HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3641-1961 - Issuance Of Specific Use Permit In Zone Case 943 - 11/09/1961Fom L. n. -59 ll-nQ-U1lJI _,,J oRDDiii~ lio. ~· · All ORDIIA.NCE AUTHOIUZiliG THE ISStJABCE OF A SPECD'IC USE PERMIT IN ZOBE CASE 110. 943 ; DECLARING AN EHERGJ!HCY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. ~~ after receiriq the reca.mdatiCils ot the PlaDniq and Zoning eo.. Jd.saion ad after due notice aad PDbllc b.eari.D& ancl all .attera ha'ri.D.J bem dCile and perfomed as required 'b7 SectiOil lA-A of ZGninl O:rdiaallce 1695 of the City of Lubboc:k (aaid Ol'd1D.al1ce beillc aa. Appendix to the Lubbock City Code) relatiD.c to Specific Use Pezwita, the City C~saioa. finds that due to chaDged cmditiCila it woald be expedient and iD the iderest of the Pll'ltlic heal.tb., safety, .,rala, aDd cceral veltare to athorise tJae cnatin& of a Spec:lfic Uae Pend.t as hereinafter set forth; aDd, WHEREAS, thia OrdiuD.ce affects tlae dail7 operatiCD of the n .. n1ng 8lld ZmiD& Depart.mta of tht City of Lubbock, which creates an .. rgCDq; lOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION O.F THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECl'ION 1. The Director of Plannin& of the C:lt7 of Lubbock is authorised to ia81le a Specific Use Pel"'lit to the Appllcmt in Zelle CUe No. 943 iA accordace With the reera satlatiGila and CCilclitima illpoaed by' the Planninc anci Zaniu& ec-t.saicm, aad the Cit7 ea.d.aaica; pt"orided said Applicmt acrees to be bowad 'by the teftiiS of the Sped.fic Vse Pemit, the grant!Dg of which ia hereby aacle aubjec:t to cc.pliance by aaic1 Appllcmt with all teJ'IIB of said Specific Use Pend.t aDd further subject to all ~sicaa .of Zm:fng Ordinmce Ko. 1695 of the City of wbbock1 iAcludirlc partiaa- l.a:rl7 but Dot lillited to, SeetiGD l~A thereof relating to Specific Use Pend.ts. The specific uae authorised b7 this ordiuau.ce is tor Erivate ·apartment project parsaan.t to Sectica 14-A. 1-9 of tbe Zmin.c OrdlaaD.ce 8lld the property is lo~ed between 2nd Place and :lrd Place weat of Detroit Ayenne ----------------------------------------------------------------~· SEC'liOB 2. The Cit7 Secretary ahall cause tile pablicatiao of this OrdiaaD-ce cmce a net tor two csaeaitin veeb iD. a aewapaper replarl7 p1bllihed iA the Cit7 of Lubbock. SECriOI 3. SJAce thia OrdiDaD.ce ia a amersency aeasure for the reasss set forth in the preamble hereof, the nale requiriug Wo readings 'before tiDal pasaaae ia hereb7 auapmded, an.d this ordillaDce ahall take effect 18.ediatel7 after ita pu1qe. .&liD IT IS SO ORDEUD ~ *ti~ of Cowntasicer ~son aecoa.ded b7 C~1icaer O M!):'a the oon aDd foreaoma: O~inance wu 11D-Haual7 passed by the City eo..iasica this 9th. clq of Toveta er 19_. MAYOR (~;1---a th .···· :;y