HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 4450-1964 - $510.00 Sewer-Acquire Permanent Easment Section 5, Block B, GWO 10443 - 06/30/1964...
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FORM L-2 ORDINANCE N0.~44_;.5;;...0 __ _
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds it is
necessary to appropriate certain specific funds out of bond funds for
an approved project, and this ordinance deals with the daily operation
of City departments in the public interest which creates an emergency;
There is hereby appropriated out of the following described bond
fund, to-wit: Sewer Bond Fund
The sum $ 510.00
For the following purpose:
Acquire permanent easement from Panhandle & Santa Fe Rail way
Company across railroad right of way in Section 5, Block B,
Lubbock County, Texas. Cost is $500.00 plus $10.00 filing
fees·. Charge to GWO 10443.
WHEREAS, an emergency exists as shown in the preamble to this
ordinance, the enactment of this ordinance is declared to be an
emergency measure thereby creating a public necessity that the rule
requiring proposed ordinances to be presented at two (2) separate
council meetings be dispensed with; and this ordinance shall be
effective from the date of its passage.
A N D I T I S S 0 0 R D E R E D
Passed by the Council on thh 30th day of __ J_u_n_e ____ l9~.
~~.;¢ ~ VERIFIED BY• ~
/HEAD OF rlEP'f. -nEPi ~
) ) COUN'J'Y OF' LUBBOCK ) EASEMENT --------PANHANDLE AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a corpora-tion duly established under the laws or the State of Texas, and having its principal office in the City of Amarillo, Potter I County, Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hun-dred and No/100 Dollars . ($500.00) an~ other good and valuable considtu•a.tions hereinatte~ 's·et <!>Ut, the receipt of which is I hereby Brok,nowledged, d0es by thes$ pre~ents grant, bargain,. ~ell and coqV''J unt~ the C!1'Y OF LUBBOCK for the sql.e purpose ~ ~ ~ •·.Q.:+· .eonetJ;'llc1t'd.ng one twenty.-,four ineh {?!Ju) ~ewe;r line, and -. ~ . . t9-,r:'~~.o long. as suqh ~eW'e.t line is looated on suon property, a II • ~~g~t-oi'-wSty.and ea$ement upon anQ over certain l)roperty ·)..o¢ated ill. Luhbook County, Texas, fully described as !'oJ.lows: . , 4 ten foot wide permQ.nent easement out of Section l;t·~loqlt 'B,. L;u'bboek County, Texas, the center-line of said ~I.S'$11\ertt beipg m.ore fUlly desc.r.:$. bed by metes and boUl'ld.S e.a fcillows: ·O~MM~CEf at a point 1707 .o teet Bast of the No~thwest c·ornet of said Secti6n ?, Block B; ~HENCE South 17°151 East 383.7 feet to a point; ·THE;N0E W-esterly along the right of way line of Pan .. h.~ndle & Santa Fe Railway Company 44.4 feet to the ~oi.r,lt qf beginning of th:t~ easement; ,· •r.HENC·E S~utheasterly parallel to and 277.7 feet from ·the main t.ra,ck of the Panhandl~ & Santa Fe Railway
Compaity a di~tarlce of 3J • .) reet to ·a point; THENC.E right 4 ° 55' pa:re.llel to and .J7 •. '5 feet from the East property line Qf Pac~ers Ad4it1on,, Block 3, a distance of 644 .feet to a point; THENCE left 88° 35' parallel to and 37.5feet from the South property 1 ine of Packers Addition, Block 3, a distance of 215 feet to a point; THENCE right 36° 231 parallel to and ten feet South of an existing 24 inch sewer line a distance of 538 reet to a point; THENCE right 44° 42' parallel to and ten feet West of same 24 inch existing sewer line a distance of ~9 feet to a point; T11ENCE le.f't 3° 10 • parallel to a.nd ten feet West of same 2li i11ch existing sewer line a distance-of 83 .feet (more or less) to a point on the East pro~erty line of the Panhandle & Santa Fe Railway Company-tract. Said ab0ve described easement Rhall be used solely for the purpose of locating and maintaining one twenty-.four inch (2~.u) ser~e.ro line, and the grant ht1J•ein is to remain in force Qnd effect only so lond as said premises herein de-scribed are 30 used, and in case all or any pA.rt of said prA-mises shall be 1\be.ndoned or cease to be used .for the pu.rpose hereinabove set forcL"t, then this easement shall become void and all rie:hts therew1de:r ::mall terrnina te and sal d. premises shall revert to the Panhandle and Santa. l<,e R~ilway Jompany 1 'lts successors Ol" a9sL_:ns. Panha.'1dl~ find 3anta }<'e .Railwa~r -.:or•tpany-her>eby ex-cepts anu reserves tne r>ignt, to be exc."rcised by Pa.nhandlft
Qd ~~ta. F~· Ra1lwaJ CoDipany i!Jo to do.,· ·.·(a) to operate, main-taini renew and relocate &nJ and all existing railvat t~aoks1 pipe, poll~r and. comt'llunication lines ~d appurtenances, and other tacilitiea ot like character upon., over or under the surface of' ,said above described premises; and (b) ·from time to. time t'o con_st~c :t, operate; maintain, renew and relocate . s~oh a·d'ditiona1 fa~ilities of the same character as wiil not unreasonablr)". int~r!'ere with use by the Ci tr of Lubbock tor ~~ew~r· line p;urppses. !lt TEStr'..J:MON'Y'' WHEREO~, the -'Panhandle ana Santa Fe ,, Company has ca~sed these px-esents to be execute~ by v . -"~-· its .. , ~n ~IGS Preside:Qt~d a~ested there-to bT 1-ts ~ ....... ~·:\.. S.eoretary and the corporate sea,l thereto atrued. on this the 27th . day or April ?;.'· ~· 1964. PANHANDLE AND SANTA FE RAILWAY OOMP ANY BY J4!4L-{?"'i~resident-FI~ANII A1'TiST: t/,1< d-z.~A--<_. Secreta.r-,
' ~1 eQmmfasion e~pires: MAY 29, 1965 of office ·this ~~~u,.. . Notatty Pflblic -in· ar# for Ci\Uity of:. Cook, State off Illinois·.