HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3581-1961 - Issuance Of Specific Use Permit In Zone Case No 928 - 08/24/1961Fona L. D. -59 Jl'l 111 ( -00 -Z.Lf.--uy ORDINANCE NO. 3581 ---Ord . 3581 ame nded by Ord . 6076 AN ORDDlANCB AtJTHORI.ZING THE ISsUABCB OF A. SPBCD'IC USE P.DUO.T Dl . ZONE CASE 50. 928 ; DECLARllfG AN EMJ!RGDICY; .AND PROVIDING FOR .PUBLICAl'IOli... . __ WHmFAS, after recei"'"i'lg the rec~d-ious ot the Planning aDd Zao.ing eo.- Jiisd.GD md after due notice aad public heari.Dg ad all matters haTi.D.g bee dee au.d pertoraecl aa required lJy SectiGD 14-A et Zmdnc OrdiD.aDce 1695 of the Cit:r of Lu~bock (aald Ordinal:lce beiDa c Appendix to the Lubbock Cit)" Code) relatiq to Specitic· Use Permta, the Cit7 ~••1• tiads that due to changed ccaditicms it woald 'be upecli•t md in the interest of the pa.blic health, safety, Mrals, aDd cmeral welfare 'to authorize the grantin& of a Specific Use Pemit u hereinafter set forth; and, 1ilmEAS, this Ordinance aft ecta the dai.l7 operation of the Plan nina and ZciWJ.a Deparblmts ot ~t7 of Lubbock, whic:h creates aa emerge11cy; NOW 'l'JI.F1Uil'ORE: BE IT OJW.A'lNED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECriON 1. The Director of Planning of the City of Lubbock is authorized to isne a Specific Use Pel'lli.t to the Applicant iD Zone Case No. 928 in accorda11ce· with the rec:o•endatiCGa and caaditioaa !..poaed by the PlaDDiac ua Zcm.ing Cc.ai.ssiCil, ad the City Ccaaissi0111 provided said Appl.ic:ant agrees to he bOUild by the tema of the Specific Use Permit, the graa.tiq of which is hereby made nbject to coapliaDce by said Applicant with all tenas of said Spec:U'ic Use Pel"'lit and further aubject to all provisions ot ZaDiD.g Ordinance Noo 1695 of the City of Lubbock, including p&rtic:u- larl)" but not limited to, Section 14-A thereof relatinc to Specific Use Pe:taita. The specific use authorized by this ordiuan.ce is for Conmercial, develom ent puriRI&t to Section 14-A,l-8 ot the Zoning Ordinance and ia located at the southwest comer of the intersection of College Avenue and 50th Street. --------------------------------------------------------------------· SECriOB 2. The City Secretary shall cause the publication of this Ordinance Cllce a week tor two cao.secutive weeks in a n.evapaper regularly published in the City of Lubbock, SECriON 3. Sin.ce this Ordinance is an eaergeucy •asure for the reasons set forth in the preaa'ble hereof, the rule requiring two readin.gs before final passage is hereby suspended, aDd this ordinance ahall take effect 1Daediatel7 after its paasace. AND IT IS SO ORDEI.Ul) On MOtion af ea.missioner Chappell seconded by ea.missioner Maner , the above and forego~ Ordinance vas 1D1an.imcusl7 passed by the City Coamissioa this 24th da7 of ~~t . • (l....!.!_, ~'Jj f~ ~~ ~--ti' <-~,. MAYOR tjl---