HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3493-1961 - Sub-Unit 2 Of Unit No 2000 Paving Ordinance 3180 - 05/25/196105 -25-lsto I Oa.DIMANC:~ HO. 34a3 AN C~MCE AUTHOJUZJHQ :s'HC CO&l4&CTJC. 06' EaaOU CCN• TAI.N.t:D ~ SUB•UMIT MO. a of UlU'f 0 •. 1000 0'1' PAVING.OIUIINAMCE NO. J110 AS J'IRAJ-J..Y J)ABS&D ON ZUJ..Y lS. 1960{ AUTHoAlzlNQ TJtis·biUANCE OJ' A NCW CK&TU'l~~ 0' A.SU~'Ua AUTllOAIZINO 1'Hi: CITY titC • TAAY TO HC:ll~ THa CIIAMG.i. MAD& aY THIS OA.DIM.At4CS, .AND D&C:l.A.t.UNG AN • SM£1\QS.NCT AND 'I'"K~ ..EFI"SCTIV£ .DATi: 0, THIS O.iU)lNANCE. lVHEUASt ta PuapapJ& W of O~d'tMQ.Qa lilo. 1110 bel'ela ca&'C&iA ....... meaa• wel'e mea. •aala•• ..._.4 pei'IOD• aad pnpe~ty la ~•l't&tn etate4 amouta~ ancl, WH£ie.EAS. tllel'a Wal'e el'J>OI'• la tiM aacl'lftioa of lM p.ropeny, aa4 &lae amot~Dt• u•••••cl &bal'eoD fol' at:neliiDpi'OYemeDla~ aDd, H£&£A • &be pow•• ao cea-rect ••a-or• lo atl'aet lmpl'OW&D.8al pl'oc••dlaa• Ia aca&Jaod.aed by AI'Ucle 11GIIt. Vanoa•a Reviaed Cl\fU ••• of Te .... aa4, WH&A£AS. 0.-41ua, .. • No. 1110 p.-mdecl1a Paaaw&plll& CMa-eof cw ur ezrol'l eoa&alae4 Cberelo co.W be cGZI'acte4 ataay tl•• .. , lbe GUYJ aaul. WKE • utice &Ad Wq wal'e daly ••de aa4 bacia& U. time ud GIMMI' r•t*••d 1t1 law aad wbicll aottce waa aafflc.ieo& la all rea,.cu 'o taur ,,,. aotlce to pl'opei'IJ owae•• ol pa-operty abuUlq the pontoo of at••••• 10M 1111pro~ U4. W&a&.\S. llt.ia O .. diD&ACe .U.cta the c1allJ OJMI'&UOA Of Cba p&YiAal Hctloa of tbe Soat•••,.taa De,a•tmeat of tba Cs&y of Ltaltbock wblcb creaa.e aa eaael'aeaa,. ··~••taa t._. aupeaatoa of aU •ul•• pwov1c11q fe• tta. .... ra1 ,.ftdloa• of aa ••· clluace befo~• flDal ,aaeaae UaeZ'aoiJ NOW 'ffi&&EFO&& U IT.O&.DAJNED BY THE Cl'IT CCNMJBSIC/l or !'HE CITY Oi L.UUOCJC.a 4EC1'10M 1. THAT ParapaphDl1 of OHieaace Mo. 1110. •• f1D&lly puee4 br tbe City CoiiUDlaauaa 01a l.ar ll. 1960, ••lllo-'tumeld laelq ,.eco•decl oa 1tdy 19, 1960 ta Vol'QIIle ICU1 Paaa 37t of liM "-•4 A•corda of LUbock Co..a1• T•••• ._ amaue4 .. •• to c~aa~a&• tbat pa.rt of tbe p&HDJ aa .. aemeat roUe l.ol' h.lt-Wiit No. a ol Uah No. aooo. wblcb ,. .... , W. 0. a.uclea .No. ol teet (PaYloa) do. of •••' tPaviAI) Pav1Q4 &ale PawiAa ~ CoathvtGa Coat PariDa No. of teet CCub • <.iattal') Mo. ef feet CCult • (hatte.r) Cub • Ou.tte• aaae BepDAAaa at a JIOlld wblcJa Ia 4J feet. N•n•Ul aDAi 60 t••t ~·~ of U.. N. • COI'Dill' Of dlOA 4t Jllk. JE• .Lubbock Cowaty, Teaa•J TJMDCe NO&'th 1111 f•e&J Tbeoca Eut 100 feetj TbeGCe So.ch lZ?S feetJ r .. ace Weet lOG. 0 feet to 1M pola& of IMJUmlDt• 911.0 SiO.O $S.i11!JH6 $3.4506443 $519o.t6 i1207. Jl 9J5.0 )JO.O $l-.621!i Coa& CCu-. • Otaer) Coat (Cult • Qa&&er) Total Cod Total Coal T .. tal Pl'op•~•Y o. .. r Coet cur•• .~. Total ab-Uait Coa& w. 0. a.a~clea No. of feet (Paviq) No. of feet CPavtaaa) Pavtaa Ba&e C:o8t Pav1aa Coat Pavtaa Tolal Cou Total Coat Total Pl'OJMII'lJ 0...• Geet Cltr' • bba~• Total Su•U&dt Coat 51505 ... ' "'·'' $610%.~ $1777.35 $9196.48, '&J,JIJ.Oi tl, •• , •. ,, •aliU\1Da at a fOlD& wblcll 11 JO ,.., Nodll Mel JO feet &aet of t:ba H. W. CuMI' of 5ecuoa 4, 81k. • J......._ck C:ouaty, 'l'••a' Tuaca NonJl 1171 fea. Tbe11ce Ea•t 100 feet~ 'flwace Sou&la 1111 feet& 'fbuce Weat 100 fee' to &lae po1ot ot1Ma1DA1oa. 915.0 J50.0 $J.4506.WJ $3191.11 .li07.7S $3191.15 $1201.71 $ 5,816.31 $·to~ .~SrU 2i8 • zz, '0:6J ... 5\9 &SCTIOM &. 1'HA T tJae Waror le a.cllo~taed to •ac.a&e aod tM Ctty S.cl"e• tary to an.at pa•iq ce.uf&cat•• coDtatralaJ ua. COI'r•c:&ed •••••a.JMide, aDd dee• ~•l,Uoa el propel'tf u bel'•ia&MYe eet fol"&b co replac;e llao .. certiflcatea whlcJa c•lda&A•d el'atOI'I••wJdcb •a-a-o~• are lael'eby c:oJtrected. S£CTION 1. Tbe City See&-•ta•y l• a.atlaollaecl &o •te U.. .,.ACiaae•t• &o ONI.aaace t'fe. JliO &a &be muaio of t.1Mt Ordlaaac:e ••cowcJ. of the Citr of Lataock. S£C'IION •· Ttale O..tUurac• te belet.y 4ee1uecl te 1M aa eautraeac:y mea• ave to• &M ••••• .. a tona lA t1ae .,ream»• M.rur. aA4 u.. tal• ••Cluldaa two ........ or •• Ol'c:lluaee ...... ,. .. d. &ad W• 0•4laasac• •Mil .... effect •• ., ... cl&ateAy trom all4 al&el' Ue ,. ..... . AH.D IT IS SO O.C.D.It £D Oa IDOUoa of Conualaetouao tJAuer • .. coade4 by eomllll•et.oael' \f ell data o~d&aanc• wa• unaidaoUlJ paa .. d OD tM 25th , day PP May • 1961. IJJ the foUowillJ ...... COIIUD.ieeloa••• YOUaa "AY£•1 : Maner ,O'Mara, THompson, & Chappell C:O&DJDllal-'1'1 YOtlAJ nltA ynl NONE