HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 10181-1999 - Setting A Tax Rate And Levying Tax Upon All Taxable Properties - 08/12/1999/ First Reading Aug. 12. 1999 Item No. 71 II Second Beading Aug. 26. 1999 Item No. 41 ORDINANCE NO. 10181 AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE TAX RATE AND LEVYING A TAX UPON ALL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION WITHIN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1999; APPORTIONING SAID LEVY AMONG THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND ITEMS FOR WHICH REVENUE MUST BE RAISED; FIXING THE TIMES IN WHICH SAID TAXES BE PAID AND ASSESSING PENALTY AND INTEREST FOR NONPAYMENT OF SUCH TAXES WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED. WHEREAS, the City Council after all notices have been given and hearings held as provided by law, has determined the tax rate necessary to produce the revenue necessary to operate the affairs of the City of Lubbock for the next fiscal year; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT there shall be levied assessed upon all property subject to taxation within the City of Lubbock, Texas, for the year of 1999 the sum of$.58 per One Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($100.00) valuation thereof and the same shal~ be applied to the Various funds in the following manner: $.12161 $.42839 $.03000 per $100 valuation to the Interest and Sinking Funds, allocated among the existing Interest and Sinking Funds as shown on the attached schedule; per $100 valuation to the General Fund; and per $100 valuation to the Economic Development Fund. SECTION 2. THAT all valorem taxes shall be paid before the first day of February, 2000, and taxes not paid by that time shall be increased by such penalty and interest as provided by Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the City Council on first reading this 12th day of August Passed by the City Council on second reading this 26th day of August ~ASTO=-Mosq~ Director of Management Services 2 OrdinaT'cP. Ro. 10181 ·lrriportQnt 'Information 1 ·• ; abo11t YC.JJI-'City T:BHes· . . \ , . '' l ' ',,' , ' : ' ·,, -. ' ' . ~ :, . ., \ ~' " . . ' , ' j l .. . ! ' . ' ' ; ' l ,' .. l' .. i- '' f ·. ·Property. Tax. Per.Capita · . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .· ,. I · _,r Selected Texas Cities -· TML Survey · I • ·. . . . I ; . i. , · • · $35cr.oo·· A-... _..;,.. ...;.__ ___ ____;. _________ -:---"1 _...;_--~~-----;. I --:.......;.__..;,._ __ ..;.;.__-----1 . ·. . l I . . . $50.00 .. $0 .. 00 .. ... . = c ( -··ro . ,.•· 'ii ,·l1n . . . •. Q • .. 5 :t: ! Source: Fiscal Year 1898-99 Ordinance RO. 10181 i"''~'C'"", -......-----~-~-~? .. __ ,. '"'l ·~~~ :. ," : :~ · llotice 01 Public Hearing on Tax lncrea·se ,-~· . .lUJ . ' -' ~-. ' .GJ." : i" f "• '• ·''•l ' ' 111~. CitY of Lubbock will h,bld ~ puqlic. hearing~na proposalto increase tota.I . ..tax rtwenues from properti~s on the.tax· rolf by 2.76 percent Youriridi~idual " 1kx~s :may· increase" pr ;decrease, depending .on the ch~ge in Jhe taxable· yafue -'Qf your property 'i'~ ielation to the change in taxable value of all other property, ::.and.the tax rate that is adopted. " .. · ·. · · , . · · .. ,· ' :·), · · .. ,....:t --.. + ..... ._ ...;...,_ •...;..;. ...._ ~ "... I..... ·Ill~; , .The public hearing will~e ~eld on August 12, 1999 at 5:09 p.m. in C~uncil ffham~ersat 1625 13th Street, Lu~bock, Tx.'. · ·,. · . , " · l, :,~-. For the propo~.al.: ~a~orWindy ~i~o. n.a~d Counc. ilmembers Victor ~ , Hernandez, T.J. Patterson, J.· O,avJd Nelson; Max .Inca and Marc i ~ McDougal · l '7 • ·. Against the proposal:. None . ,.,~ . ---'--: . :;:; .. : .,Present and not voting: 1;4one· ' -,-' .r /" '.:-:. . :-. -; !· ~--~ ·--• , -: -· . . -, i ' · ·Absent: Council me"i'ber Alex .. TY' Cooke . ' ' " '. ' ' ' ' " . ' " ' " ''' " " ! The follov{i~g.table Compares ~axes on an average home in this taxing imit . ~l~tyear to ~es prop~sed'on the average.h~me this year. Ag~in, yout in~i-· : tvtdual taxes may be htgher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your ' '.'· . . ; i, . ' . ' . . . • ' .. ' l;r~opertr·,. .t ~·,. J.··:w (, ' '1 ; I , ;J_, t • :Average residence homestead value . ~eneral exemptions available (amount available on the average · ·~homestead, not incluping ·senior citizen's. or disabled person's · : ~· exemptions) . ' ' ' rr~·. .. . . -.Average t~able vaf~e ·~~ < i ! ; ; ;;t&X· rate ... f.,·' :1 ...... :·.· f-. 'Hi .... . .. Last Year. $60,338 ·. $ ·-Q- . $60,338 .58/$100 '$349.9£) This Year ' ·$63A26 $ -0- ·$63.421 ·' . .58/$100' '$367.84 Under this proposal, taxes on the average homestead would increase by S17.88 or 5.11 :~ercent compared with las~ y~r's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for -'Jtanges in property value, the tax rate would decrease by $0.00 per $100 of taxable .'\falue or 0.00 percent compared to last year's .. tU. rate. .These tax rate figures are not ~~djusted for change$ in the taxable value of prop~rty. 1 · . · ·