HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 4413-1964 - Authorinzing The Issuance Of Specific Use Permit In Zone Case 861-B. - 04/27/1964o 4--:..:t r · ''1 lO'"t -Form L. D. -59A . 12 ( ~· lj . l.j)~ ORD:rn'ANCE NO. _4_41_3 ___ _ 4--~ 1 _, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT IN ZONE CASE NO. DECLARING AN EMERGENCY t AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. 86.1.-B . ' WHEREAS, after receiving the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission and after due notice and public hearing and all matters having been done and performed as required by Section 14-A of ZoninR Ordinance 1695 of the City of Lubbock (said Ordinance being an Appendix to the Lubbock City Code) relating to Specific Use Permits, the City Council finds that due to changed conditions it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare to authorize the ~anting of a Specific Use Permit as hereinafter set forth; and, WHEREAS, this Ordinance affects the daily operation of the Planning and Zoning Depart- ments of the City of Lubbock, which creates an emergency: NOW 'rnEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. The Director or Planning of the City of Lubbock is authorized to issue a Specific Use Permit to the Applicant in Zone Case No. 86.1.-B in accordance with the recom~ mendations and conditions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, on file in the office of the Director of Planning, and the City Council, which are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, provided said Applicant agrees to be bound by the terms of the Specific Use Permit, the granting of which is hereby made subject to compliance b.v said Applicant with all tenns of said Specific Use Permit and further subject to all provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 1695 or the City of Lubbock, including particularly but not limited to, Section 14-A thereof relating to Specific Use Permits. Provided further, that should said Applicant fail to comply with the terms of this ordinance, and Sections 14-A-4 and l4-A.5 of Zoning Ordinance 1695, the City Secretary shall be and is hereby authorized and instructed, upon written notice from the Director of Planning that Applicant has not complied with the provisions, conditions and terms imposed by this ordinance, to note Applic8'l t 's failure to comply on the margin of the Minutes of the City Council opposite entry of this ordinance, and the authorization to issue such Specific Use Pe~it is hereby revoked; and the Director of Planning in such event is directed to remove from the Zoning Map the legend indicating such limited use. The specific use authorized by this ordinance is for --------- Private Apartaent ~ject pursuant to Section ±4-A.l-9 of the ZoninR Ordinance and the property is located on a 4·22 acre tract of 1@!4 South ot. 50th 8treeet batwen Auunea n and :r. SECTION 2. The City Secretary shall cause the publication of this Ordinance once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper regularly published in the City of Lubbock. SECTION 3. Since this Ordinance is an emer~ency measure for the reasons set forth in the preamble hereof, the rule requiring two readings before final passage is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED On motion of Councilma.n. _________ ~_Ald_e_r~s_o_n--::-"":"':"'--seconded by Councilman ----~--.,.---;::..Sl:::;;.m::.:P:.;:s:.;:o..::n_,_.., __ , the above and foregoing Ordinance was unanimously passed by the City Council this _ .... 2.._7-th;;...__day of A ril , 19___,.6~4 __ ATTEST: