HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3487-1961 - Repealed By Ordinance 4290 - 05/25/1961~~ ,ry•~ = Repealed by Ordinance No. 4290 Fol'll L. D. -59 · 05--?-t:i-)QUI ORDIHAICi1ro. 3422 r.6l fl ORDDANCB AD'l'BORIZIIG THE ISSUAJICE OF A SP.D)D'IC VSB P:aUiri D( Z.OD CASK 10. •r-'0 9 ; DEa.ARING AN EMmGDlCY; AND ~OVIDIMG FOR . PUBLICATION. . . . .. . WHEREAS, after recei'riDg the recc.aenddiGD.s of the Planning and Zao.iq ca... ll111i011 md after due notice aa.d publle hea.riDI 81ld all matters ba'riAg bee dCIIle 8lld pertol'lled u required by Sectian 14-A of .ZCIIiliu& Ordin.aDee 1695 of the City of Lubbock (aaicl Ordinaace beiq a Appendix to the Lubbock City Code) relatjq to Specific Uae Pendta, tile City ec..issiOD fmda that dDe to c:laan&ed cCRditiaos it voa1d. ·'be a:pedi•t and in the iDterest of the public health, safety, aorals1 and &meral velfare·to authorise the grantiD& of a Specific Use Perllit u hereiaatter set forth; md, l'iD3EAS, this Ordinallce affects the daily operatian of the nanning and ZCiling Depart:mea.ts of the City of Lubbock, which creates au. .ergeaq; NOW THDU!:FORE: BE rr ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCZ:: SECI'IOB 1. The Director of Planning at the City of Lubbock is authorized to is1n1e a Specific Uae Pel'llit to the ApplicaDt iD Zolle Cue Iio. 898 iD accordance· with the ree• eadatiODs and ccditiaas .t..poaed by the P1ann.1Dg ud ZcDinl ~•sic, ad the City ~ssi0111 prorided. said Applicant agrees to be boaRd by the tema of the Specific Use Permit, the graa.tiq of wbich is hereby aade sabject to ccapliaDce by aaid Applicant vith all tenas of said Specific Use Permit and further subject to all prorisiODs of Zonia.g Ordinance No. 1695 of the City of Lubbock, mcluding particu- larly but not llm1ted to, Section 14-J. thereof relating to Specific Use Pem:i.ta. The specific use authorized by this ordinance is for Shopping center use purnaa.t to SectiCIIl 14-A.l-8 of the Zan fng Ordinau.ce and is located on the east ajde of Q,1irt Aye n11 e eot1th gf Emory S trreet --------------------------------------------------------------------· SECI'IOJf 2. The City Secretary shall cauee the publleatiCIIl of this Ordinance once a week for two C<Dseartive weeks in a newspaper regularly published 1A the Ci:t7 of Lubbock. SECTIOH 3. Since this OrcUD.ance is a .aergency aeasure for the reaa011a set forth in the preaab1e hereof, the rale requirillg two readings before final passage is hereby suapellded, aD.d this orcliJ:Lallce shall take effect blaediately after its puaace. AND IT IS SO ORDERED «a MotiOD at ~ssioner Cbappe11 , sec<Rded by ec-iasiaoer Maner , the above and foregoing Ordinance was UllaDf•ousl.y passed by the City COimli.ssim this 2:5tJll day of May , 19~.