HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3488-1961 - Fire Zone Map Zone Case 898, Fire Zone 2 - 05/25/1961Form. Lo D. 63 o~-~-rb'ul ORDINANCE NO • --w3 ..... 4 iiioiSii!o----- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FIRE ZONE MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK SO AS TO PLACE CERl'AIN PROPFm'Y IN. FIRE ZONE NOo 21 WHICH PROPl!RJ.'Y IS DESCRIBED IN A SPECIFIC USE PF..RMn FOR A OOMMF.RCIAL USE lN ZONE CASE NO. 898 ; DECLARING AN EMJIUlENCY AND m'ECI'IVE DATE QF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that iD. the granting of all Specific Use Permits for CQIJIDercial uses· pursuant to Section 14A of Zoning Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of LubboCk~ that property covered by suCh Per.mit should be placed in Fire Zme .No. 2 to protect the lives, safety, and property of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, which creates an emergency; NOW THmEFCRE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF '11fE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SEer ION 1. THAT the following described property which is property de- scribed in Zone Case No. 898 for which a Specific Use Permit for a cce- mercial use is authorized by Ordinance No. 1 to-wit: A 15.046 acre tract of land out of Section 2, Block A, Lubbock County, Texas, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point which!j>ears south 0° 14' 3011 east a distance of 333. 95 feet and north 89° 45' 30" eastaa distance of 60 feet from the no·rthwest corner of Section 2, Block A for the northwest corner of this tract; 0 THENCE north 89 45' 30" east a distance of 840 feet 1fo~ a point for the northea~t corner of this tiract; THENCE south 0° 141 3ou east a distance of 780. 3 .feet to a point for. the souteast corner of this tract; THENCE south 89° 45' 30" west a distance of 840 feet to a point for the soutwest corner of this tract; 0 ' THENCE north 0 14' 3011 west at_6e feet from and parallel to the west line of Section 2, Block A a distance of ~80. 3 feet'to the place of BEGINNING. (Said property being located on the east side of Quirt Avenue south of Emory Street.) BE AND THE SAME IS hereby changed and/or placed in Fire Zone No. 2 and the "FIRE ZONE MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK" duplicate ori.&inal located in the Bui.l.ding Inspector's Office shall be amended in accordance herewith by the Building Inspector or at his direction, and this change shall constitute an am.endment to Fire Zoning Ordinance Noo 1447 and Section 1601, Part IV 1 Chapter 16 of the Lubbock City Code, relative to fire zmes. SECTION 2o The rale requiring an ordinance to be read on two readings before final passage is hereby suspended, and this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure tor the reasons set forth in the preamble hereof, to take effect i.Dmediately after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDmED Unanimously passed by the City Colllllission this 25th day of _ _.MIO!ola~~----' 19....6.1.• MAYOR