HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3704-1962 - Regulations For Public And Semi-Public Pools. - 01/11/1962,...........,:o:o=-.J~1:wg OJ-J WSLo~ f -=-=:....-================== 0 (-;)6-(,S(p_;;l C ORDINANCE NO. 3704 . ca;) J ,,,.(..,.. G AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 15-50 AND 15-51~ ARTICLE VI., CHAPTER 15_. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES,. CITY OF LUBBOCK,. TEXAS,. I SAID SECTIONS DEALING WITH uSWIMMING POOLS11.a SO AS TO REMOVE RE- QUIREMENT AS TO PREPARATION OF POOL PLANS BY REGISTERED ENGINEER OR ARCillTECT; REMOVING REGULATIONS 7 AND 8 OF SECTION 15-51 AND REDESIGNATING THEM AS PARAGRAPHS (s) AND (t) UNDER REGU LATION 13 SECTION 15•51; CHANGING WORDING OF SUB-TITLE {a) UNDER REGULATION 6,. SECTION 15 ... 51, SO AS TO MAKE THE PROVISIONS APPEAR- ING THEREUNDER TO APPLY TO PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS ONLY; RE- CODIFYING SUB-PARAGRAPHS (13L (14). (15L {16) AND (17)& AND PARA- GRAPHS (bL (c) AND {d),. ALL UNDER REGULATION 6, SECTION 15 ... 51. SO THAT ALL OF SAME WILL APPEAR AS PARAGRAPH (b) UNDER REGULATION 6, SECTION 15-51~ AND APPLY TO BOTH PUBLIC AND SEIVII-PUBLIC POOLS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR TillS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS. the City Commission finds that it is in the interest of the public safety, health and general welfare to amend Article VI, Chapter 15, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, as hereinafter more particularly des- cribed; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT paragraph (b), of Regulation 3, Sec. 15-50, Article VI, Chapter 15, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, Texas, which now reads as follows, to-wit: 11(b) Plans and specifications. No swimming pool shall be constructed nor shall any major alteration or addition be made to any swimming pool until detaile plans and specifications for the pool have been submitted to and approved by the health officer. Plans and specifications shall include layout, construction and I dimensions, pool water treatment units, sewage disposal facilities, piping and pumps, design criteria including maximum pool load~ capacities of the various units, safety equipment, bath houses, toilet facilities and other pool appurten- ances such as recreationalhcilities. Such plans shall be made by a registered engineer or architect qualified within the state, with his seal affixed. 11 BE, and the same is hereby amended to read hereafter in full as follows, to-wit: 11(b) Plans and specifications. No swimming pool shall be constructed nor shall any major alteration or addition be made to any swimming pool until de- tailed plans and specifications for the pool have been submitted to and approved by the health officer. Plans and specifications shall include layout, construction and dimensions, pool water treatment units, sewage disposal facilities, piping and pumps, design criteria including maximum pool load, capacities of the various units, safety equipment, bath houses, toilet facilities and other pool appurtenances such as recreational facilities. 11 SECTION 2. THAT Regulation 7 and Regulation 8, of Sec. 15-51, Article VI .. Chapter 15, of the Code of Ordinances, City·of Lubbock,. Texas, which now reads as follows, to-wit: ~ ; ) nREGULATION 7. ~ ALTERNATE DESIGN FOR PUBLIC AND SEMI ... PUBLIC POOLS .. Where the provisions of these regulations do not permit the installation of a new design for a pool or water purification system~ a design conforming with the Texas State Department of Health standards revised may be approved. rt "REGULATION 8. MINIMUM DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES. u Maximum slope-Shallow end ... -1'/81 for pools 42' or less. Maximum slope-Shallow end--11/121 for pools 421 or longer. Minimum distance from side wall for 0 to 1 met~r diving board--8'. Minimum distance from side wall above 1 meter diving board-·101 • Minimum distance between 3 meter diving boards-... 121• n BE, and the same are hereby re ... codified~ so as to no longer appear as separate Regulations~ but shall hereafter appear as paragraphs (s) and (t) respectively under Regulation 1, Sec. 15-51> and shall hereafter read as follows., to ... wit: "(s) Alternate ~Desisn. Where the provisions of these regulations do not per mit the installation of a new design for a pool or water purifi'cation system, a design conforming with the Texas State Department of Health Standards revised may be approved." u{t) Minimum Dimensions and Sloees. Maximum slope-Shallow end--1 1/81 for pools 42' qr less. Maximum slope-Shallow end-.. 1 r /121 for pools 421 or longer. Minimum distance from side wall·f6r.O.to.lmeter d:Lving board ..... 8'. Minimum distance from side wall above 1 meter diving board ... -101• Minimum distance between 3 meter diving boards ...... 12'. 11 . SECTION ~· THAT sub-title (a) immediately at the start of Regulation 6, Sec. 1J?. ... 51> Article VI, Chapter 15, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Lubbock, T~xas> which now reads as follows, to-wit: I "(a) In all public swimming pools:" BE, and the same is hereby amended to read hereafter as follows, to ... wit: "(a) In phblic swimming pools only:" 'I SECTION 4. THAT sub-paragraphs (13)., (14)., (15)~ (16} and (17), which now appear under paragraph (a)., and paragraphs (b).. (c) and (d), all under Regula tion 6, Sec. 15 ... 51 .. Article VI, Chapter 15, of the Code of Ordinance, City of Lubbock.. Texas> BE.. and the same are hereby re-codified to appear as paragrap (b).. under Regulation 6JO Sec. 15 ... 51., and to read as follows, to ... wit: 11(b) In both public and semi-public pools: (1) Safety equipment consisting of ring buoys,. shepherd's crooks~ lifelines,. of number and type approved by the Health Officer shall .) ,_) be provided. ~ (2} The provision of towels, drinking cups., combs., hair brushes~ or soap for use in commqn by patrons is prohibited. {3)-Bathing suits, towels, linen or similar ~r.tiriles provided for patrons shall be properly washed, sterilized and thoroughly dried after each individual use and before another use. ( 4} There shall be provided for emergency use., a telephone and a stan- dard first aid kit. {5) (a) Every swimming pool shall be operated and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. (b) Persons with sore or inflamed eyes~ colds~ nasal or ear discharges, boils or other acute or obvious skin or body infections or cuts~ shall be excluded from the pool. No person in or at a swimming pool shall com- mit or be permitted to commit any form of nuisance prejudicial to the life or health of any person using the pool" SECTION 5. THAT Regulation 1. Paragraph (j) of Sec. 15-51 of the Code of Ordinance-s of the City of Lubbock~ Texas, which now reads as follows, to-wit: (j) Ladders shall be provided at both sides of the deep section of the pool and at the division between the "Swimmer" and uNonswim- mer11 areas. If the wall height at the shallow end is greater than 30 inches, ladders or steps shall be provided there also. Ladders must have a handrail on both sides extending 30 inches above the pool wall; ladders shall have nonslip flat treads. BE~ and the same is hereby amended to read hereafter in full as follows., to-wit: (j) Ladders shall be provided at both sides of the deep section of the pool and at the division between the 11swimmer11 and "non- swimmer" areas. If the wall height at the shallow end is greater than 30 inches., ladders or steps shall be provided there also. Ladders must have a handrail on both sides extending 30 inches above the pool wall; ladders shall have nonslip flat treads. One ladder shall be sufficient on pools 20 feet in width or less. SECTION 6. THAT this Ordinance shall become effective upon final passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED Passed by the Commission on first reading this 11th day of January Passed by the Commission on second reading this 2!)th day o~ January , 1962. J 1962. D ·-DAVID C. CASEY.,. Mayo ATTE~ST: ~~-~--------- LiVeni owe,· Ci~-fe::~-TreaSurer 2Jii~