HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 4145-1963 - Amending The Fire Zoning Map, Zone Case No. 1120 In Fire Zone No 2. - 07/11/1963~ CY::f-I\-ICHJJ3 (\.V" Fona L .. D., 61 ORDINANCE NO. 4145 AN ORDINA..~CE AMENDING THE FIRE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK SO AS TO PLACE PROPERTY CHANGED IN ZONING C:.ASSIFICATION (ZONE CASE NO. 1120 ) L'i FIRE ZONE NO. 2; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Coamission finds that ill all zone changes to the "C" Zcme Classifications that such propert7 should be p4ced ill Fire ZCDe No. 2 ~1- ately to protect the lives, safety, and property of the citlzcs of the City of Lubbock, which creates an •ergency; NOW TflEIU70RE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECl'ION lo THAT The followiDg described property changed ill zcme by ORDI- NANCE NO.. L1 ;L !4127 , to-wit: A tract of land out of Section 181 Block A, Lubbock County, Texas: DACT 1 BEGINNING at the NE Corner of Lot 1 1 Clovis Road Addition; THENCE South 2080' to a point in the North R-0-W line of Loop 289; THENCE Northeasterly along the R-0-W line of Loop 289 along a. curve to the left and continuing to the South R-0-W line of Clovis Road; '!HENCE along the South R-0-W of Clovis Road to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. (Located West of Clovis Road and Loop 289 intersection and extending from. Clovis Road to 400' south of Loop 289. ) BE AND THE SAME IS Hereby changed aJJ.d/or placed in fire zone No. 2 and the "FIRE ZONE MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK" duplicate original located in the Build- ing Inspector's office shall be amended in accordance herewith by the Building Inspector or at his direction, and this change shall constitute an amendment to Fire Zoning Ordinance No. 1447 and Sectioo 1601, Part IV, Chapter 16 of the Lubbock City Code, relative to fire zCiles. SECTION 2.. The rule requiring an ordinance to be read on two readings before final passage is hereby suspended, md this ordinance is declared to be an emer- gepcy measure for the reasons set forth in the preamble hereof 1 to take effect i.Dnediately after its passageo -:.. Ai'lD IT IS SO ORDERED Unanimously passed by the City CoDIDi~~·,.... July · 19__.!~ ATTEsr: City