HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3699-1962 - Amending Fire Zone Map,Zone Case #963 - 01/11/1962Ol-1\-lq t.Qd- ronaL. D. 61 ORDINANCE NO. M99 AN ORDD'lANCE AMENDING THE FIRE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK SO AS TO PLACE PROPERTY CHANGED IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION -(ZONE CASE HO. 963 ) L"t FIRE ZONE NO. 2; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND F.FFECriVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City ea.d.ssion finds that in all zcne chances to the "C" ZCile Claasificatima that such property should be p4ced .in Fire ZDile No. 2 ~­ ately to protect the lives, safety, and property of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, which creates an aergmcy; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THA1' The followiD& described property changed in zone by ORDI- NANCE NO o If'' , to-wit : The East 401.41 feet of the South one-half (5i) of Lot Four (4), Block Thirty-two (32), Crump Five Acre Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. (Said property being located at the North corner of the intersection of Avenue P and 5oth Street). BE AND THE SAME IS Hereby changed and/or placed in fire zone No. 2 ancl the "FIRE ZONE MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBoccn duplicate origio.al. located in the Baild- ing Inspector's office shall be amended in accordance herewitl:. by the Building Inspector or at his directicn, and this change shall constitute an amendment to Fire Zoning Ordinance No. 144 7 and Sectim 1601, Part IV, Chapter 16 ot the Lubbock City Code, relative to fire zca.es. SECTION 2. The rule requirin& au ordinance to be read on tvo readings before final passage is hereby suspended, aa.d this ordinuce is declared to be an emer- g~cy measure for the reasons set forth in the preamble hereof, to take effect ialediately after its passageo Ai'ID rt IS SO ORDERED fuau.imously passed by the City Comission this 11• day ot m ., l9,.M_. ,., ~ c ~ I •I"J . -""' ·~ ., ·--~ ~ ~ ~·r MAYOR