HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 10092-1998 - Zone Case 2824 Zoning Change R-1 To GO Zoning Section 9 Block A - 08/27/1998ll lj First :Reading , ' Item No. 33 Second Reading Item No. 14 September 10, 1998 ! ~gust 27' 1998 ORDINANCE N0._.;;;..;100;.,.;,.;;_92.;__ __ _ I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 7084 AND TilE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK MAKING TilE FOLLOWING CHANGES: ZONE CASE NO. 2824; A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-1 TO GO ZONING ON A TRACT OF LAND OUT OF SECTION 9, BLOCK A, LUBBOCK, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed changes in zoning as hereinafter made have been duly presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation which was received by the City Council and, after due consideration, the City Council found that due to changed conditions, it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to make those proposed changes in zoning; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully compiled with, including giving notices in compliance with Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, and the notices provided by the Texas Local Government Code §211.007 (Vernon, 1990), and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Council on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice, was held in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Building, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and after said hearing, it was by the City Council determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinances and this Ordinance having been introduced prior to first reading hereof; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF LUBBOCK: ZONE CASE NO. 2824 SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 7084 and the Official Zoning Map are amended as follows: A change of zoning under the provisions of Section 29-29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock from R-1 to GO zoning district on a tract of land out of Section 9, Block A, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, located north of East Owen Street and west of I-27, subject to the following condition and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a ~" rod with cap set in the North right-of-line of East _ Owen Street for the Southwest comer of this tract which bears North 1523.10 feet and North 89°58'09" East 4629.39 feet from the Southwest corner of Section 9, Block A, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 02°51'48" West a distance of 285.35 feet to a%" rod with cap set for the Northwest comer of this tract; THENCE North 89°58'09" East a distance of600.00 feet to a%" rod with cap set in the West right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 27 for the Northeast comer of this tract; THENCE South 02°51'48" East, along said West right-of-way line, a distance of285.35 feet to a 1/2" rod with cap set in the North right-of-way line of East Owen Street for the Southeast comer of this tract; THENCE South 89°58'09" West a distance of 600.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITITION: 1. Fencing adjacent to residential shall not be required. SECTION 2. THAT violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by fine not to exceed Two Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars ($2,000.00) as provided in Section 29-31 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 3. THAT should any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 4. THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 27t:bday of August: , 1 Passed by the City Council on second readin t: da~ of Se t: ALS:dk\ccdocs\zc2824.ord.doc August 14, 1998, September 1, 1998 Zone Case No. 2824 Page2of2 LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Morris Communication Corporation AN OROINANCI IIMf!NI)ING IONINd OltOINIINCI! litO. 10-. AND THI! Oflf'ICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUIIIOCk MAK· 'INGTHII'OLL.OWING CHANOI!S: ZONI! CA$1! NO.IUJ: .A ZONING CHAHGII F"ROM C-1 TO c .. IPI!CII"IC Ulll ZONING l FOR A TOWell ON THI! WilT ~HALF OF LOTI H. ILCc:k lf1, rCitiOINAL TOWN. ADDITION, 'LUIIOCK, TUA$; PROVIDING, !'A PINAL TVI PIIOVIDINU A IAVIHOI CUU .. 1 ANO PRO. VICINO POR fiiUILICATIOH. fii!CTION a.·THAT vlatatlotlet alt)l I'ProvlaiOnt af 1111& Ot-dlna~~ee lflall it Cl•med a mlllftmtanar IIUI!lsiJ. ibl• IW • lint 11ot to llll:tld Two . IIOIIIOI'Iclllt!CI No/lOO Oollon ~.000.00) .Ill III'OVklld 11'1 hdlOrl lt·JJ of tht Zorllnt Oralnonet of tht lty of Lubllock. ( ORDINANCI NO. 1Hf4 . ~AN ORDINANCE AMINOING ZONING ORDINANCI NO. 7014 fANO fHI! OPFICIAL MAP 01' gTHI!! CITY OF LUIU!OCK MAK· I N 0 t H I! f' 0 L L O·i\1 I N 0 HANOI!I: ZONI CASI NO,f44t• • /11 A ZONING CHIINOI! f'ROM If!. l ... fTOM-UPI!Cif'IC U. II! ZONING ON A POITION 0, LAND CUT ;op IICTION I, ILOCK I, LUS. lOCK, TIXAI; PIIOVIOINO A ,PI!NALT'YI PlOVJOINO A UV· INOI Ct.AUII!I SUIIJICT TO 'CONDITfONit AND PROVIOINO i"OR PUIILICATION. . . AN OROIHANCI AMI!NOINO lONINO OROINANC:I! NO. 7014 · NO THI! OI'FICIAL MAJII OF tfl&; CITY OF &.UBIOCK MJtl(. ;f N 0 T HI!! I" Ot. L 0 WING 'CHANOU: ZONE CAlli NO. !»AI :A ZONINO·CHANOI! FROM R·l. 'TO 00 ZONING ON A TRACT OF &.ANO OUT OF IICTION t, ILOCK A, LUIII!IOCJ<, 'I'I!XAI1 PROVIDING A PI!NALTY1 PRO. 'VIDINO A UVINOI CLAUII AlilO PROVIDING JIIOit PUBLICA-'fiON.· . Joofa THE STATE OF TEXAS LUBBOCK AVALA CHE-JOURNA Morris Communication Corporation ··--------------------J AIIDINANCI MO. 'ltGU 1 ~N OAQINI\NC:I jtoMf!NCiiNG j lOfolll'fG OADINII.tofC:I! NO, 1014 I 1\. NP. THE! OPFIC141.. MAP OF THI! CITY. OF LUBBOCK IAAK· INGTHEFOI.I.OWING C!iANGI!l: ZONt: CASI'! NO. n251 A JDN!NQ CHANG11 FROM C..( J. TO.C·41PI!CIFIC Ull! IONING FOR A TOWEll 0•1 HIE WEST HALF OF I.OTI .... BLOCIC lt7, ORIGINAl. TOWN APDITION, LUBBOCK. TEXAII PROVU>ING A PENAI.TYII"ROVIPING A lAVING$ CLAU$11!1 AND PRO· · VIDING FOR PUBLICATION, lfiCTION S. THAT violation Df any 11roY1sk:ll'ta Df this Ordlnonc• lhall be deemed a mild~ nor """''~'~­obit IIY 11 f1111t 1101 to e-.c! Two ·· Tllou•and t~nd HallOO Pol!ors (~.000.001 111 prcrvkltd In $edlon 19·31 of tnelonlnl ~c:uf 1116 ~~~a! l.ubboctc. . . · 1 SII.COHO IIIAOINtil "' OIUIINANCI :; 'ytiTH PINALTY t ORRINAMC' NO. 'ttOOI. ·~·· N DRPINANCI! #.ME,NDING lEPNING 0. RDINANCE NO.JOS.C :AND THil OFFICIAl-MAP OF '<1fHI CITY OF LUBBOCK MAl¢· , t'l N G TtU F 0 1.1. 0 WING CHA'IIGE.$: 10"11'! CA~Ii! NQ. tll22l A. ZONING CHANGE F~OM C-4. :1 111·3 AND M·l TO. M·l IPt:C!FIC :! USE ZONING FO AIRY I!! X· iT ~7~~~~~N~~~~W. ~~ 1 : ANI> 11. II.PCK 1, flf'~ .SUI· 111. 1-QTi J.u c.on · t6. II.CICIC 4. IU.II i . II!QN Atfl> T A, [ !o~ D.fJ:lt:0P~~~~~~~g~ i ;t!MAI.TYI P~~!_I~G~ Dllrii"A'u::e NO. ltott AN ORDINAHCE AMINOING lONINO Q!lDINANCI~O. rtl4 NP Tttli OFfiCIAL AP PF Tttl! CITY OF 1-IJIIQO K MAK· I~GTttf!-FOI.I.OWING C!iiii\IGI!S: ION I! CASE NO;n28: A IPNIIfG CHANGE FROM R-1 . TO fH IPfiCIFIC U$E ION IlliG FO!l fiEOUCI:P I'RONT if!T· lAC I' PN A f'ORTION OF I.ANP PUT TION 16, I LOCK 1!·2. 1-L!ll CK, TE!XAS; PROVIDING A P ALTYI PROVIDING A SAVING$ CI-AUSEIIUBJECT TO COI>IDITIO"'S; ANP PROVIDING FOR !'UIIt.ICATION •. SECTION ~. THIITYtal!ltlon llf any .. PfOvfllalll Ill filii Ordl!liii!CII lhllll be deemed 11 mi$Ciemeanor IIU!IIIh· ollie llv 11 ff"e ncn fll tllceed TwQ Thousand tin !I NollOO Dollars (UAIQO.OOI 111 lll'ovldtd In $'dian 19·31 !If lhe Zonlnl! Qrcllna!lct !If lilt I: ltv of l.u!lt>acll.. R<hm .1. ORQIJIIANCII\IO. 1111t4 ,,AN.!J&QU'IAHCE AMIJ:NQING ZONING OKOI~ANC'Ii! NO. 7!l&.C ·A~ .. O THE! OFFICIAL MAP OF THe C!tt'V OF LUIUIOCI!; MAK· I N.G T H. t1 F 0 I. I. 0 ¥1 I N G CHANGO: Nl NQ. 1147- AIAI CH ROMM-tTO • IF! ZONING . QN A N 01' 1.4'10 OUT OP SICT ON *-ll.tiCK •• I.Uli-IQC:K, T XA$1 PRDVIDifiiG A, PEN I.TYI f'ltOVIQING A IAV· · II CLA~·E1 S.UII-IIC.T TO I 01 1 ANO PRO\IIOING .LI ATIPN. I !fiCTION J. THAT v10111111111111 pny !i:Yia~ pf thlt Ordlno11'it Jhall dtii!Titd C> l'!il<l!ltneanor IIU!IIII!- i t · 11 fino 1101 to ncud 1)l!o h 1111«1 liillllOO. DO.IIan. ~. !I tnVided. In S!lctlon -31 Jt~~~ln1 Ordlnonc~~ ol t11tt Cit'f Of LUIII»>:!I, CIRQIN~NCI MO. lHfl AN ORDINAHCI!! AMENDING JONING ORQINAI'tCB NO. 10U ANI> Ttl~ QFI'ICI.t.l. MAP OF . TliE CITY OF 1-UBPPCIC MAK· INGTHI FOI.I-OW!N.G CHANGES: lQNI\! CASE NQ •• 1126; A ZONING CH4NG!: FROM fN To IH ANO C-4 ZONING ON A PORTION OF I.ANI) OUT OF lf!CTION t, III.OCK £, I.UB· BOCK, TI$XI\SI PROVIDII\IG A PENALTYI PROVIDING 1\ $AV· 1NGS CI.AU$15;1UIUEC:.T TO CONDITION$: AND PROVIPING FOR PUIILICATION. SECTION 1-THAT vlolcrtl1111 at any pravfllon tt '"''Ordinance 111a11 be tlttfl'ed II !l'liJdel'llt<lllor fiUllllhoblll by flnll 1111.1 fa tllj:."d TWjl. Thou· ta!ld enid No/1611 Dollan {P,IIDQ.Hl Ill PfGVIdtd In Stdlolll9-11 efllle *""1111 Ol'!ll!llllld Clf tile '"' Df 1-llil~ll. . I ! ~ ~ 1 I j I THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Telq)hone Sales Manager LUBBOCK AV ALANCHE~JOURNAL Morris Communication Corporation