HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 4209-1963 - Authorizing The Issuance Of Specific Permit In Zone Case No. 1153. - 10/10/1963Fo:na L. D. -59 JtJ~~ ~~ 4209 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A. SPECIFIC USE PERMrr :m ZONE CASE NO. 115.3 ; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. '· WHEREAS, after receiving the rec0111.e11datiaus of the Plaaning and Zao.ing Com- Jd.ssiou and after due notice aDd public bea.rin& and all •tters havia& beeu d011e and perfoi'Md as required b7 Section 14-A. of ZOD.iAg Ordinance 1695 of the City of Lubbock (said Ordinance being an Appendix to the Lubbock City Code) relatinc to Specific Use Pel'llits, the City Coad.ssion finds that due to changed canditions it would be expedient and in the interest of the public health, safety, 1110rw, and general weltare to authorise the grautiq of a Specific Use Pel'llit as hereiJlafter set forth; and, 'WHEREAS, this Ordinace affects the dai17 operaticn of the Pl.anaing and ZCD.ing DepartiMilts of thf City of Lubbock, which creates an emergEDq; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECriON 1. The Director of Plarmiug of the City of Lubbock is authorized to issue a Specific Use Permit to the Applicant ill Zcne Case No. 115.3 1A accordace With the reCCBsda.tions and cmditians imposed by the Plarming and Zonmg eo.d.ssion, and the City eo.issico.; provided said Applicant acrees to be bowad by the terms of the Specific Use Pel'llit, the granting of which is hereby made subject to compliance by said AppllCau.t with all terms of said Specific Use Persait aDd further subject to all prorisiCGS of Zaa.Jng OrdiD..mce No. 1695 of the City ·of Lubbock, iaclucling particu- larly bat not :u..itecl to, Sectiau 14-A thereof relatinc to Specific Use Permits. The specific use authorized by this ordinance is for A shQPtrLP.i c~mter or related commercial development pursuant to Secticm. 14-A.l-8 of the Zaainc Ord.inance aDd the property is located between Slide Road and Brownfield Road. {Consists of 20.56 acres.) --------------------------------------------------------------------0 SECriON 2. The City Secretary shall cause dle publication of this Ordincce aa.ce a week for two ccnsecutive weeks iD. a newspaper regular17 po.blished in the City of Lubbock. SECTION 3. Since this Ordi.DaD.ce is all amergency measure for the reascns set torth in the preamble hereof, the rule requi.riDg two readiD.gs before final passage is hereby :mspended, and this ordiD.auce shall take effect ~iatel7 after its pasaace. AND IT IS SO ORDER.ED <a Motion of Colllld.asioa.er 0 'Mara aecoa.ded by C..Usaioner McLarty , the abOYe and foregoing Ordinance wa.a unaniaousl7 passed by the City Coaissicm this lOth day of October , 19~.