HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 4139-1963 - Amending Ord. No 1695, Changing Present Classification Of Lots 360-365. Benhall - 06/27/19630(0-.:27 -JqLP = ORDINANCE NO. 4139 , Ou-;18 -IQ{}B AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO~ 1695 OF THE CITY OF FOO:djl /· -b-. e.:,. 6~-63-.. -~ 4b9 Secti on 1, Subdi visio .. , I F corrected i n Ord. 419~ .. I ·'< ~ended by Ordinance No. 4492 LUBBOCK AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP BY CHANGING THE PRESENT I CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF LOTS 360 THROUGH 365 INCLUSIVE AND LOT @ 377 BENHALL MANOR ADDITION; LOTS 6 THROUGH 9 INCLUSIVE_. BLOCK 1. C. C., HARKEY SUBDIVISION; A PARCEL OF LAND 180 FEET BY 155 FEET AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND AVENl:JE U; LOTS 11 THROUGH 20 INCLUSIVE~ BLOCK 810 AND LOTS 11 THROUGH 20 INCLUSIVE. ~ BLOCK 7, RIDGE CREST SUBDIVISION; THAT PARCEL OF LAND 635 FEET BY f\' 127.5 FEET ON 'fHE NORTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WEST OF AVENUE U; LOTSi .:J 5 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE. F.P. DAY ADDITION AND LOTS 16 .. 17 AND 18~ 1 n --., WILLIFORD ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND 127.5 FEET BY 158.75 FEET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET EAST OF AVENUE W; THAT PARCEL OF II 1 LAND 632.5 FEET BY 127.5 FEET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WES~ OF AVENUE W; LOT 1 .. VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH ADDITION; A PARCEL OF ,, LAND 227 FEET BY 13~ FEET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET EAST OF AVENUE W; LOTS lB .. 2 AND 3 .. TALLEYBURN ADDITION; THAT PARCEL OF LAND 109 FEET BY 102 FEET ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND AVENUE W; LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 INCLUSIVE. LLANO VISTA HEIGHTS ADD!~ TION; THAT PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREE!r MORE PARTICULARLY D£gCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN SUBSECTION 110 11 OF SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDINANCE; LOT 1 .. LOTT-MITCHELL ADDITION .t\NI LOTS 1 THROUGH 7 INCLUSIVE~ DOCTORS AND DENTISTS ADDITION; LOTS 11 THROUGH 20, BLOCK 10. SUNNY ~LOPE ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 50TH AND QUAKER AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "R11 OF SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDI- 1 NANCE;AND A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 50TH AND QUAKER AVENUE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTIO "S" OF SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDINANCE TO A "C-2A11 RESTRICTED LOCAL I RETAIL DISTRICT; THE SOUTH 152.5 FEET OF BLOCK 37. SUBURBAN HOMES ADDITION TO A 11C -411 COMMERCIAL DISTI;UCT; THAT PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER. OF 50TH STREET AND AVENUE H I DESCRIBED MORE PARTICULARLY IN SUBSECTION "A" OF SECTION 3 OF THIS ORDINANCE TO A 11C-311 GENERAL RETAIL DISTRICT; A PARCEL OF LAND ONI THE EAST SIDE OF COLLEGE AVENUE NORTH OF 52ND STREET MORE PARTICU II LARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "A" OF SECTION 4 OF THIS ORDINANCE; ~ LOT 2 .. TRACT CJI CAPROCK ADDITION TO AN "R-3" MULTI-FAMILY DISTRIC •; A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET AND EAST OF AVENUE L 107.5 BY 695 FEET MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION 11A11 OF SECTION 5 OF THIS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WEST OF AVENUE LAND BEING THE EAST 350 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF BLOCK 3,. c. N. HODGES ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET EAST OF AVENUE U DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "C" OF SECTION 5 OF TIDS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL OF LAND AT THE INTERSECTION OF 51ST STREET AND AVENUE X; MORE l I PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "D11 OF SECTION 5 OF THIS I OR.DINANCE; LOTS 201 AND 202~ MURRYHILL ADDITIONa LOTS 96 THROUGH 110~ INDIAN ACRES ADDITION; LOTS 1 THROUGH 10 INCLUSIVE DRURY PARK ~ ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE NORTH SIDF~ OF 50TH STREET WEST ~ OF AND ADJACENT TO LOT 96~ INDIAN ACRES .ADDITION MORE PARTICULAR Y 0 "' "' ...;t . ~ G) (J c: til c: ~ "'0 ~ 1>. .0 "'0 Q) b "'0 c: (") J o-1 "" ... J I Section 1, Subdivision l F' co:r;re~ted in Ord. '<·193 O<.o-.:27--Jqu =.Amended by Ordinance No. 4492 . ORDINANCE NO.,· 4139 .. OtD-;28-IQlfB AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1695 OF THE CITY OF LU:S~OCK AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP BY CHANGING THE PRESENT CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF LOTS 360 THRt:!>UGH 365 INCLUSIVE AND LOT '377 lBENHALL MANOR ADDITION; LOTS 6 THROUGH 9 INCLUSIVE~ BLOCK 1, C.~·c. HARKEY SUBDIV:I$ION; A PARCEL OF LAND 180 !FEET BY 155 F~ET AT THE SOmi'HEAST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND AVENUE U; LOTS 11 -, THROUGH 20 INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 8» AND LOTS 11 THROUGH 20 INCLUSIVEa BLOCK 7. RIDGE CREST SUBDIVISION; THAT PAR-CEL OF LAND 635 FEET BY 127.5 FEET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WEST OF AVENrJE U; LOTS 5 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE, F.P. DAY ADDITION AND LOTS 16, 17 AND 18 .. WILLIFORD ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND 127.5 FEET BY 158.75 FEET ON ,. THE NORTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET EAST OF AVENUE W.; THA.T PARCEL OF LAND 6·32. 5 FEET BY 127. 5 FEET ON THE NOR-TH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WES OF AVENUE W; LOT 1, ViCTORY BAPTIST CHUR.CH ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND 227 FEET BY 13~ FEET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET EAST OF AVENUE W; LOTS lB .. 2 AND 3, TALLEYBURN ADDITION; THAT PAR-CEL OF LAND 109 FEET BY 102 FEET ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 50']H STREET AND AVENUE W; LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 INCLUSIVE~ LLANO VISTA HEIGHTS ADD! TION; THAT PAR.CEL OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 5·0TH STRE MORE PARTICTJLARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN SUBSECTION "O" OF SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDINANCE.; LOT 1, LO'rT-MITCHELL ADDITION . I LOTS 1 THROUGH 7 INCLUSIVE~ DOCTORS AND DENTISTS ADDITION) LOTS 11 THROUGH 20~ BLOCK 10~ SUNNY ~LOPE ADDIT!IC>N; A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 50TH AND QUAKER AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION 11~" OF SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDI NANCE;AND A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 50TH AND QUAKER AVENUE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTIO "S" OF SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDINANCE -TO A 11C-2A" RESTRICTED LOCAL RETAIL DLSTRICT; THE SOUTH 152 .. 5 FEET OF BLOCK 37~ SUBURiBAN HOMES ADDITION TO A "C-411 COMMERCIAL DIST~ICT; THAT PARCEL 0F LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER-OF 50TH STREET AND AVENUE H DESCRIBED MORE PARTICULARLY IN SUBSECTION "A" OF SECTION 3 OF TH ORDINANCE TO A "C-311 GENERAL RETAIL DISTRICT; A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE EAST SIDE OF COLLEGE AVENUE NORTH OF 52ND STREET MORE PARTI lJ LARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBsECTION "A" OF SECTION 4 OF THLS ORDINANCE; LOT 2, TRACT Ca CAPROCK ADDITION TO AN 11R-3" MULTI-FAMILY DISTRIC · A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOU,TH SIDE OF 50'!I'H STREET AND EAST OF AVENUE L 107.5 BY 695 FEET MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "A" OF SECTION 5 OF THiS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL G>F LAND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WEST OF_ AVENUE L AND l3EING THE EAST 350 FEET OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF BLOCK 3., c .• N. HODGES ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET EAST OF AVENUE U DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION 11C" OF SECTION 5 OF THIS ORDINANCE; A PARC OF LAND AT THE INTERSECTION OF 51ST STREET AND AVENUE X; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "D" OF SECTION 5 OF THIS ORDINANCE; LOTS 201 AND 202:r MURRYHILL ADDITION:r LOTS 96 THROUGH 110~ INDIAN ACRES ADDITION;-LOTS 1 THROUGH 10 INCLUSIVE DRURY PARK ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 50TH STREET WEST OF AND ADJACENT TO LOT 96~ INDIAN ACRES ADDITION M9RE PAR7'ICULAR- DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "G11 OF SECTION 5 OF THIS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL OF LAND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND SALEM A VENUE DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION "H" OF SECTION 5 OF THIS ORDINANCE; LOTS 1 THROUGH 10 INCLUSIVE., BLOCK 8., DELL HEIGHTS ADDITION TO AN 11R-311 MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT SUBJECT TO CER-TAIN CON DITIONS; LOT 8,. BLOCK 26• REPLAT OF MODERN MANOR ADDITION TO AN "R-311 MULTI.!.FAMILY DISTRICT SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS; A PARC:E L OF LAND 140 FEET BY 359 FEET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 49TH STREET EAST OF JOLIET AVENUE DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION nAu OF SECTION 7 OF THIS ORDINANCE TO AN 11R-211 TWO FAMILY DISTRICT; ALL OF TRACT 8.., BLOCK 4 •I WITT ACREAGE ADDITION; A PARCEL OF LAND 465 FEET BY 450 FEET DES- CRIBED IN SUBSECTION "B" OF SECTION 8 OF THIS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL 0 r;. LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND SLIDE ROAD DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION 11C" OF SECTION 8 OF THIS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL OF LAND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND SLIDE ROAD DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION uD11 OF SECTION 8 OF THIS ORDINANCE; A PARCEL OF LAND AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 50TH STREET AND SLIDE ROAD DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION uEu OF SECTION 8 OF THIS ORDINANCE TO A 11C-211 LOCAL RETAIL DISTRICT RESTRICTED BY GENERAL CONDITIONS AN D SPECIAL CONDITIONS; REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 2773., 3127., 3149., 3369 .. 3393, 3949., 3965, 4044 AND 4093; DIRECTING THE Pti.BLICATION OF THE DESCRIPTIVE CAPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE PENALTY CLAUSE Al\ iD SAVINGS CLAUSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE 10 DAYS FROM DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the proposed change in zoning districts as hereinafter made has been duly presented to the Zoning and Planning Commission for it recommendation vyhich was received by the City Commission and after due consideration, the City Commission finds that making the proposed change as hereinafter set out will be ir the public interest; and.t WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with.t as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 20 of Ordinance No. 1695 as wEU as notices provided by Article lOllf, Vernon1s Annotated Civil Statutes, amended in 1953., and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche Journal more than fifteen {15) days prior to the date of the public hearing before the City Com- mission on such proposed amendment, and the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Commission Room on the second floor of the City Hall., Lubbock'* Texas~ at which time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Commission determined that it would b~ in the public interest.t due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been intorduced in final written form prior to first reading hereof; NOW.., THEREFOREa ( { ', .... \ ---··~==-=--=-==-=~·~=======-==-=~~========================~~ . ----------·-----·-·--... ...._ _____ _ I I I' II ,I 11 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 1695 and the Official Zoning Map BE and tile same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: ZONE CASE No:· 1112 1. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of land ' are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to a "C-2A11 Restricted Local Retail District. A. Lots 360 thru 365 and Lot 377, Benhall Manor Addition, C~ty of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. B. Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 1, C. c. Harkey Subdivision, City of Lubbock~ Lubbock County, Texas. c. A tract of land located at the southeast corner of 50th Street and Avenue U, being described more fully as a tract of land out of Section 3., Block E, Lubbock County, Texas., and further described by metes and bounds to wit: BEGINNING at a point which bears 280 feet North and 5 feet West of the Northwest corne r of Lot 15, Briercroft Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 180 feet along a line 55 feet East and parallel to the East line of Lot 1, Bayless Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE East 155 feet along a line 45 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County. Texas, to a point; THENCE South 180 fe et along a line 210 feet East and parallel to the East line of Lot 1, Bayless Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County • Texas. to a point; THENCE West 155 feet along a line 225 feet South of the North section line of Section 3. Block E, Lubbock County. Texas, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.· D. Lots 11 -20, Block 8, Ridge Crest Subdivision to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County. Texas. E. Lots 11 -20, Block 7, Ridge Crest Subdivision, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. I I I I II ! ~ '··· . F. A tract of land located on the North side of 50th Street West of Avenue U which property is described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 25 feet West and 45 feet north of the southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10. Block B .. Lubbock County .. Texas; THENCE West 635 feet along the North right-of-way line of 50th Street to a point in said right-of-way line; THENCE North 127.5 feet along the east lot line of Lot a .. F.P. Day Addition to the City of Lubbock .. Lubbock County .. Texas .. to a point in the South alley line• THENCE East 635 feet along said alley line to a point .. that point being in the West right-of-way line of Avenue U; THENCE South 127.5 feet along the west right-of-way line of Avenue U to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; G. Lots s. 6 .. 7 and a .. F:·p~· Day Addition to the City of Lubbock .. Lubbock County. Texas .. and Lots 16,. 17 and 18,. Williford Addition to the City of Lubbock.. Lubbock County, Texas. H. A tract of land located on the North side of 50th Street East of Avenue W,. described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is North 45 feet and West 1295 feet of the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 10 .. Block B. Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 127.5 feet along the east right-of-way line of Avenue W to a point, said point being in the South alley line of the alley between 49th Street and 50th Street; THENCE East 158.75 feet along the South line of the existing 15 feet alley to a point; THENCE South 127.5 feet along the West line of Lot 18,. Williford Addition to the City of Lubbock,. Lubbock County .. Texas, to a point in the North right-of-way line of 50th Street; THENCE West 158.75 feet along the 50th Street right-of-way line to the PLACE OF BEGINNING~- 14 A tract of land located on the North side of 50th Street West of Avenue W, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 25 feet North of the Southeast corner of the original Lot 4, Block 29 .. Crump 5-Ac re Addition to the City ubbock Count Texas; ) .11 il I. li r i I II II II I' ' ! ! I I K. THENCE West 632. 5 feet along the North right-of-way line of 50th Street to a point; THENCE North 127. 5 feet along the east property line of Lot 11, South College Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County~ Texas, to a point in the South line of the alley between 49th Street and 50th Street; THENCE East 632.5 feet along said alley line to a point in the West right -of-way line of A venue W; THENCE South 127.5 feet along the West right-of-way line of said Avenue W to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Lot 1, Victory Baptist Church Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. A tract of land located on the South side of 50th Street East of Avenue W described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point, that point being the same as the Northwest corner of Lot 1.,. Victory Baptist Church Addition,. City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South 227 feet along the South line of Lot 1, Victory Baptist Church Addition to a point in the North right-of-way line of 51st Street of the City of Lubbock; THENCE West along the 51st Street right-of-way line 132 feet to a point, that point also being the Southeast corner of Lot 3, Talley burn Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 227 feet along the East property line of Lot 3, Talleyburn Addition to a point; THENCE East 132 feet along a line 75 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3. Block E, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. L. Lots lB, 2, and 3, Talleyburn Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. M. A tract of land located on the Southeast corner of 50th Street and Avenue W, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point, that point being the Northwest corner of Lot 2,. Talley burn Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South 109 feet to a point, being the Northeast corner of Lot lB,. Talleyburn Addition; ~ -----1 I ·-----~=·-- I I I ,, !I ~ II il N. ~ ~ I! (). r ' I I I f I II li P. THENCE West 102 feet in the North line of Lot lB, Talleyburn Addition to a point, being the Northwest corner of said Lot lB; THENCE North along the East ROW line of Avenue W 109 feet to a point; THENCE East 102 feet along a line 7 5 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County,. Texas, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Lots 1-5 Llano Vista Heights Addition to the City of Lubbock Lubbock County, Texas. A tract of land located on the South side of 50th Street, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 660 feet East and 7 5 feet South of the North west corner of Section 3., Block E, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE East 160.35 feet along a line 75 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3, Block E., Lubbock County, Texas, said point being the Northwest corner of Lot 5., Llano Vista Heights Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County .. Texas; THENCE South 227 feet along the West line of Lot 5, Llano Vista Heights Addition to a point in the North line of 51st Street; THENCE West along the North line of 51st Street a distance of 60.65 feet to a point and the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along such curve to the left, which curve has a radius of 100 feet a distance of 78. 54 feet to a point; THENCE due West a distance of 30 feet more or less to a point; being the Southeast corner of Lot 1~ Lott-Mitchell Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County,. Texas; THENCE North 255 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Lot 1, Lott-Mitchell Additiona and Lots 1-7 Doctors and Dentists Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. Lots 11-20, Block 10, Sunny Slope Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. II ~~--=-=--~~·~==~~=-============================================~==* ( ( I I I II I ! I I ~ I I I I! l 2. R. A tract of land located at the Northeast corner of 50th Street and Quaker Avenue., being desc ribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point bearing 20' south of the southwest corner of Lot 142• Pink Parrish Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE Easterly along a line 20 feet south of and parallel to the alley property line of Lots 142 through 152, Pink Parrish Addition to the City of Lubbock. Lubbock County, Texas, for a distance of 322. 5 feet; THENCE South 166' more or less to a point on the north R.O. w.· line of 50th Street as established by the building line described in Ordinance 2741; THENCE Northwesterly along said north H .. O. w.' line of 50th Street as by Building Line Ordinance 2741 a distance of 323' more or less to a point., that point terg ct .IE northeast corner of 50th Street and Quaker Avenue; THENCE North 155. 35 feet along a line 45 feet East of and parallel to the West line of Section 16, Block B., Lubbock County~ Texas to the PLACE OF BEGINNING •. s. A tract of land loc ated at the Northwest corner of 50th Street and Quaker Avenue, being desc ribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 53 fe et North and 45 feet West of the South- east corner of Se ction 18, Block B; THENCE 585 feet West along a line 53 feet North and parallel to the South section line of Section 18. Block B, Lubbock County, Texas., to a point; THENCE 169.5 feet North along a line which bears 630 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 18, Block B, to a point; THENCE East 585 feet along a line 222.5 feet North and parallel to the South line of Section 18., Block B. to a point; THENCE South 169.5 feet along a line 45 feet West and p a rallel to the East line of Sect ion 18, Block B, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of land are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to a 11C-4", Commercial District: li i) •r ··~·-· ~ ==-=··=·-=~·t=·-·==--=· =· ·"·-··---.,=·--·--•: ===: ---·· ··-···· ··---.,...,.. ...... ____ ... _ ,: .... ;.;. ( I l ' ,, I ,, I I I tl ii I! ,, " jl II ,I d !! ,, IJ [; i! ,, li !. ., ii ji ll ~ II li :1 II " It l! !l a !1 ll h )! li lj ~ I \ lj k !I 11 II r _ _,I 3. 4. A tract of land being described as the South 152.5 feet of Block ~-l 37, Suburban Homes Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock I County, Texas, less right-of-way dedicated to the State Highway 1 11 A. Department on the East end of the above described property. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of 1 1 , land are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to a "C-3", General Retail District: lj !I I A. A tract of land located at the Southwest corner of 50th Street and Avenue H, which is de~cribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 10 feet South of the Northeast corner of Block 1, C. N. Hodges Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE West 550.0 feet along the South line of 50th Street as established by Ord. 2741; THENCE South 428. 1 feet along a line to the North line of the alley between 51st Street and 52nd Street to a point; THENCE East 549 feet more or less along the North line of said alley and its projection to a point in the West right-of-way line of Avenue H; THENCE North 428.1 feet along the West Right-of-way line of Avenue H to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of land are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to an "R-3", Multi-Family District: A. A tract of land located on the East side of College Avenue North of 52nd Street, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 330 feet South and 60 feet East of the North- west corner of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE East 355.6 feet to a point; THENCE South along a line 415.6 feet East and parallel to the West line of Section 3,. Block E, Lubbock County, Texas, 332 feet to a point; THENCE West 340.6 feet to a point; THENCE in a Northwesterly direction a straight line connecting the above point and the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Doctors and Dentists Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, a distance of 332 feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. I I I I I i .. j: l I i I I I ....... - ( l I I I II I I 5. ,I II ,j I! ll I ,j l 'I jl ,, I' II 'I j, ,. ,, I! I' ·I !• .l ii l·: J; ·I h I) !I !! !t It lj II ~ ll I! ~ li ,, 'I I· II :I (I J! •I .. :! I' .I •I II II ·I I· il jf u II ,, 'I h .. ·-·-.. -'# = Lot 2. Tract C, Caprock Addition to the City of Lubboc~ .. Lubbock County, Texas. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of land are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to an 11R-3", Multi-Family Diarict# subject to the following conditions: 1. That apartments only be constructed on the property. 2. That 1500 square feet of lot area be provided for each apartment unit. 3. That one and one-half paved off-street parking spaces be provided per dwelling unit. A. A tract of land located on the South side of 50th Street and East of Avenue L, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the North one-half of Block 2, C. N .. Hodges Addition to the City of Lubbock .. Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 107. 5 feet along the East line of Avenue L to a point; THENCE East 695 feet along the South right-of-way line of 50th Street as established by Ordinance 2741 to a point; THENCE South 107. 5 feet along a line to a point, that point being on the North line of the alley between 50th and 51st Stre ets; THENCE West 695 feet along the North line of the alley between 5<11 Street and 51st Street to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. I tl 11 I' II 'I I! I! It ii ~ i ! i ! i B. A tract of land located on the South side of 50th Street, West of I Avenue L, being t he East 350 feet of the North one-half of Block 3, I C. N. Hodges Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas' save and except that part.ion of said tract included within the 50th Street right-of-way as described in Building Line Ordinance 2741. c. A tract of land located on the South side of 50th Street East of Avenue U, being described more fully as a tract of land out of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County# Texas, and further described by metes and bounds to wit: BEGINNING at a point which bears 20 feet North and 5 feet West of the Northwest corner of Lot 15, Briercroft Addition to the City of Lubl;x>ck, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 260 feet along a line 55 feet East and parallel to the I East property line of Lot 1, Bayless Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, to a point; · 11 1 .. I. 'I I: I II s! !o u ;) :o !I !• I' ;j ~ ,, 'I ri " ,, 'I ,, ~ " " ji ~ h ., jt i~ a I' I' •' ~~ j: .• ( :\ 'I '• l: ,, tl II \• .! h !I ~~ ·I 1: !! !i ll •' ~ ~~ ·I l. ll ~ ,, ~ ·I I ! { I I ~ THENCE East 155 feet along a line 225 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3~ Block E to a point; THENCE North 180 feet along a line 205 feet East and parallel to the East property line of Lot 1, Bayless Addition. to a point in the South right-of-way line of 50th Street; THENCE East along the South right-of-way line of 50th Street 480 feet to a point; THENCE South 440 feet to a point; THENCE West 635 feet along a line 485 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County, Texas, t o the PLACE OF BEGINNING.· D. A tract of land located at the intersection of 51st Street and Avenue X 1 . on the West side of Avenue X and on the South side of 51st Street, described by metes and bounds as follows: 1 BEGINNING at a point 330 feet South and 415.6 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE East a distance of 274.4 feet more or less along a line 330 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County, Texas, to point in the 100 foot radius of 51st Street and Avenue X; THENCE in a Southwesterly direction along said 100 foot radius of 51st Str.e.et and Avenue X a distance of 78 .. 5 feet to a point; THENCE South 100 feet along the East ROW line of Avenue X to a point; THENCE West 244.4 feet along a line 502 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 3, Block E, Lubbock County, Texas~ to a point; THENCE North 172 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. E. Lots 201 and 202, Murryhill Addition, and Lots 96-110, Indian A cres Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County~ Texas. F. Lots 1-10, Drury Park Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas G. A t ract of land located on the North side of 50th Street West of and adjacent to Lot 96, Indian Acres Addition being further described by metes and bounds as follows: I I l I I j I ) ( ~ I BEGINNING at a point. that point being 2. 5 feet south of the North- west corner of Lot 96. Indian Acres Addition to the City of Lubbock~ Lubbock County • Texas; THENCE Westerly along a line 217. 5 feet North and parallel to the South section line of Section 18. Block B for a distance of 394.54 feet to a point; THENCE South 166 feet more or less to the North ROW line of 50th Street as established by Building Line Ordinance 2741; THENCE Southeasterly 295.75 feet along said North ROW line of 50th Street as established by Building Line Ordinance 2741 to a point; THENCE Northeasterly 34. 55 feet along said North ROW line of 50th Street as established by Building Line Ordinance 2741 to a point; THENCE Northeast~ along a curve to the left, which curve has a radius of 128.16 feet and along said ROW line of 50th Street as established by Building Line Ordinance 2741 a distance of 67.1 feet to a point; THENCE North 152.57 feet along the extended West line and the West line of Lot 96, Indian Acres Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. H. A tract of land located at the Northeast corner of 50th Street and Salem Avenue, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 53 feet North and 630 feet West of the South- east corner of Section 18, Block B, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE West 665 feet along a line 53 feet North and ttarallel to the South line of Section 18. Block B, to a point; THENCE North 169.5 feet along a line which bears 1295 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 18• Block B, to a point; THENCE East 665 feet along a line which bears 222.5 feet North and parallel to the South line of Section 18, Block B, to a point; THENCE South 169. 5 feet along a line 630 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 18, Block B, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING~ I. Lots 1-10, Block 8, Sylvan Dell Heights Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. 6. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of land are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to "R-3" Multi-Family District; subject to the following conditions: 1. That the North one-half of the lot be paved with asphalt to provide off-street parking. 2. That the building be erected on the South 1/2 of the lot. 3. That the building be set back at least 25 feet from the West and South property lines. 4. That all entrances and exits be as shown in the plan approved by the City Traffic Department, and on file in the Office of the Sec- retary of the Planning and Zoning Commission. A. A tract of land located on the North side of 50th Street east of Elgin Avenue, being described more fully as Lot 8, Block 26, Replat of the Modern Manor Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texa • The use district and classification of the following described tract of land is hereby changed from an "R-1" to an "R-211, Two Family District. A. A tract of land located on the South side of 49th Street East of Joliet Avenue, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 10 feet West of the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Fry Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE Soutll 140 feet along a line 330 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 16, Block B, Lubbock County, Texas, to a point; THENCE West 359 feet along a line 269 feet North of the South line of Section 16, Block B, to a point in the East property line of Lot 2, Paso Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE North 140 feet along the East line of said Lot 2, Paso Addition to a point in the South right-of-way line of 49th Street; THENCE East 359 feet along the South right-of-way line of 49th Street to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. The use district and classification of the following described tracts of land are hereby changed from the present classification and use district to a 11C-211 Local Retail District -as restricted by the following conditions: {a) Use shall be restricted to those permitted in. a 11C -2A" District. (b) Building height shall not exceed one story. (c) Where hereafter required that visual screening shall be provided on an tract of land described in this Section it shall be accomplished by a permanent seven foot solid visual screening wall or fence to be constructed prior to or concurrenUy with the first unit of any building construction on such tract of land. . II -~---.. -~--4- ( {d) ... ·-· ,_ ·······~·--··· ·-· jl ·I -----·-··t One pylon type sign on each respective tract of land described in this ll Section having frontage on 50th Street shall be permitted provided such ,! I sign is set back a minimum of 60 feet from the street property line and 1 does not exceed 45 feet in height and 640 square feet in area. All other , signs shall be restricted to those permitted in the "C-211 District. ! (e) (f) Sidewalks of minimum 6 foot width shall be constructed along all street property lines except in those areas where ornamental screen planting may here~ter be required in relation to each tract of land hereinafter described. Driveways for ingress and egress shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer under the terms of the Ordinance regulating construction of driveways. i I ! I I i ,! li li I I I (g) All utility service to the property shall be approved by the Director of 11 Public Works and where required easements shall be granted for utilitie 1 including garbage collections service. 1 {h) Lighting of the property area shall be shielded and/or directed to preve glare on adjacent residentially used areaa. I I A. I A tract of land located on the Northwest corner of 50th Street and !1. College Avenue, being all of Tract 8,. Block 4, Witt Acreage Addition to the City of Lubbock_. Lubbock County_. Texas. ii The above tract of land is. in addition to 1he general conditions stated in this Section subject to the further conditions, to-wit: (1) Minimum building setbacks as follows: 130 t from 50th Street 70 t from College Avenue 38 t from 49th Street 38t from Akron where secreened as required below and 70 r from Akron beyond such screened area. except that where a service station may be built on the property it may be constructed to within 43 feet of the street property line with such set-back requirement to include pumps,. canopies and pylon or free-standing signs in addition to the main building. (2} Maximum building area shall be 39, 625 square feet or such area as will maintain a 3t1 parking area to building area ratio. ( 3) Landscaping: Ornamental screen planting be installed and maintained along the South side of 49th Street in such manner as to prevent a hazzard to motor vehicles. ( 4) Visual Screening shall be provided along Akron Avenue from a point opposite the North line of the East-West alley to the West North to 49th Street and East along 49th Street to College Avenue except that at the street intersections the fence shall be angled diagonally from street to street between points measured 25 feet in each direction from the inter section corner. ' I I I I i I I I I ! ,! 11 II II I I I ~--B, 'A tract of land located at the Southeast corner of 50th St;.;~;··~nd ..... ·-"1 , I I il i I. h ~ !I ., I I i I I. ,• II :. ,, •I il li ·I :, I' ,I !! 1: ll li u ti ii ll li I• ll II ( ,. ii 'I h 1: ·I '• ,, ' ,I II !· fl ~ 11 !l -~ Quaker Avenue. being described by metes and bounds as follows: 1: BEGINNING at a point which bears 60 feet South of the Northwest corner of Section a. Block E-2, Lubbock County. Texas; THENCE South 465 feet along the West line of Section a_. Block E-2 to a point; THENCE East 600 feet more or less to a point in the projected West line of Peoria Avenue; ti I! !! ll ~ !1 jl I! I THENCE North 450 feet more or less along the projected west f line of Peoria Avenue to a point, that point being in the South ,! right-of-way line of 50th Street as established by Building Line 11 Ordinance 2741• ~~ THENCE Westerly 600 feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. i The above tract of land is. in addition to the general conditions stated in this Section, subject to the further conditions, to-wit: (1) (2) (3) (4) c. Minimum buD..ding Set-backs as follows: 130' from 50th Street 70r from Quaker Avenue Jar from Peoria Avenue 38' from the alley along the South property line. except that where a service station may be built on the property it may be constructed to within 43 feet of any street property line with such set-back requirement to include pumps., canopies and pylon or free- standing sign in addition to the main building. II ~ Maximum building area shall be 61, 395 square feet or such area as 11 will maintain a 3:1 parking area to building area ratio. J Landscaping: Ornamental screen planting shall be installed and maintai t along the West side of Peoria Avenue in such manner as to prevent a hazzard to motor vehicles. Visual Screening shall be required on the property lines along the alley II to the South and along Peoria Avenue. A tract of land located at the Southeast corner of 50th Street and Slide Road~ being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point bearing 60 feet South of the Northwest corner of Section 9# Block E-2; THENCE East a62 feet along a line 60 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 9., Block E-2# to a point; THENCE South 303.82 feet alorig a line 862 feet East and parallel to the West line of Section 9, Block E-2 to a point; I I I il II I ; ~ II . -.-. --.. . ... ,_,. -·· ··---... -·---·-·--·--.. --- THENCE West 500 feet along a line 363.82 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 9 .. Block E-2 to a point; THENCE in a Northwesterly direction 237. 71 feet along a line to a point, said point being South 312 feet and East 130 feet of the Northwest corner of Section 9, Block E-2; · THENCE West 130 feet along a line 312 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 9 .. Block E-2 to a point; THENCE North 252 feet along the West line of Section 9, Block E-2 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. i; The above tract of land is, in addition to the general conditions stated in this i; Section .. subject to the further conditions, to-wit: v i' !; (1) <I r: .. d ,. t . , •/ '! I! i :c .. .. :! :: :~ lo I, !• I' :: ,; 'I ,. I ., 't I '· '• .. • . , •. I i! ., r; ! I :· 10 I! I, jt ,I (2) {3) (4) D • Minimum building setbacks as follows: 1301 from 50th Street 701 from Slide Road 38t from 51st Street 381 from the east or alley property line • except that where a service station may be built on the property it may be constructed to within 43 feet of the street property line with such set-back requirement to include pumps, canopies and pylon or free -standing signs in addition to the main building. Maximum building area shall be 53, 787 square feet, or such area as will maintain a 3:1 parking area to building area ratio. Landscaping: Ornamental screen planting shall be installed and maintained along the North side of 51st Street in such manner as to prevent a hazzard to motor vehicles. Visual Screening shall be provided on and along the full length of the South and East property lines, except that at the int ersection of 51st Street and Slide Road the fence shall be angled diagonally from street to street between points measured 25 feet in each direction from the intersection corner. A tract of land located at the Southwest corner of 50th Street and Slide Road, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point 60 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 28, Block E-2~ Lubbock County, Texas; THENCE South 330 feet along a line 60 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 28, Block E-2 to a point; THENCE West 441.6 feet along a line 330 feet South and parallel to the North line of Section 28, Block E-2 to a point; -·--=---·------·----.. _. ·--. ·-r j -__ ,__,_. ---- THENCE North 330 feet along a line 502.9 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 28. Block E-2 to a point; THENCE East 441.6 feet along the North line of Section 28~ Block E-2 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.· The above tract of land is. in addition to .the general conditions stated in this Section. subject to the further. conditions. to-wit: (1) Minimum building setbacks as follows: 1301 from 50th Street · 701 from Slide R-oad 3St from 51st Street 38' from West property line ... except that where a service station may be built on the property it may be constructed to within 43 feet of the street property line with such set-back requirement to include pumps, canopies and pylon or free-standing signs in addition to the main building. ,, lj II ~ (2) Maximum building area shall be 29,470 square feet or such area as will main II tain a 3:1 parking area to building area ratio. ij ~ (3) i! ii ,; ;I ti {4) !I li H Landscaping: Ornamental screen planting shall be installed and maintained along the North side of 51st Street in such manner as to prevent a hazzard to motor vehicles. Visual Screenirg shall be provided on and along the full length of the South and West property lines except that at the intersection of 51st and Slide Road the fence shall be angled diagonally from street to street between points measured 25 feet in each direction from the intersection corner. 'i ll E-~-A tract of land located at the Northwest corner of 50th Street and Slide Road~ !I being described by metes and bounds to-wit: ,, it '• 1: !j II II n il ., I· II ,I 11 !l ~ II I! 'I I ,I I BEGINNING at a point, that point being the Southeast corner of Section 6, Block E-2; THENCE West 502.9 feet along the South Section line of Section 6, Block E-2 to a point; THENCE North 599. 6 feet along a line 502. 9 feet West and parallel to the East line of Section 6, Block E-2 to a point; THENCE East 7. 3 feet along a line 599. 6 feet North and parallel to the South line of Section 6, Block E-2 to a point; THENCE 365 feet on an angle t9 the Southeast along the South alley line of Lot A, Richland Hills Addition to the City of Lubbock.., LubQC>ck County.t Texas.t to a point.t said point being 517.5 feet North and 140 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 6, Block E-2; THENCE East 140 feet along a line 517. 5 feet North and parallel to the South line of Section 6, Block E-2 to a point; THENCE South 517.5 feet along the East line of Section 6, Block E-2 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. The above tract of land is, in addition to the general conditions Stated in this Section, subject to the further conditions, to-wit: (1) Minimum building setbacks as follows: 130 t from 50th Street 70 t from Slide Road 38' from the West and North property lines except that where a service station may be built on the property it may be constructed to within 43 feet of the street property line with such se - back requirement to include pumps.., canopies and pylon or free-standir:!~ signs in addition to the main building. (2) Maximum building area shall be 61, 323 square feet or such area as will maintain a 3:1 parking area to building area ratio. ( 3) Visual Screening shall be provided on and along the full length of the North and West property lines. SECTION 2. Ordinances Numbers 2773, 3127, 3149, 3369.., 3393) 3949.., 3965, 4044 and 4093 are insofar related to the tracts of land herein described in Section 1 are hereby expressly repealed from and after the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or cause to have violated any provision of this Ordinance as herein adopted shall be guilty of a misdemeanor# and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not more than $200.00. Each day or portion thereof during which said violation is committe or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate and destinctive offense. SECTION 4: If any section, subsection.!> paragraph, sentence, clause, phras or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the City Commission hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions despite such invalidity. SECTION 5: That the City Secretary is hereby authorized to cause publicatic n of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance, together with the penalty clause and savings clause, as an alternative method provided by law, and this ordinance to become effective ten days from date of last publication. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the Commission on first reading this 27th day of -~JIJ,juwn~.s;e'-----'~ 196 • Passed by the Commission on second reading this 28th day of June # 1 6:3 ATTEST: