HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3968-1962 - Amending The Fire Zone Map In Fire Zone No 2 Zone Case No 1054. - 12/06/1962~, . ·.. J~-O(p-/.9lP~ \~~ FeraL. D. il OUIUIICIIO. _.,:.39;.;;6;..;;;.8 __ _ L l)l a ORDIIAICB ammuo fill JIU Da HAP ar ta Cin "' ~ so u TO / PLlCI CIR!UI PROP.IIIt D PJU 81110. 21 VBICB raor.mt IS JISatDD D A \f): SPICD'IC VU PIBKl! lOR A ~CiiL VU D 2DII CUI 10. 1054 ; JWL'IJW AI IIIDGDct AD .,-.am DAti fl !IllS OQIIAICI. wn:aas, t:b.e Ci't7 c-•a•i• ta.. daat ia tile putillc ot all S,.cltio Uae Pemitl for C rclal .uea · PIJ"IMM't to Sectie lAA ot Zmiac Ori.iaace Jo. 1695 ot U. Cit)'" ot :LaW,oc:t:.-tlaat pnpel'tJ cnered ~ Rcll Pellllt all...U H placed Ja J'ire Z.e Jo. 2 to pretoct tile lina, aatet7, aU propert'T ot tile cith•• ot t1ae Citr of leb,oc:k, vlllc:Ja c:reatea • -ra-GT; lOW !JIDPOU: 81 It ()81\llDp Bt t'BI Cin' a»>WJSIOI OF !Jll CI'rr OF LUBIOCZ: SBCriOI' 1. 'l'BAT tlae follcndq deacribecl propel'tJ' wlaicb 11 properCJ de- acribed 1a Zcae Cue •o. 1Q54 for which a Specitic lJae Pemi't for a ca. MI'Cial ue il uthorised.,. OnUaace •· 3976 , to-wit: All of Tract C, Caprock Addition, to the City of Lubbock~ Lubbock County, Texas, save and except Lots 1 & 2, and less a 20 foot easement lying west of and adjacent thereto. (Said property is located in the vicinity of 50th Street and Boston Avenue.) U AQ 'liiB &HI IS here~ c:la&cecl W/or placed 1D J'in Zallo Ho. 2 IIUl tile ... DI .ZOO HAP OF 'llll crrr OF UJBBOCI" cblpl1oate OJiciAallocatecl 1D tlae BaU.ttnc Iaapeetor'• Office alaall be --.led ia accontaeo JaerwitJa b7 tlae •n.tiac IAapector or at bia cl1rect1•, 1114 Wa c:bap ahall C*latitate a •=dll•t to J'ire ZC!Idoc Ordiulace •o. 1.447 ad Seeti• 1601, Part IV, aaapter 16 ot the Lubbock Clty Cocle, relatiTe to fire ••••• SIC!IOB 2. flae ·nle r~ a o~c• to be read • two reMiDc• . Won tiDal paaQ&e ia laereb,r ...,...., ad tlli Or41Dace ia ded.ared to be · • -.rccq •anre for the reuca aet tortll .SA the pre.ule benot, to tate effect t=diatel7 after ita puuce. AID rr IS SO ORDBRID UAaaiwgal7 pusecl 'b7 'the Cit)" c-laaia W. 6th dq ot December 1 19 62 •