HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3397-1961 - Repealed By Ordinance 4318 - 02/23/1961-I' r--. 3397 ('\ \ ~' Repealed by Ordinance No. 4318 February 13t 1964 Fona L. D. ... 5~ ·J .O.;l -:";23-fqc.; ORDDIAJCI 10. 3397 Ali ORDIJI.ANCB AO'l'HORIZING THE ISSUAICB OF A SPICD'IC USE PmHIT Df . Zl>lfE CASE 10 • 893 ; J)JCI.ARING .AN IMI!BGJIICI; AID ~OVIDIIG FOR .PUBLIWIOI... . .. WBER.EAS, after recei'riag the reC4l rdaiODs of the Planninc aDd Zoninc ea.- miaaiOII ad after due notice aud pgbl.ic lutari.q ad all matters baTing beea dee ad perf omed u required 'b7 SectiOD 14-A of Zcat1n1 OnliD.aDce 1695 of the Cit;r of Lulabock (..U OrdiDalllce beiq • .lppaldix to the Lubbock Cit:r Code) relatiDI to Specific:· Use Pend.ta, tbe City eo-iaai011 f1ada that dlte to chau&ecl CClllditiCDa it WOIIld ·be a:pedi•t ad in 'the iD.tereat of the p1blic health, aatety, .orals, awl cmeral. velfare·to authorise the grau.tiD& of a Specific Use Perait as hereiaatter aet forth; md, 'iill.liRIAS1 this Ordinance affects the dail.y operati011 of the Planninc aDd Zclliac Depart.Dts of the Cit:r of Lubbock, which creates aa aDergatcy; NOW TRER.EFORE: BE IT ORDAIHED BY Tf1E CITY OOMMISSIO.N OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECtiON 1. The Director of Planning of the City of Lubbock is authorized to iane a Specitic Use Pend:t to the Applicallt iD Zone Cue No. S93 in accordance· ritll the re« t endatiaaa and ccditiGDa iaposed by the PlaDD.illc ad %cl'l.f.Aa C..U.aaic, aD.cl the City ec-il!lsioa., prorided said ApplicaDt acreea to he bO'CIIld by the teJS~ of the Specific Use Pel'llit, the graati.D& of which is hereby Jlllde nbject to ccapl.iance b;r aaid Applicaat with all teras of said Spedfic Use Pel'llit and further subject to all prori.sioo.a of ZCD.iq OrdiDaD.ce lfo. 1695 of the City Gf Lubbock, io.cludiD.g particu- larly but not limited to, Section 14-A thereof relatiD& to Specific Use Permits. The apecific use authorized by this ordio.ance is for private aoa.rtment pro.iect pursuant to Section 14-A.l -9 of t he Zoning Opdinapce apd Qreenhguses pur81l8Dt to Sectim J4-A.J-J2 of the Zmtq Ord.JAance and is located---- on t.he West side gf Frankfpx=d Ayepue j p t he 2200 BJ qgk . ---------------------------------------------------------------· SBCriOli 2. The City Secretar:r lhall cause the pu.blleatic of tbia OrdiDaDce mce a net for two CCDsecutive weeks in a newspaper reauJ.arly published 1D. the City of Lubbock. SECTION l. Since this Ordinance is a eaaergeuc:y •an.re for the reaams set forth in the preaable hereof, the rule requ1r1o.c tvo readJAga before final IN'BSage i• hereby suspellded, and UJ.a ord.inance shall take effect iJWediately after i'• puaace. Arm IT IS SO ORDBIUD ca Notion of ca.d.uioner Thompson , sec<Bded by ec.-iaaiaa.er ~~~~~~-=---=-......;.;Ma;;;;:n~e~r .... , the above and foregoing Ordinauce vas UDaniwousl:r passed by the City CamaissiOD this 23rd da;r ot Febr uary , 19....21_, KUOR form Ap~ro -~ (.II)" ,\If:., 1 _) ATTEST: