HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3529-1961 - Authorizing Specific Use Permits Zone Case 921 - 07/13/1961For. L. D. -59 ~· .o:J. --J8~ IQU J ORDINANCE MO. 3529 Ali ORDDANCE AUTHORIZIIfG THE ISSUAMCE OF A SPBCD'IC USE PERMIT IN . ZOO CASE NO. 921 ; DJCJ.ARING .AN EMl.'liGDCY; AND PROVIDDiG .FOR . PUBLICATION •. WRERUS, after receiTiDg the rec~dar.iOD.s of the Planning au.d Zalling ca... lliaaiOil 1Dd after due notice and public heariag and all matters haviug bee dee alid pertomed u required by Section 14-A of ZCI'dlag Ordiuallce 1695 of the City of Lubbock (a&id Ordinaace beillc • AppeD.dix to the Lubbock City Code) relatillg to Specific· Uae Pendta, tile Cit7 ec-iasiou fiads that duo to changed cCilditica.s it would be expedieat 8lld in the interest of the public health, lUll~, aorals, aDd gcueral velfare·to authorize the grantiD& of a Specific Use Penait u hereiaafter set forth; and, llllmEA81 this Ordinance affects the daily operatiOD. of the nanning and Zc:D.ing Departmmts of the Cit:r of Lubbock, which creates an eaergccy; NOW THJiJU!:FORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECriON 1. The Director of Planning of the City of Lubbock is authorized to isme a Specific Use Pend:t to the Applicant ill Zone Case No. 921 ill accordaa.ce· with the rec• eadatiOilB and cca.ditiaas Ulposed by the Planninc 8lld ZODiD.c C.-iasiaR1 ad the City eo.issioa., proTided said Applicant agrees to be bound by the tenu of the Speeific Use Permit, the grantiD& of which is hereby made aubject to campliallce by said Applicant with all terms of said Specific Use Pe:nli.t and further su.bject to all provisiOBs ot ZoiUD.g Ordi.Daa.ce No. 1695 ot the City at Lubbock, iucludiu& particu- larly but not limited to1 Section 14-A thereof relatin& to Specific Use Permits. The specific use authorized by this ordinance is for Shopping Center use including "C-2" uses plus a Service Station and an Ice Vending machine pursaao.t to Section 14-A.l-8 ot the Zoning Ordillance and is located sgyth of 5oth street and west of Ayenue 0 South Drive. --------------------------------------------------------------------· SEC'l'ION 2. The City Secret&r7 shall cause the publicatiCI'l of this Ord.iu.ance once a week for two CODsecutive weeks in a nenpaper regularly published in the Cit,. of Lubbock. SEcriOH J. Since this Ordia.ance is an emergency measure for the reaams set forth in the preaable hereof 1 the rule requiring two readings before final passage ia hereby suspellded, and this ord.illallce shall take effect ilmtediately after its paasace. AND IT IS SO ORDERED u; City Allorney City Secretaey-T~a ,....