HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3953-1962 - $3,100.00 Electric Bond-Addtnl Expense In Construct. Feeder Line EWO 12326 & 27. - 11/08/1962\ __..· .. FORM L-2 lf-0% -t.9-(0;;L \ \-21:> -1.9(&, ~ 0RDINANCE NO. 3953 -----\ AN APPROPRIATION ~RD!NANCE WUER~A$, the City Commisston of the City of Lubbock finds it is necessary to app~opriate certain specific funds out of bond funds for an approved ·projecti NOW TH~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: There is hereby appropriated out of the following described bond fund, to-wit: ELECTRJC BoNO RUNO Th~ !>Urn $ 3100 For the following purpose: To APPROPRlATE AOO)TIONAL FUNDS TO COVER AOOlTJONAL EXPENSE lNCURREO )N CONSTRUCT]ON OF THE 12470~fEDER LINE FROM 50TH STREET AND AVENUE W TO 66TH STREET AND AVENUE H. CHANGE ORDERS NECESSARY ARE AS FOLLOWS: CHANGE ORDER #1 ON EWO 12326 lN THE AMOUNT OF $1500.00 CHANGE ORDER #1 ON EWO 12327 lN THE AMOUNT OF $1600.00 AND IT IS SO ORDERED P~ssed by the Commission on first reading this 8th day of ____ November 19 62 ------~--~--~--~~--' P~ssed by the Commission on second reading thi s~day of ____ _ ATTEST: , ~,f. Bz.-_, ~ VERIFIED BY: ~~ FINANCE OFFICER APPROVED ~y~ HEI\ OF DEPT. DEPT.