HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3573-1961 - Amending Issuance Zone Case 908 - 08/10/1961Fon1 L. D. -59 ~-Jo~ 1411/ ORDIMAIC! NO. 35 73 AN ORDIN.UCB AUI'HORI%IHG THE ISSUANCE OF A SPIOOD'IC· USE PmMIT D( ZONE CASE NO. • 908 ; DECLARING .AN »D!RGENCY; AND PROVIDING FOR.~ICATIOI... . .. WBmBAS, after recei"riq the rec-mdatiGDs of the PJ.annfng 8lld ZCDiag ca. Iliad-Gil ad after due notice ad public hea.ri.q 81ld aU Jl&tters h&riDg bee dme aud · perlor.ed u required by Sectiou 14-A of Zclll1Jaa Orc:Unmce 1695 of the City ot Lubbock (add Ord.t.narace 'beiq m Appendix to the Lubbock City Code) relatiD.g to Specific Use Pendts, the City c..iasi011 tiDds that due to c:haaged. cCDditicas it woald De eJtpedi•t and in the illterest ot the publlc health, safety, IIGrals, aDd aceral welfare·to authorise the gratin& of a Specific U1e Perait as hereiD.a:tter set forth; and, liiDUUS' this Ordinan.ce aft ecta the daily operation of the naD.Dinc 8lld. Zc:I:Wlg Depa.rtmslts of the City of Lubbock, which creates aa eaergmq; NOW TlmU!:FORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECI'ION 1. The Director of Pl..alming of the City of Lubbock is authorized to is1n1e a Specific Use Pend.t to the Appllcaut iD Zaae Case Bo. 908 :lD accorclallce· with the recc:: endatiaa.a and caaditicms ilrposed. by the PlaDD.iD& and ZcD:lDg Caal.aaiaa., ad the City eo.d.aaicm, prortded said Applicant agrees to be bOUDd by the tel'IIB· of the Specific Use Permit, the graDtin& of which is hereby made aabject to cc.pllance by said Applic8Dt with all terms of said Specific Use Pemi.t and further subject to all provisiODa of ZOilin& OrdinaD.ce No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock, including particu- larly but not limited to, Section 14-A thereof re1ating to Specific Use Permits. The specific use authorized by this ordinance ia for Shoppjng Center Use pursuant to SectiClll 14-A. 1-8 of the Zoning Ordinance and is located between 32nd Street and 34th Street east of Avenue Q --------------------------------------------------------------------· SECI'IOM 2. The City Secret&!")" ahall cause the pubUcaticm of this OrdiDance aa.ce a week for two caa.secutive weeks in a newspaper regularly published in the City of Lubbock. SECTION 3. Since this Ordinance is aD saergency aaeature for the reas011s set forth in the preamble hereof 1 the rule requiriD.g two readina:s before final passage ia hereby suspe11ded1 aDd this ordinance ahall take effect iwediately after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED (R Moti011 o:fHa'ift'F"" ssioner 'l'hempsea seceded by ~asiooer ~~--~~~~~-~::-o-' the above and foregoing Ordinance vaa unanimously passed by the City C<»aisaian this lOth day of August , 19.......§!... . MAJOR ATTESt: