilbllabla · IIY line !ICif lo u~eed Two Tho!#-· ' ~and and NOIIOO Dol lara IS2.GOCI.OOl as tii'Vvldtd In Secflon :z?.al Ql the Zanlnll Ordinance of 11'!8 City of Lubllllc:k. AN ORDINANCE AMI!NDING tONING QROINANCE NO· 7014 I'ND THE OFFICII'I-MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAK- INGTHEFOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2828'; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R·l TO Il-l .SPECIFIC USE ZONING FOAREDUCEDFRONTSE~ , BACK ON A PORTION OF LAND OUT OF SECTION 16, BLOCK 1!-a. ·,LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING 'I' PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVING~ CLAUSE; SUBJECT TO ,CONDITIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION.· ,;SECTION 3. 1HAT violation of any ; provisions of this Orcll,...nca lhall .IDe dt9med 11 misdemeanor pUnlll'l-4·allll Jill a JIM nat to tlll3ld TWo Thaltt!l!ld and No/100 t>ollor• • I$2.GOG.OCII OS ~~rovldecl lot Section t9·S1 of the tllnlnvOt'dlnancaafthe Cltr,oJ blbboct. · . ... /0()95