HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3724-1962 - Authorizing Issuance Of Specific Use Permit In Zone Case No. 966. - 02/08/1962Fona Lo Do -S~ · . ' " c;c;; -c:e-I 9 ~b:B-..., ORDDiAHCE MO. 3724 Air ORDilWICE ADTBORIZIMG TBE ISSUANCE OF A SPECD'IC USE PDUm' D1 ZOHE CASE NO. 966 ; DECLAIUBG AN IHERGltiCY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. MIERFAS, after receiYi.D.a the rec~datiOD.s of the PlaDning aDd ZoniDg ~ lliaaiOD and aftctr due notice aad pgblic heari.q and all aatters havia& bee dcne and perfomed a.s required b7 Sectic JA.-A of Zoning Ordinarlce 1695 of the Cit7 ot Lubbodc: (said OrdiD.ance being a App-d.ix to the Lubboc:k City Code) rel&tin.c to Specific Use Pend.ta, the Cit7 C~saiOD finds that due to changed ccmditicm.s it YOIIld. be expedieat aDd in the !Atereat of the pablic health, aatety1 .orals, IID.d gceral veltare to athorise the graatiD& of a Specific Use Pendt as hereinafter set forth; aad9 WIIERUS 1 thia OrdJDaace aft'ects tbe dail.7 operaticm of the nannj ng and ZcaiD& Depart.nts of tht City of Lubboek, which creates an emergau::y; BOW TIIEREFORE: I • BE IT· ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMKlSSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECl'IOli 1. The Director of flannizag of the Cit7 of Lubbock is authorized to iaaae a Specific Use Pendt to the Applican:t m Zcae CUe Ho. 966 Ia accordmce· with the ree>e =da.ti0111 and ccmclitisa illpoaed by the Plamiqg md ZoiWlg ec-issicm.9 aad the City ec-tasico; prori.ded said Applica1t acrees to be boaad by 1:be t.-of the Specific Use Pend.t, the grmt!Dc of which 1.t hereby llllde sabjec:t to ,c-pllance by said Applicant with all tel'ILI ot said Specific Use Pend.t and further subject to all prorisics of Zmtng OrdJnance Mo. 1695 of the City of Lubbock, bu:ladi.D.g partim- llrly bot aot ll.lli.ted to, Sectiaa 14-A thereof relatiq t~ Spec:itic Use Pemitso The aped.fic use authorised. by this ordinallce is for --------------Private Aparbnent Proiect parauant to Secticm JA=A,l-9 of the Zaui.Dc Ordiaallce aDd the property is located at the southeast comer of the intersectioo. of 28th Street and Juniper Ave. ----------------------------------------------------------·· SECfiOB 2. The City Secretar;y ahall cause tile pablicatim of this Ordiaance ORce & Wek for two COilBeal:ti'Ye web ill a Denpaper repl.arly pibliahed JD the Cit7 of Lubbock. SECllOI 3. Since tbis Ordillaac:e ia a ...,rgezaq ae&SIU'e for the reaacaa set ferth in 'the preamble hereof, tbe rale requi.rlnc two readJDaa before final pasaace is hereby mspended, aDd this ordill:ance ahall take effect u.ediately after ita puaqe, Aim IT IS SO ORDERED . <D Mot1oa. of Co-a'as1cer Kaner aeC(Xlded by C~asicner Chappell tJa.e above ad toreaom. OrdiDaDce wu unyO\laq passed by the City eo.d.ssim this 8th day of February l9_o MlYOR ArrEST: