HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3398-1961 - Correction Or Errors Subunit 1 Of Unit No 2016 Paving Ordinance 3180 - 02/23/1961?iWF t4c .02-23-JS<.Pl OllDINANC:E NO.J•3-98..__ AH O&DINA.NCE AUTHO&lZINO THE CO&.LUC:TJON OF Ea&OU CONTAINED IN SUB-UNIT NO. 1 06' UNIT NO. Z016 01' PAVlNQ OaDINANCE NO. 3110 AS FINALLY PASSED ON J'ULY 13, 19601 AUTHO!UZINO THE ISSU.ANCJ: OF A NEW CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSWEN,TJ AUTHOiUZINQ THE CITY SECRETARY TO NOTE THE CHANOE MADE BY THIS 01\DlNANCll:j ~D D.ECJ...AiUNCi AN EM.E&• QENCY AND THE EFFECTIVE DAT~ OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEa.EAS, l.a Paragraph W of OrcU.UDCe No. 3180tberetn certain aaeeae- menta were made apiut D&med peraona &Del property in cena.\U=-ae.:rt &'llloUDtaa &D4. WHEB..EAS thel'e were certala er•ora cozatahu.4 ill Aiel ••••••mea& for at~eet improveaaentaJ aaca. WHEUAS, OrcUaallCe No. 3180 provided iu Paraaraph IX thereof that &llf error• contal~ed therein could be corrected at any time by the CityJ anct. W!Ua.EAS, 11ot1ce ao• beadq we"e duly made ancl bacl at the Ume aAd manner l'efialrecl by law aad whtcb aot1ce waa auUicleD& ia all re ape eta &o pve ~Qllaotice to property ownel'l of prope•ty abu&tlna the pol"tl~ of •treet• to be approve4J act, WHJ;;B.EAS, the powel' to correct erzoora in ltl"eet impl'owaaenta proviclecl iaatitboriaed by Article llOSb, YernGD11 .i\evi1ecl CivU St&t\l&ea of Te••J aad. WH£aEAS. tbi• Orcliuace aflecta tbe dally opeaoatioo of the pavlDJ MC• tiou of tM &apuerina Deputmeot of the City of J..ubbock w.IU.ch c~eate • ao em.eraeocy, l'equiriDI tJae 1wtpea1ion of all rule• provlcUAa for tile aeveral .reaclioa• of a.a Ol"dlDance before fiual paaaa1• thereofJ NOW '.fHi:a:EFOa.Ea B:E IT OIUlAJNED BY THli: CITY COMMISSION 01' THE CITY OJ' .LU.BBOCKI RCTION 1. THAT Puaa&-apll IU, of OJ'citnanc:e No. 3180, &I tiDally paaucl by the City CoiiUIIilalOil oa July lJ, 1960, be amended H ae;to chaqe that put ol tM pavtoa •••••aaae.at nuar fo~ Sub·ait Mo. 1,·of UDit No. 2016 ~ wlUch~eadar 'ttladcloX JAveatment Compaay Lot a 1 thl'oqh 13, ·~k 10, Waclclo& Addltioo j No. Ft. t (Pavtua 575. oo Co~ · $1718.13 Cub • Outter 935.81 Total Co1t: &6W. N Total Pl'operty 0wul" Coat Clty'a alla•ea Total Sub-U.Ut Coat: $11,654 •• 7 16.0) 11.-670.50" SO AS TO &.EAD H.S&J:AF TE& AS ,OJ..LOW Sa uuaodos IAvea&meDt C:omptoy l..ota 1 tMa 6 anci J..ota 11 tJin. ZJ, Block 10, WaddDaA.W. fto. Ft. (Pa'flq Com Cub • O.a&te• Coat: Total Coatt •so.oo $1Kf.70 731.37 2077.t7 Total Pl'operty Owner Coa: cuy•. ebare1 Total Sub• Urdt Coat: $11,077.50 593.00 11,670.50" SECTION z. THAT the Mayor ie authodae4 to execute an4 the City Seere• tary to atte.t pavlq eertific:atea c:ontalniq tlte cor.-ecte4 ••••••meld •• bel'ela• above eet forth tt) ~eplac:e thoae cel'tificat.a which .,Olltaiae4 error a Cwhich erroa-a are corrected he~eby) SECTION J. 'file City Secretary la authodae4 to aote the amen.dmea&a to Or41nance No. Sl80 ln the maram of the ordlaanee recorda of the City of Lubbock. -'-l?_e SECnON •· Thla ordinaace ia hereby cleclare4 to,.. eeeraency meaaue ior the reaaona aet fort.h in the preamble helreof, and the rale reqtU.riaa .. read• iql of an o~dhaazaee/aa4 thla o1'4lnance eball take effect immediately from &A4 aftel' lte pa•eaae. is suspended AND IT IS SO ORDEAED Oa motion of Commi aalour ~ ·= , aec:onde4 by Commie• aloner Map,.~ • tW:a ordiitiliCe waa aaalmouly paaaecl OD U.. ?3r d clay February , 1"1• by tlaa followba& votet Maner, O'Mara, THompson, and Chappell, and Mayor Casey A